911 Call Transcript

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911 Call Transcript

Dispatcher: Ocean City Emergency, may I help you?

Caller: Yeah, I've got umm, my brother-in-law is passed out on the boat. Bayshore Court.
Dispatcher: It’s called the Bay Shore Court?
Caller: Yes, Bay Shore Court, hold on I'm looking for the exact street number, it’s at the very end of
BayShore Drive. They are on the boat with him right now, it’s on the dock, I mean it’s on the lift.
Dispatcher: Do you know the name of the building
Caller: ahh, 14 Bayshore Court.
Dispatcher: 14 Bayshore Court?
Caller: Yep. Hurry up he's unconscious, he's __________________
Dispatcher: And he's in Bayshore Court, Ocean City, Maryland?
Caller: Yes! It’s at the end of Bayshore Drive.
Dispatcher: Ok
Caller: I think he's having a heart attack!
Dispatcher: What’s your name please?
Caller: Cheryl Monno. I will be here on this phone.
Dispatcher: Give me your phone number Cheryl...ok, is he conscious?
Caller: No, he's breathing but he's not conscious. I'll meet the ambulance out front; we're only about a
mile away
Dispatcher: Ma'am they're in from the water, I have a few questions, I'm going to send the paramedics to
you but I need you to answer some questions for me first. One is there a building in front of you can give
me an exact name.
Caller: it's a townhouse, if they go to.
Dispatcher: 620 unit 14, does that sound right?
Caller: Hey Jackie are you 620? 614 Bayshore Court, unit 14
Dispatcher: 614 ok that helps a lot more. Ok, how old did you say he was?
Caller: Pardon me?
Dispatcher: How old did you say he was?
Caller: he is 50.
Dispatcher He is 50?
Caller: yeah, you want me to go outside and wait for the ambulance? You go John, unless this woman tell
us we should do CPR
Dispatcher: you said he was breathing correct?
Caller: He's unconscious but breathing...
But he's breathing funny
Dispatcher: Ma'am as long as he's breathing you don't do CPR, hold on please ok?
Caller: ok. Alright don't do CPR she says as long as he's breathing
Dispatcher: But he is unconscious?
Caller: Yes
Dispatcher: Have you got him off the boat yet?
Caller: No, he's laying face down
Dispatcher: In the boat?
Caller: Yes.
Dispatcher: And you're with him correct?
Caller: Yes. No wait for the paramedics to get here.
Jackie we're going to stay with him, go get your purse and your insurance cards so when they get here I
can take you that way.
Dispatcher: When you said he wasn't breathing, what kind of noises is he making? Or how does it sound?
Caller: how does it sound when your dad breathes?
No now.
Dispatcher: Does he have any history of heart problems?
Caller: No.
Dispatcher: He's unconscious now right?
Caller: Yes. I mean how long, the fire station is only just a mile away.
Dispatcher, Ma'am I need the answers to these questions and the paramedics are on the way. Have him
stay like how he is and they'll be there in a few minutes, ok.
Caller: he's face down
Dispatcher: ok. ok
Caller: Is he still breathing Dennis? Are you sure he doesn't need CPR, Ma'am
Dispatcher: As long as he's breathing, no Ma'am
Caller: Alright let me get up in the boat and see, hold on.
Dispatcher: Hold on, I'll come right back to you ok
(tones and dispatch)
Caller: Ma'am, I don't think he is now. Ma'am?
Caller Ma'am he's not breathing now
Dispatcher: Ok. Is he alright?
Dispatcher: He is not breathing now?
Caller: No, tell me what do, hurry it up here.
Dispatcher: ok, ok, you've got to get him out of the boat and flat on his back, ok?
Caller: tell john to get back here, alright hold on
Dispatcher: hold on a second (talks to paramedics) "he just stopped breathing 5:26 CPR in progress"
Caller: I've got him on his back.
Dispatcher: CPR in progress
Caller: come on tell me what to do ma'am he's not breathing
Dispatcher: ok ok hold on a second
Caller: No, (inaudible) hold on
Dispatcher: paramedic 1-1 can you walk her through CPR so I can (inaudible)
Caller: Now!
Dispatcher: ok ma'am there's someone else going to come on the line
Caller: Ok, just hurry it up
Dispatcher: Ok she's coming on the line now and she's going to walk you through it, ok?
Caller: Right now Ma'am
Dispatcher: Ma'am the paramedics are on their way, and she's going to come on the line now and speak
with you ok?
Caller: Yes
Dispatcher: Ok, hold on. You've got him flat on your back correct?
Caller: Yes. Yes he's flat on his back, help me out here.
Dispatcher: Ok, just pull the thing up
Caller: Now Ma'am, hurry up.
Radio traffic: That's a silent alarm response
Caller: Now
Dispatcher: Trying to get it now, she's screaming in my ear, so we're transferring call takers
Caller: Oh for god sakes
Dispatcher: Ma'am
Caller: Yes
Dispatcher: she's picking up the line for you ok?
Caller: Hurry Up
Dispatcher 2: Are you there?
Caller: Yeah
Dispatcher 2: Is he laying flat on his back?
7:10 Caller: Yes he's flat on his back, come on help me out
Dispatcher 2: Okay, place your hand on his forehead and your other hand under his neck and tilt his head
back. Put your ear to his mouth, do you hear any breathing?
Caller: No
Dispatcher 2: You can't hear any breathing. Do you see any vomit or anything in his mouth?
Caller: No just a little saliva
Dispatcher 2: Ok I'm going to tell you how to give mouth to mouth ok?
Caller: Pardon me?
Dispatcher 2: I'm going to tell you how to give mouth to mouth
Caller: Ok, so tell me.
Dispatcher 2: With his head tilted back, pinch his nose closed, and completely cover his mouth with your
mouth, blow two regular breaths into his lungs about one a second. His chest should rise with each
breath. Do you feel the air going in and out?
Caller: No.
Dispatcher 2: You don't feel the air going in or out?
--blow harder blow harder.
Caller: No, no nothing.
Dispatcher 2: You're not getting air in?
Caller: I'm getting air in; I'm not getting any air out ma'am.
Dispatcher 2: Ok, but is his chest rising when you blow in?
Caller: I don't know. Tell me if his chest is rising
Unidentified man: blow real hard, blow real hard.
Dispatcher 2: Is there someone else who can
Unidentified man: get out of the way, get out of the way
Caller: Go ahead.
Dispatcher 2: is he doing CPR now?
Caller: He's doing CPR now.
Dispatcher 2: Does he know how too or does he need instruction also
Caller: the ambulance just showed up
Dispatcher 2: Ok, wave them down, but make sure you keep
Unidentified man: 'come on man'
Dispatcher 2: Is he doing chest compressions
Medics: Get out the way; get out the way get out the way
Dispatcher 2: Ma'am
Dispatcher 2: Are the paramedics with them? Ma'am? Ma'am.

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