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Nonlinear Regression

• An extended linear regression technique

Nonlinear Regression in R in which a nonlinear mathematical model
is used to describe the relationship
between the response variable and the
predictor variables.
• A nonlinear regression model is a model
Violeta I. Bartolome that contains at least one of the
Senior Associate Scientist
parameters in a nonlinear form
PBGB-CRIL • Example

Y = αXβ + ε ε ~ N( 0, σ 2 )

Linearized Nonlinear Model Parameter Estimation

• The linearized form of the example is: • Iterative procedures are used
log Y = log α + β log X • May require users to supply initial
• The normality assumption for the error term estimates of parameters
will not be appropriate for the linearized • User should know the biological
form. interpretation of the parameters to
• Hence, if a nonlinear model is assumed to provide intelligent initial values.
be appropriate for the data, the nonlinear • The function getInitial() may also be
model should be used for the analysis used.
instead of the linearized form.
Read and Plot Data
Logistic growth curve
• Sample data
Graph shows a logistic
Severity represents the number
of lesions on the leaf surface,
standardized as a proportion of
the maximum. Logistic model:

1 + eβ −rt

Initial values Estimate Parameters

SSlogis creates initial estimates of the parameters Asym,

xmid, and scal from the model:
y= xmid−input xmid
1+e scal α = Asym β=
The model that we are estimating is: r = 1 t = input
1 + eβ −rt
Check fit of data

Other Non-linear Models Other Non-linear Models

• Exponential • Monomolecular

y = y0erx + ε y = 1 − (1 − y0 )e −rx + ε
Other Non-linear Models Other Non-linear Models
• Logistic • Gompertz

1 − y0 y = e log y0 e −rx
y0e −rx

Other Non-linear Models

• Weibull

 x −a 
− 
y = 1−e  b  Thank you!

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