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NO. 477 P.


Kuehne Family YMCA - YMCA Safe VISit

Satellite Office
"1"111; ""WTavlut
lOue'''' KAn'lO$ 66608 (7ij~) 234-4677 ru (785) 2)4-S~6
email s"fevisil~k&IIaB.llet

ThP. Honorable Evelyu Wil50Il

'ShRwnee Co. District CuUl1: Div. 5
200 E. 7l!1
Topoka., 1".s. 1j.,1;fl~

C050 No. 9602)7: C1Allcline Dombrowski &. Hel Riehlll'daon, Jr.

MllI'ch 1. 2005

Dear JudJ?;o Wilson,

This is a."\updlltB on the ihove-mentioQl'.c1 ca~e, which I;Qmes bcflm: the Court ;-3~.

III early 2004, it \\IllSrecommended tbat (.:'laudinp. have !rupervi~ed visitation with hee
dWJ?;htcr,Rikki. Hal eont4eted the program on 2.} ..f14to ~tabUSh services, Staff
~~ic:wed the Program guidelines with him on 2-4-Q4. ClRllettne did not conlllli4 ~
rngram um.1l9- H)4. 3lJc ,,,,,,I with :ita.ff on I) ? o~to !'Iv!ew ll'1it:l'!'lln~. nll" In the:
Program'~ 8ci1l:1lule visits were; unable to begin until 9.29-04. Visits were scheduled f'Ur
~\'eI'Y Wednesday from 6:30vm.7 .3Opm. The vi3i~ moved to every Sunday from 4~OOpm-
:'\:c.'lpm on 1.3().0511l Hal's \-equcst ~nd 10 bcttc~able to ~ornmodate another fAmily tn
tile. program. Payment 15 asSClj~cU lU Claudine. She hllS a i:cro balllDce at this time.

n:n .,;clre ."h ••tfnl••.rl "",111 l,ave occurred. The vim on 12-1-04 wu
'1'''.'. h"•••.b~•.•
cancelled S~ ("l~urtlne coul<lattend Rlkkl'ti Oill SlXlut diIIner that 3111110eveninll. and the
vis1t on 1.5-()5 wa~ Call1''e.Il ••.rl clue to the Program bc:iJlg closed bceausc of bad weather.
C;;:l1Idiue bas brought so~~k~ and BCtivltles for lIcr lIllU Rikki til share during the visits.
i11,:y'have UllIde cratt itt'ms t(lgeth".r tallced aboU18clloul, people thl:y know,
1l11d:u:uvities e~b :u'einvolved in. ROTh clisplay physical aCI~vu. h\1gs and kiSSes with
the other. Cl.:wdine often tells stall this is her best My of ,he week 88 she gtllllO see
~iilk.i. Nothing inappropriate h;u;been said or dClnP. clunng tfle VlSllS. J:lotn parties nave
~rti\'Cd' ond deported at their appointed times and have fQIl(lwp.cll11f\ 'Program guidelines.
Ri~ trelI1sitions e,'lSily from the drop off, to the visit, lU1dwith the (lick up.
N1x:r the visit on II 1701, Rilcki talked with staff about how sl1f' was fe('.Hne ahout
Claudine comiIJg to cat lunch with her o.tschool. She ex,pressed wme discomfort with
\ICl ULV~'~ .....nill,\; I.,,::.ui"J..,<\l.lI"6 .th~ U6.....-1w 6<>b)' when ~h", -;,'Q;J )'Quasar. Sh. ttl ••
&her kieb would tease her. SULff encoUl'llged her to talk ~,thher mother about the things
(hilt bother her. Rikki said she has but her mother doesn't lhnen, N. the visits, Claudine
b;l,';~f~md tQ Rikki as "her pd~5s" and sings songs Cl3 tbey do activities lnrt Riklci
r. Uoe.~Dill yoi~ any IllJpooitioll to Claudlue about her l:OtlUI1ents or behaviors •

. .1' .

. .ThJs Drofn/IrI fwt'.tIediri,;an Ill' cm:rs pl{l>it!ed try ~ UnI1tdll!1:". S/Ialm~ UJlmty, I..i'lp ltlJ#l ,);tn'/C%I ~Wld. ~'lt S/ 0UJ4 f.Jir:htlIlxea1Id
\ v"'''''~'''' CArlNrl'I~t"'JI", W rht P~mJ SIaJ,t Aoum an.llUitoztl<>. P1o[rtlI!t /IIi Ddmittisfmd /I)r KlII:lllU\lWmcy Ccrwt:J lI1Id 11IcGco""""" at Kmu<
\ '

Staff ha:l b~in CO!Itact with the GAL, Jill Dyl,es, :IS well as die CaliC ~r, f Joyd
Swam regarding polnL~ of u!JservaliQn and on a ncOO to know bQliis, isSlles of
pll1' ••• tloh.ld oon"'''' "",4 comzmmicllti"n.
Plc<uc notify Safe Vuit if lhc~ ate ltD}' cblllll;~ttlat need to be made regarding the
visiunion plan,

Program L'oordinator

(~VnY1if~t br..{!t.. ,
CQnnie San\;hl:'l" Slife: Vi~ii AdministralOl

cc: Claudine Dombrowski, Pro Se

Don Hoffmlm, Att. for Hili
Jill Dyk~ GAL
r..IoY" SWllTtZ, ('PSt' MllUQZ"'.r
54ft V;'fil tUlff d4~f not Pl'OviJ~ rPaluatiom of the far-lilin ••h4 U1I th~I',ogrmn 'f s~",ku or IIwk~
IY.n"""'.JlMrinn.llhmJ1 ftarlN nrmne'ftV'1ltf frIt l'n,.,,",/~hiJrl rll1lt,ul S:qff 1V! panntlcJUld cxmIIlct.
Huwow:r. observ(lliQl\!S /ulve ocr:umd in a sttll""reli lU!d protected ~rtinI:. Thoefore. cart! 3/ululd ~
=rc~ed '" fiJi/IX lIw .•,.uliImJ III II'Wi.' /IIIwjl~rvi:lcJWIlIcl.1.

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