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Kuehne Family YMCA - YMCA Safe Visit

Satellite Office
2(n~ NW Taylor Topeka. Kansas 66~08 (785) 234.4677 Fa< (785) 234.5466

Harry Moore
Shawncc Co. Court Scrvices
200 E. 7'"
Tupeka, KS. 66603

Case No. 960217: Claudine Dombrowski & Hal Richardson

August 20, 200 I

Dear Harry,

This is an update on the abovc case, which you requcsted on 7-26-01. On 2-8-01 Judge
Anderson issued a decision in writing that parenting time between Claudine and her
daughter, Rikki, would be supervised at thc Safe Visit Program for a minimum of one
visit a week, more if allowable in the Program's schedule. Hal completed his intake on 2-
17-01 and Claudine completed hers on 2-19-01. Visits were scheduled for every
Saturday from 12:3Opm-1 :30pm and began on 3-3-01. Visits were expanded to include
cvery Thursday trom 6:30pm-7:30pm on 6-12-01. The CUtTentschedule-of every
Thursday and every Saturday continues.

A total of 44 visits have bcen scheduled and 43 have occurred. The visit on 5-26-{)I was
cancelled by Hal due to being out of town. The parties have arrived and departed at their
schedulcd times. Claudine is responsihle for the Progranl costs. She qualified for a
scholarship, making her fees 59.00 each visit. Claudine is cun'ent on all payments.

Rikki arrives rcady to visit. Rikki is observed as emotionally neutral, in that she expresses
no feelings about contact with her mother or rcturning home with her father. Claudine
brings snacks. and a variety of activitics to do during the visitation. She is observed as
cagcr to engage Rikki in a structured form of play, and in conversation that reviews the
day to day activities of life. Claudine grcets Rikki with hugs, kisses and I love you and
.. miss'you eommcnts: Rikki aceepls and oHen reciprocales her mother's communication
and affection. On occasion, Rikki has not wanted to read a book, or do the activity and
staff has encouraged Claudine to set the tone of the visit at Rikki's pace. Claudine did
want Rikki to write in a diary during the visitations, as a way for them to share and
discuss feelings. The Program guidelines do not allow any note writing between parcnts
and children during visits. Staff suggested to Claudine that she could give Rikki a diary
on her birthday for Rikki to keep at home.

On 6-23-0 I Hal approached staff with a request that Rikki either rcfrain from cating so
many snacks or that she cat a meal during the Thursday visits because she was not eating
her dinner on thcse days. Staff spoke with Claudine on 6-27-01 about the issue of snacks

. ThIS "ro.~ram.funded in par' by grants prcwidt'd b)' the United "'t'l)\ Slwwnu County, Cit), Youth Services Fund. the Stale Child Exchange and
ViSHufinn C~nter Program. lllld rlr, Federal State Access and Vl.'I'irQllotl Program as adminisll'Ted b.\' Kansas Allom,>, General Carla 1. Stova//

and meals. Her decision was to bring a meal for Rikki at the Thursday visitation. Since
.F\, 6-27 -0 I, Claudine has brought a limited number of snacks to all visits.

Claudine has expressed to staff on numerous occasions how limiting the Safe Visit
program can be in that the restriction of lime and activities has been harmful to the bond
between her and her daughler. Staffhas assured Claudine that the mission of the program
is to establish safe, consIstent parent/child contact and that guidelines are applied equally
to all program participants. Claudine has stated to staff that she and Rikki do not need
Safe Visit services, yel realizes it is a standing court order so she will comply until the
decision is revisited.

During visitations, Claudine expresses concern in a subtle way about the care of Rikki
under the parenting of Hal, i.e. "are you remembering to brush your teeth?", "say your
prayers". On 4-21-0 I during visitation, Claudine noticed a scratch on Rikki's stomach
and ear. During the visit, slafflooked at the spot on Rikki's stomach and behind her car. ----- -- -
Rikki was unable to determine any details about the scratches. Claudine stated a need for
Rikki to wash better by her eal>as it looked like soap buildup. At some point unknown to
staff, she made a report to law enforcement. Safe Visit was contacted on 4-26-01 about
Claudine's concerns by the investigating officer. Staff has not observed any bruising of a
suspicious nature that resulted in a need for staff to make a SRS report. Claudine has not
directly expressed 10 staff that she believes Rikki is being abused under Hal's care. She
has stated that no one truly knoWS Hal the way she does. '"

The visit plan will continue as currently outlined for Thursday, and Saturday. If further
information is nceded, please call staff at 234-4677.

7chez, Safe Visi inistrator, istCo~

cc: Don Hoffman, Att. for hal

Leonard Robinson, Att. for Claudine

Safe Visit staff does not provide evaluations of the families who use the program's
serVices or make recommendations about future arrangements for parent/child contact.
Staff records parent/child contact. However, observations have occurred in a structured
and protected selling. Therefore, care should be exercised in using observatiolJS to
predict unsupervised contact.

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