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The Rise and Spread of Islam - QUESTION CREATER ACTIVITY (Stearns Chapter 6 ) some of 7

1. How did Islam address fundamental problems in Arabian society?

2. Why was Islam able to spread to people of so many cultures?

3. Why did the disputes over authority after the death of Muhammad serve to hinder future Muslim unity?

4. What was the NATURE (characteristics) of the Umayyad Empire?

5. What events lead to its fall?

6. How did the Abbasid Empire differ from the Umayyad Empire? (Read first part of Ch.7 before answering)

7. What were the achievements of the Arab phase of Islamic development to 750?

8. How does Islamic art reflect their achievements and cultural values? Syncreticism?

9. How does the mosque reflect Islam ideas?

10. List important Islamic achievements, which were spread to Europe over the next centuries?

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