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Volume 9 Issue 3 Alpha Rho State November 2010

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

President Traditionally, the State Convention

has been the first weekend in May.
Barbara’sMessage… When the Executive Board planned
…… the April meeting, we thought it would
Haven’t the leaves been wonderfully be fun to go on the downtown
gorgeous this year? It seems I Medford Artwalk on April 15th.
appreciate their beauty more each You guessed it, turns out that is the
time I see the brilliant reds, yellows, weekend of the convention.
oranges and purples that are visible So, let’s make our April meeting BE
now. the convention! We will organize car
Did you know that those colors are pools and motel rooms as we
always there? We only see them when approach April.
the green chlorophyll drops out and We would like Epsilon to make a
leaves behind the rest of the colors. Huge showing at the State
Oh, the places I can go with that Convention, so let’s start thinking
analogy. about it soon.
Well, since it’s time for Thanksgiving, Also, we are hoping one of you is
let’s go with losing negative thoughts willing to offer the use of your home to
and seeing gratitude. host our December meeting. It will be
There are so many reasons to be on the afternoon of Sunday, December
grateful. I know we all have our own 19th, from 2-5.
lists of things, both large and small, As I look at the glowing leaves I am
and I think it’s good to actually write also grateful that they save their inner
them down, if only for yourself. beauty all the way to the end.
And when you breathe in gratitude, I will be grateful to see you on
beautiful colors remain. November 20th.
We will have the pleasure of listening
to a speaker from the Education Barbara Meredith
Department of SOU on November
20th. Our meeting will be from 10-12
AM at the Uniserv Office.
If you have finished reading Three
Cups of Tea, and are willing to share
the book with others, please bring it to
the meeting and we can have a swap
time. We will begin discussing the
book sometime in the spring.
The Saving Account balance is
Jan Robertson reported a correction
to the September minutes. Delete “
our scholarship” and insert “this” in
the paragraph pertaining to the
Grant-in-Aid. President Barbara
moved that the corrected minutes be
approved. MSP.
The next Lunch Bunch will be on
Tuesday, October 19, at 11:30 at The
October 16, 2010 Loft in Ashland. Judy Bamforth is
Minutes the hostess. She circulated a sign up
Epsilon sheet.
On November 11, Stacey Jones, will
Chapter hostess the Lunch Bunch. Tentative
Delta Kappa plans are for the luncheon to be held
at the new German restaurant in
Gamma Jacksonville. We will receive notice of
The meeting of the Epsilon Chapter
the confirmation.
was called to order by President
Jane Dow reminded us to bring
Barbara Meredith at 10 a.m. at the
children’s books for the Ashland Food
Uniserv office. All were welcomed.
Barbara led us in the Pledge to the
The program was presented by
Dolores Scheelen. She spoke to us
Corresponding Secretary, Mary Hill,
about her experiences working with
read a note of thanks from Grant-in-
staff and teachers at the Ummeed
Aid recipient, Mandy Engler.
Center in India. The Center works
The Initiation Ceremony for new
with students who are autistic.
member, Dolores Scheelen, was
Refreshments were provided by Diane
Cowan, Rosie Ruiz, Cindy Fuglsby,
The Yearbook was passed among us
and Carol Cox. Coffee was served by
for updating in preparation for
Susan Nelson.
publishing the new one.
Raffle prizes were won by Carol
Young Artists of the Rogue Valley was
Moody, Dolores Cadwallader, and
reported on by Jane Dow.
Rosie Ruiz
Bobbie Middaugh gave us a report on
the proposed New Chapter Rules.
Submitted by,
Members will shortly receive a copy.
Jan Robertson
We will vote on the proposal at the
Recording Secretary
next business meeting.
Tirzah Barlow presented the
Treasurer’s report. The Checking
Account balance is $3259.74. The
Grant-in-Aid balance is $1231.49.
Calling Committee
A Special Those of you who have served on the
Thanks……………. Calling Committee, please be thinking
Epsilon thanks our newest member, about choosing to stay on or to move
Dolores Scheelen, for a fascinating on. Diane Cowan needs to keep this
look into the colorful culture of India important committee functioning with
through her endeavors teaching an adequate number of callers. The
teachers how to work with autistic monthly calls help inform our
children at the Ummeed Center. We members of the upcoming meeting
will be seeing more of this well-spoken details, plus the calls keep those
educator as she settles into her role as members unable to attend regularly
a proud new Delta Kappa Gamma “in the loop.” Very important.
Lunch Yearbooks……………….
Bunch……………. Pick up your brand new 2010-2011
Let’s try a new venue this month. The yearbook at our Nov. 20 meeting.
restaurant is Frau Kemmling, the
School Haus Brew Haus, Yeehaw…life is good!
a German restaurant in Jacksonville.
The address is 525 East E Street--
formerly, the old Jacksonville November 20
Elementary. Meeting…………
The date is Tuesday, November 23 at The MAT program at Southern
11:30 am. Call host Jan Robertson Oregon University is one we can be
with your reservation. 482-4638. proud of. Our Grant-in-Aid, Mandy
Engler, is proof of that. Learn more
Book about this successful program through
the presentation of Amy Belcastro,
Club………………….. PhD and Associate Professor in the
The group has chosen a non-fiction
Department of Education at SOU. We
selection this month--The Nine: Inside
are fortunate to have this exemplary
the Secret World of the Supreme Court
teacher training program literally in
by Jeffrey Toobin. Based on exclusive
our “backyard.”
interviews with the justices them-
selves, The Nine tells the story of the
Court through personalities. Behind- MISSION: Delta
the-scenes disclosures. We will be
discussing the book after the Nov. 20
Kappa Gamma
meeting. You are welcome even if you promotes
haven’t read it! professional and
personal growth of
women educators 2nd Vice Pres. Janet Hegna-Davis
Renee Gardener
and excellence in Record. Secret. Jan Robertson
Carol Moody
education. Corresp. Secret. Mary Hill
Treasurer Tirzah Barlow
Executive Board Parliamentarian Dr. Bobbie Middaugh
Immed. Past Pres. Louise Holmes
President Barbara Meredith Epsilon Update Editor: Jane Dow
1st Vice Pres. Stacey Jones

Important Dates

November 20 10:00 am Uniserv SOU MAT Program

December 19 2--4 pm Member’s Communications &

Home Publicity Prog.

February 12 10:00 am Grants Pass Educational

Omega Excellence Prog.

March 17 4:30-6:30 pm Janet Hegna- Inside a REAL

Davis’ Classroom Classroom

April 14-16 Alpha Rho State Convention Astoria

(In lieu of our monthly meeting. Let’s have a great Epsilon turnout!)

May 21 10:00 am Uniserv Scholarship&World

Fellowship Prog.
Founders’ Day

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