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Aug 23. 2005 H5AM No. 0123 p. 2.

Kuehne Famny YMCA - YMCA Safe VISit

T 2036 NWTaylor
Satemte Office
Topeka, ~su 66608 (785) 23~77
email safeviJit@kau.aUlll
Fax (785) 234-S4«i

The Honorable Evelyn Wllson

Shawnee Co. District Court: Div. 5
Topeka, KS. 66603

C',.ase No. 960217, Claudine Dombrowski & Hal Richardson, Jr.

August 22, 2005

Dear Judge Wilson,

TIlis is an update on the above-mentioned case. It is my understanding that a hearing has

not been set however, the mother has been requesting a report by staff since June 7, 2005
to ad~ specific questions regarding her involvement in the program. This report will
attempt to resolve her issues of concern.

Since the previous report of 3-5-05, there have been 26 visits scheduled and 2 visits
cancelled. The visit set for 5-29-05 was cancelled as Rikki was out of town at World's of
Fun; a make-up was not offered as the program had no times available to accommodate
the family. The visit set for 6-26-05 was cancelled as Rikki was out of town on vacation
to Branson, MO.; a make-up visit was given on 6-22-05.

Visits are scheduled for every Sunday from 4:oopm-5: OOpm.Both parties have adhered
to the time lines as outlined by program policy. Payment is assessed to both parties.
Claudine has a zero balance. Hal has on outstanding balance of - $4.00. Rikki is not
usually transported to Safe Visit by Hal but by his significant other. Julie. whom Rikki
I'I:fersto as Julie. Per Safe Visit policy. the parent or an approved alternative party can
provide transportation. Hal has designated Julie as an approved party to transport.

During the visits, Claudine has brought snacks for her and Rikki to share. They continue
to make craft items together ( i.e. sand art, stencils, photo collage) and have talked about
school. summer activities, movies and people they know. Rlkki shares information
openly with Claudine regarding people in her life (i.e. her sister, nephew. grandparents,
and Julie) and daily activities (i.e. room being remodeled. and Indian heritage). Both
parties display physical affection. hugs and kisses with the other. Claudine often tens
staff and reminds Rikki of "memories" ( i.e. pets, games/songs they used to do together)
and special things they did from they past (i.e. watched thunderstorms and collected
butterflies) and learning opportunities they shared (i.e. Rikki at 3 years writing her name
and reading nursery rhymes).

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Cl8lldine often makes comments during the visit to staff how Rikki I. so much like her in
the way she thinleaand pursues life

During this repoding period, staff has been in COIIIaClwith the GAL, Jill Dykes, as well
as the Case Manager, Lloyd Swartz regarding points of observation and on a need to
know basis, issues of parent/child contact and cormnWlicalion. Jenny Shaw, the fonner
staff member for Safe Visit resigned 6-30-05.

Please notify staff if lliere are any changes that need to be made regarding the visitation


Connie Sanchez, LMSW, Safe Visit Administrator

cc: Claudine Dombrowski, Pro Se

Don Hoffman, Alt. for Hal
Jill Dykes. GAL

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rtCI,,,,,••,,.dalion.r abollI fwun tlmJ1Ig«mellU fo, par<lll!chiJd CC1ItUlCl. S"", rw:tmlJ pamstl'child contact
HtftWV«, obS'rvaMnlMV« occurrrd UsallnlaluM tlfId prol«ctM IItriJIg. Tlurtfo,c, car« sMuld b«
tu,eu.d In uslllg ob•• rvaMlU /(J P'<4ict ""'1lp'TVUM co1lltlCL

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