2007 June 18 - Safe Visit

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Kuehne Family YMCA - YMCA Safe Visit

Satellite Office
2036 NW Taylor Topeka. Kansas 66608 (785) 234-4677 Fa'(785)234_546~
email safcvisit@kansas.net


Dear Safe Visit Program Participant:

Enclasedjsapr.ogram cvaluatian. Please take time ta camplete this farm and return it in .
the envelape pravided. There is na need ta include yaur name an the farm but please
check all the spaces that apply. This infarmatian will be used ta madifY the program by
adding any needed services .or make changes ta existing services. Yaur input is very
impartant ta us. Thank yau far yaur time.

. -- ------ -- -

This program funded in part hy l:ran/.f prrJ\/lded b~' flit' United Way. Sha ...••.
nu County. Cirr YOuJhSen'letS Fund. tM Stale Child E:u:hang~ and
Vl'Jitatioll Ceruu Program, and the Federal Slalt! AcCt'.S'j' and Visual/on Program aJ adminisU'~d by Kt1IUaS Attornt')' Genual ,uu1 Th~ Governor of Kansas.

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