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2005[, 7TlI, SUIT!:104 A.!'.~;I~'.lANT(),R£CTORS

COURT SERVICES TOPEI(A.KN<~ 06003-:396 I OoNA.LO 7"1l0T'H. AoI...'l.T 5CRV,CCS

C,a.Tl-<Y '-E:~ •.•A11T_ DR'f:CTOR 9 I:)) 233"6200. t:.xT,4004 ~W~""y !'-1(X)ut. S"!:.CIA!...GE'h"<;ES
• .6,X(91:11201-4010 5 •••
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T (I .IudgOO'I.uenbcrecr
Fm' Harr:v' ~1oorc
Re;;" O()l11hn)wski \I.~ Rich(1rd~OIl
Old 1 1 August 1997

Attached you will find the repoi1 fr(,n", C,',url SCIyices in l.~rnOO'd As 1 recall, YOU wished a once
over of Claudine Domhrowski's residenc~ and Courl Services there has rro\'idr.d that Should
yell! have: any 'lilesticlns, dCl not hc:,iiitte ttl cclll me iii 4~()()


State of Kansas
Twel.ty-Fourth Judicial District Court Services Division
Serving Edwards. Hodgemon. Lone. Ness. Pawnee and Rush Counties
Gd Antenen (CSO)
Sue Fehrenbach leeso}
105 S. PetWl.
'05 s. Penn
Nes5 City. lCans.a5 67560
Ness City. Kansas 61560
Fax No.19131798.3839
Fu No. (9131198-3839

Shan. O"NeiII (CSO)

Fred Rou (CSO)
606 Tapeta
606 Topeta
Lamed. Kensali 67550
Lamed. K5 67550
(3161285-3100 Fax NO.(316IZ85.31Z0
Fax No. 13161285.3120
August 5, 1997

Harry Moore
200 SE 7th Suite 104
Topeka, Ks 66603-3961

Dear Harry,

On 7-8-97 you requested a quick once over at Claudine

Dombrowski's home by our office. AfLer three attempts, I was able
to make contact with Claudine. Claudine and her daughter Rikki
live in a 2 bedroom one and a halt story house on a large corner
lot in Pawnee Rock, Ks. The outside has a large fenced in backyard
which contail's a swing, wagon, sandbox, playcenter wi th sl ide,
playhouse and a dog house. The yard was mowed and free of "debris.
It appears to be in a quiet neighborhood.
Claudine's house was clean and well kept. She has large rooms
which include a living room, kitchen, dining room, utility room,
and two bathrooms. She has an open staircase which was closed off
with a child's safety gate. All medicines and chemicals were
located in cabinets well out of reach for a two year old. Claudine
has some electric outlets covered and others are not. Her
refrigerator and cabinets were well stocked with groceries.
Claudine has two outside dogs, one Sheltie and one Cocker Spaniel.
Claudine and Rikki have lived in this house since May and she plans
to buy it after the first of the year. Claudine currently rents
from Roger Kurtz. Rikki is enrolled at Kids World Daycare in
Larned. I concacced Janice Fisher, LJirect.or, and she indicat.ed
that she has Rikki from 6:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. on the days
\ Claudine is at work. She says Claudine delivers and picks up Rikki
on time, and that she pays promptly. She believes Claudine is over
protective as she calls once or twice a day to check on Rikki.
Rikki is always clean and well groomed and appears to be loved
greatly according to Janice.
I contacted the Larned St.ate Hospital and verified Claudine's
employment as an LPN on ATC West unit. Her employee review is
attached. Claudine works from 7:00 a.m 3:00 p.m with a
rotat ing schedule. Her supervisor Mary Perez is on vacation at
this time.

State of Kansas
Twenty-Fourth Judicial District Court Services Division
Serving Edwards. Hodgeman. lane, Ness. Pawnee and Rush Counties
Gail Anlenen ICSO)
Sue Ft!ltnenbac:h leesO)
105 S. Penn.
105 S. Penn
Nc:A City, J;~5 67560
Ne5S City. IhnHS 67560
19 131798-3695
Fax No.(9131798-3839
Fax No. (9131798-3839

Shan4 O"NeiII (CSO)

Fred Roa ICSOl
606 Topeka
606 Topeta
lame-d. 1:811501567550
L8m~. J:S 67550
Fu No.1316)285-3120
Fu No. 13161285-3120

I hope this ~s the i~foLulati0~ Y0~ ~ere :c0king fo~. If: can
be of further assistance please contact me.


Shana O'Neill
Court Service Officer

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