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Tropical Dry Forest:

 High temperatures all year long

 limited plant growth and animal activity
 Occurs in areas of lower rainfall than tropical rain forests
 Found primarily in Central America, southern Asia, and Australia
 No distinction between this and tropical dry forest; gradually changes over
 Defined dry season

Bengal Tiger:

 Originated from Siberia, but is now found mostly in India

 Became an endangered species because uncontrolled cutting down of trees (resulting in smaller
habitat of the tiger), decrease of prey, and increase of poaching for its skin.
 The Indian Wildlife Protection Act of 1972 enables government agencies to take strict measures
so as to ensure the conservation of the Bengal tigers
 Scientific name of tiger is 'Panthera tigris'
 Mainly eats deer, antelopes, gaurs and wild pigs
 The Bengal tiger's roar can be heard for up to 3 kilometers (1.9 miles) away

Asian Box Turtle:

 Origin: Southeast Asian Countries

 Not endangered
 life expectancy is normally 40 to 50 years but some live up to 100 years
 diet consists of: greens, fruits, insects, worms, tomatoes, cantaloupe, green grapes, apples,
strawberries, blackberries, crickets, slugs, worms, snails, and night crawlers.
 Spend 90 percent of its time in the water

Bengal Bamboo:

 likes temperatures between 40 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit

 can grow anywhere between 40 and 80 feet in height
 life span is 25 to 40 years


 grows between 10 to 20 feet

 crown is open and non-symmetrical
 They are pink when young and become dull, light-green above and yellowish-green beneath
when mature

 woody, specialized types of trees of the tropics that can live on the edge, where rainforests
meet oceans
 look as though they grow on stilts
 27% of mangrove forests are found in Southeast Asia


 native to Borneo, Indonesia and Malaysia

 can grow to heights of 90 to 130 feet and are considered a sub-canopy tree
 flowers have a strong odor which attracts its main pollinator, a small Dawn Bat

Tropical Wet Forest:

 tall trees in a region of year-round warmth
 50 to 260 inches per year
 temperature in a rain forest rarely gets higher than 93 °F or drops below 68 °F
 average humidity is between 77 and 88%
 brief season of less rain
 found near the equator
 cover less than 6% of Earth's land surface

Golden Lion Tamarin

 Origin: Brazil
 nearly extinct because poachers love its mane (sold for nearly $20,000 on black market)
 sleep huddled together in a tree hole or in a large nest of vines
 Can live approximately ten to twelve years, and approximately twenty-three years in captivity.
 only about four-hundred Golden Lion Tamarin remain in their wild rainforest habitat

Prevost’s Squirrel:

 Found in Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and many small
 not currently endangered but is considered vulnerable due to habitat destruction and over
 Also known as the tricolored squirrel (black, white, and reddish-brown bands)
 sharp claws on toes are well adapted for clinging to tree trunks; able to jump across
considerable gaps between trees
 unlike ground squirrels, they don’t hibernate

Strangler Figs:

 part of the Ficus species

 Animals such as pigeons, parrots, hornbills, toucans, monkeys, gibbons, and fruit-eating bats
feed on the tree’s fruit
 stranglers send out many thin roots that snake down the trunk of the host tree or dangle as
aerial roots from its branches

Kapok Tree:

 grow to a height of 150 feet or more

 wood is a pinkish white to ashy brown in color with a straight grain
 shed most or all of their leaves during the tropical dry season


 can reach over thirty feet

 an either be vines, trees, or shrubs with sharp thorns
 color of flowers range from pink, to red, to orange, to white and yellow

Acacia Springvale:

 grows up to 10 meters tall

 either has blue-grey or yellow
 found in red sandy or loamy soils, often along creek lines


 Almost all tundra regions are located in the Northern Hemisphere

 ground is permanently frozen 10 inches to 3 feet so there aren’t any trees
 cold and dark in winter; in summer, it is very soggy and covered with marshes, lakes, bogs, and
 average annual temperature is -18 degrees Fahrenheit
 only about 6 to 10 inches of rain per year
 barely any vegetation
 one of Earth’s three major carbon dioxide sinks


 there are both Hot and Dry Deserts

 Hot Deserts are usually near the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn
 Cold Deserts are usually near the Arctic part of the world
 covers about 1/5 of the Earth’s land surface
 average temperature ranges from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius
 cool at night; most animals are nocturnal


 rolling grassland with scattered shrubs and trees

 also known as tropical grasslands
 warm temperatures year round
 long dry season (winter)- average rainfall of 4 inches
 long wet season (summer)- average rainfall of 15 to 25 inches
 found in East Africa, South America, and northern Australia

interesting plant facts

Bengal Bamboo— life span is 25 to 40 years;
temperatures between 40 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit;
between 40 and 80 feet in height Jambu— between 10
to 20 feet; pink when young; become dull, light green
above and yellowish-green beneath when mature
Mangrove— look as though they grow on stilts; 27% of
mangrove forests found in Southeast Asia
Durian— native to Borneo, Indonesia and Malaysia;
heights between 90 and 130 feet; considered a sub-
canopy tree; flowers have a strong odor which attracts
its main pollinator, a small Dawn Bat

interesting plant facts

Strangler Figs— part of Ficus species; animals such
as pigeons, parrots, hornbills, toucans, monkeys,
gibbons, and fruit eating bats on the tree’s fruit; thin
roots attach to the host tree
Kapok Tree— height of 150 or more feet; wood is a
pinkish white to ashy brown with straight grain; shed
most leaves during tropical dry session
Bougainvillea— reach over 30 feet; either vines, trees,
or shrubs with sharp thorns; flowers from pink, to red,
to orange, to white and yellow
Acacia Springvale— up to 10 meters tall; blue-grey or
yellow; found in red sandy or loamy soils

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