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Drug Study

Name of Drug Classification Adverse effect Indication Contraindication Nursing Considerations

It is effective for
Cefuroxime ANTIINFECTIVE; Body as a Whole: the treatment of
Hypersensitivity to • Determine history of
IV 50mg q6 ANTIBIOTIC; SECOND- Thrombophlebitis penicillinase-
cephalosporins and related hypersensitivity
GENERATION (IV site); pain, producing Neisseria
antibiotics; pregnancy reactions to
CEPHALOSPORIN burning, cellulitis gonorrhoea (PPNG).
(category B), lactation. cephalosporins,
(IM site); Effectively treats
superinfections, bone and joint penicillins, and history
positive Coombs' infections, of allergies,
test. bronchitis, particularly to drugs,
GI: Diarrhea, meningitis, before therapy is
nausea, antibiotic- gonorrhea, otitis initiated.
associated colitis. media, • Inspect IM and IV
Skin: Rash, pharyngitis/tonsilliti injection sites
pruritus, urticaria. s, sinusitis, lower frequently for signs of
Urogenital: respiratory tract phlebitis.
Increased serum infections, skin and • Report onset of loose
creatinine and soft tissue stools or diarrhea.
BUN, decreased infections, urinary Although
creatinine tract infections, and pseudomembranous
clearance. is used for surgical colitis.
• Monitor I&O rates and
reducing or
pattern: Especially
important in severely
ill patients receiving
high doses. Report
any significant
Classification Adverse effect Indication Contraindication Nursing Consideration
Name of Drug

Proph Assessment & Drug Effects

GI: Nausea,
ylaxis and
Ascorbic acid Vitamins vomiting, treatment of scurvy
Use of sodium ascorbate in • Lab tests: Periodic Hct
0.5 bid heartburn, and as a dietary
patients on sodium & Hgb, serum
diarrhea. restriction; use of calcium electrolytes.
ascorbate in patients
Hematologic: Increases receiving digitalis. Safety
• Monitor for S&S of
acute hemolytic
Acute hemolytic protection during pregnancy
anemia, sickle cell
mechanism of the (category C) or lactation is
anemia (patients crisis.
immune system, not established.
with deficiency of thus supporting
wound healing. Patient & Family
G6PD); sickle cell
Necessary for Education
crisis. CNS: wound healing and
resistance to Take large doses of
Headache (high
infection. vitamin C in divided
amounts because the body
Urogenital: uses only what is needed
Urethritis, dysuria, at a particular time and
excretes the rest in urine.
crystalluria (high
doses). Other:
• Megadoses can
Mild soreness at interfere with
absorption of vitamin
injection site;
dizziness and
temporary Note: Vitamin C increases the
faintness with rapid absorption of iron when taken
at the same time as iron-rich
IV administration. foods.
Classification Adverse effect Indication Contraindication Nursing Consideration
Name of Drug

Assessment & Drug Effects

Paracetamol drops Non-opioid analgesic

60mg/ml 1.5ml q4
Side effects are To relieve mild to Hypersensitivity to • Monitor for S&S of:
rare with moderate pain due acetaminophen or hepatotoxicity, even
paracetamol when to things such as phenacetin; use with with moderate
it is taken at the headache, muscle alcohol. acetaminophen doses,
recommended and joint pain, especially in
doses. Skin rashes, backache and individuals with poor
blood disorders period pains. It is nutrition.
and acute also used to bring
inflammation of the down a high Patient & Family Education
pancreas have temperature. For • Do not take other
occasionally this reason, medications (e.g., cold
occurred in people paracetamol can be preparations)
taking the drug on given to children containing
a regular basis for after vaccinations acetaminophen
a long time. One to prevent post- without medical
advantage of immunisation advice; overdosing
paracetamol over pyrexia (high and chronic use can
aspirin and NSAIDs temperature). cause liver damage
is that it doesn't Paracetamol is and other toxic
irritate the often included in effects.
stomach or causing cough, cold and flu
it to bleed, remedies.
• Do not self-medicate
potential Side children for pain more
effects of aspirin than 5 d without
and NSAIDs. consulting a physician.
• Do not use for fever
persisting longer than
3 d, fever over 39.5°
C (103° F), or
recurrent fever.
• Do not give children
more than 5 doses in
24 h unless prescribed
by physician.
Classification Adverse effect Indication Contraindication Nursing Consideration
Name of Drug

Assessment & Drug Effects

• Monitor for S&S of
Ambroxol Mucolytic aspiration of excess
Occasional Adjuvant therapy in There are no absolute
0.5m tid secretions, and for
gastrointestinal patients with contraindication but in bronchospasm
abnormal, viscid, or
side effects may inspissated mucous
patients with gastric (unpredictable);
occur but these secretions in acute ulceration relative withhold drug and
are almost caution should be notify physician
and chronic
immediately if either
invariably mild. bronchopulmonary observed.
diseases, and in
pulmonary • Lab tests: Monitor
complications of ABGs, pulmonary
cystic fibrosis and functions and pulse
surgery, oximetry as indicated.
tracheostomy, and • Have suction
atelectasis. Also apparatus
used in diagnostic immediately
bronchial studies available. Increased
and as an antidote volume of respiratory
for acute tract fluid may be
acetaminophen liberated; suction or
poisoning. endotracheal
aspiration may be
necessary to establish
and maintain an open
Patient & Family Education
• Report difficulty with
clearing the airway or
any other respiratory

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