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Innovation to Implementation = I²

Project Developer
The Ashburn Institute Team

Project Summary
The current project addresses the issues of sustainable development of the
remote African communities via recent ICT application by providing practical solutions
to social and economic challenges faced by these communities.
The arrival of 3G mobile phone technology to Africa and the growing access of
African citizens to the Internet stimulate significant innovative ideas, particularly,
when combined with prepackaged educational materials. To realize the optimum
potential for a new era of entrepreneurship across the continent, expansion of micro-
financing capitalization programs is necessary. The Ashburn Institute Group has
established a successful micro finance model in Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda.
Additionally, there is a continuous effort to engage with technology companies for the
delivery of prepackaged education programs.

Project Goals
To introduce and integrate financing with ICT innovation in African communities
as a means for promoting poverty alleviation, education program development, and
health standards improvement throughout Africa. Establish a virtual community of
project supporters, developers and beneficiaries in order to promote global network of
similar initiatives, and to assure exchange of crucial information for their

Current Stage
The project started in January 2008 and has been financed by the Ashburn
Institute and its sponsoring organizations. Our growing group of supporting stake-
holders includes public universities, business corporations, NGOs and international
government agencies.

There are five major groups of beneficiaries: remote African communities that
include women and youth; educational institutions, teachers in particular; SMEs; and
local health and ICT organizations.

Participation and Contributions

Join ASHBURN ROUTE I² or contribute your ideas, expertise and/or resources
by applying for ASHBURN ROUTE I² group membership via LinkedIn or by sending an
e-mail to

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