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A. Stance
a. Jumping/Pulling
b. Landing/Receiving

B. Grip: (Snatch)
a. Hook
b. Scare-Crow
i. Eye-Ball
ii. String

C. Burgener Warm Up
a. 1-2-3 (Down And Up) Aka: Scoop, Dbl Knee Bend,
Transition. Most Important Aspect Of Teaching.
Creating Momentum/Elevation On The Bar
b. 4-5-6: A + Elbows High and Outside. Used To
Teach Keeping Bar Close. Also To Teach The 1st
Part Of The 3rd Pull.
c. A+B+Muscle Snatch: Used To Teach An
Aggressive Pull Under. An Upper Body Strength
Exercise. Taught As The Final Aspect Of The 3rd
d. Sn Lands: Bar Overhead, Now Dip, Drive, Land In
Power Position With Bar Overhead
e. Sn Drops: Bar Overhead. Drop Into Full Sqt. No
Heave….Drop Only.

D. Skill Transer Exercises:

a. Ohs (Feet In Landing Pos)
b. Press Sn Balance (Feet In Landing Pos)
c. Heaving Sn Balance (Feet In Landing Pos)
d. Sn Balance. (Feet Go From Jumping Pos To Landing
E. Snatching Progression:
a. Very High Hang
b. Mid Thigh Hang
c. Below Knee
d. Floor

Clean (Teach Front Squat First)

A. Stance:
a. Jumping/Pulling
b. Landing/Receiving (Same As Front Sqt)
B. Grip:
a. Hook
b. Thumb Width From Hips. (General Guideline)

C. Burgener Warm Up (Rarely Use It As It’s The Same As

Snatch And Once They Have That Most Understand The

D. Clean Progression:
a. A Very High Hang
b. Mid Thigh Hang
c. Below Knee
d. Floor

A. Stance:
a. Jumping/Driving
b. Landing/Receiving (Split) Use Murray Cross To
Give Better Visual.
i. Determine Front Leg
1. “Trust Me”
2. Push Method

B. Grip:
a. Elbows Down And Out
b. Same As Pressing Grip For The Most Part.
Skill Transfer:
A. Push Press Bnk
B. Push Jerk Bnk
C. Jerk Bnk
D. Push Press
E. Push Jerk
F. Jerk

Putting It All Together:

A. Practice The Clean
B. Practice The Jerk
C. Practice The Cln And Jerk

I Teach 3 Pulls:
A. 1st Pull (Mid Thigh)
B. Transition (Scoop/Dbl Knee Bend)
C. 2nd Pull (Jump Phase)
D. 3rd Pull (Pull Under)

I Also Teach That The Down And Up Is Basically The Same

For The Snatch, The Clean And The Dip Portion Of The Jerk.
That Position That I Use In The 1-2-3 Is The Same For All 3

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