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School Year 2010-2011

Nicola Patrone






Presentations in class
Principles of the sociocultural level of analysis
(Danaja Plevel & Mitja Tišler)
In sociocultural analysis is very important that we keep in mind that, when we analyze someone, he is
influenced by environment.

Human beings are social animals. We have a basic need to belong to a group, a
family, a couple. Relationship between the individual and the group is always
bidirectional. Even culture influences our behavior. Because humans are social
animals, they have social self. This is when people have a collective or social
identity. Like when Spain won the World Cup in soccer all Spanish people had a
unique collective happiness.

Another thing that we should know is that people’s view of the world are resistant to change, or better
when we use to have a behavior and a mean on something more than five minutes, it is hard to change.
Values we have are passed down from generation to generation. Like if one of your parents is a soccer fan
of a team, is very probable that you’re going to be even a soccer fan.

About the need of “belong” of any human being, we can find it in our friends group, politic manifestations,
soccer matches, or when somebody goes out just because he feels lonely or when somebody is in trouble.

Explain how principles that define the
cultural level of analysis
(Vika Novak & Filip Jozič)
People who joined the group felt the need to be in the group that had the same world view as the one they
had. Like we said before, the culture influenced culture. The culture they lived in understands humility
before God as an important value, due to the strong influenced of Christian tradition.

People don’t have only an individual identity, but also a collective one. People in the cult remained faithful
to their believes even though the prophecy failed.

Interviews are qualitative research

Experiments ate quantitative research

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