Online Education Questionnaire

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Online Education Questionnaire



Sex: M/F

Take the Online education questionnaire to determine if you are a good candidate for online
college courses. Circle an answer for each question and find your score. Answer honestly to
the questions below and you will have a better idea if online college courses are for you.

1. By what means do you learn?

a) Audio

b) Visual

c) Both

d) learning through experience.

2. I would classify myself as someone who…

a. Is able to work independently
b. Needs the stimulation of class participation
c. Works better in a group

3. I am someone who…
a. Gets things done on time.
b. Needs reminding to get things done on time.
c. Puts things off until the last minute.

4. When it comes to directions for an assignment…

a. I usually figure what to do by simply reading and following directions.
b. I usually try to figure it out but need assistance.
c. I usually need to have the instructions explained to me.

5. I would classify my reading abilities as…

a. Good, I usually understand the text without help.
b. Average, I sometimes need assistance to understand the text.
c. Slower than average.

6. When it comes to asking questions…

a. I am comfortable approaching an instructor for assistance.
b. I am a little uncomfortable but understand that asking questions is part of understanding
the course in order to do well.
c. I rarely ask for help even when I need it.

7. I have access to a computer at home or elsewhere.

a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. Not presently

8. Do you have a personal computer?

a) Yes b) No
9. My typing skills are…
a. Very good
b. Average
c. Very bad, I don't enjoy typing

10. I would say my computer skills are…

a. Very good
b. Average, I can say I know my way around a computer.
c. I have little computer knowledge.

11. I consider myself to be…

a. Self-motivated and self-disciplined.
b. Can get motivated if I push myself.
c. Lack motivation and disciplined.

12. My personal or work schedule makes it hard for me to attend traditional college
a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. No

13. Do you have internet access at home?

a) Yes b) No

14. Learning is same in class and at home through the internet:

a) Agree   b) Disagree

15. How many hours you are willing to spend per day for online course?

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) More than 3

16. Are you an employee?

a) Yes b) No

17.  Do you possess a webcam for video conferencing?

a) Yes b) No

18. Do you feel comfortable while communicating in English?

a) Yes   b) No   c) To some extent

19. What type of online course would you prefer?

20. How do you think online course will be useful for your objective?

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