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Rupees crore US $ million

Item 2005-06 R 2006-07 PR 2007-08 P 2005-06 R 2006-07 PR 2007-08 P

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. Exports, f.o.b. 4,65,748 5,79,128 6,37,190 105,152 128,083 158,461
2. Imports, c.i.f. 6,95,412 8,65,404 9,99,286 157,056 191,254 248,521
3. Trade Balance -2,29,664 -2,86,276 -3,62,096 -51,904 -63,171 -90,060
4. Invisibles, Net 1,85,927 2,40,933 2,91,739 42,002 53,405 72,657
a) 'Non-Factor' Services 1,02,611 1,43,604 1,50,923 23,170 31,810 37,550
of which :
Software Services 98,678 1,31,144 1,48,887 22,262 29,033 37,051
b) Income -26,116 -29,778 -23,845 -5,855 -6,573 -5,910
c) Private Transfers 1,08,565 1,26,088 1,63,709 24,493 27,941 40,778
d) Official Transfers 867 1,019 952 194 227 239
5. Current Account Balance -43,737 -45,343 -70,357 -9,902 -9,766 -17,403

1. Foreign Investment, Net (a+b) 68,782 70,443 1,80,152 15,528 15,541 44,806
a) Direct Investment 13,425 38,553 62,339 3,034 8,479 15,545
of which:
i) In India 39,457 99,261 1,29,746 8,901 21,991 32,327
Equity 26,239 73,969 1,00,777 5,915 16,394 25,133
Reinvested Earnings 12,220 23,029 27,714 2,760 5,091 6,884
Other Capital 998 2,263 1,255 226 506 310
ii) Abroad -26,032 -60,708 -67,407 -5,867 -13,512 -16,782
Equity -16,718 -50,670 -50,179 -3,766 -11,287 -12,485
Reinvested Earnings -4,834 -4,868 -4,363 -1,092 -1,076 -1,084
Other Capital -4,480 -5,170 -12,865 -1,009 -1,149 -3,213
b) Portfolio Investment 55,357 31,890 1,17,813 12,494 7,062 29,261
In India 55,357 31,630 1,17,154 12,494 7,004 29,096
Abroad 0 260 659 0 58 165
2. External Assistance, Net 7,592 7,937 8,465 1,702 1,767 2,114
Disbursements 16,133 16,961 17,022 3,631 3,763 4,241
Amortisation 8,541 9,024 8,557 1,929 1,996 2,127
3. Commercial Borrowings, Net 10,505 72,596 89,317 2,508 16,155 22,165
Disbursements 63,476 94,332 1,20,173 14,343 20,973 29,851
Amortisation 52,971 21,736 30,856 11,835 4,818 7,686
4. Short term Credit, Net 16,300 30,096 70,846 3,699 6,612 17,683
5. Banking Capital 5,795 8,477 47,147 1,373 1,913 11,757
of which: NRI Deposits, Net 12,457 19,574 706 2,789 4,321 179
6. Rupee Debt Service -2,557 -725 -488 -572 -162 -121
7. Other Capital, Net @ 5,548 17,565 38,464 1,232 3,953 9,627
8. Total Capital Account 1,11,965 2,06,389 4,33,903 25,470 45,779 108,031
C. Errors & Omissions -2,332 2,588 6,143 -516 593 1,536
D. Overall Balance [A(5)+B(8)+C] 65,896 1,63,634 3,69,689 15,052 36,606 92,164
E. Monetary Movements (F+G) -65,896 -1,63,634 -3,69,689 -15,052 -36,606 -92,164
F. IMF, Net 0 0 0 0 0 0
G. Reserves and Monetary Gold -65,896 -1,63,634 -3,69,689 -15,052 -36,606 -92,164
( Increase -, Decrease +)

R : Revised. PR : Partially Revised. P : Provisional.

@ : Includes delayed export receipts, advance payments against imports, net funds held abroad and advances received pending issue of shares
under FDI.
Note : 1. Gold and silver brought by returning Indians have been included under imports, with a contra entry in private transfer receipts.
2. Data on exports and imports differ from those given by DGCI&S on account of differences in coverage, valuation and timing.


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