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MB0049 - Q1.b.

Knowledge areas of project management:

b. Knowledge areas of project management: The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK)
is a collection of processes and knowledge areas generally accepted as best practice within the project
management discipline. As an internationally recognised standard (IEEE Std 1490-2003) it provides the
fundamentals of project management, irrespective of the type of project be it construction, software,
engineering, automotive etc.
PMBOK recognises 5 basic process groups and 9 knowledge areas typical of almost all projects. The
basic concepts are applicable to projects, programs and operations.
The five basic process groups are:
• Initiating
• Planning
• Executing
• Monitoring and Controlling
• Closing
• Processes overlap and interact throughout a project or phase.

Processes are described in terms of:

• Inputs (documents, plans, designs, etc.)
• Tools and Techniques (mechanisms applied to inputs)
• Outputs (documents, products, etc.)

The nine knowledge areas are:

1. Project Integration Management
2. Project Scope Management
3. Project Time Management
4. Project Cost Management
5. Project Quality Management
6. Project Human Resource Management
7. Project Communications Management
8. Project Risk Management
9. Project Procurement Management

Each knowledge area contains some or all of the project management processes. For
example, Project Procurement Management includes:
• Procurement Planning
• Solicitation Planning
• Solicitation
• Source Selection
• Contract Administration
• Contract Closeout
Much of PMBOK is unique to project management e.g. critical path and work breakdown structure
(WBS). Some areas overlap with other management disciplines. General management also includes
planning, organising, staffing, executing and controlling the operations of an organisation. Financial
forecasting, organisational behaviour and planning techniques are also similar.

Labels: MB0049, Semester 2
MB0049 - Q.1. Comment on the following a. Importance of DMAIS in project
management cycle

a) Importance of DMAIS in project management cycle: The projectised mantras of production

management can be broadly identified as - Define Measure, Analyze, Improve, Standardize (DMAIS).
These projectised mantras help in identifying, evaluating, and selecting the right improvement solutions
for managing a project. The mantras also help in identifying the critical issues thus assisting the
organization to adapt to the changes
introduced through the implementation of different solutions.

The phases associated with each projectised mantra of production management are:
1. Define: benchmark, customer requirement, process flow map, quality function deployment, project
management plan
2. Measure: data collection, defect metrics, sampling
3. Analysis: cause and effect, failure modes and effect analysis, decision and risk analysis, root cause
analysis, reliability analysis
4. Improve: design of experiments, modeling, and robust design
5. Standardize: control charts, time series, procedural adherence, performance management, preventive
activities displays the various phases of DMIAS.

Labels: MB0049, Semester 2
MB0048 Q1.b. “Operation Research is an aid for the executive in making his decisions
based on scientific methods analysis”. Discuss the above statement in brief.
Operation Research is a scientific method of providing executive departments with a quantitative basis
for decisions regarding the operations under their control. – Morse & Kimball Operations research is a
scientific approach to problem solving for executive management. – H.M. Wagner Operations research
is an aid for the executive in making these decisions by providing him with the needed quantitative
information based on the scientific method of analysis. The mission of Operations Research is to serve
the entire Operations Research (OR) community, including practitioners, researchers, educators, and
students. Operations Research, as the flagship journal of our profession, strives to publish results that
are truly insightful. Each issue of Operations Research attempts to provide a balance of well-written
articles that span the wide array of creative activities in OR. Thus, the major criteria for acceptance of a
paper in Operations Research are that the paper is important to more than a small subset of the OR
community,contains important insights, and makes a substantial contribution to the field that will stand
the test of time. Operational research, also known as operations research, is an interdisciplinary branch
of applied mathematics and formal science that uses advanced analytical methods such as mathematical
modeling, statistical analysis, and mathematical optimization to arrive at optimal or near-optimal
solutions to complex decision-making problems. It is often concerned with determining the maximum
(of profit, performance, or yield) or minimum (of loss, risk, or cost) of some real-world objective.
Originating in military efforts before World War II, its techniques have grown to concern problems in a
variety of industries. Operational research,
also known as operations research, is an interdisciplinary branch of applied mathematics and formal
science that uses advanced analytical methods such as mathematical modeling, statistical analysis, and
mathematical optimization to arrive at optimal or near-optimal solutions to complex decision-making
problems. It is often concerned with determining the maximum (of profit, performance, or yield) or
minimum (of loss, risk, or cost) of some realworld objective. Originating in military efforts before
World War II, its techniques have grown to concern problems in a variety of industries.
Operational research encompasses a wide range of problem-solving techniques and methods applied in
the pursuit of improved decision-making and efficiency. Some of the tools used by operational
researchers are statistics, optimization, probability theory, queuing theory, game theory, graph theory,
decision analysis, mathematical modeling and simulation.
Because of the computational nature of these fields, OR also has strong ties to computer science.
Operational researchers faced with a new problem must determine which of these techniques are most
appropriate given the nature of the system, the goals forimprovement,and constraints on time and
computing power.
Work in operational research and management science may be characterized as one of three categories:
Fundamental or foundational work takes place in three mathematical disciplines: probability,
optimization, and dynamical systems theory.
Modeling work is concerned with the construction of models, analyzing them mathematically,
implementing them on computers, solving them using software tools, and assessing their effectiveness
with data. This level is mainly instrumental, and driven mainly by statistics and econometrics.
Application work in operational research, like other engineering and economics' disciplines, attempts to
use models to make a practical impact on real-world problems.
• The major sub disciplines in modern operational research, as identified by the journal
Operations Research, are:
• Computing and information technologies
• Decision analysis
• Environment, energy, and natural resources
• Financial engineering
• Manufacturing, service sciences, and supply chain management
• Policy modeling and public sector work
• Revenue management
• Simulation
• Stochastic models
• Transportation

Labels: MB0048, Semester 2
MB0048 - Q1. a. “Operation Techniques is a bunch of mathematical
a. Operations Research is an interdisciplinary branch of applied mathematics and formal science that
uses methods such as mathematical modeling, statistics, and algorithms to arrive at optimal or near
optimal solutions to complex problems. It is typically concerned with optimizing the maxima (profit,
assembly line performance, crop yield, bandwidth, etc) or minima (loss, risk, etc.) of some objective
function. Operations research helps management achieve its goals using scientific methods. The terms
operations research and management science are often used synonymously. When a distinction is
drawn, management science generally implies a closer relationship to the problems of business
management. The field of operations research is closely related to Industrial engineering. Industrial
engineers typically consider Operations Research (OR) techniques to be a major part of their toolset.
Some of the primary tools used by operations researchers are statistics, optimization, probability theory,
queuing theory, game theory, graph theory, decision analysis, and simulation. Because of the
computational nature of these fields, OR also has ties to computer science, and operations researchers
use custom-written and off-the-shelf software.
Operations research is distinguished by its frequent use to examine an entire management information
system, rather than concentrating only on specific elements (though this is often done as well). An
operations researcher faced with a new problem is expected to determine which techniques are most
appropriate given the nature of the system, the goals for improvement, and constraints on time and
computing power. For this and other reasons, the human element of OR is vital. Like any other tools,
OR techniques cannot solve problems by themselves.
Scope of operation Research
Examples of applications in which operations research is currently used include:

• Critical path analysis or project planning: identifying those processes in a complex project which
affect the overall duration of the project
• Designing the layout of a factory for efficient flow of materials
• Constructing a telecommunications network at low cost while still guaranteeing QoS (quality of
service) or QoS (Quality of Experience) if particular connections become very busy or get damaged
• Road traffic management and 'one way' street allocations i.e. allocation problems.
• Determining the routes of school buses (or city buses) so that as few buses are needed as possible
• designing the layout of a computer chip to reduce manufacturing time (therefore reducing cost)
Managing the flow of raw materials and products in a supply chain based on uncertain demand for the
finished products
• Efficient messaging and customer response tactics
• Robotizing or automating human-driven operations processes
• Globalizing operations processes in order to take advantage of cheaper materials, labor, land or other
productivity inputs Managing freight transportation and delivery systems (Examples: LTL Shipping,
intermodal freight transport)

• Scheduling:
○ Personnel staffing
○ Manufacturing steps
○ Project tasks
○ Network data traffic: these are known as queuing models or queueing systems.
○ sports events and their television coverage blending of raw materials in oil
refineries determining optimal prices, in many retail and B2B settings, within the disciplines of pricing

Operations research is also used extensively in government where evidence-based policy is used.

Labels: MB0048, Semester 2
MB0047 - 1. What is MIS? Define the characteristics of MIS? What are the basic
Functions of MIS? Give some Disadvantage of MIS?
Management Information System (MIS): It is a system or process that provides information needed to
manage organizations effectively. Management information systems are regarded to be a subset of the
overall internal controls procedures in a business, which cover the application of people, documents,
technologies, and procedures used by management accountants to solve business problems such as
costing a product, service or a business-wide strategy. Management information systems are distinct
from regular information systems in that they are used to analyze other information systems applied in
operational activities in the organization.
Read Full Assignments

Labels: MB0047, Semester 2
MB0045 - Q.1 Write the short notes on 1. Financial management, 2. Financial
planning,3. Capital structure,4. Cost of capital,5. Trading on equity.
1. Financial management: Financial management is the branch of the finance that concerns itself with
the managerial significance of finance techniques. It is focused on assessment rather than technique.
The difference between a managerial and a technical approach can be seen in the questions one might
ask of annual reports. One concerned with technique would be primarily interested in measurement.
One concerned with management though would want to know what the figures mean. They might
compare the returns to other businesses in their industry and ask: are we performing better or worse
than our peers? If so, what is the source of the problem? Do we have the same profit margins? If not
why? Do we have the same expenses? Are we paying more for something than our peers? They may
look at changes in asset balances looking for red flags that indicate problems with bill collection or bad
debt. They will analyze working capital to anticipate future cash flow problems. Managerial finance is
an interdisciplinary approach that borrows from both managerial accounting and corporate finance.
Sound financial management creates value and organisational agility through the allocation of scarce
resources amongst competing business opportunities. It is an aid to the implementation and monitoring
of business strategies and helps achieve business objectives.
Read Full Assignments

Labels: MB0045, Semester 2
MB0044 - Q1. What are the components of systems productivity? Explain how CAD
and CIM help
System Productivity:
Enhancement of productivity is achieved by either reducing the inputs for the same output or increasing
the output by using the same input. Productivity can be calculated for a:
• Single operation
• Functional unit
• Department or division
• Plant
Productivity is a measure of the efficiency of the system and looks at the economies achieved during the
processes. Every process will have a number of contributors which help in achieving maximum
productivity. The processes are: People, Machines, Facilitating goods, Ancillary equipments, and
Technology. Each of these elements attempts to enhance the contribution of other elements.
Read Full Assignments

Labels: mb0044, Semester 2
MB0049-Q.1 Comment on the following: a. Importance of DMAIS in project
management cycle
a) Importance of DMAIS in project management cycle: The projectised mantras of production
management can be broadly identified as - Define Measure, Analyze, Improve, Standardize (DMAIS).
These projectised mantras help in identifying, evaluating, and selecting the right improvement solutions
for managing a project. The mantras also help in identifying the critical issues thus assisting the
organization to adapt to the changes introduced through the implementation of different solutions.

The phases associated with each projectised mantra of production management are:
Read Full Assignments
Labels: MB0049, Semester 2
MB0047 – Management Information System - Answer comeing soon...
Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 2
MB0047 – Management Information System - 4 Credits
(Book ID: B1136)
Assignment Set- 1
60 Marks

Attempt each question. Each question carries 10 marks:

1. What is MIS? Define the characteristics of MIS? What are the basic Functions of MIS? Give some
Disadvantage of MIS?

2. Explain Knowledge based system? Explain DSS and OLAP with example?

3. What are Value Chain Analysis & describe its significance in MIS? Explain what is meant by BPR?
What is its significance? How Data warehousing & Data Mining is useful in terms of MIS?

4. Explain DFD & Data Dictionary? Explain in detail how the information requirement is determined
for an organization?

5. What is ERP? Explain its existence before and its future after? What are the advantages &
Disadvantages of ERP? What is Artificial Intelligence? How is it different from Neural Networks?

6. Distinguish between closed decision making system & open decision making system? What is ‘What
– if‘ analysis? Why is more time spend in problem analysis & problem definition as compared to the
time spends on decision analysis?

Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 2

MB0047 – Management Information System - 4 Credits

(Book ID: B1136)

Assignment Set- 2

60 Marks

Attempt each question. Each question carries 10 marks:

1. How hardware & software support in various MIS activities of the organization? Explain the
transaction stages from manual system to automated systems?

2. Explain the various behavioral factors of management organization? As per Porter, how can
performance of individual corporations be determined?

3. Compare various types of development aspect of Information System? Explain the various stages of

4. Compare & Contrast E-enterprise business model with traditional business organization model?
Explain how in E-enterprise manager role & responsibilities are changed? Explain how manager is a
knowledge worker in E-enterprise?

5. What do you understand by service level Agreements (SLAs)? Why are they needed? What is the
role of CIO in drafting these? Explain the various security hazards faced by an IS?

6. Case Study: Information system in a restaurant.

for Answer check next post

Labels: FALL 2010, MB0047, Semester 2
MB0046 – Marketing Management
Fall 2010 : Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 2

MB0046 – Marketing Management - 4 Credits

(Book ID: B1135)

Assignment Set- 1

60 Marks

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

Q.1 a. Explain the different micro-environmental forces with examples. (6 marks)

b. Mention the different ad appeals with suitable examples. (4 marks)

Q.2 What are the different market entry strategies if a company wants to enter international markets?
(10 marks)

Q.3. a. State the meaning of Product life cycle and explain the different stages involved in it. (8 marks)
b. Define Customer Relationship Management. (2 marks)

Q.4. a. You are a sales manager in ABC firm. You have taken some interviews and shortlisted a few
candidates. How will you select the right candidate for the sales job? (5 marks)
b. As a consumer, what are the steps you will undertake before you decide to buy a car? (5 marks)

Q. 5 a. What are the features of Business markets? How is it different from consumer markets? (5

b. List out the 5 important requisites of an effective segmentation by giving suitable examples. (5

Q. 6. Explain briefly what are the several processes involved in new product development. (10 marks)
Fall 2010
Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 2

MB0046 – Marketing Management - 4 Credits

(Book ID: B1135)

Assignment Set- 2

60 Marks

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

Q.1 Highlight the importance of Distribution channel and marketing intermediaries in carrying out the
marketing function. (10 marks)

Q.2 a. Explain the different product mix pricing strategies. (6 marks)

b. Give a note on marketing concepts. (4 marks)

Q.3 a. What are the features of business markets? (5 marks)

b. Write a short note on product line and product mix. (5 marks)

Q.4. a. Select any deodorant brand and evaluate its positioning strengths or weakness in terms of
attributes, benefits, values, brand name and brand equity. (6 marks)
b. You are a research expert in the field of marketing footwear products. What are the various research
approaches you would consider before making a consumer survey regarding footwear? (4 marks)

Q. 5 a. What advice would you give a company that has facing bad publicity? What steps would you tell
the company to improve its reputation? (7 marks)
b. As a brand manager, what are the ways in which you will select a brand name for your product-
watches and how will you position it in the market? (3 marks)

Q. 6 a. What is MIS? What are its benefits? (4 marks)

b. How is rural marketing different from urban markets? (6 marks)

for Answer check next post

Labels: FALL 2010, MB0046, Semester 2
MB0045 – Financial Management
Fall 2010:
Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 2
MB0045 – Financial Management - 4 Credits
(Book ID: B1134)
Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)
Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

Q.1 Write the short notes on 5X2= (10 Marks)

1. Financial management

2. Financial planning

3. Capital structure

4. Cost of capital

5. Trading on equity.

Q.2 a. Write the features of interim divined and also write the factors (08 Marks)
Influencing divined policy?
b. What is reorder level ? (02Marks)

Q.3 Sales Rs.400, 000 less returns Rs 10, 000, Cost of Goods Sold Rs 300,000,
Administration and selling expenses Rs.20, 000, Interest on loans Rs.5000, (10 Marks)
Income tax Rs.10000, preference dividend Rs. 15,000, Equity Share Capital
Rs.100, 000 @Rs. 10 per share. Find EPS.

Q.4 What are the techniques of evaluation of investment? (10 Marks)

Q.5 What are the problems associated with inadequate working capital? (10 Marks)

Q.6 What is leverage? Compare and Contrast between operating (10 Marks)
Leverage and financial leverage Fall 2010
Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 2

MB0045 – Financial Management - 4 Credits

(Book ID: B1134)

Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks)

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

Q. 1 Discuss the three broad areas of Financial Decision Making (10 Marks)

Q.2 What is the future value of an annuity and state the formulae for (10 Marks)
future value of an annuity

Q.3 The equity stock of ABC Ltd is currently selling for Rs 30 per share. The dividend expected next
year is Rs 2.00. the investors required rate of return on this stock is 15 per cent. If the constant growth
model applies to ABC Ltd, What is the expected growth rate? (10 Marks)

Q.4 State the assumptions underlying the CAPM model and MM model (10 Marks)

Q.5 Write the cash flow analysis? (10 Marks)

Q.6 The following two projects A and B requires an investment of Rs 2, 00,000 each. The income
returns after tax for these projects are as follows: (10 Marks)
Year Project A Project B
1 Rs. 80,000 Rs. 20,000
2 Rs. 80,000 Rs. 40,000
3 Rs. 40,000 Rs. 40,000
4 Rs. 20,000 Rs. 40,000
5 Rs. 60,000
6 Rs. 60,000

for Answer check next post

Labels: FALL 2010, mboo45, Semester 2
MB0049 - Project Management - Answer coming soon...
Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 2

Project Management – MB0049 - 4 Credits

(Book ID: B1138)

Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

Q.1 Comment on the following

a. Importance of DMAIS in project management cycle
b. Knowledge areas of project management

Q.2 Write few words on:

a. Project Characteristics
b. WBS
d. Project Management strategies-Internal & external

Q.3 What are the various SCMo soft wares available in project management? Explain each in brief.

Q.4 List the various steps for Risk management. Also explain GDM and its key features.

Q.5 Answer the two parts:

a. Importance of data management in project management-Comment.
b. What is the significance of reviewing ROI?

Q.6 XYZ Company implements CMMI level-03. To make further changes it decides on starting a new
division in the organization. It decides to advance the existing project management. What are the steps
to be followed by the organization to drive project management to a new horizon? Spring 2010(Jan-
Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 2

Project Management – MB0049 - 4 Credits

(Book ID: B1138)

Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks)

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

Q.1 Providing adequate resource is key to productivity-Comment.

Q.2 Compare the following:

a. Traditional Vs. Projectised Organization.

b. Bottom-up Vs. Top-down estimation

Q.3 List out the macro issues in project management and explain each.

Q.4 Describe the traits of a professional manager in details?

Q.5 List the major participants of project review process. Also highlight roles and responsibilities of

Q.6 ABC organization has been in software business since last 20 years. The senior management feels
that although they are making profits, but the profit on an average is the same each year. They decide
that they would make some additions to the business and decided to go ahead with development of
some high technology for better profits. Can you suggest some guidelines, which the management
should follow in this venture?

Labels: FALL 2010, MB0049, Semester 2
MB0048 –Operations Research - Answer comeing soon...

MB0048 –Operations Research- 4 Credits

(Book ID: B1137)

Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions

1. a. “Operation Techniques is a bunch of mathematical techniques.”Comment.

b. “Operation Research is an aid for the executive in making his decisions based on scientific methods
analysis”. Discuss the above statement in brief.

2. Comment on the following statements:

a. Operation Research advocates a system approach and is concerned with optimization.
b. Operation Research replaces management by personality.

3. Explain how the profit maximization transportation problem can be converted to an equivalent cost
minimization transportation problem.

4. Write the difference in the simplex solution procedure for a maximization problem and a
minimization problem of linear programming.

5. What do you mean by the two-phase method for solving a given LPP? Why is it used?

6. Indicate any four shortcomings of taking a simulation approach to solve an O.R. problem.

MB0048 –Operations Research- 4 Credits

(Book ID: B1137)

Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions

1. Explain how to transform an unbalanced transportation problem into a balanced transportation

problem where the demand of warehouses is satisfied by the supply of factories.

2. Explain how the profit maximization transportation problem into a balanced transportation problem
where the demand of warehouses is satisfied by the supply of factories.

3. Illustrate graphically the following special cases of Linear programming problems:

i) Multiple optimal solutions, ii) No feasible solution, iii) Unbounded problem

4. How would you deal with the Assignment problems, where a) the objective function is to be
b) Some Assignments are prohibited?

5. “Simulation is an especially valuable tool in a situation where the mathematics needed to describe a
system realistically is too complex to yield analytical solutions”. Elucidate.

6. Describe Gomory’s method of solving an all-integer programming problem.

Labels: FALL 2010, MB0048, Semester 2
MB0044 – Production & operations Management
Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 2 , FALL 2010

MB0044 – Production & operations Management - 4 Credits

(Book ID: B1133)

Assignment Set- 1

60 Marks

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

1. What are the components of systems productivity? Explain how CAD and CIM help in improving

2. What do you understand by ‘industry best practice’? Briefly explain different types of

3. List out the various automated systems for transfer of materials in the production plant. What do you
understand by Line Balancing? Explain with an example.

4. Explain the different types of Quality Control Tools with examples? How do Crosby’s absolutes of
quality differ from Deming’s principles?

5. Define project cycle, project management, and scope of project. List the various project management
knowledge areas? What are the reasons for failure of a project?

6. Explain the various phases in project management life cycle. Explain the necessity and objectives of

Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 2

MB0044 – Production & operations Management - 4 Credits

(Book ID: B1133)

Assignment Set- 2

60 Marks

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

1. Take an example of any product or service industry and explain the factors considered while taking
the decision on plant location.

2. What is Business Process? Explain with an example as to why a business process is to be modelled.

3. What is Value Engineering? Explain briefly its origins and objectives.

4. Discuss the difference between work study and motion study. Explain with an example.

5. Time taken by three machines on five jobs in a factory is tabulated below in table below. Find out the
optimal sequence to be followed to minimise the idle time taken by the jobs on the machines.

Job Machine 1 (M1) Machine 2 (M2) Machine 3 (M3)

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