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Serving the Soldiers, Civilians and Families of 2nd BCT, 4th Inf. Div. Issue 35 Nov.

18, 2010

Maintainers maintain maintenance bays

Story and photo by Spc. Jilasia DeBaugh the bays, senior leadership worked tirelessly to pit covers were replaced with vibrant yellow
204th Brigade Support Battalion integrate what was needed to improve safety ones. A new safety board displaying proper
Mechanics often drive beat-up vehicles. and efficiency. procedures was put up for Soldiers to refer to.
Carpenters often live in unfinished homes. To improve visibility, the aged wooden A new clear eye washing station was installed
Barbers often have bad haircuts. Those and is easy to use and readily available.
responsible to maintain other’s property Chief Warrant Officer Travis
rarely have time to maintain their own Ogletree, the safety officer in charge
equipment. for Company B, says, Soldiers must
Company B, 204th Brigade Support inject a safety mindset into everything
Battalion has been bucking that trend by they do whether it be at home or on
improving its maintenance bays. duty.
In order to achieve a higher standard When it comes to maintaining ones
of excellence, Soldiers have been work area every Soldier is responsible.
covering down for each other so that There is always room for improvement
they can still perform their mission. The and with pro-active leadership the
services shop has been especially busy changes will be made expeditiously.
with vehicle turn-ins so the recovery The Black Knights are a prime
section of headquarters platoon stepped- example of striving for excellence in
in to provide support by taking over performance by implementing high
Black Knight’s service and recovery team (from left) Staff Sgt. Farmer, Spc. Scott, Sgt.
tracked vehicle jobs. In order to improve Cuhna and in the turret Staff Sgt. Gaston work on the engine of a 113. standards.

Commander’s Corner the platoon level, Oct. 25 thru

Nov 5. Each day the platoons
executed a different mission,
the flexibility and competence of
the Thunder Battalion Soldiers
and Leaders. The technical and
Also, we are standing up our rear including a cordon and search, tactical proficiency demonstrated
detachment and completing the key leader engagement, long by Thunder Pride Soldiers is
transition from artillery missions range marksmanship, react to exemplary and truly shows the
to executing maneuver missions contact, react to an Improvised hard work and dedication they
as we prepare for our Operation Explosive Device and react to a have exhibited over the past
Enduring Freedom deployment. complex attack. The culmination months.
The Thunder Battalion said of each week was a night time 20 I am truly proud of everything
farewell to Capt. David Nash, kilometer platoon dismounted the Thunder Pride Battalion
Capt. Jon Holm, Capt. Adam patrol including reacting to Soldiers have accomplished
Cmerek, and Capt. Lyndsey Nott, enemy contact. throughout the various
Oct. 6 thru Nov 6. They each had Each battery is scheduled transitions of the past few
commanded during Operation to execute two separate live months and am steadfastly
Iraqi Freedom in 2009. While fire exercises Thursday and looking toward the future.
Lt. Col. Thomas Munsey, commander losing these great commanders is Friday. The first live fire will With Operation Warhorse
3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery difficult, we welcome Capt. John be an artillery mission and Blitz and the Mission Readiness
Heidenreich, Capt. David Pierce, shooting the Howitzers in order Exercise at the Joint Readiness
The Thunder Battalion is Capt. Bau Arias, and Capt. to certify the EQ 36 radar that Training Center on the horizon,
currently in a time of great James Barr to the Thunder Pride the target acquisition platoon I know that the hard work the
transition. We held change team and are excited for them to has been fielding throughout Thunder Battalion has put in
of command ceremonies for continue the great traditions of November. The second will be will pay off immensely. I look
Headquarters and Headquarters our Battalion. a maneuver mission, with each forward to the challenges and
Battery, Automatic Battery, The Battalion executed battery executing mounted and training opportunities for the
Bulldog Battery and Gladiator complex dismounted and dismounted platoon live fires. Thunder Battalion’s future
Forward Support Company. mounted maneuver missions at These two training exercises show endeavors.
page 2 Warhorse Pride Issue 35 Nov. 18, 2010

Apache Troop learns importance

of information operations
Story by Capt. Geoffrey Guinnup perceived soft spot in the base. Responding to
1st Squadron, 10th Cavalry Regiment the situation, Soldiers and their local national
The 1st Squadron, 10th Cavalry Regiment role-players approached the separate group.
‘Tis the season to be wary. For many unsuspecting
participated in the brigade’s platoon level The situation quickly turned violent, resulting Soldiers, DA civilians and family members, the holiday
season can be a time of crisis. Out on the streets and
training exercise, Warhorse Blitz over the past in the wounding of one local civilian and the trolling the internet lurks the seasoned holiday predator,
searching for their next target of opportunity. During the
two weeks. death of two of the armed holiday season, take the following precautions to help
prevent becoming a victim.
The Soldiers locals who tried to enter Store Shopping Safety
pushed themselves the base. Enemy forces • Don't leave valuables visible in your vehicle;
through daily quickly spun the story to especially, newly purchased items.
missions focused their advantage, resulting • Store newley purchased items in trunk
• Don't flash a lot of money as you are paying
on providing them in increased hostile action for purchases
with realistic combat against the troop. The • Never carry more packages/bags than you
can comfortably carry to your vehicle
scenarios full of story brought the interest • Be alert for pickpockets
ethical dilemmas, of several “international • During hours of darkness, park and walk in
lighted areas if possible
quick decisions and news agencies” that • Shop in a group or at least in pairs.
detailed planning. wanted to find the truth • Always present an alert appearance.
• Visit ATM's only at well-light and populated
Each morning the in the situation. The next areas; try to visit during daylight hours
Soldiers from 1st Squadron, 10th Calavry Regiment detain a local •Leave your children with a baby-sitter if
platoons began their national as part of a mission during Warhorse Blitz. day one of the reporters possible
preparation for the was granted an interview • Teach children to go to a store clerk or
day’s mission and set off expecting the best with the troop commander. security guard if separated from you
• Return to store for assistance if you spot
but planning for the worst. The scenario showed Apache Troop the suspicious activity near your vehicle.
Apache Troop encountered a difficult challenges they could encounter in future • Carry minimal cash and valuables, and wear
minimal jewelry.
scenario, Nov 14. Having just conducted operations. It also stressed the importance • Keep vehicle doors and windows closed and
a cordon and search that resulted in of information, public relations, and the locked when they are not in use
apprehending a corrupt enemy supporting media in the conflicts the American Army Online Shopping Safety
local leader, the Soldiers of Apache Troop has been fighting for the past nine years. • Check out the seller To lear
found local citizens approaching their gates Armed with their experiences and successes • Read return policies about n more
visit the FTonline safety,
to complain about the arrest and voice their from Warhorse Blitz, Apache Troop and 1st • Know what you’re getting O
C’s OnGu
• Look for signs a site is safe http://onnline site at d
support of the arrested leader. As part of Sqdn., 10th Cav. Reg. look forward to putting • Secure your home computer guardonli
the scenario, the locals approached, a group their skills to the test at the Joint Readiness • Don’t fall for a false email or popup
• Keep a paper trail
broke off and attempted to break through a Training Center.

Warhorse Pride The Warhorse Pride is produced in the interest of the fairs Office.
Soldiers of the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry The Warhorse Pride welcomes articles, commen-
Division. The Warhorse Pride is an Army-funded news- tary, and photos from readers. The Warhorse Pride
letter authorized under provision of AR 360-1. reserves the right to edit submissions selected for the
Col. John S. Kolasheski..................2nd BCT Commander Contents of The Warhorse Pride are publication.
Command Sgt. Maj. Ralph Delosa............2nd BCT CSM not necessarily the views of, nor endorsed by the, U.S. All issues of the Warhorse Pride can be viewed
Maj. Kevin Toner...............................................2nd BCT PAO government, Department of Defense, Department of the online from your home computer at www.facebook.
Spc. April York........................................Layout and Design Army or the 4th Infantry Division. All editorial content com/2bct4id
Sgt. Seth Barham............................................................Editor of The Warhorse Pride is prepared, edited, provided and Submissions should be emailed to the
Sgt. Ruth Pagan...............................................................Editor approved by the 2nd Brigade Combat Team Public Af- editor:

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