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Concept: Cadbury follows the ‘product’ concept which

generally means bringing in new features, fulfilling wants &
demands and competing excellently with other org. Brands
with their best quality and satisfying distributors. And due to
the fact that Cadbury follows the ‘product’ concept there is a
constant improvement in the products and also it helps them
serve the customer better, as quality is the main focus of
Cadbury , the customer relate the creamy taste, the
smoothness and the crackle trademark with the brand.

History: Cadbury was a grocers shop opened in 1824 by

John Cadbury , selling cocoa and hot chocolate in bull street,
Birmingham. By 1831 the brand became a manufacturer of
cocoa and expanded their business by 1847. John handed
over the Cadbury business to his two sons, Richard and
George Cadbury due to his ailing health in 1861. By 1866 they
launched Cadbury cocoa essence, wherein George bought
this revolutionary machine from a Dutch manufacturer.
By the year 1897 they launched the first dairy milk chocolate
for eating which was a blend of dry milk powder, cocoa mass
and cocoa butter and sugar. It was an instant hit! And by the
year 1899 the Cadbury business became a private limited
company owned by the Cadbury family. Somewhere around
this time Cadbury was getting a stiff competition by the Swiss
chocolate makers, to tackle this situation the Cadbury ‘Milk
Tray’ was launched, a no-frills but stylish Chocó box for.
everyday eating .To survive the Swiss competition, Cadbury
had to merge with J.S Fry and Sons ltd and later with
Schweppes with a simple aim, to provide better service, a
wider customer base and appeal and to gain access to more
resources and to simply conquer/make their presence felt in
the international market.
During the WWII chocolate had become rationed and was
not a readily available product, a image which Cadbury had
to change post-WWII, which it did by expanding their range
of products and by advertising the brand. By 1955 Cadbury
had moved into T.V commercials and it was a historical
moment for the brand and for people watching commercial
T.V for the very first time!
By the 1970’s Cadbury was a household name, due to their
sky-rocketing sales and all this was partially due to the fact
that Cadbury was one of the first brands to venture into T.V
commercials. By 1980 Dominic Cadbury took over the reins of
the company and made it more competitive introducing
state-of-the-art production lines and streamlining the
Cadbury staff.
Today Cadbury if world no.1 in confectionary and having
bought ADAMS the owner of the chewing gum brands
including Trident and Stride. Just recently Cadbury de-
merged from Schweppes with its own share of
confectioneries and other products and has expanded its
business all around the world including Africa, Japan,
Australia and opening a subsidy with Kraft foods in India also!
Cadbury has been very careful with its selection of marketing
techniques; it uses two tools, paid-for marketing and the
non-paid. Paid-for is the one which they use in their T.V ads
and the newspaper and radio and non0paid for is the world
of mouth or marketing at sale. The first ever advertisement
issued by Cadbury was in the Birmingham gazette in the year
1824...and by 1867 they started the advertisement
showcasing the purity of their product using the slogan- ‘
Absolutely Pure’ which connected with the masses. And it
also talked about its strengths and the no starch, low-fat
content which appeals to people.
Cadbury is also single headedly responsible for the passing of
the Adulteration of Foods Act in 1872 & 1875, Cadbury got a
lot of word of mouth publicity and also was in news for all
the right reasons resulting in the sky-rocketing sales. By 1900
they were in the print ads also, with posters by Cecil Aldine.
And later in the year 1902 they conducted the Cadbury
Bourneville factory tours which are conducted till today
under a changed name of ‘world of Cadbury’. They have also
implied hand-painted Cadbury toys, now a collector’s item.
They used film-advertisement too, they were the first in their
time to conduct a short travelogue film on how chocolate is
made in their factories all around the world showed on the
TV, conducted cookery shows, gave away free samples of
their product and also build chocolate houses to appeal to
In 1959 models were made to star in the Cadbury ad’s,
making way for the flakes Cadbury girls and the milk-tray
man, and have also used TV’s comic actors. In 1996 it started
sponsoring the coronation street, reaching a record breaking
18 million customers all over the world. By 2007 they
launched the gorilla advertisement and in today’s day and
age they are visibly everywhere in the digital world, making it
to the minds of its customers all around the world everyday
without us even noticing it.
Cadbury has all along tried to re-invent its marketing
techniques at times giving freebees to people if they
purchase a Cadbury product, all this just shows how devoted
they are to making their product stay in the constant eye and
minds of its customers.

PROMOTION: CADBURY has used both ATL and BTL

promotion of their products, ATL promotion means all the
marketing or advertising that the brand is paying for, TV ads,
newspaper spreads and the Radio and BTL promotion means
the kind of advertisement that the brand does not pay for,
i.e. word of mouth, point of sale, competitions and
promotional freebees for other brands.
When Cadbury first started selling chocolates in 1840, it was
a novelty package, decorative and lavish. In between this in
1868 Richard Cadbury started making decorative beautiful
chocolate boxes, to make it more practical. When they got
into making chocolate for customers on a full time industrial
scale they started using aluminium foil with the brands logo
embossed on it. Chocolate trays were used for assorted
chocolates, and also for chocolate of different flavours.
Cadbury changed its Dairy Milk chocolate cover colour in
1920 from Lilac to Purple as it’s more royal and is a richer
tone. They also changed to Script Font for the Cadbury logo,
which was based on the signature of William Cadbury and it
was first used on the Cadbury transport fleet. Cadbury
adopted the Glass-and–a-half-full logo in the year 1928.
Cadbury has involved famous artist in designing there
chocolate boxes and cover and in 2009 due to environmental
concerns Cadbury adopted production practicalities and
attractive designs which are its cornerstones of today’s
Cadbury throughout has experimented with packaging
materials from thick boxes to tin boxes, from lace and frills to
just pure and practical aluminium packaging, they use a shiny
paper nowadays for the outer covering with the product
designs on it, with the brand logo and the nutritional value
given on it, with the information about the brand.
Cadbury has used bottles also for their drinks, like the hot
chocolates and for the bornevita product line, they also use
cartons or lighter fibre plastic for their ice-creams and coffee
products, all the time keeping in mind their pledge to save
the environment.
Cadbury has also come out with different size range for its
chocolates; it ranges from Small, Medium to Large. But this
also in some regions depending on the demand for the
various sizes.

The demand for the product of Cadbury is very excessive in

different markets of different countries, first because of its
best quality, performance and their innovative features.
Product taste which is very distinct to the brand and is very
The pricing of the Cadbury products depend on the
Demographic and the Economical personality of a particular
region. Like for example developing countries like India,
Japan, China etc, witness a varied range of products and price
range, the pricing ranges from anywhere between 5 rupee to
500-600 rupees. The brands comes out with the expensive
product range during the festive season because that is the
time when customers don’t hesitate to spend a little extra on
the sweets.
For example: During the Raksha Bhandhan festival, Cadbury
comes out with its Cadbury Celebrations assorted chocolate
tray which can easily set a person by 500-600 rupees. But
people still go and but it because of Cadburys good
marketing techniques and their brand Image. And also
because of the products association with this particular
festival of celebration of the special brother-sister bond.
Cadbury’s price range is like any other company mostly
depending on the cost it enquires for advertisement,
production, promotion and market research. But main factor
influencing the price of the Cadbury product is the price of
the competitors. The price will also depend on whether they
want to maximise their brand profit or maximise their sales.
The price also depends on the demand, if a product is easily
accessible the price will be competitive and if the product is
hard to get ones hands on the price will be higher due to its
monopoly over that market.
Cadbury has a very large variety of products, from
chocolates, to cocoa powder, to milk chocolate mix, to ice-
creams and also biscuits. Chocolates for kids and also for
young adults (16-25) and for older people too (25+) males
and females. They have different sizes aimed at different
Cadbury houses a variety of products, naming few:
 Cadbury celebrations chocolate tray
 Dairy Milk
 Milk Tray
 Crunch
 Flake
 Cadbury éclairs
 Cadbury Timeout
 5-Star
 Perk
 Cadbury Gems
 Fruit and nut
 Cadbury Shots
 Bourneville
 Crème Eggs
 Bounevita
 Hot Chocó
 Cocoa powder

Cadbury has many more innovative ideas of how to serve

their customer better and satisfied and loyal.
Launching Period of a Product or Change .
The launch of a new product by any brand will be either
because of competition or by sheer public demand. Cadbury
generally launches a new product 6 months or so.
Change in their current product line is mostly done by
changing their packaging or by adopting a new marketing
direction. And also by aiming at expanding their target
customer base.

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