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Ad Space

Sell any ad space
Advertisements placed on available
“off-line” inventory

Next few slides, we will witness

advertisements put on … helps you earn $200
– 400 per month by putting ad on your car
Revolutionized the business of buying and

A common man could sell his “inventory”

and get the best price (in auction)
We want to become eBay for managing
ad space inventory
300+ ad agencies connect online
inventory and advertisers.

How about now using offline space of

medium and small inventory owners?
Targeted Ad : Concerts

For an concert at SouthBankCenter

(London) 3000 Indians gathered. At the
back of the tickets, wouldn’t an
advertisement get more $$ to the concert/
hall arrangers?

But how does the arranger sell this advertising inventory?

Local Ads: Receipts

Millions of receipts by grocery chains,

restaurants are inventory for

Advertiser can use this inventory to target

LOCAL customer.

But how does the owner sell this inventory?

How does the buyer buy?
Our target market is


who wants to sell and buy ad space from each

Simple Process
Anyone with an inventory publishes it with
our service to find a buyer.

Anyone interested in that inventory buys it

from the seller using our service.

Seller <> Us <> Buyer

Let us see some examples
Seller: Restaurants and Grocery stores sell
their “Receipt” space to put advertisement

Buyer: A new business wanting to target

local people to advertise
Seller: Hotels, B&B have inventory
 Table cover put on the breakfast table
 Rooms keys
 Flyer display in the room

Buyer: Local tour operators, shop owners

who want to target these tourists.
Seller: Café can put ads on
 Take away coffee cups
 Cup holders
 Receipts

Buyer: Local businesses

Seller: A tourist guide in Rome, holding an
umbrella can place ad on it

Buyer: Real estate, hotels, restaurants

There is no limitation of what can become
an inventory. Sky is the limit!
What exactly we will do?
We give a platform where inventory can be

We give a platform where inventory can be


We give a platform where inventory can be

We give a rating system for inventory
owners so that advertiser can use it.
We give communication platform between
owner and advertiser for their negotiation/
We give comparison engine to pick right
We do not:

- Advise advertisers on how to use inventory

- Guarantee of the inventory owners
- Track and report if advertiser’s money and
ad is successfully printed.
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