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Dear congress representative:

The 2010 NASA budget is $18.7 billion. The United States had been
spending billions of money to explore the space above the clouds. It sure
brought us knowledge about the universe we are living in, and many of today’s
technology were come from the development of space explorations. However,
in today’s society, we need the money to provide better environment for us,
the earth people. This is why we should reduce the money spent on space
As I said above, we need to spend the money on ourselves first. We have
tons of problems we’re facing today involving money. First off, the biggest
money involving problem people facing today: debt. The money for space
exploration comes from taxation to the U.S. citizens. Latest research shows, an
average U.S. citizen owes $43,279 dollars of debt. Without the need of
space explorations, tax can be lowered and help the situation.
Also, health care in the U.S. is an essential problem involving money too.
The biggest criticize from the citizens is the lack of health care system. Almost
every advanced country in the world has a good health care system, isn’t it
unacceptable for the U.S. to have no good health care for its own people? The
solution of this problem is also money. Therefore, unless the debt problems
were being solved, U.S. citizens still may not enjoy a good health care system
in the short future.
The third problem is not only about the U.S. Global warming is the
problem for the whole planet Earth. Temperature of Earth goes up everyday, if
the problem aren’t solved, the world isn’t suitable for humans to live. We
need money to save our planet now, not money to find another plant for us to
live in hundreds of years later.
To conclude, today’s world needs huge amount of money to solve
problems. Space exploration is important to humanity’s future, but if we can’t
even deal with present, how can we plan for our future? We must reduce the
budget on space exploration to save our own planet first.


Jeffrey Au

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