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Personal Empowerment Respite & Supported

Hervey Bay GEMS is Accommodation

committed to Recovery (some
The continuing operation of GEMS
call rehabilitation).
depends on the involvement of
members. By way of voluntary
work, social participation and
GEMS is a welcoming trusting,
safe empowering environment
Mental Health
management. that supports people with Mental
Health concerns to build Concerns ?
Members have the opportunity to confidence and skills. People use
become involved in all aspects, of GEMS to recover, to achieve
the daily running, policy and goals such as paid employment
decision making, in day to day and participate in the
management, and in the long term
vision of GEMS. Opening Hours:
(consumer / peer operated) Mondays , Wednesdays
9:30 am to 3-00 pm
How to Join Cost $6 inc hot meal & activities
If your main barrier to getting a : social activities
life or a job is a mental health Saturday morning social outing—at Boat Club
problem, you are eligible to join Noon to 2pm-lunch & raffles

GEMS. There are no membership Thursday Evenings from 6 pm to 9pm

Recovery is
fees. Referrals by GP, Health
serv ices, self ref err al by How to contact us: Hervey Bay
appointment-Phone or Email. Location: Archer St Pt Vernon
For People interested in Voluntary
work, Cert 1V MH students –
Phone/Fax: 41254215 GEMS at
Sandy & Reg:41254215 /0432608580
Call us, we offer training,
workshops & orientation-for staff.
Dave: 41247421 ( Dave can also ar-
“Palms Oasis”
range transport where necessary)
What do we do at GEMS ? Work-Day: Members and staff Daily Living in the Community
join together to keep GEMS & Day respite/support
GEMS helps people with mental running, using every inch of our well
health concerns to recover, equipped, warm and friendly house, This new program is targeted at
developing work, social and life our busy kitchen our sunny
people with mental health concerns
skills, confidence and stamina. enclosed outdoor area & garden.
(consumers) & care providers who
In this way, members develop skills
experience social isolation. The
People who are working, not working and confidence. Getting into
program includes both structured
on pensions or who are seeking paid something that is fun and
employment can attend GEMS productive builds and not so structured socially
rebuild their social life and esteem and based day activity programs which
participate in the wider community. motivation. develop skills, confidence and
Some members take on valuable GEMS Respite social networks. This will increase
roles in running GEMS, and find this & s up p or t ed ability to participate in social,
work highly satisfying. accommodation recreational and educational
gives new hope- activities, thereby improving
The following Programs are health outcomes and quality of life.
available at GEMS: We understand- It’s what “Recovery really is about”
GEMS bridge the gap between post
hospital and home, respite, and
offers short to medium term
accommodation fully supported by
People who care all GEMS are also
supported in Recreation: members
develop social skills and friendships
in a wide range of social activities,
including excursions, workshops,
movies BBQ & pizza days, art,
GEMS at “Palms Oasis “
craft, games-chat
Educational Groups: such as Personal Effectiveness and Healthy Lifestyle

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