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04/29/2008 07:39 7852285685 LEONARDM ROBINSON PAGE 03/05

!ll'J(-~'-U~ IU~ UO'lj rn. \AJU)(I tllll'lInl~I~lllA'l_ rHll nv. '00 COL ~Dl' I. uuvc.

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6_Co1mIy~ 0Il".-.:
C/l8albon ot Dl •• lon No. Two"'" 'WCIA M.'hIiEL
DAVID Eo BRUNS Topeka, Kansal6660J.3922 AlImlnkltall •••••••• ~
DJS11l1CT'1\IOOB (7SS) 2)).8200 -. _. DOIlOTIl1/ saL, CIlIl, JlPII, FaA
F•• (7IS)291--4917 OlTlCiII CoorIa-w

April 27, 2004

Donald R. Henman
112 SE 7lh St.
Topt'lo:n, XS 66603

9- 1m:
RIchardson v. DoInblowald
case No. 96D211

j\ -1~~'\-\>\~o-~
~~~~vJ f'Counsel:
~ Qp-Y, \ The CoIDt has TeCeived a Wp1 of your leiter to Lloyd Swartz Qled Apri127, 2004. If you
~\e\! sincerely believe thallhere bas been niolation of \%iminlllaw. tharc is nodlingIn tho Case
\5J ~V \.\

Management Order 10 prevent you or your client from reporting SIICh a violadon dim:tly to law
enfOlWDlelJllllldlor to lhe DiJlriet Attomll)'a OtI1ce. Speclfioally,l'lIfIII:XIPh 2 0fA-Case
I _Q. MAnagement On!« ItAt0ll1hal"oi1h<lr petty Of \be e-~ IDCIYftlIIOI' 10\he pIOIl«
" \!J authoritlCll obvious violations of criminal laws. ••

Moreover, nothing in the Case MJn8ganCllI Ordor pl'CVCIJlll !be tukio: of BflPI'IlPrlato
lIlltion in ll1Wlrile Court. The Cae MmIagtlment Order applies only Ul the divon::e case. Thus,
\he plIItie6 doDOtneed prior ~ from this Courtor from the Cue M-.r to toke tbe
appropriate criminal or juvenile action which they belllMlln good faith needs to be tIIcon.

This letter decision sballllClM: II!IIIJl Onler afthe Court.

DlMd E. BlUlIll
District Court Judae

ce: LeonardRobinson
Lloyds....-, Cue ~T

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