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Conversation Topics + CD ©) | le stl a > Ld Peri) Why Learn English? Jin Lee has studied English for a long time. Read the story and find out: How does he feel about learning English? Tam a fourth-year student at a good university in Korea. { will graduate in four months and take a job with a company in a small fown near Seoul. T have spent almost 10 years learning English, And let me tell you, it has been a waste of time. To begin with, I will probably never use English in my work. My job will be with a taxi company. Everyone speaks Korean. ‘The owner of the company is Korean and all of the employees are Keieak too The Wi dies ene as hh del eek English because there are very few foreign visitors in our small town. I donit need English in my free time, either, IFT want to read about what is happening in foreign countries, I can read Korean newspapers and magazines. I can learn all about other countries by reading in my native language, not English And of course all the television stations carry international stories, so I don’t have to watch the news in English in order to understand what is happening all over the world. I think of the many hours, days, weeks, even years that I spent in school and at home studying English, Just think of what else I could have studied instead of English. I could have studied more history, so that | could understand my country better. Or I could have read more literature, to help me understand the great writers of my country. Instead, I spent so much time studying English. And for what reason? So I could pass examinations? What a terrible waste of time. I really can't understand why people need to study English for so many years mu me ciossns (oxce 90) + a waste of time + to begin with's employees * Meoraeure Which opinions do you agree with? @ ENTREE Check 25 many as you want 1D English is the most important interna- D1 Ifyou need English for work or travel, tional age. We should all study it until you should learn it. But not everybody svete good att, oven iit rakes several years. needs to learn it—for a lot of people, it’s just a waste of time and energy. You may think you don’t C1 think learning a foreign lan- ) ( 1 We should study English need English now, but who suage is very important. Buc i but not for so long. The peo- knows? You i mt have to be English. Other | | ple who really need ic can con- the future. So, languages are imporeant, too, tinue to study ic if they wan be prepared. -especially the languages of neigh- { \ boring countries Now exchange your ideas with @ classmate Tunw 70 Paoe 80 ron aw INTERACTION TIP. Here are some reasans for learning English Geno tint of on argumare agar ech reason? For Against If you know English, you can travel anywhere. Dare —- many places where You can watch American movies. English is the language for computers. You can get a good job. You can have international friends. your idea: Forever SINGLE Hope Hamilton doesn’t want to get married. Read this story and find out why. Hope, an attractive 32- jeaveld Los Abgeles Computee Salesperson, says she loves her boyfriend. They have lived together for one year and they are happy together. Bol tae eat and kind, He has a well-paying job. And he shares housework with her. In. short, he seems to be the perfect husband, “But marriage is for fools and dreamers,” says Hope. “I mean, who in their right tind vrould willing gi up their freedom for another person?” Marriage changes people, Hope believes. Husbands and wives begin to take each other for granted, Bob helps with the shopping and cooking now, but Hope thinks that this might change if they get married. She might have to do much more of the traditional woman's wark—cooking, shopping and housework If she gets married, Hope believes that she will change, too. She says she is very different from when she was 22 years old, and will be a different person in Hope Hamilton should be excied. Her boyfriend, Bob, asked her to mary him But afer thinking about it very carefully, Hope has decided she does not ‘want to get married. years, So she wonders if she can remain happy with Bo Hope simply feels that marriage is not the best relation- ship. “Hey, almost half of all iin divorce, And many people who do stay mar- ried may not be happy. [have a lot of married friends whose mar- riages are not very good.” Hope also thinks that marriage will die out in the next century. “So many people all over the world live together now with- cout being married, There is relly no need for martiage to con she believes “Don’t get me wrong.” Hope explains, “Tam not a crazy person who wants to live a life separated from other people, especially men, and that’s another reason + marriage is not the best re ship. There are too many cool people in the world. I do not ied to just one person life. I enjoy being free.” ume ovosasny (asce 80} spanned + attractive + welkeducated + wilingly + take each ether for granted "= ‘What do you think about marriage? (2) bondi bode ERE cis opens jou saree (DI dont like marriage because it means 1 Maybe marriage is not a good id ‘giving up freedom Ies difficult to live happily with one pe =| son all your life. People chan, 1 Marriage is important. Ie When you meer the right D Ifyou wane to have chil- Keeps society together. I's person, you'll want ¢o get dren, marriage is important. really necessary, married, It’s natural, Children need a stable home. Now exchange your ideas with 9 classmate. Tunw ro Pace &0 ron aw INTERACTION TIP. Should a person stay single or get married? ete Riedel What ere some good reasons for each one? Staying single is good because... Getting married is good because... Many marriages end in divorce If you meet the rit Hohe parson you will ive happily together When you get married, you have to give py your freedom. Marriages keep society together. People change. You can't love one person for bring up children WH a attr and fee your idea: ae easy What’s for Dinner? Dr. Heidi Cornfield, a professor of food science, is being interviewed about her new book, What’ for Dinner? Read the interview and find out: What does she think is wrong with the American diet? Interviewer: You have some very strong ideas about what Americans eat, Professor Comfield. Could you tell our audience about some of them? Cornfield: Ve be delighted. First, [think that ‘Americans eat too much meat. We can get protein from other types of food, not just meat. For example, tofa is rich in protein. We really don’t need to eat meat co live, Interviewer: Maybe, but some of our ly like nice thick juicy hamburge ight not need them, but they sure like the Cornfield: \agece with you, But there are health — reasons to stop cating meat. Interviewer: What do you mean, Professor? Cornfield: Eating meat, especially beef, can cause heart disease. Thousands of Americans die from heart disease every y Are there other rea- sons why we should stop eating meat? Cornfield: Yes. Did you know that eating meat hurts, even destroys, the environment? Interviewer: | don't understand. How? Cornfield: \t is a fact chat rain forests in Central "America are being destrayed to produce cheap beef to export to other countries, including the United States. And that ham- burger you like so much—well, it takes 20 square meters of rain forest for each burger! Interviewer: Oh, no. But I don't lke to cat tofu. Cornfield: That's OK. There are other good foods to-eat. Interviewer: We have any Cornfield: There are many more interesting facts in my book. Think about this one before you order your next burger: In the last 300 ye: Americans have cut down over half of their trees tw get land to grow food to feed cattle—all because people think they need meat. were almost our of time, Do you ial comments? + heart disease * destroys + the envircnmonte © export = core Which opinions do you agree with? e Bee rer senior (1 I chink Americans eat to0 much meat, Humans should give up eating meat. bu people in other countries also eat more ‘Thar way we get healthier, and we don't ‘meat than before. I dont chink its good. destroy the environment. fe Oneck the Wleas you tke The government gives money as a reward to couples who have been married for a long time. Divorce is not allowed, except in certain situations, such as terrible mental illness. The government charges a high tax on divorces. The government hires marriage counselors to give advice ta people. Couples live together for a few years before they decide to get married Couples live together but don't get married. What are your ideas? 1: (ahs 3. Gg, . Va As Sam aMues Mi-Yeon remembers something important that happened when she was a little girl. Read the story and find out: What happened? What did she learn? was in the kitchen helping my mother when | The boy was starting to cry. He looked very guilty. heard the crash. I knew at once what had hap- “Junkavell, somehow...” Mrs. Kim began to exphin. pened. I turned and searted co run toward the My mother quickly said, “Oh, that’s all right. It room where the guests were, but my mother svastan Oli vases Dewas-ncesalasblet stopped me. a “Bue the vase just fell off che shelf” Mrs, Kim replied, ‘Wai she, sald. Lets gemuth coon “Oh, don't worry about it. Everything is just guests as if nothing has happened, Do not show how upset and angry you are. “Bur Mother, how can you say that? You know what has happened. Our family vase has been broken. You heard the crash. This is terrible.” My mother smiled at me and replied, “Yes, I know. The vase that has been in our family for over 200 years is broken. But wwe mustn't let our guests know how priceless itis.” With that, she picked up Vise the tea, and we returned to our guests. When we entered the room, I saw at once that my worst fear was right—the priceless vase was in pieces on the floor. And fine. Would you like s some of these sweets?” After our guests had gone, [asked my mother, “Why did you say that che vase was worth] You know that it was very valuable. “What else could I say?” And what abour ne tea “Well,” I said, “ explained my mother carefully “Sometimes we must not tell the truth, Sometimes it is best to hide our true feelings.” 4 “Is there no standing next co (eas ae the broken vase {9 ors way2"T was the 4-year- ts S old son of Mrs, “Believe me. I know, Ther no other way. Kim. Mrs. Kim had a horrified look on her face. ie oxoensny (rege 91) What was the mother trying to teach her daughter? Liclinal eed bse, Check the sentences nau Saree wih, e = Dl Other people’ feelings are more important than your own feelings. © Relationships with people are more apron tan caverta ee UE ees felis sometimes necemnty we );] eh Neverahow other people cella lie. your true feelings, especially sadness or anger Q Don’ embarrass other cople. Always protect their Ealing: Now exchange your ideas with a classmate. Tunw 70 Page 83 Fon aw INTERACTION TIP. heh sre to mest rmocereinyoucenengs Always tell the truth Always protect other people's feelings. Never speak badly about someone else Show respect, especially to older people. Never let anyone see your true feelings, especially if you are hurt or sad. Always help others who need your help. ‘What other values did you learn in your family? Tashi is worried about his 78-year-old mother. Read Tashi’ conversation with his wife, Midori, and find out: What do they want to do for his mother? Toshi: We have co face the fats. ‘Mother is too old to live alone. Midori: Yes, you're probably right. Shes getting older, and since your father died, she seems very forgedful Toshi: Mother will need someone to take care of her in the near future. Midori: Perhaps we could hire a nurse. You know, someone who could come in during the day, clean the house, cook some meals, make sure she takes her pills i: But nurses dont do all of those things. Youlre thinking ‘of a nurse and a housekeeper. Who would pay for thar? Ie will be very expensive! foshi, what are you thinking + forgettl hive + a housekeeper » pile» tny'» commu cy ee Tos .ce I'm the only child, we have to take care of her. She can come to live with us. Midori: Here? In this tiny house? There are only cwo bed- rooms, We can move our ‘ovo daughters out of their small bedroom. What else can we do? We cant afford to a nurse and a housekeeper, I'm her only child. Her husband, brother and sister are all dead. We have to take care of her. Midori: Maybe we could look for a bigger house. ‘Toshi: In Tokyo? You know that’s impossible, We tried look- ing last year and everything in this area of Tokyo is 00 expensive. Midori: Lets move away city, Someplace cheap. Toshi: But then I would be far away from my office. I might take me ovo or three hours on the train. | hate to ‘commute. No, the only solu- tion is for Mother to live with us here Toshi sw re ciossany (mage 91) Melicon ALWVE or Dead? Toby is in the hospital recovering from a bicycle accident. Reid Rev eosveruction with Tee brabitnd and fied out: What does she remember abour the accident? Ellis: Toby. do you feel like talking now? You've from a bottle. Then he injected it straigh been in the hospiral for three days ¥ ieee ey fears The meas thing | bop | saying much, y was back in my body, feeling the terrible ‘Toby: | know, Ellis. ve been afraid oa say anything, pain and weight of a smashed body. The 'm afraid everyone will think ['m ceary or man shouced, “Ie worked! Shes breithing! She's alive!” Ellis: Oh, ony gush. Yes they told mie that, They Bilis: W te acl Youtr fine. All af the very near death, Well, its OK texts show thar youre OK. You broke your . Boni won't tell anyone. eg, bur otherwise no permanent damage. i Toby: Yes, I know, Burt somezhing strange hap- pened to me, If ell you, will you promise ro tell anyone ch Ellis: Of course, honey, I'l keep ie a secret T remember being hit hy the ‘was floating, weightless, about five meters above my body; looking down at my poor broken body. [ didnt feel any pain Actually, it was a very pleasint sensation. Fllis: Wow! That is strange. What happened! then! “Taby: | could see a crowd looking. ax my body. A sntan began w breathe int sy ying ro get me to breathe. I heard the wail oF an ce as it arrived ar the scone: Ju 1. the man who was breathing into my illis; And you saw al of this, from abere your boxy? ‘Toby: Yes, bur | fe hat dead body on the toad had nection with me, T one of the men from the ambulance opened his bag and pulled outa necdle and filed it A Reward or a PRIPE? Kimo and Makana have two boys, ages 10 and 14. They are having a difficult time getting the boys to help around the house. Read their conversation and find out: What are they planning to do? Kimo: P’m so tired of asking Kam and Tasama to do their tasks. They never do anything. They say they forgot or they were too busy with homework. Makana: I know what you mean. Yesterd: because he didn't make his bed th was so mad at Kam T almost hit him, Kimo: Not a good idea! We've already discussed hitting the chil- den, and neither of us believes that its a good idea, Malkana: | know; but what else can we do? Kimo: | asked my brother for his advice this morning. He suggested that we pay the children to workaround the house. Malana: What? Pay them for doing what they should do? Never! Kimo: Wel, that was what | thought. But my brother told me aboura plan that has worked in other famil Makana: How docs it work? Iim willing o ay almost anyt Kimo: First we make a list of things that the boys have to do each day and during the week. You know, keep their room clean, make their beds, take our the trash, and so on, We pur iron the reffigerator so everyone ean see it Makana: OK, what next? Kimo: Then we tell Kam and Tasama that they'll get a certain amount of money each week if they do all of their tasks. Buc if they dont do all of the tasks, then theyll get no money: Nothing at all. Makana: Do you mean if the boys miss one t Kimo: Right. Then they wouldn't have any money for going co the movies ‘or buying comics or anything. Malana: Well, I don't know. That plan seems like a bribe to me. Kimo: Think of it as a reward! they get no money? sea + eeoan ul ME loeany (aoe 91) BY Which opinions do you agree with? WHAT DO YOU THINK? Baia SEEN as a oa Children should do some things for D Parents should pay their children to do free, like cleaning their own room. But housework. And that should be the only they should be paid co do other tasks like | money they get. That way, they learn to shing dishes be responsible. Giving money for doing housework is a reward. Children need rewards for doing chings. Gi Helping around the house is something children have to do, They shouldn't get paid for it. ying the children to do housework isa bribe. Dont doi They'll searcasking for money for everything. Now exchange your ideas with a classmate. Tunw 10 Pace 83 FoR an INTERACTION TIP. Tria | your house, who does the following tasks? me bro ster_my mother my iter andj) cleaning the house & cleaning your room laundry washing dishes shopping for food taking out the trash Friends and eee? Keiko and Akira have been friends for a long time. But something has happened, and they might not be friends any longer. Read the story and find out: What has bap- pened to burt, and maybe even end, their friendship? Akira and Keiko leave the university library after several hours of studying together, something they do often, Suddenly, Akira tries to kiss Keiko. is shocked. ‘What are you doing, Akira?” Keiko asks, hardly able to speak. “You're my best friend. We've been friends for five years. You're closer to me than my brother, And now you want to kiss me? Akira explains, “I want our friendship to be even loser. No, no, no! I don't think of you in that way. You're my friend. Best friends don't act that way. Akira looks confis Dont you see me as a ma ‘Of course I do,” replies Keiko. “Youre a handsome man, But you're a special man.,.my best “I dont understand. friend. So we carit do this. Now do you understand?” “No, not at all. Here is how I see it. You're a woman a n. We like each other very much. Were very close. So let's do what is natural in any male-female relationshi “Natural? [think our friendship is natura thought I understood you. Maybe I was wrong, ties Keiko, Akira face is red. “So you really don't like me atall. You just want someone to talk to.” He turns and walks quickly away Keiko’s anger turns to sadness. In her heart she thinks Akira is wrong—men and women can be friends without being lovers. But now she not sure, What if all men chink like Akira? iw rhe euossaay (once 92) seocked = ropes Gan @ man and a women be close friends without bein ® La lovers? Check the opinions you agree with x D Sometimes they can be friends, but (1 Maybe not. If a man and a woman Usually friendship berween a man and are close friends, they will naturally become lovers. ‘a woman is difficult 1 Ofcourse they can. I have some good men friends and we're just friends Irs impossible, because men always want to have sex with women they like. of cases like my friends, Now exchange your ideas with a classmate. unm ro Pace 84 ror aw INTERACTION TIP. Per ee Va eel * What is your best friend like? Use three adjectives. For example, tall, kind, talkative. She (He] is - and: ‘* Why is that person your best friend? For example, She helps me when I'm in trou! We have a great time talking He her al 2: 3. Is your best friend a man or a woman? Tom, Gate’s Story Some pets have a hard li What is this cats problem? My name is Tom and I am a cat. 1 have a major prob- Jem whose name is Felina. Felina is my owner. You see, she doesn’t understand how people should take care of their pets. She has very strange ideas about the relationship between people and pets Felina treats me like a human child. She worries about me and tells me what to do all of. the time. She doesn't want me to go out- side and play with the other cats. She makes me sit on her lap every nighe while she watches television. Boring And the programs she watches! No taste at al! more. Felina brushes and combs me yj She takes me to the Pet Beauty Clinic once a week for a bath and shampoo. Really. Cats can take care of themselves. Doesn't she know chat we fer gies that ve use ick guseleeand kere clean? And the flea powder she puts on me—it smells awful and I think it might give me skin cancer. Felina thinks she knows what kind of food I like, She doesnt even have a clue. She feeds me this gourmet cat food and she pus it in a silver dish. fe. Read this story and find out: |. Really! Who cares? All Twant is some day-old fish hae stinks. And a little hatS all I too much? One time I man- aged to get out of dehoase Dall have a good time! Iran around wich some other cats in the neighborhood. We ate garbage and chased a dog. | even killed a bird and ate it. Good fun, But when I returned: home, Felina went crazy. She was so angry: She took me Tight to the Pe Heuy Cink Gra bath and shampoo, even though I had just been there the day before. ‘Once I had a relationship with a real sexy Siamese down the street, but Felina stopped it. Then Felina got me Exed. Now I cat be a fither and fave children, and have losall of my interest in To make matters even worse, she wants to have me buried next to her! I won't be free of her even when Tam dead. What a life me cvossasy (once 82) + docan’t have 9 clue » gourmet «+ ete’ meted © fee ut * Gheood'* gee toe fama” bovied het do you think about pets? ® Lilie teeLL Ghisck tha cpinions you saree: Wik 1 People should respex anything you want. imal rights. 1 People need pets for emotional you can do support, I think they'ee great, O People should not keep D People treat pets too much (People spend too much pets. They don’t belong in like humans. I chink ie silly. money on pets. What a wast! people's homes. Think of all che homeless people in the world. Now exchange your ideas with a classmate. Tuaw 70 Pace 84 ron aw INTERACTION TIP. ‘Work with @ partner. Ask these questions. * Do yeu haves pot? L ere do you have? What's its name? What is it like? CEE ee ee ee ae Testes nee her ees * What's good about keeping pets? What are the problems? Good points Bad points They comfort us. They smell. * Which pet is the easiest to keep? Which is the most difficult to keep? acat adog abird ahamster a goldfish a rabbit AN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSHIP Sachiko is a 22-year-old Japanese student who is spending her senior year at an American university in Los Angeles. She has met a special man named Amin Read her diary and find out: What is she trying to decide? Dear Diary, ‘Tonight Amir asked me to mai hasnt | Uae tee ould lave ba so much, It is hard to believe that we have known each other for only eight months. But as much as I love him, Idonit know what to do, My par- ents would be angry with me for marrying a man from India. ‘They want me to marry only a Japanese man. My mother hi told me that good Japanese marry only Japanese. And that’s not all. There are so many other problems. | mean, where would we live? I think it would be very hard for me to live in India, Would | fic 2 Idont speak any Indian languages. | would have a difficult time finding a job. And I don't want to be just a housewife! ‘Thar’ for sure. Idon't think Amir would fic in to Japanese society, either. He doesnt speak Jap sounds so funny when he tries to say a single Japanese word! It would be impossible for him. to find a job in Japan. Besides, he doesn't even like Japanese food! iybe we could stay in the United States. Both of us will h our studies in May. I wonder if we could get work visas here. That might be diff cult. Bat even if we could st here, I don't know if I want to Japan. | would and friends and everything. And what about our chil dren? Children of mixed mar- riages might have a difficale time. Would they be Japanese? Indian? What Ieisall so confusing. ‘The more I write to you, ar diary, the more problems I know that marriage difficile More and more mia riages end in divorce. And I think that international mar- riages are even more difficult! Oh, [am SO confused. mu me cxossany (pace 92) + Mein + mive + mixed marriages confusing What should Sachiko do? ® Milielliale MAMIE Chock the responses you agree with. (O They shouldn't make a decision about marriage right now. should visie at’ fair for borh Amir and her. cochlear ccuiey Tite lsa local Both of them could visit their home J}{_ time to think about what ro do, countries sometimes. 2) She should marry Amir and Tein Japan, More and mare reign people are living in Japan, so Amie will be accepted. he should marry Amir and) ( Oi Sachiko should bi ing in India, Ie could be a Amir. There are ally good experience forher. | many problems to the relationship. Now exchange your ideas with a classmate. Tuaw To Pace 84 Fon aw INTERACTION TIP. LOOKING AT THE ISSUI What are some of the advantages of an international marriage? ‘le 2 3. What are some of the problems with an international marriage? a 2 3. Abi and Moon had been married for 20 years. They had four children. Then one day, Abi killed Moon. Read the story and find out: Why did she murder her husband? Abi L. is a small woman with a gentle smile, She speaks quietly and politely. She seems like woman who lives next door, not the kind of person who is in prison for murdering her husband, Abi tells her story carefully, how the problem began, fi ed her how afier 20 years of pain she finaly kill husband. Abi explains: “Before we were married, Moon was the nicest, most gentle man I had ever met. Maybe that is why I married him, He was so kind. The first wo years were wonderful. Buc then something happened. He starced working late, not coming home, and drinking a lot.” She continues, speaking softly, “At first, when he was angry, he just pushed me later he kicked me or slapped my face a few times, After a while he started to beat me badly. Once he choked me so hard I thought I was going to di Abi looks down at her hands. They still have 20 Years of Pain sears from the time her hus- band pushed her through window. The hands are smal but rong enough to reach for a kitchen knife and stab her husband to death. This is what Abi did last June when her husband began to beat her again. Wife-beating happens more often than most people know. Not just here, but all over the world. In some societies, men believe itis their right to beat their wives. And though there ae laws against attacking people, most men who hurt their wives are not punished. ‘The reason? Mast women say nothing when beaten, Abi did not tell het relatives or friends. She did not even call the police. Abi explains: “The police do nothing, if woman cals the poli er usband can just give them money, and hey'l leave. Then he'll beat his wife more and more.” Abi is now in prison, awaiting trial for mur- det, Her friends say she should go free. They believe she killed Moon in self-defense. Others say she must pay for her crime with her own life. Abiis eyes are sad and tired. “I don't know what will happen now. All I know is chat I killed my hhusband because I didnit know what else 10 do.” ossany (ence 92) ‘soltdetonse «+ murdering + kicked * slapped + choked + scars + stab + right « punished * ral i What: do you think should happen to Abi? ® er rcoonie pueuee ah 1) She suffered a lot, but i is wrong to kill © She killed her husband in self-defense, a person, She should sayin jal for she ret so she should not be punished. vot her life, (Ol She suffered long enough. 1 Te was right for her to kill her (1 It’s simple. Abi killed her She should go free. husband. He deserved to die. fed she should pay with her life. Now exchange your ideas with a classmate, Tunw 10 Pace 85 ron aw INTERACTION TIP. Which of these ideas can help to stop violence by men eines eran? Which Ge by or wy no wilhelp worthelp There should be strict laws to protect women. Women need to learn how to defend themselves. They need to fight back when they are beaten. Men who beat women should go to jail for a long time. Men need to be educated about violence to change their thinking and behavior. We need to stop violence. all over the world, not just between husbands and wives. How can we reduce violence in the world? For example, stop showing violent scenes on TV. ae Bs 3. Which relationship do you like? @ Pe aia aoseen (1 Icis important for couples Otis Goners for couples pesonina Pp tohavea happy marriage and || to lave each other deeply and have an interesting job and do | | children. Money or jobs are to find happiness in ¢ erything else is unim- | \ not imparcant. relationship. That is enough portant, including children. Money, children and jobs are not important. Now exchange your ideas with a classmate. Turn 70 Pace 85 ror an INTERACTION TIP. What ideal marriage or relationship? ee er love no children a good income ‘one or two children being wealthy three children or more an interesting job a a big house success in my jab living in one place both partners having jabs living in different places 8 good family life having a lot of friends be hi i i being/having 2 full having a lot of parties your own ideas: Ns 3. ie 4. GROWING Are Okenoy is having problems with his best friend. Read the story and find out: What is causing the problems? Kwan is my best friend. I mean, he and I have always been very lose. Were the same age, 21 We went to the same high school and now attend the same univer- sity, Weare both English majors and want to be English teachers afier we graduate. When we wate rowing up, we always dd a lot of things together-— Telos a ch activities in high sc ven more ways talked to ing our highs and our lows, our fears and our secret wishes. I will always remember and treasure that closeness. Bur something has changed, Kwan and Fare nov as close as before; I think we are slowly growing apart. [ tried ro talk to Kwan about it, bur he said there-was no change. Actually, he really didn wane to talk about icand cut me off And it's not just that. His behavior has changed. Now he stays out late at night and doesn't get home or4 inthe Ofcourse, this means that he sleeps late and often misses dasses. I know we don't have much homework, but I dont see him studying acall. And he has missed the last five meetings of the English I'm worried, really wor- ried. A friend of ours hinted last week that Kwan was in trouble, | iuestioned him about i, b dua eareeo Ulla begged him to tell me, and he said thar maybe Kwan is tak- ing drugs. Tas shocked! I got angry and told my friend he was wrong and that he should stop telling lies about Kwan. But later 1 cooled down and thought about what he had told me. And the more I thought about it, che more I realized what he said could be true, I mean, Kivan has been acting very strange I wish I knew what to do. What would you do if you were Kwan's friend? Delis CHEER tis Ge enewer ® 1 wouldn't worry. Maybe Kwvan has a OI would talk to Kwan again, I would tell him, “Tm really worried about you.” girlfriend who keeps him out late. PS ey i, QI would ask Kwan if h QI would nor do anything at) ( GT would talk to my parents this point, I would wait and and ask them what to do. see what happens ing drugs and see his Now exchange your ideas with a classmate. Tunw ro Pace 85 ron aw INTERACTION TIP, PP EeETTe What can best friends do? Check your answers. Lend each other money Borrow money from each other Lend each other books Lend their cars to each other Introduce boyfriends or girlfriends to each other Invite each other to their homes Tell each other secrets Talk about sex Share a drink fram the same glass Ask for advice on a serious problem your ideas: ° . ee ee | Pea. 27 Joe had an experience that brought him close to death. Read the story and find out: What saved Joe’ life? funny feeling about that flight to Vancouver. It is like I hear a voice in my head, saying that I should not get on that plane Now [am just an ordi- guy—Iam nor the kind of son who heats voices or sees things that arent here, At frst, I dont pay much attention, But as Tall toward the gate, this weird feeling gets worse and worse, Itwonkt go away. [esl I hear someone saying in my “Don't get on chat plane. Don't get on thar plane. LookearoundsE is OK. Everybody. other passengers are y weird happened Something re to me. Let me say that !am a young man, 25 years old, with both feet on the ground. Which is to say that [am an ordinary guys not very different from everyone else, country trying to sell men’s cloth- ing—you know, shirts, pants, s, that sort of thing This particular day, Iam in Toronto and have iting to get on my hing the airport utiful day. Nova plane. fe oud in getting on the plane, Task you, what would you do? Wall, I turn around, walk back to the ticket counter and buy a ticket for another flight. You know the rest of the story, That right, The Vancouver plane—the one I didn't take— crashed into the side of a moun- ‘ain, killing everyone on board. One hundred twenty-one people. Dead. I cant believe whae hap- pened. I was saved. But how? How do you explain the “inner voice” that Jos heard? ROMCRCERMUNLSA Check the opmmions you agree with. @ O Maybe it was Joe's dead father or ( Joe probably has a sixth sense. You some ancestor who is always with him, know, he can sense things thar are going protecting him, melappen Wabeike eciaetl just 1 I think ic was God's _ 1 L believe in angels, I think God wanted co save Joe Joe has an angel who is wateh- ing over him. 1 Iewas jusea feeling, luck. Nothing more. Now exchange your ideas with a classmate. Tunw 7o Pace 86 ron aw INTERACTION TIP. ‘Some people believe they have a “sixth sense" to help them POEMS do things ike * know what's going to happen in the future ¢ read other people's minds * see through things * move things without touching them If there is such a thing as a sixth sense ("ESP"), would you want to have it? Yes | want the power to Then | would For exemple: | want to know what's going to happen in the future Then | wauld prevent big accidents and the world would be safe No, | don't want any of those powers because Doing thes\@!\ Thing Yuri needs advice about a problem involving her father. She has written to Dr. Aoki, a famous medical counselor. Read the story and find out: What does Yumi want to tell her father? Dear Dr. Aoki, My name is Yami. I { college stu- dent. Something terrible is happening and I dont know what to do. Please help me. sf My father is dying. According to his doctor, he has only three more months to live. He has stomach cancer, which has now spread to other parts of his body. Because the cancer has spread, operation, The doctor says there is nothing we itis too late for an do, Tam heartbroken. But what is more painful to me is that my father does not know about his disease. His doctor told him that he has an ulcer. My mother is trying to hide the fact as well. They are both lying to him, I think they are wrong. I think my father has the right to know about his disease. He should be informed. But when I told ‘my mother that we should tell my father the truth, her eyes filled Wh eae, She sae “I dont think so, Yurni Ihe tell hur at he is going to die soon, he will be so shocked, depressed and upset that it might even shorten his life. We should not take hope away from hin \ L understand that. However, I still think my father should know what's happening to him. It’s his body. It’s his life. Of course he oie shocked at first. But I'm sure he has things he would like to do before he dies, and he should be able to use whatever time he has left. itdo you think I should do? Should I persuade my erro change her mind? Should I talk to the doctor? If xy dont change their minds, should I ell my father? Or is Iny miouher righ afr a lease lease eell me whar 0 do I love my father very much and I want ro do the right thing, Sincerely, Yume Sale 1m ye cvossaey (once 83) + cancer * an operation + heartbroken + an ulcer * disease + be informed'® shoreen * if @ patient is dying, should the doctor inform him or her’? CRANE Check tie ideas you agree with @ 1 No, You can tll someone he or she is Ie depends. Ifthe patient is mentally going to die. ‘The patient will be too Ke shock You shouldnt take away their hope. .¢ or she should be informed. strong, Ie depends. ‘The doctor (Yes. The patient should be) ( OI Yes. The patient has the should ask the patient's family. able to ase whatever time he right to know about his or or she has left her disease Tuan ro Pace 86 For aw INTERACTION TIP. Patients s ea EE the right... _ tobe informed about their disease. to see all of their medical records. Gel ore about how the doctor will treat ta know the doctor's name and background. | to get @ second opinion from another doctor. ta change doctors or hospitals. to be involved in the decision on how to treat their disease. a) hot to be informed about their disease. _ The Right to Die Keoni Tabido has made a decision. Read the story and find out: Why does he want to end his life? Keoni Tabido has planned how In Mr. Tabido’s country, he-will spend his final hours: He itis against the law to help peo- will have a party forhhis friends, _ple die. Ifanyone, even a doctor, with lots of food, drink and Fredps somebody to dic, regardless music. Later, he will spend time of how sick or old that p with his girlfriend, And then, at they could be put in prison for midnight, he will take a deadly 20 years. mixture of drugs. Mr. Tabido is trying to yz make sure no one is punished for fwo doctors says Mr. 1. Tabido is nar c w-old businessman, helping him di He is very successful, hasalocof have helped m money and enjoys life Tabido, “Buc | will never tell any- ButMr. Tabidohasa _one their names. These doctors terrible disease. This disease kills have given me the drugs and the nerve cells in his brain and showed me how to inject spinal cord, slowly paralyzing myself. [will have only him. Gradually, ic will be diftt- 3 fra one chance, so I have cult for him to swallow and breathe. Ther to do it right the this deadly First cm So, after a great deal of know thought, Mr. Tabido has decid- that some ed to kill himself. He has told _people think his family and friends about his ic is wrong to plan. He has even bought a Kill yourself, wooden coffin in which he will be buried. and for others to help you. Bur they don't don't want to become a vegetable, kept alive on a life- support machine,” Mr. Tabido havea disease says.“Icantimagine anything _like mine. worse, So I have planned my For me, there own death. I will do it while I is no choice, can think and act clearly. I want to go out doing whar I love best —having a good time.” + a deadly mixture of deugs + nerve cells + spinal cord + pa MM Do you think what Mr. Tabide and his doctors Leith re doing is right? Check your opinion. @ (I In this case, | think suicide is all right. D7 If someone wants co die, that’s their Bur his doctors should not help. Doctors business. And if they need a doctor's help, should cure people, not kill them! thar’ fine, roo. Yes. Suicide is OK in this Ti No. It’s wrong to take your D1 Well, we have to resp Kind of situation, Irs cruel co | | own life, Mr, Tabido shouldn's |] Mr. Tabido's decision, even if stop it. give up. we don't agree with iv Now exchange your ideas with a classmate. Turw 1o Pace 86 For an INTERACTION TIP. Pee Ge Suppose some scientists invent medicine to help people live forever. One day they come to. ioe and say, “If you take the medicine in this bottle, you will never get old and you will never die." Would you take it? Why or why not? Yes, | would take it because: No, | wouldn't take it because: ALWWE or Dead? Toby is in the hospital recovering from a bicycle accident. Read her conversation with her husband and find out: What does she remember about the accident? h: oe ind Toby: | know; Ellis, I've been afraid t Pm afraid everyone will think I'm crazy or that my brain has been damaged or some- thing like that. Ellis: What do you mean? You're fine. All of the tests show that you're OK. You broke yo leg, but otherwise no permanent damage. y: Yes, I know. But something strange hap- pened to me. IF tell you, will you promise not to tell anyone else? Ellis: Of course, honey. I'll keep it a seeret, Toby: OK, here goes: I remember being hit by the cat, Then I was floating, weightless, about five meters above my body; looking down at my poor broken body. | didnt feel any pain. Actually, it was a very pleasant sensation. Ellis; Wow! Thae is strange, What happened then? Toby: | could see a crowd looking at my body. A man began to breathe into my mouth, t to get me to breathe. I heard the wail of an ambulance as it arrived at the scene, Just then, the man who was breathing into ny mouth stopped, stood up, and shn pee h is shoulders. He had given up. Lwas Ellis: And you saw all of this, from above your sane ‘Toby: Yes, buc | felt no emotion. That dead body on the road had no connection with me. had left it behind and was free. I warched as one of the men from the ambulance opened his bag and pulled outa needle and filled it from a botele. Then he injected it straight iets ay here "The sees thing Loew was back in my body, feeling the terrible pain = = of a smashed body. The man shouted She's alive!” lis: Oh, my gosh. Yes, they told me that. They said you were very near death, Well, its OK now. Donk worry, I won't tell anyone. + an ambulance * sheugged| Do you believe Toby's story? Check your opinion. @ near-death expe 1 No! Ie’ total nonsense. Maybe Toby's Brain was damaged in the accident. Yes, This is a 91 Ence, | know someone who had an expe- rience like this. Pm nor sure. I don’t under- No. Toby's probably con- 1 Yes. I've heard stories about stand how it could fused because of the drugs the same experience, and I and medicine she was given. believe them. Now exchange your ideas with @ classmate. Tupw ro Paoe 87 ron aw INTERACTION TIP. ‘What do 'you think happens when a person dies? POEL Wy do you think so? When a person dies, that’s it. There is nothing else. Life is over. When a person dies, he or she will come back to life in a different form: as an insect, an animal or another person. When a person dies, the body is dead but the soul is alive and goes to a different world. | don’t agree with any of those ideas. Here's what | think happens: Should the Dead Help the Living? Three doctors from different countries discuss using the organs of dead people. Read the story and find out: Who is in favor of this? Who is opposed? fS" tit Bh In my opinion, the help the living. There is no question about it. When people die, they no longer have any use for their organs. If we donit use their healthy hearts or lungs, we miss the chance to save the lives of other people who need healthy organs. In fact, it is so important co do this that I believe we must do icall ofthe time. Every time there is a death, we should use all the organs we can, even if the person did not give permission before death. Dr. Tesfaye: [understand your position, Dr. Jones. Bue in my country, we have the opposite point of view. We believe that it is wrong to cut up a dead body, take out the heart and then put it into someone else's body, Taking out parts of a dead person's body isa terrible thing to do. When you do that, you vio- late thar personis body. When 1 dig, I want my body to be treat- ed with dignity and respect, and nor cur open so thak my organs can be put into other people. Dr. Houte: As you nwo show, using organs from the dead to help the living is a difficulr ques- tion, There ate good reasons both to do itand not to do it. In my country, we believe that it is all right to use organs from the dead but only under two condi- tone Fie, the dead person must have given permission in writing, before Ieee she dic Second, the person has to be dead. Sometimes this is clear. But many times it is nor. We all have heard stories of near-death ‘experiences—when we think someone is dead, but he or she comes back to life And what about the so- called “brain-dead”? There are many people who are kept alive by machines—machines that breathe for them. Buc their brains are dead. What should we do with them? Turn off the machines and let them die so that we can use their healthy organs? I wonder if that isn’t just the same as killing them. So we must be very careful before mak- ing any decisions. 1 me ouogsany fount 93} + ongons + lungs + give permission = violates ignity = ba Which opinions do you agree with? hain laedh Alh ee Check as many as you want @ 1 Wall, organ donation is OK, but we Di IF people wane to donate organs after have o be sure he penon isdead! We they die, it wonderful, Buc they should have to make this clear before we can talk give permission before they die I. about donating organs, © Maybe it’s OK to donare at Sould he S. some organs, but not org; don't mind giving (D.1 don’ like the idea of cur- ting up my body after I di. Tm sorry, but I cant help you! Now exchange your ideas with a classmate. Tuaw 10 Pace 87 ron aw INTERACTION TIP. PSN RENSSERE What would you do to help someone stay alive? Would you. Yes, No, Tddo it Twouldnit do it give blood? give a kidney to a dying family member? e your body to science after you die? register as a bone marrow donor? register as a donor at an eye bank? allow your doctor to transplant your organs after you die? Why or why not? HOSTAGE Ali has taken Flight 144 many times. Tr was always long and boring. But this time, something has happened. Read his story and find out: What has happened on the flight? 7 } ws y T check my watch just after take- off and see thac the flight is about 10 minutes behind sched- ule, That’ nothing new; but che pilot always manages to land on time, in hours. So I i close my eyes to rest a bit before the meal service. Suddenly, loud shouts fiom the front of the plane startle ‘me out of my nap. I hear more thous, angry and dhreenings and then a scream. I star 10 g0 forward to see what's wrong when a masked man waving a gun runs down the aisle, scream- ing at everyone to stay seated ‘Abhijack! The plane has been taken over by terrozists! “The terrorises are telling everyone to stay calm, They say that nothing will happen ‘Bras Write pllor fas the lane 10 another country: They say that they do not want co kill innbeene people, ‘Afier three long, terrible hours, the plane lands in the countey whe the terrorists want t0 go. But then nothing happens Westin he hor lane for hours, waiting wo be released. The pilot announces that the terrorists have two demands. First, the government must free some prisoners. Second, they ‘want another plane so they can fly to a secret location. At first, am happy, thinking thae we will all be free shortly. Bue the pifor says the government will nor do that. The terrorists have made a mistake and have landed in a country whose government refuses to talk t0 terrorists, Its president says ic will never yield to criminals and terrorists. Our chances do not look good. There is no way that we can overpower the terrorists, cavily armed and ally. Iris impossi- ble to escape from the plane. rorists donit care about our lives, They are threatening to kill us, one by one. But the government says it will never talk to terrorists. ‘They donie seem to care about our lives, either. Will I get out of this situ- ation alive? 1 me cxossagy (pace 93) + startle “threatening + » gereams a hack «innocent What do you think is the best thing to do? ¥ Nee Chock the views you agree with. = I The government should never give in. O The plane should be allowed to fly to If they give in to the terrorists, more some other country whose government ings will occur in the future. will talk co the terrorists. 2 The government should ( Another organization, like) { 2 The police or army should talk to the terrorists. The pas- the United Nations, should secretly attack the plane and sengers lives are the most the terrorists Kill the terrorists. important thing. Now exchange your ideas with a classmate. Turw 70 Pace 87 Fon aw INTERACTION TIP. In our society there are many kinds of threats. What should pedestal wc do? For each case, decide what to co 1. You are the president of a large company. A,man phanes you and threatens you. He says if you dont: pay him $100,000 he will bomb the company building. What would you do’ payhim tellthe police ignore him _other: 2. You are in an elevator with a big man, He tells you to give him your money. He doesn't seem to have a gun or knife. What would you do? give him your money try to get out of the elevator ignore him _ other: 3. You are the prime minister of your country. One of your ministers was kidnapped by terrorists. They say the government must free ‘10 people from prison or they will kill the minister. What would you do? free the prisoners _ try to talk to the terrorists ignore them other: Do you know any other situations like these? Helping OTHERS Ishelping strangers a good idea? Read the story and find ous: What happened to this taxi driver when he tried to help? A crazy man with three swords took over a city bus with 15 passengers and drove it wildly chrough the streets. But taxi driver Dal Chong Yang did not stop to think Daiving his taxi as Fast as possible, he caught up with the buis. He then drove in front of the bus for three kilometers, honking his hom and warning people to get out of the way. The bus hit his taxi five time crazy man tried to kill Mr. Yang. Finally, the bus hit a tree and came to a stop with al ofits passengers safe, The crazy man was arrested by police. Mr. Yang’ action helped save many lives, police sid, They believe that the crazy man wanted to run down as many peopleas he could with the bus. The taxi driver, Mr. Yang, is now a hero. Everybody knows his name and praises his coura- sill geous act. “I was aftaid, of course," said Mr. Yang, “Bur I knew I had to do it ora lot of people would be hurt, maybe killed.” But some believe that what Mr. Yang did was wrong. “Ordinary people should not be trying, to stop runaway buses and robberies,” says the chief of police. “They really do not know how to do that, and they can get themselves injured or killed.” In fact, Mr. Yang was injured and nearly killed when the bus hit his car. He spent four months in the hospital and wo months at home Now he is back driving his taxi. Buc he can drive for only four or five hours each day because of the pain from his injuries, not like the 14 hours a day belore his good déed. me cvossasy (once 84) + honking + warning + get out of the way + was arrested + praises + courageous act’ inured * good deed | Which opinions do you agree with? & ERR Check os many as you want. (AL really believe we should help others People should never help strangers —friends or strangers. If we don't, how for any reason, I's nora good idea. cold and depressing this world would bet D Ordinary people should nor) (A We should help others, bur) (I Why help others? Were all there’ a limit ro how mucl busy and have enough prob- we should help. Jems ourselves. stop crimes, [tS coo dangerous, Now exchange your ideas with a classmate. ‘Tuan ro Pace 88 ron ax INTERACTION TIP. ‘Are you willing to help strangers? Read these situations POUL nd chock your answers. ‘a Case 1: You are walking down the street. A woman suddenly screams, "Help! A thiefl Somebody get him!" and you see a man running away with the woman's purse. You decide to: run after the thief and try to catch him call the police scream, "Help! A thief!” ignore the whole thing and keep walking other: Case 2: You are driving your car and see somebody on the roadside with a car problem. You decide to: stop and help, but only if it's a woman stop and help, but only if it's a woman or an old man stop and help, no matter who it is: drive by without helping phone the police er: Professor Max Karlov has some controversial ideas about the role of women in society. Read this interview and find out: What message is Professor Karlov trying to give to the audience? Interviewer: Congratulations, Professor Karlov, on your new book, A Womans Place. 1 just finished reading it, and you really have strong ideas. Professor Karlov: Yes. Buc my ideas are based on facts. Societies all over the world are in trouble. Now, you have to think, why societies in trouble? Interviewer: According to your book, Professor Karloy, you think the difficulties in today’s world are caused by a change in the natu- ral order, Could you explain that for our - audience? Professor Karlov: With pleasure. By a change in the natural order I mean the changes in our society in the roles and responsibil ties of men and women. As ev. e knows, what women do in society—their roles and responsibilities —has changed a great deal in the past 50 years. Interviewer: OK, | think everyone would agree with that. But so what? Professor Karlov: Women in many societies no longer stay at home and take care of children, They have jobs outside the home. This means they no longer have the time to take care of their chi dien, In today’s world, children grow up with so many problems. They drop out of school, they take drugs, they steal. Today's chil dren are lazy and confused. They need the guidance, lov support that only mothers who are in the home can give. Women should return to rais and educating children. They are naturally suited to do so. Men should continue to have the main responsibility for earning money for the family. We know from history that men are suited for leadership and women are suited for raising children, ‘A woman’ place is in the home, raising the children and keep- ing the home. A man’s place is outside the home, working to support the family. I know this is an old-fishioned, or out-of- date, belief. But it is the one thar fits the natural order. What is your view of women's and men's roles? } LEA Check the opinions you agree with. e 1 I chink raising children and house- Keeping should be done by both men and women. re naturally good at worki he home and ‘making money Ff } aad 4 SOS 1 If women stayed home, Q Women are naturally Today, to support a family would be much better. } | good at housekeeping and both the husband and wife raising children, need jobs. Now exchange your ideas with a classmate, Tunw ro Pace 88 ror aw INTERACTION TIP. Here are some of Professor Karlov's ideas. Eee For cach of them, state an opposite or different idea. Professor Karlov’s Idea Opposite Idea Societies are in trouble because Men have caused much of spciety's women have jobs outside the home. probleme’ because most leaders are Women are naturally suited to raising children. Men are natural leaders. ‘A man's place is outside the home, working to support the farnily. Children need the help, love and_sut port that: only mother's who are in jome can give. To Tell or Not tO Tell soscicicsivoutystrionyat ostvinyo sabes ne eons ol wrong! pd Tike nas Rigg ee Di older brother—something is bothering me, troubling me greatly. After talking to you yesterday, I decided to write youa letter. a large paper company, has “iting often he ‘organize my thoughts and see life more clearly 2 I accidentally discovered that my company is dumping a chem- 0-a river near one of its factories in the countryside. At first, concerned about this. | knew that the owners of the company Arafat, an employee of made a shocking discovery. ic Read this letter to his were fine men and would nor do anything illegal. brother and find out: Bur then I read a story in the newspaper about factories illegally dumping chemicals into rivers and how many of these chemicals are What is happening at harmful. One chemical is very dangerous to humans because, over : a time, it can cause cancer. And this is the same chemical that my own his company? company is dumping into that river! I was puzzled at first. So I checked carefully and found out that 1 was right. The company has been dumping this deadly chemical for about 18 months, and the owners know about it! ‘Well, Mohammed, | am confused and upset. Of course, I could tell my boss. But then he might tell the owners and they would fire me, the troublemaker. Should | talk to officials of the govern- ment? The owners are powerful men and might bribe the off- Gils andl chek [wile ee ba oh Pe bons Vesuld leer journalist who wrote the story in the newspaper, ‘As you know, I plan to retire in four more years. | am. too oldl to qui and find a new job. Besides, like ray work. Well, I used to like my work. Now | am feeling very strange. Ie is getting difficult to continue my work if nothing were wrong, Please help me, older brother. I don't know what to do. Yours, Arafat owe ovossany (ae 94 + am employee + secidensally » dump,» chemin! "legal ou were Arafat's older brother, what would you tell hirn? Lie RRS Check the responses you agree with. Send unsigned lereers to the people who live near the river and explain wha happening, Then they will start a protest. OI Don't be afraid of losing your job. Be Ioyal to the community. Just think of the terrible danger to the people, especially the Gildjen: who phy aid fen intne ite iesay anything. Yourjob ) ( CA Talk:to the journalist who { Keep your mouth shue. x. Ac your age, wrote the story in the newspt- | | You should be loyal to your never find another one. per. Tell her everything. But compar. make sure they keep your Now exchange your ideas with a classmate. ‘Tunw ro Pace 88 Fon aw INTERACTION TIP. LOOKING AT THE ISSUE * Do you think it’s cowardly to send an unsigned or anonymous letter? Yes No It depends 4, the following situtions, would you give your name or remain anonymous? 1y? 41. You have witnessed a car accident. Some people are seriously injured. You call the ambulance and the police. Give your name Remain anonymous: Why: 2. You have witnessed a robbery in a store where you are shopping. You call the police Give your name Remain anonymous Why: 3. You are writing a request card to a radio music program. Your name might be announced all over your country. Give your name Remain anonymous Why: 4. You donate a lot of money to charity. They want to list donors’ names in the local newspaper. Give your name Remain anonymous Why: UT af DY TOM Wing and Jay have a pecial relationship that Read the sto out: Why can’t they wl i anyone? Let me tell you about Wing. Hes the funniest person I know—he can always make me laugh, even when I feel blue, He works hard at his job, and all his co-workers think he’s great. He interested in movies and tennis and polities, just like me, He’ the perfec partner—only I cant tell ani Wing and I are a cou —a homosexual, or ey ‘cou We've been together for almost nee Tale ae a some marriages last, We try to spend as much time together as swe Gai, blir Because We me gaye there is always a problem. ‘When we go to parties, I anit introduce Wing as my part- ner. I have to say, “This isa friend ‘of mine.” We never go to the same restaurant more than once ‘or twice together because people might nod ie together, as otheF catiplesdo. No one wants to live near a homo- sexual couple cant even tell my family about Wing, My parents dont know that I'm gay. They think there is something wrong with homosexuals, that were not “normal.” So my mother is always asking me, “When are you going to find a nice girl and cet married?” I wish I could tell er that I've already found the right person for me. But my par- ents would never speak to me again. They would worry so much about what their friends would think of their homosexual son, I know in some countries, like the United States, this is not such a big problem. But itis here. 4X A Iwonder why society isnt more understanding, cant scope Soule Tae potking wrong wit a with me, We ae ust ke ge te ese, We dont have tga thac other people might catchy Neocron eels who would like co be treated with respect. Wing and I dont want any special treatment. We dont want to change the world. We just want to be together without hiding all the time. What's wrong with that? mu mie cvossany [pace 94) = homosanual » gay + accept us »'bo treated wich respect Should people ke Wing and Jay be able to live openly as @ d Ree TE fomosexcal couple? Check your opnion ee CW Sure. Gay people have the same right CVI don’e know. I juse don't think as everyone else to find a partner and | bbe happy, TI say no. Ie makes me'teally ) ( CL say yes. If more gay couples ) ( Absolutely not. uncomfortable ro be around” || lived openly it would be easer | | Homosexuality is wrong. people who are homosexuals. | | forsoctery to accepe them, Now exchange your ideas with a classmate. Tunw 70 Pace 89 ron aw INTERACTION TIP. Tee Ua ai] * What are some reasons for society to accept gay couples? Homosexuals deserve to have partners and be happy. * What are some reasons for society not to accept gay couples? Many people think homosexuality is wrong. Finder$ Keeper$ David always thought that he was an honest person. But something happened to him to make him wonder. Read the story and find out: What happened? nly ie was raining money. He looked up and saw, on as falling from the sky the bridge over his head, an eginning to cover the turned truck. The truck had ground like green snow. smashed into another truck. The David thought he was accident was so bad that all of dreaming. He saw $100 bills the money the truck was car everywhere. All he had to do ing spilled into the road. T was reach out and wind was blow- tal (ful. ing hard, so the Hedid. Hedid } bills were float- itagain. And ing all over. asain, Soon he David saw had more $100 people running P 8 bills chan he could Fer onmias hold. David saw ere shout an empty paper : ich other bag on the ground. i He filled ie up with more money and $100 bills. putting ie in purses and bags. Hef ater seen people working so quickly David then heard the sirens and saw the flash- ing lights on the police cars as they raced to the acci- nt on the bridge. He quickly When he gor home, David ‘counted the money he had picked up—almost $25,000. He had never seen so much money. And it was his! It belonged to him! Or did ie? David began to think about that. Did it really belong to him? IF it wasn't hi then whose money was it? Well, thought David, it might b to the bank. Ie was the bank’ truck that crashed, and the money came from that truck. Bur the money was just floating around. He had not robbed a bank or stolen the money from somebody. What he had done was different. And nobody knew him, Nobody ‘could say thir be biad picked up’ the money. And then David thought ofall of those other peo- ple who were picking up the money, just like he had done. But David was worried. He wondered ifhe should return the money. 1 He euossany (once 9) + an overturned truck + ssnashed into another truck » gathering money “piled inca'tns rant = hosting around rapbed a han Should David keep the money or return it? PUR RUALS Eheck your opinion C1 He should keep it. I think the bank had insurance on the money, so nobody actually Jose any money. So why not keep it? (D He should keep it. Nobody) { SI Maybe he should return will know. He was lucky! half of the money, just in case somebody saw him there. 1 He has co recur it. Otherwise he will feel guile. Now exchange your ideas with a classmate. Turw ro Pace 89 Fon an INTERACTION TIP. Teele me * If you found cash on the street, would you take it to the police? Or does it depend on the amount? L would take the cash to the police if it were if it were less than that. | would take it to the police whatever amount it was. ‘or more, but | would keep it * What would you do in the following situations? Would you be honest? Or would you be "silent"? Tbe‘vilene"™ —[behone. Your paycheck is suddenly $1,000 more than usual. The clerk at supermarket gives you change for a $100 bil, but it was actually a $50 bill. The water in a restaurant fongets to add $20 to your check for the bottle of wine you ordered. Your friend gives you $100 and says, “Thank you for lending me the Toney the Sther Gay” But you dant remember lending any money. (One morning you find $1,000 cash in an envelope in your mailbox. Nothing is wrzen on the envelope. oa A Mother?s Story My heart jumped with joy wi Have you ever wished that another person were dea This mother did. Read the story and find out: Why did she want aman to die? en he was dead. I knew then, when the electricity was sent into that man's body, that I would finally have peace. Am La thirsty for blood? Do I get excited when people are killed? No, no, no! am nota monster. Lam a mother whose 18-year-old son was killed during a robbery. Before Wang was killed, I had not thought much about capital punishment. Maybe I thought it was wrong. Afterall, killing someone who has killed someone else really doesnt help much, The other person is still dead, and killing the mur- derer just adds to the violence. Bue thac all changed when my only son was killed. Iehap- pened five years ago. Wang was working at a grocery store, Fle had just fin- ished high school and was going to go toa good university ina month. He was work- ing co earn money to help pay for his educa- tion, Two men entered the store, They told my son to take all che money from the cash reg- isters and put itin a bag. He did this. Then they ordered Wang to ‘open the safe. Wang told them that he did mot have che key, One of the men had a gun and threatened to shoot Wang. My son pleaded with him and rold him thar only the owner had the key. The gunman then shot him five times in the face and heart. My son died inscantly. Both robbers were cap- tured. The one who shot my son was sentenced to death in the electric chair. I asked to see him die. I wanted to be there. I needed to be there. My son's death had to be repaid. So L watched when they strapped him in. I saw him beg- ging for his life. Good, I thought, beg all you can, You must die for what you did. T think about capital pun- ishment often now: KG wrong. But if you kill, eld pay sacs ora es Ies che only way we can stop all the violen: 1 nee cwossary (ence 84) + a monster » capital punishment + volonce» cosh ‘+ s2fe + pleaded with him» instantiy» were captured © repaid * 3 io Which opinions do you agree with? d RAUB Check se many os you went U1 Ifyou kill someone, you have to die, too. That is your punishmens, The only excep- ‘one in his right mind would kill another tion to capital punishment is self-defense. person. That's why I chink: murderers = should be put in mental hospitals. = \VG as 4 4 OF Capital punishment is DF Capical punishment is neces-) ( O Life in prison is the right wrong. We should never kill sary. Ithelps prevent murder, sencence for a murderer. anyone, no matter how terrible the crime. Now exchange your ideas with @ classmate, Tunw 7o Pace 89 ron aw INTERACTION TIP, In which situations do you think it is OK to use the death LOOKING AT THE ISSUE RMsan# Criminal A kidnapped and killed a young child. Criminal B set fire to a house, and the fire killed three people and injured many others. Criminal C broke into a house, killed the two residents, and stole their money. Criminal D. it i li Grieming| D went into e school yard and fired a machine gun, killing many Criminal E set a bomb to explode in an office building, killing many people. Criminal F raped and killed several women. Criminal G had her husband killed so that she would receive a large sum of insurance money. The death penalty should never be used in any situation,

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