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The M&A Journal

The independent report on deals and dealmakers Volume 8 Number 7

M&A Engagement Letters:

Trend Spotting and Hostile Takeovers
Brad L. Bacon1

2007 was an interesting year for M&A law- ment banks, some of which are discussed below.
yers, thanks in large part to a deterioration of Given that unsolicited offers have once again
the credit markets during the second half of the become en vogue, also explained below is the
year. Several high-profile deals cratered (e.g., fee structure customarily employed when a tar-
Harman and United Rentals), while others closed get company hires an investment bank to help
only after they were re-priced (e.g., HD Supply thwart a hostile takeover.
and Lone Star Capital) or ended the year mired
in acrimonious litigation (e.g., Sallie Mae and Developing Issues & Trends
Not surprisingly, 2008 is shaping up to be A. Conflicts of Interest.
another interesting year, as the credit crisis con- Given the choppy credit markets and that
tinues to reshape the M&A landscape. The credit investment banks have sued clients to nullify
crunch has wreaked further havoc on private funding commitments for deals they once sup-
equity deals, killing some (e.g., NIBC Holding ported, companies should be very cautious about
and Reddy Ice), pushing others to the brink of hiring an investment bank as both M&A advi-
failure (e.g., Clear Channel), and calling into sor and lead lender. As investment banks work
question the markets’ ability to absorb deals to strengthen their balance sheets over the next
coming down the pipeline (e.g., BCE and Penn several months, they may attempt to improve the
Gaming). Lenders have tried to escape funding pricing of, if not walk away from, “underwater”
commitments,3 and the federal government even financing commitments. Although companies
brokered a unique and controversial deal to save may be offended and angered when this hap-
once-storied Bear Stearns. The credit squeeze has pens, companies must appreciate that investment
also facilitated a resurgence of unsolicited bids banks are no different than other companies:
in large, strategic deals (e.g., Microsoft/Yahoo!, when push comes to shove, they will do what’s in
United Technologies/Diebold, Electronic Arts/ their own best interests.5
Take-Two Interactive, and Blockbuster/Circuit What should companies do to help avoid
City).4 unwieldy conflicts? First, before hiring an invest-
These events will certainly influence the way ment bank, a company should run to ground any
M&A agreements are drafted and, to the delight conflicts (potential or real) that exist at that time.
of M&A practitioners, may even produce mean- Commercial diligence will help to ensure that a
ingful guidance concerning “best efforts”, “mate- company is not caught by surprise by a conflict
rial adverse effect”, and other key contractual that existed when the engagement letter was
provisions. At the same time, these and other signed, which is inexcusable. Second, the engage-
recent events can be used to spot developing ment letter should make clear that the investment
issues and trends in terms of how companies bank has an obligation to bring to the company’s
negotiate M&A engagement letters with invest- attention any conflicts (potential or real) that

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The M&A journal

Engagement Letters centage of the success fee payable at closing.

Companies sometimes pay a portion (say, 20-40
continued percent) of the success fee before closing when
certain milestones are achieved; however, in
arise during the term of the engagement, and today’s market, it may be more appropriate to tie
require the company’s consent for any action that most of the success fee to closing (for instance,
crystallizes a conflict of interest (e.g., providing 75-90 percent of the success fee paid at closing).
“stapled” financing to the buyer in a sell-side This approach further reduces the risk that com-
engagement or joining the bank syndicate pro- panies will have to pay sizeable fees to their M&A
viding the acquisition financing in a buy-side advisors for deals that cannot be completed.
engagement). Here, notice and consent rights are Also, considering the increasing rate at which
reasonable tools to help companies avoid and deals seem to be failing and the sheer size of
manage conflict situations. the termination/settlement payments associ-
Companies should also consider the interplay ated with failed deals7, investment banks may
between the conflict provisions and the termi- push for a bigger slice of any termination fees
nation and remedy provisions. For example, to paid to sellers. The bankers will make arguments
motivate its investment bankers to avoid con- grounded in fairness, and companies will coun-
flict situations, companies should consider nego- ter by pointing out the “high risk, high reward”
tiating the right to terminate the engagement nature of the advisory business and arguing that
(without being subject to a fee tail) if a conflict large success fees compensate them for wearing
of interest materializes based on the investment this risk. Nevertheless, sellers could face more
bank’s unilateral actions. Investment banks may push back from investment banks on this point
resist this termination right without a fair degree until the markets improve and, in turn, deal vol-
of specificity around the definition of conflict ume and deal certainty improve.8
of interest; however, given the intense scrutiny
about conflicts over the past several years, direc- C. Fairness Opinions.
tors’ fiduciary duties to shareholders, and vari- Relying heavily upon the terms of an M&A
ous other factors, investment banks should con- engagement letter, a federal court of appeals
cede this right so long as a company’s board recently affirmed a trial court’s decision that an
makes a good-faith determination that a conflict investment bank was not grossly negligent for
of interest exists and that elimination of the con- issuing a fairness opinion based on management
flict is in the best interest of the company and its projections (which may have contained unrealis-
shareholders (therefore, justifying termination tic forecasts), or for failing to withdraw or update
of the engagement letter). Moreover, companies its fairness opinion after several adverse events
should consider whether, as a commercial mat- occurred that undercut assumptions used by the
ter, termination of the engagement letter alone is investment bank to issue the fairness opinion.
an acceptable remedy.6 In The HA2003 Liquidating Trust v. Credit
Suisse Securities (USA) LLC 9, HA-LO Industries
B. Fees. hired Credit Suisse as its M&A advisor in con-
Investment banks are charging less in today’s nection with HA-LO’s acquisition of Starbelly.
environment and accepting engagements they com, Inc. Credit Suisse issued a fairness opin-
may not have accepted early last year. This should ion to HA-LO’s board of directors representing
come as no surprise, as keeping people busy (even that, as of the signing date, the merger consider-
if busy on less profitable work) is traditionally ation was fair to HA-LO from a financial point
a better alternative to employee lay-offs. Along of view. After the deal closed, HA-LO filed for
similar lines, it should come as no surprise that bankruptcy protection and a trust created for
companies now have more leverage to further HA-LO’s creditors sued Credit Suisse, alleging it
back-load the payment of success fees, and that should (i) not have relied on management’s pro-
investment banks may push harder for inclusion jections, but instead, made its fairness determina-
of “break” fees in M&A engagement letters. tion based on information provided to HA-LO’s
Deal certainty is important to companies when board by another consultant (Ernest & Young),
the markets are good, but it becomes even more and (ii) have withdrawn its fairness opinion or
important (particularly to sellers) when the mar- issued a new fairness opinion after the market
kets are bad. Accordingly, to motivate its invest- price of several dot-com companies began to
ment bankers to help sign up a deal that can be decline.10 The trial court held that Credit Suisse
closed in jittery market conditions, a company was entitled to rely on projections provided by
should strongly consider making a higher per- HA-LO without independent verification under

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the M&A journal

the terms of its engagement letter and, therefore, specific banker relationships and those consider-
Credit Suisse had not been grossly negligent. On ing investment banks rumored to be acquisition
appeal, the Seventh Circuit affirmed. targets.13 In addition to increasingly using “key
man” provisions to preserve relationships and
M&A engagement letters, particularly for sell- help maintain consistency and quality of the
side deals, frequently contemplate the issuance M&A advice, companies are urged to focus on
of a fairness opinion as part of the investment what the consequences (e.g., grounds for termina-
bank’s mandate. When this happens, the engage- tion or fee reduction) should be if a “key man”
ment letter commonly provides that the fairness provision cannot be honored or there’s a change-
opinion will be issued in such form as the invest- in-control of the investment bank.
ment bank determines appropriate (which may Moreover, because they may help to reduce
include statements in the fairness opinion that the risk that the investment bank will walk away
the investment bank has relied upon information from a financing commitment, “key man” pro-
provided by the client and has assumed the accu- visions are valuable to companies considering
racy and completeness of such information).11 an investment bank for both M&A adviser and
Generally speaking, when negotiating engage- lender roles. The involvement of highly-regarded
ment letters, the expectation has been that invest- partners and senior managing directors on a
ment banks have no obligation to update or with- project, as memorialized in the engagement let-
draw any fairness opinion issued as part of their ter, may create more political pressure within
engagements, although this expectation typically the investment bank to honor its commitment
didn’t manifest itself in writing until a written should the firm decides to reduce its funding
fairness opinion was delivered. In light of the exposure under various M&A financing com-
HA2003 decision, however, investment banks mitments. In other words, if an investment bank
may attempt to clarify in M&A engagement let- later determines it must further jettison funding
ters that they have no obligation to update or commitments to help shore up its balance sheet,
withdraw any fairness opinion issued as part of the involvement of prominent investment bank-
their engagements.12 ers in the company’s deal could help favorably
The HA2003 decision also suggests that, if sway the investment bank to follow through on
companies really want the fairness opinion to its financing commitment to the company.
cover fairness as of the closing date of a transac-
tion, they can always negotiate for that right. E. Financing Rights.
Companies may revisit the commercial value When negotiating the engagement letter, an
of being able to have multiple opinions issued investment bank will often request the right to
by their M&A advisors in light of the HA2003 arrange the acquisition financing or other financ-
decision. As a practical matter, however, having ing work (e.g., equity placements and interest
the right to have a fairness opinion issued by its rate swaps) required by the company in con-
investment bank after a deal is signed has lim- nection with the transactions covered by the
ited value, because M&A deals are rarely condi- M&A engagement letter. In the past, companies
tioned upon the delivery of a “bring down” fair- would weigh the pros and cons of going this
ness opinion at closing. In circumstances where route before deciding whether to grant or reject
another fairness opinion may add value (e.g., a the request. Today, companies should be reluc-
board of directors is deciding whether to extend tant to even consider this request, based in part
the termination date of a cash-and-stock merger on the volatile market conditions, concerns that
after a significant period of time has passed since Bear Stearns might not be the only investment
the deal was signed), the company can simply bank to implode, the fact that lenders are suing
ask its investment bank to issue another fairness their clients to avoid financing commitments,
opinion, even if it means paying a little extra to etc. This is not to say a company cannot decide
receive an updated fairness opinion. to obtain acquisition or take-out financing from
the investment bank, but commercial flexibility
D. “Key Man” Provisions. on financing matters is even more important for
The turn-over rate among investment bankers companies in today’s credit environment.
is relatively high in normal market conditions,
and it only seems to increase when the markets Fee Structures: Defending Hostile
take a turn for the worse. Higher turn-over rates Takeover Bids
help to explain why “key man” provisions are
becoming more important to companies, particu- When a company learns that an unsolicited
larly those that hire an investment bank based on Engagement Letters

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The M&A journal

Engagement Letters Success Fee has not been paid to us pursuant

to paragraph ( ) below and (ii) a Triggering
continued Event 15 has occurred, then the Company
will pay, or cause to be paid, to us in cash
bid has been or will be made for the company, an advisory fee of $( ) on each Trigger
it will customarily hire experienced legal and Date and on each of the next two succes-
financial advisors to help understand the process sive three-month anniversaries thereof. The
and the company’s options, if not develop a plan Company’s obligation to pay us pursuant to
to thwart the takeover offer. Because hostile take- this paragraph will survive any termination
overs are often the weapon of last resort for the of our services under this Agreement any
interested buyer, most companies have not nego- decision by [Potential Acquirer] and/or any
tiated M&A engagement letters with investment other person or group (as defined in Section
banks in these settings. Experienced legal counsel 13 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
can be invaluable with helping to negotiate these amended), including the Company or any of
engagement letters, as the fee structures can be its subsidiaries, to cease pursuing a transac-
complicated and involve significant fees. tion with the Company. The advisory fee,
Because hostile takeover bids frequently turn to the extent paid, will be credited on a one-
into negotiated deals, the fees paid to investment time basis against the Success Fee (or any
banks in these engagements normally include part thereof) that becomes payable within 12
both “stand alone” and transactional elements. A months of the date of this Agreement pursu-
company will customarily pay an advisory fee to ant to paragraph ( ) below.”
its M&A advisor while fending off the unwanted
offer, and agree to pay a success fee to its advisor As for the transactional element of these fee
if the unsolicited bid turns morphs into a negoti- arrangements, the success fees are very similar to
ated deal.14 As hostile takeover bids can require success fees structured for mergers, acquisitions,
tremendous up-front work by the advisors on and divestitures that do not involve unsolicited
very short notice, it is also common for compa- bids.16
nies to pay up-front retainer fees to their invest- Companies faced with defending hostile take-
ment bankers. over bids need to understand that investment
Advisory fees are normally paid on a monthly banks have significant bargaining leverage when
or quarterly basis, if not another period of short negotiating fees in these circumstances. This
duration such as each successive three-month leverage arises from a combination of factors,
anniversary of the date of the engagement letter such as the high-stakes nature of hostile take-
(the applicable payment date is herein referred to overs, the sense of urgency that executives often
as a “Triggering Date”). Subject to the termina- experience to respond immediately to unsolicited
tion provisions, the company will pay the same offers, the fact that executives may be panicking if
amount of advisory fees on each Triggering Date they haven’t been through this drill before, and a
so long as the hostile bid remains “live” and general lack of transparency around the fees paid
a success fee has not been paid. If the hostile to financial advisors in these situations (mak-
bid is withdrawn or otherwise ceases before a ing it more difficult for companies to determine
Triggering Date and a success fee has not be whether the fees being quoted are exorbitant).
paid, the company is sometimes required to pay As a result, companies should expect investment
the advisory fee on that Triggering Date and banks to attempt to extract lucrative fees in these
for an extended period of time following that engagements, if not better terms in general (e.g.,
Triggering Date, such as the next one or two suc- securing exclusivity, obtaining financing rights,
cessive payment periods. It is also customary that or negotiating longer fee tails).
a majority, if not all, of the advisory fees paid by In addition, companies should carefully con-
the company will be credited against any success sider how the fees are structured, as fees tied to
fee that becomes payable within a certain period a successful takeover defense could be criticized
of time (often, 12 months) following the date of by shareholders, proxy advisory firms, and other
the engagement agreement. To illustrate these interested parties. According to some invest-
points, a sample provision follows: ment bankers at major Wall Street firms, there
are no “standard” fee ranges for the retainer
“Advisory Fee. If, as of the three-month and advisory fees sought by investment banks
anniversary of this Agreement or any suc- under mandates related to defending hostile
cessive three-month anniversary thereof bids. Instead, because most investment banks
(each such date, a “Trigger Date”), (i) a have established internal guidelines spelling out

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the M&A journal

the minimum level of fees (say, $5 million) that Wachovia sued its client to avoid funding its
should be generated for this type of advisory portion of the acquisition financing needed by
work, most investment banks are willing to struc- the private equity buyer to purchase several tele-
ture the fees however a company prefers so long vision stations from Clear Channel. Although
as the minimum fee requirement will be satisfied. the lawsuit was dismissed and the acquisition
The bottom line is, as with any M&A engagement completed, Vice Chancellor Leo Strine provided
letter, companies should be mindful of percep- a gold nugget to M&A lawyers during one of
tions associated with large-dollar mandates. the hearings. Specifically, Vice Chancellor Strine
implied that, at least in private equity deals,
* * * * * commercial reasonability may require a “shell”
As 2008 continues, M&A lawyers can expect acquirer to shop an equity commitment to other
more interesting developments, some of which private equity sponsors and sue its lenders for
will inevitably influence the manner in which debt financing. See Transcript of Oral Argument
companies negotiate engagement letters with and Ruling on Motion to Expedite, Clear Channel
investment banks. Maybe these trends will Broadcasting, Inc., et al. v. Newport Television
reverse themselves as the financial and M&A LLC, No. 3550-VCS (Del. Ch. Ct. Feb. 26, 2008).
market rebounds. For now, though, companies This suggestion seems to have been taken to
would be well served to take stock of the events heart by private equity buyers, as Bain Capital
that have occurred since last summer when nego- and Thomas H. Lee Partners have caused their
tiating M&A engagement letters with investment “shell” purchaser to sue its lenders for the debt
banks. financing needed by the private equity firms to
complete their pending buyout of Clear Channel.
ENDNOTES: It will be interesting to learn whether the concept
1. Brad L. Bacon is Vice President, Assistant of shopping the equity commitments in private
General Counsel & Assistant Corporate Secretary equity buyouts gains traction in the future.
of Aquila, Inc. He has negotiated engagement 4. As potential sellers become more concerned
letters with investment banks for more than $10 about timing the market (i.e., concerns around
billion of M&A transactions involving domestic closing certainty or a narrowing of premiums as
and international energy, utility, and telecom- cheap credit becomes more scarce), fewer sellers
munication assets and operations. For additional may be willing to put themselves into play. At
information on many of the concepts discussed in the same time, the stock prices and valuations of
this article, such as “break” fees and “key man” many companies have been reduced significantly.
provisions, see Brad L. Bacon, Negotiating and Strategic buyers with strong balance sheets may
Drafting M&A Engagement Letters with Investment be more willing to make unsolicited offers or
Banks: A Client’s Perspective, The M&A Journal, launch hostile takeovers to acquire companies
Volume 8, No. 2 (Dec., 2007). in these camps, particularly as the reputation of
2. The Sallie Mae and Genesco transactions financial buyers falters and they no longer have
were terminated in the first quarter of 2008. unfettered access to cheap capital (translating
3. The Genesco/Finish Line and Clear Channel/ into a smaller pool of “white knight” candidates
Provident Equity storylines are particularly inter- and better odds that a strategic buyer will not
esting. In the Genesco deal, Finish Line hired UBS face competition from financial buyers able to
as its M&A advisor and lead lender. As the credit pay juiced premiums), etc.
markets dried up, UBS, which was hit hard by 5. The M&A fees generated by an invest-
the sub-prime mortgage meltdown, had a change ment bank may pale in comparison to the fees
in heart and wanted out of its financing commit- earned by providing acquisition financing. At
ment. To accomplish this, UBS took the extraordi- the same time, if an investment bank is forced to
nary step of suing its own client, requesting that sell loan commitments at a steep discount (which
a court declare the combined company insolvent is around 15% today), then the loss associated
and declare void the bank’s funding obligation. In with the financing commitment could very eas-
the litigation that ensued, UBS (in its capacity as ily outstrip the profit generated by providing
Finish Line’s M&A advisor) was judicially dressed M&A advice. If this happens, such as it did in
down for failing to request key financial informa- the Genesco case, it’s not hard to understand how
tion before Finish Line entered into the Genesco an investment bank could use the potential loan
deal, which may help to explain why UBS funded losses to justify an “economic breach” of the com-
a large chunk of the $175 million termination fee mitment letter, even if the investment bank loses
paid to Genesco. millions from the M&A advisory mandate.
In the Clear Channel/Provident Equity deal, Engagement Letters

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The M&A journal

Engagement Letters Cir. Feb. 20, 2008).

10. E&Y had determined and informed
continued HA-LO’s board that management’s projections
were, in E&Y’s opinion, unrealistic. HA-LO
6. Assume, for instance, that an investment chose to disregard E&Y’s conclusions and pro-
bank is entitled to a $10 million success fee under ceeded with the acquisition. Thereafter, the dot-
an engagement letter, and that $5 million of that com bubble began to burst and the value of sev-
fee will be paid upon achievement of certain eral companies (including companies
milestones prior to closing. Now, if the invest- contained in indexes used by Credit Suisse for
ment bank unilaterally creates a conflict that puts purposes of its fairness opinion) deteriorated
the deal in jeopardy after the company has paid significantly.
the $5 million of milestone fees, and the company 11. Note that, beyond the provisions specific
feels compelled to terminate the engagement to to the issuance of a fairness opinion, engage-
remove the risk and increase closing certainty, ment agreements customarily provide that an
should the investment bank be allowed to keep investment bank will rely solely on information
the $5 million? Without appropriate language provided by the company without independent
in the engagement letter, the investment bank verification.
would not have to return the fees to the com- 12. From a drafting perspective, the HA2003
pany, and the company would remain subject decision seems consistent with existing contract
to a fee tail following the termination date. This law: investment banks should not need to expressly
seems like a poor result, particularly as compa- provide that they have no duty to update or with-
nies face greater closing uncertainty in the M&A draw their opinions, in order not to have a con-
markets today, especially if the financial advi- tractual obligation to do so. Also, because the trial
sor created the conflict. Accordingly, companies court made no finding of fact regarding whether
should revisit whether foregone fees should be E&Y’s conclusions had been provided to CSFB,
viewed as “sunk” costs of a failed transaction, the decision should not be construed as limiting
or whether they should be recouped in specified an investment bank’s potential liability under
situations. federal securities law. Under the Securities Act
7. Examples of recent termination payments of 1933, as amended, and rules and regulations
/ settlement concessions include: (a) payment of promulgated pursuant thereto, if the investment
$175 million and the issuance of roughly $12 mil- bank’s fairness opinion is expertised and included
lion of Finish Line common stock to Genesco; (b) in a Form S-4 filed with the SEC, the investment
payment of a $100 million reverse bust-up fee to bank has liability exposure if the fairness opinion
United Rentals; (c) the purchase of $400 million included in the Form S-4 is misleading.
of Harmon convertible debt securities; and (d) 13. For example, Alan Schwartz, CEO of Bear
roughly $31 billion of debt commitments to Sallie Stearns, reportedly advised Microsoft in its failed
Mae for purposes of refinancing a credit line. bid to acquire Yahoo!. If Mr. Schwartz were to
8. Given the possible components of a termi- have left Bear Stearns before Microsoft revoked
nation/settlement package, valuation methods its offer, would Microsoft have continued to use
and fee caps must be carefully thought through Bear Stearns? See, e.g., Alain Sherter, Microsoft
if a company is entertaining the notion of paying taps Bear Stearns CEO as consigliere for advice on
a “break” fee to its M&A advisor. For example, Yahoo! deal, THE DEAL.COM, March 5, 2008,
although members of the Sallie Mae buy-out available at
group agreed to arrange a new $31 billion credit the-money/blog/internet/microsoft-is-bringing-
facility for Sallie Mae as part of the termination in-some.php; Alex Lash, Bear Stearns’ impact on
settlement, Sallie Mae would certainly not regard IPOs, THE DEAL.COM, March 18, 2008, avail-
the syndication and lending efforts to be the cash able at
equivalent of $31 billion (and, therefore, would we_know_that_bear_stearns.php (questioning
not want to pay a sizeable “break” fee to its M&A whether advisor changes could be in store for
advisor based on the $31 billion headline num- IPOs that Bear Stearns is spearheading as lead or
ber). See Bacon, supra note 1 at 11-12 (explaining, co-lead underwriter).
among other things, the rationale for companies 14. Investment banks sometimes request a
not paying “break” fees to M&A advisors). success fee if a company successfully fends off a
9. Order Granting CSFB’s Motion and Denying hostile takeover. As explained later in this article,
HA-LO’s Motion for Judgment on Partial companies should be wary about paying “stand
Findings, No. 04 C 3163 (N.D. Ill. Sept. 20, 2006), alone” success fees, as they can be perceived
aff’d No. 06-3842, 2008 U.S. App. Lexis 3504 (7th negatively by shareholders, proxy advisory

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the M&A journal

firms, and other interested parties. For example, initiating, any of the transactions or matters
when PeopleSoft was trying to stave off Oracle’s set forth herein.”
takeover offer, PeopleSoft highlighted that the 16. A sample provision describing the success
fees payable to its financial advisors (Citi and fee payable under an engagement letter relating
Goldman Sachs) in connection with the hostile to the defense of a hostile takeover offer follows:
takeover bid were not contingent on the com- “Sale of the Company. Upon announce-
pany remaining independent. See PeopleSoft, ment of, or execution of a definitive agree-
Inc., Schedule 14A, at p. 10 (Mar. 9, 2004). If an ment with respect to, a sale of 50% or more
investment bank wants to ensure that it generates of outstanding common stock or assets
at least a minimum amount of fees in connection (based on the book value thereof) of the
with defending a hostile takeover effort, this can Company, the Company will pay us a fee
certainly be accomplished without the involve- of $( ) (the “Announcement Fee”). If a sale,
ment of an offensive “stand alone” success fee. whether in one or a series of transactions,
15. In these situations, “Triggering Event” of 50% or more of the assets (based on the
will typically be defined very broadly to mean book value thereof) or 50% or more of the
pretty much any offer actually made or publicly outstanding voting stock of the Company,
contemplated by one or more potential buyers. A as well as any recapitalization, restructuring
sample provision follows: or liquidation of the Company, or any other
“For purposes of this Agreement, a form of disposition which results in the
“Triggering Event” will occur when (A) effective sale of the principal business and
any person or group (as defined in Section operations of the Company by the current
13 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, owners is completed, directly or indirectly
as amended), company or entity, includ- with any person or group (as defined in
ing [Potential Acquirer] or any of its affili- Section 13 of the Securities Exchange Act of
ates (a “Potential Acquiring Entity”), either 1934, as amended), including the Company,
directly or indirectly, (i) commences a tender by means of a tender offer, exchange offer,
or exchange offer with respect to the out- merger or other business combination trans-
standing stock of the Company, (ii) publicly action, issuances of securities, private or
delivers a proposal or offer (either written or open market purchases of stock, sales of
oral) subsequent to the date hereof describ- assets or otherwise, the Company will at
ing an acquisition of the Company or its completion pay, or cause to be paid, to us
outstanding securities or assets by way of a success fee (the “Success Fee”) in cash as
tender offer, exchange offer, merger, busi- follows: (A) if the price per share paid to
ness combination or other strategic trans- a holder of shares of common stock of the
action or a recapitalization, restructuring, Company (the “Price Per Share”) is less than
liquidation, dissolution or other extraordi- or equal to $( ), the Success Fee will be an
nary transaction, including any leveraged amount equal to ( )% of the aggregate con-
buy-out or management buyout, involving sideration paid in such transaction or trans-
the Company, (iii) commences any solicita- actions; or (B) if the Price Per Share is greater
tion of proxies or consents to change the than $( ), the Success Fee will be an amount
composition of the Board of Directors of equal to ( )% of the aggregate consideration
the Company, (iv) commences any solicita- paid in such transaction or transactions; pro-
tion of proxies or consents to vote any vot- vided, in each case, that the Success Fee will
ing securities of the Company where the be reduced by the Announcement Fee. For
subject matter of such solicitation relates to purposes of the preceding sentence, (x) all
any proposal or action of the type set forth amounts will be adjusted to reflect any stock
herein, or (v) acquires beneficial ownership split, stock dividend or recapitalization or
of more than [5%] of the outstanding voting similar transaction occurring after the date
stock of the Company or acquires beneficial of this Agreement and (y) in the case of an
ownership of any stock of the Company asset sale, the Price Per Share will be calcu-
if the Potential Acquiring Entity publicly lated in good faith and mutually agreed to
discloses such acquisition, or (B) it becomes by us and the Company.”
public knowledge that a Potential Acquiring MA
Entity has contacted the Company regard-
ing any of the transactions or matters set
forth herein or that such Potential Acquiring
Entity intends to initiate, or is considering

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