Form Filling QC & Procedure

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Rules For Filling Forms

1. First name & Surname should be Same as in the image. Spelling should be accurate
no errors should be Found in the field.

2. DOB Should be matched appropriately Format should be same as given.

3. Address Location Should be Exact What is given. State, Town should be must for
Processing the form.

4. Check for Foreign Characters in whole form when you come across. If Foreign
characters found the Form Would be Totally Rejected.

5. Phone number & Fax always to be + sign instead of 00.Check for spaces.Pls
follow unique format(eg:+1 301 123 1312) .

6.Verify email address (mistake can happen like double space,Comma,@,Pullstop)

7. Check For unwanted Characters symbols in Each Field if found forms would totally
deject in the database.

8. Barcode produced on the image should be same as you had typed in in the field

9. Names and other Details Starting Alphabet should be in Capital Letters only. Other
Letter following wld be in small letters.

10. In addresses Field The exact address should be given For eg address1 should be in
same address1 coloumn if its is mismatched the form wont be Processed

11. If the Above mentioned isn’t followed the process would be totally barred.

12. 100% Accuracy is needed in the Project as the Project is based on a High Term
Client The quality should be maintained thoroughly.

13. If any errors found in any Single Form the link database would be totally
declined, And You cant process further forms, its highly sensitive process

Please follow the rules in Quality check too.

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