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What are the challenges and opportunities for organizations today ?

 Responding to Globalization

 Managing Workforce Diversity

 Improving Quality and Productivity

 Responding to the Labor Shortage

 Improving Customer Service

What is organizational structure ?

What are the key elements of organizational structure ?

Work specialization


Chain of command

Span of control

Centralization and decentralization


What are the various ways of departmentalization ?

• Functionwise, Productwise, Geographywise, Processwise,


• Explain the characteristics of a bureaucracy.

• Describe a matrix organization.

• Explain the characteristics of a virtual organization.

• Summarize why managers want to create boundaryless


• Contrast mechanistic and organic structural models.

• List the factors that favor different organizational structures.

• What is dependancy ? Who is dependent on whom and why ?

• Distinguish between legitimate and illegitimate use of power.

• Explain the behavioral implications of different organizational


• Contrast leadership and power.

• Define the four bases of power.

• Clarify what creates dependency in power relationships.

• List seven power tactics and their contingencies.

Reason, Friendliness, Coalition, Bargaining, Assertiveness, Higher

authority, Sanctions

• Explain how sexual harassment is about the abuse of power.

• Describe the importance of a political perspective.

• List the individual and organizational factors that stimulate

political behaviors.

• What is impression management ?

• Identify seven techniques for managing the impression one
makes on others.

Conformity, Excuses, Apologies, Self-Promotion, Flattery, Favors,


• Explain how defensive behaviors can protect an individual’s self-


• List the three questions that can help determine if a political

action is ethical.

• What are the possible consequences of persisting politics in the

organization ?

Decreased job satisfaction, increased anxiety, increased

turnover, reduced performance

• What is defensive behavior ?

Avoiding action, blame and change


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