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r'JEx Lerr Kgvre\^l

Maurice Glasman
Nrrmber 201 Mayftrne 1994 c7ntents

3 (ieorge CatePhores 'I'he lmperitlus Austrian: Sclrumpetcr as The Great Deformation:

Bourge<lis Marxisr

Spectres of Marx
Polanyi, Poland and the Terrors of
ll JdcQaet Derrida

,9 lllauice (ilantan The Great l)eftlrrnatitln: Polanyi, Polantl

Planned Spontaneity
and che Terr<lrs of Planned Sponrane ity

87 Dauid Chandler Epitaph ftrr tlre Klttner Rouge /

100 Su'aili Mitter What lWomen L)emand o[Technology Labour is only another name for a human acriviry that goes with life
itself ...To allow the market mechanism to be the sole direcor of the
S(,ANNER fate of human beings and their natural environment, indeed, even of
lll llogerBarbach Roots of tlte Ptlsttnodern Rcllelli<ltt itr the arnounr and use of their purchasing power, would result in the
Clriapas demolition of sociery. For the alleged commodiry 'labour power'
cannot be sh6ved about, used indiscriminacely, or even left unused,
f'he Retrrrn of the Great Powers withour affecting the human individuals who happen to be the bearers
125 lllifia GlennY of this particular commodiry. In disposing of man's labour power the
system would, incidentally, dispose of the physical, psychological, and
IN'I'ERVIEW moral entiry 'rnan' atrached to that tag. Robbed of the protective
I I l)ennis Potter 'Ilre Present'fe nse cover of cultural institutions, hurnan beings would perish frorn the
effects of social exposure; they would die as the victims of acute social
REVIEW dislocation through vice, perversion, crime and starvation.
l/tl lilizabetb lt('ilnn Scavenging by Night
Karl Polanyi, T'he Great'I'rantformation
Scan Saycrs's articlc'Moral Valtres arrd Prtlgfcss" PP' (r7-tl; of Nt'tt 20zf , wils
unfortutrately omitretl from tlre (lontet)ts page'
l:Jilor Rulrrrr lll.rt\lrrrrrr
Attttlunl I:Jttor l)avi.l Fcrnbaclr
Ilrhtorul llrarl Ali, Prrry Arr.lcrs()rr, R0bcrt llrenrrcr, Alcxatt.lcr rttklrtrrtr, lrlikc l).rvrs,
The central problem addressed in this essay is why the most successful model
l'ctcr ( iowatr, Mikc Sltrirrkcr
Eltturitl taJ lJviln(tt Ilttitti"t Ju.litlr R;rvrrtsr r,rlt of economic and social reconstruction in world history has been ignored in t ori cl I o n m z nt at ion t (r lrlcard Strcet, l.ondon \(/ | V ,ll lR Eastern Europe.' The 'West German posrwar settlement combined the crea-
il(. l2ll. l26l-avrn.lcrAvct|ue,Mitcharn,surrey(iR4 llll'('lcl.ottl'6tt1 olol)
S ub n ri pt ron
Ay'r'crlring iltntgr
. or tc I Pon(L Patterson (l'elePlronc/Fax : O-J J9 242 \1 t I
tion of a sustainable and efficient market economy, liberal-democraric insti-
Ancruan I)itn fiutur B. de 0ocr, | | I East (.cnter Srreet, Nurlcy, Ncw.fcrscy O7l l{)' t'SA tutions and parties, the developrnent of a welfare srate based on cerrain
llK l)tlrtbator'. (-entral Books, 99 Wallis Road' l.otrrlotr F9 Jl-N ('l cl Oft l'9ft6'1t|1 1)
ideals of justice and the institutio nalization of trade-union responsibilities.
Nl.R Priecs Indivitlual strbscription trtsritrrriortal sttbst rilrt iorr
lnhnrl: I2 2 tt) r48 Why has the social-market model in general, and codeterminarion in parric-
F.aropc(ttr) O
tt I tO rtr I lSt9 ular, been ignored as a necessary part of the ffansition from a closed ro an open
Rtr ol Vorl,l lA)l't t 2(r or | .lSt4 7 J

ll\A 6 t.anada society? This question is all the more puzzling as the four conscious goals of
(An rlul): I2(r or tlsf '17 or (.arrf J4 t5 I tO or llSl9 )

Artntttl l)trt' 1 1'1 ,t1 t l$f(r I or ( ..rrrt(r7 { 59 tll or I lSl l(17 Polish transition, a) the construction of a rnarker economy with recognized
Nll(_R()tilcllE l.l6,l ( l9(,g l99o), rrrrl. case,lrrrtlcx: r'l2tl(rsf 7('l| (r,vttst'ts)
!'1oo (irtlrtr(l), Property rights; b) the establishment of legitimate democratic political insti-
lNl)Ex l.l{14(19(rt). 199o): lnldnl:L)ll(tl,rlr),f l9(prpcr) (lrernat.r'{l/t'Isl7{)(tLrrlr)'t2l/tlSl16(PaPer) tutions and parties functioning within a framework of rights enforced by
l'td'6 Mrercl Sr'' l-.nd,rt V I V Jl tR' I lKAttouel law; c) the creation of social stability through the esrablishment of minimal
Nrw l.rfi Rcvier' (!SSN lX)2t-6tt6(t) is prrblirlred bi-morrtlrly by Ntul'cfi Rcvit*
tJSlgJ lor irrstirurirrns, irrcltrdi15 air0rc<l tlclivery. S<corrd-r'lers
rubscripri'n pricc in rhc gsA rnl (.a.a4a is lJSl,lT f'r, lrtl' standards of justice and fair public procedures; and d) the integration of the
(ircet llrirein'
country into \Western Europe, were all achieved by the Federal Republic of
NJ 07001. Prinrcd in
Germany after the Second World War. Thus the model exists in the in wlrich solidarity and freedom are both created and sustained by
most politically powerful and economically successful state in Europe, human labour, and thus work and its democrati c organization
which is also a directly neighbouring country. The question is all the become its distinctive central concern. 'Work is the means by which
more pressing as the principal agent of Communism's reiection, the 'reason and community are reconciled in freedom. Through this idea
Solidarnosc union, was based precisely upon those values of Catholic Polanyi tries to explain the paradox of modernity which can be sum-
syndicalisrn characteristic of the \West German consensus, of wlrich marized as the following process" As society develops in size, techno-
the most fundamental idea was that the precondition of economic logical power and complexiry, it tends to eliminate itself as rhe
reconstruction is effective societal restoration.' lt will be argued thar centralized state grows on one side, and the decentralized economy on
Karl Polanyi's concept of the market utopia described in T'he Great the other. Amorphously squeezed between the individual maximizer
'fransformation is the best available starting point for trying ro explain
and the collective aggregator, society as a functional moral entiry
this weird state of affairs.-l Polanyi's work provides resources for an disappears.
explanation of how it came to happen that a workers' movement
became the guarantor of a reform programme that removed unions, The emergence of the modern state with irs national currency and uni-
solidarity and justice from Polish politics leading ro rhe re-emergence formity of rariffs destroys the existing institutions of social orga.niz-
of the Communist Party as the principal defender of labour. Polanyi's ation such as cities, corporations, unions, parishes, municipalities
two general laws of transformation will be developed and rhen and estates. The legal constitution replaces the ethical ties generated
applied in the second half of the essay. by shared vocational institutions. The central bureaucracy and
national police replace more immediate forms of discipline and
I. The Shape of Human Association organization. The market, in its turn, undermines racketeering and
rigging, the central characteristic of all stable association, thus open-
This section has three purposes. The first is to define the basic
f ing up che elements of society for sale on the open market. Confronted
elements of Polanyi's system, most particularly the role of labour in
I by stable patterns of production characterized by quality control and
the reproduction of a culture. The second is to develop his analysis of with the consequent barriers to entry, the market
I apprenticeships
Speenhamland and the consequent introduction of a free market in lsolution is to abolish cooperation, not to democratize rackets. The
labour and to show that it is of comparative relevance in understand- state creates the conditions, the market makes the moves, the result is
ing the transition from Bolshevism to a market society in Poland. the emptying of the body politic" Society, understood as a stable net-
I Paternalist authoritarianism, it will be argued, is a precondition of work of self-governing institutions as well as a web of self-regulating
lsocietal commodification. The third purpose is to emphasize the systems, disintegrates.
importance of reason in the framing of agendas, and the fundamental
role that feasibility plays as a force in mobilizing political support. This nationalization of politics and markets produces a further
paradoxical development. The new state becomes embedded in a
Tradition and Transition structure of international economic competition and retreats from
internal regulation, surrendering the principle of ordering social
it to the laws of the
To separate labour from the activities of life and ro subject relations and distributing resources to the market. Simultaneously it
market was to annihilate all organic forms of existence and to replace them
becomes increasingly hostile to the intervention of other states in its
by a different rype of organization, an atomistic and individualistic one.4
national market, and thus a state of war becomes the parallel political
Polanyi's work is framed by an idea that can best be summarized as order to that of international trade.t
ation does not begin but from existing institutions and pat- first general law of transformation is that atomism and
ex n0a0
'". --
terns of cooperation, and further, that human thought and acrion can I nationalism are logically and structurally linked through their mutual
comprehend and influence these changes. It is an industrial philosophy I contempt for societal institutions and traditions. The atomism of
-classical economic theory is transformed inro the nationalism of state
rTlris essay will also appear this year in an alternate version in C. Bryant, ed., Tbe conflict through the process of collectivism which disintegrates and
Neut Great Trantformatioz, published by Roudedge. The author also has four primary then aggregates without mediation" State intervention is oJrly morally
debts to acknowledge. The first is toJeff lDUeintraub who insisted that I study Polanyi's justified in the affairs of other countries. The only form of patriotism
work after reading the first draft of my book Unneceuary Saffering" Verso, forthcoming. left is war, the civil life of the nation being characterized by competi-
The second is to Steven Lukes who suggested the tide. The third is to Luisa Zanchi tion. An individualistic internal order is complemented by an anarch-
whose study of inter-sectoral wage differentials in German industry underpins many of
istic global order with sovereignty doing the transitional work. Both
the efficiency arguments made here concerning trade-union participation. The fourtlr
is to Christopher Bryant who edited an earlier version of this essay.
the sovereign agent of rational choice and the sovereign state of
'Solidariry" 'Programme Adopted by the First National Congress', in P. Raina, ed.,
politics see dependency as a weakness, a denial of autonomy, and are
Poland t98r, Tou,ardt Social Rencwad London r98I.
r Karl Polanyi, Thc Great Transformation (henceforth rcr), Boston 1944. t Tlris conflict can take the form of inrperial rivalry as an attempt to expand the size of
4 rcr, p. r(r3. internal markets, border disputes, or ethnic conflicts.
(ro 6r
constantly resisting the demands of social and economic cooperation For Polanyi labour value is not an external effect of aggregation or a
brought about by the division of labour, international markets and surplus value accruing to goods but an internal cause of human
che complex skills and knowledge required to survive in the modern devllopment and survival. Economic activity is not an instrumental
world. As contequence of the Sovernment's attempts to maintain outcome of the arbitrary coordination of human decisions driven by
" recognition of its currency, which remains the last sur-
international greed, but the creation of stable relations of dependency renewed by
viving economic resPonsibiliry of the state, sociery is further subordi- .h^.tg.t in knowledge and the demand for cooperation. People's lives
nated to the demands of the market in the name of protecting and their livelihoods cannot be separated without damage being done
purchasing power. In a market society the necessities of life are made to both. As labour is the means through which the world is trans-
dependent on international exchange and thus the value of money formed by human action, the relation of prodaction are fundamental to
becomes fundamental to survival. Labour and land, or in simpler any conception of freedom, and it is this idea that is the fundamental
language human beings and nature, the substance of sociery are com- concern of organic rationality. Economics as a substantive activity
modified to this end, and the particular forms of ownership, associa- concerns man's most fundamental relationships with others and with
tion and tradition through which they were previously combined have nature. As a formal discipline it is concerned only with means-end
no rational or productive function left.6 People's sustenance' relationships under conditions of scarcity. z 1'1tt formal meaning is
employment and accommodation become dependent on the market. made substantial in a market society through the commodification of
society, but it cannot control or comprehend the consequences of its
I Invariably sociery disintegrates under the strain of relentless commod'
I ificarion. The lack of intermediate institurions then leads to the con' imposirion. The bounded rationality of rational choice turns all
resistance into a form of irrationaliry. The state then arrives to clear
f srr,rctio., of an abstract community enforced by the $dte aPparatus in
up the mess. In the absence of self-governing institutions which struc-
I orde. to restore 'order' and the values of community. Nationalism is
the most abstract of ideologies, it is an attempt to revive an efnaciated tJre economic acriviry, the mess is centrally controlled and contained
corpse by means of a central bureaucracy. It is also a necessity, for the and thus both freedom and stability are undermined. Polanyi's ques-
srate is the only institution left to which people can turn for relief tion is ethical as well as empirical and is: 'how can social continuity
from the market. and solidarity be both rational and substantive so as to retain enough
of a society's traditional functions and shape to resist the claims of
Polanyi's explanation of rhe savagery characteristic of the first half of both state and marker subordination, while modernizing production
rhe twentieth century is primarily concepcual and boils down to the and renewing institutions?'8
thesis that once economic rationality and 'reasons of state' become
severed from an organized social base both democracy and stable f"Polanyi's idea of organic rationaliry, which he proposes as an alterna-
l-cooperation become irrational. Disembedded rationality and disem- I tive to che domination of states and markets, is derived from that
I boaiea poliries leads ro rhe relentless vacillation between these two I mor"l tradirion which seeks to reconcile the claims of reason with the
I extremely powerful abstractions, the state as the defender of order I demands of historical association. This philosoPhy has distinctive
I and the market as the arena of freedom. Thus the conceptual paradox | ,oo,r, the most important of which are the Catholic and socialist
-underpinning the construction of a market society is that while the to tiberalism defined in terms of competitive labour and
economic sphere, understood as a self-regulating system of exchange markets in the newly created self-regulated economic sphere and
grounded in individual choice and governed by prices (catalaxy), the centralization of political power in the state through the idea of
Leco-"r increasingly autonomous and its idea of rationality domi- citizenship. Both citizenship and economic self-regulation break the
nates societal relations, it is based on an impoverished conception of power of intermediate institutions and solidarities while severing
rhe importance of the economy and its institutions in the reproduc- politics from economics through the elevation of private ProPerty
tion of society. Polanyi's criticism of the Marxist tradition is that its claims to rhe level of a human right. The constitutional separation of
understanding of the economy is similarly impoverished through an powers effectively meant the separation of people from power over
equally instrumental analysis of the role of labour in distributing rheir economic lives.
knowledge, creating solidarities and generating trust. The problem
is not a choice between economics and culture for the two ale Ir will be argued that the twin components of s-ocialist svndica
indistinguishable. A society which does not transform the world based on the idea of self-organized democratic labour power and
through its combined effort and knowledge has neither a culture nor @withitsstressonsolidarityandcooPeration
an economy.
7 For a detailed analytic distinction between the substantive and formal meanings of
('The irony is thar sovereignry is a territorial concept and was central to the emerg- economics, see Karl Polanyi, 'The Economy as Instiruted Process', in G. Dalton, ed.,
ence of the narion stare, but its rise coincided with the dissolurion of all patterns of Prinitiae, Archaic and Modcrn Economies, Boston 1968.
association that linkecl the land to production through the imposition o[ a free ntarket
I In this his answer is similar to Durkheim's and takes the form of a vocational
in land and its products. Thus the defence of a tertirory ceased to mean the protection democracy. For Durkheim's attempt to render the idea of organic rationality amenable
of a way of life, more a milirary defence of borders separating countries with homogen- to rational reflecrion, see Emile Durkheim, Profutional Ethiu and Ciuic Moralt, London
eous par(erns of regulation. It is at this point that rhe linguistic turn is ntade in the 1992. For a long,er analysis of Polanyi's conception of tradition see my 'Liberty, Labour
distinction between nations. and the Limits o[ the Market', ,jt/, Paper,Florence t994.
were the distinctive features of the Polish form of opposition ro market with its necessary corollaries of the commodification of land
Communism and the positive articulation of an alternative as devel- and labour. In Britain, while every functional tradition was abolished,
oped most coherently in the Solidarnosc document of r98r. r Tlre those traditions of community with no productive function such as
tradition of organic rationality can thus shed light on the Solidarnosc the monarchy and the national church were given a greater promi-
movement and the types of possibilities available for Poland ro nence than they had ever enjoyed. The particularly English tradition
authentically reconstruct its own traditions and ethical inheritance of symbolic political continuity and brutal economic dislocation was
within the demands made by the global economy and new inter- lestablished. As every society must produce and transform, labour
national consensus. I organizations prove the most vital and durable feature of its continua-
Ition, and it is these that must, above all, be removed if a transform-
Labour and the Body Politic lation is to be successful, or renewed if society is to survive. This is the
lcentral dilemma of every transition to a market order.
The most general category that Polanyi uses to frame his conception The key term in any transformation is the rate of chlggg, which is the
of society is'culture" Three elements form its 'substance'-'human result of the .onili.t between tradition-?ilEi-i6rmation and
beings, their natural surroundings and productive organizarions'.'o expresses itself in the delaying tactics and resistances that allow a com-
They are the units around which societal resistance clusrers when the munity to preserve its meanings, institutions, freedoms and practices
culture is in danger and they are all threatened by the demands of when confronted by challenges and changes that may be necessary but
market society. As regards the human being a necessary feature of are extremely painful.'6 At issue is the renewal of existing institutions
organic association is that it does not allow the individual to starve: and practices through effective functional redefinition. Each change
tlrat society confronts is further distinguished for Polanyi by its
It is tlre of tlre tltreat of individrral srarvation wlriclr makes grrinri-
al'rsence .degenerative'and.ry'possibi|ities.Tlreformerareclrarac.
tive society, in a se nse, nrore lrurnan tlran tlrc rnarket ccononry. tt
terized by a combination of social dislocation compouncled by a
removal of freedoms, the latter by a clear recognition of dependency
People, Polanyi insists, are not produced by the market or for it,
and a broadening of the possibilities for liberty implicit in that
neither are they produced by the state and its laws and institutions.
recognition. Each significant change is characterized by a 'storm'
Human beings are humanized by the plurality of institutions (work,
during which the 'substance' of society is imperilled. The three storms
church, family) that recognize them as bearers of an identity based on
the possession of responsibility, skills and conscience.
he analyses a're the enclosure movement of sixteenth- and early
seventeenth-century England, the Industrial Revolution of the late
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and the Great Depression and
The second element, land, is 'inextricably interwoven with man's
the rise of autarchy that characterized the inter-war period culminat-
institutions".'' The commodification of land led to the breakdown of
many of the characteristic institutions and practices of society, its ing in fascism and the Second \7orld Var.
distinctive way of life and meanings. Of the three commodity fictions His first aftempt to distinguish between organic rationality and
(labour, land, money) it is labour which draws Polanyi's attention as irrationality through the notion of the rate of change is his apprecia-
the fundamental element of social organization. This is what gives tion of Tudor and Stuart policy concerning enclosures. Polanyi argues
society its 'human shape' and the lack of recognition of this fact is that the Tudors and early Stuarts used the power of the crown to slow
what leads to'degeneration".'t As labour is one of the primary activi- <-lown the social devastation caused by enclosutes so that they could be
ties of any culture, the institutions of its reproduction are constitutive made more bearable" The principal means of doing tlris was through
of society itself for 'che organization oflabour is only another term for the national enforcement of the Statute of Artificers of 1563 with its
the forms of life of the common people'.'a The development of a mar- seven-year apprenticeships, yeaily wage assessments and enforcement
ket in labour rneans the subordination of society to the economic sys- of labour starures. They also redefined the role of the national church,
tem, and the foistin g of a market economy upon a differently organized giving it a greater welfare function within the parish and less legal
community is 'only a short formula for the liquidation of every and responsibility. In this way the 'fabric' of society was re-woven without
any cultural institution in an organic sociery'.tl This is what hap- being rent, despite the commodification of land that ensued.
pened to Britain in the Industrial Revolution and involves the
removal of all the productive characteristics of the previous society that this is Hegel's idea in the Pbilonphy of Right, and he
'6 Manfred Riedel claims
that functioned according to a logic other than that of a self-regulating might have a point worth developing for a proper understanding of organic rational-
iry, but this is not the place. See Riedel, Between Tradition and Reaolilioz, Cambridge
e Solidarity, 'Prograrnme ,{dopted by the First National Congress'" 1984, particularly chapters 3,5 and 7. ln chapter lof Unncccttary Suffering I discuss the
TGT, p. t6z" role of unions in Hegel's framing of the revolutionary claims of the market and the
tt TGT, p. 164. rraditional responses of society in the development of freedom; cf . Philosophy of Right,
t'TGT, p. t78. p^r^s 241 and z5o-256" Hegel's insights into the rational structure of societal tradi-
rl t'r;t, p. 83. tions an.l the relationship between institutions, labour and freedom should not be
rcr', p" 7;. negated by his identification of the state with the brain of the social organism and the
resulting primacy of bureaucratic politics as the end of man"
'5 1cr. p. rt9.
(, 67
Polanyi's most original development of the idea of organic rationality, values of neighbourhood, family, and rural surroundings, now man was
however, lies in his analysis of the Speenhamland scale that domi- detached from home and kin, torn from his roots and all meaningful
nated British welfare policy from r7g, to 1814: environment. In short, if Spcenbanland meant the rol of innobility, now tbe peril
wat deatb throagh exposare.t9
The justices of Berkshire, meeting at the Pelikan Inn, in Speenhamland,
near Newbury, on 6 May q95, in a time of great distress, decided that Polanyi links the wrecking of labour value in the reproduction of
subsidies in aid of wages should be granted in accordance with a scale culture with the attempt to find refuge in the values of idealized com-
dependent on the price of bread, so that a minimum income should be munity and belonging, which are usually plundered by paternalists as
assured to the poor irrespective of their earnings. I.7 an alternative to confronting the demands of moderniry through the
f insrirutionalization of iustice. The rhetoric of lost community is iust as
Superficially, Speenhamland appears as a classic means by which
society resists the claims of the market through the inrroducrion of a
ldangero,rs to society as the bestialization of man proposed by the
basic income, or 'right to live'. It was the eighteenrh-cenrury equiva- lpolitical economists.'" The coerced communiry of Communism is
even rnore injurious than the chaos of unregulated commodification.
lent of the citizen's wage in which each subject in Britain was given an The tragic choice between communitarianism and economic liberal-
unconditional paymenr.'8 It obstructed the commodificarion of ism is that of either rotting in subsidized decay in a crumbling home
labour that followed the privatization of land holdings during the cen- or being left exposed and unprotected in that most inhospitable of
tury of enclosures. It also undermined, or ignored, the fundamental terrains, a cultureless desert ruled by the law of the jungle. The alter-
role that human labour plays in the mainrenance and rransformation native to communitarian oppression and stagnation, however, is not
of society and culture. It destroyed standards of work rhrough sever- isolation. Polanyi cites Aristotle approvingly for stressing the self-
ing the link with qualiry rnaintained by apprenriceships and wages, it sufficiency of domestic units (the oihos) as the non-contractual
outlawed the guilds as organizations thar taught and reproduced foundation of society and his analogy to che person outside reciprocity
skills, and it ended up by transforming self-sufficient farmers into as either a beast or a god. "
paupers dependent f<rr their subsistence on rhe local parish burear.r-
fThe two poles of the idiot dialectic that reappear continually in
r f Polanyi's work are stagnant holism and methodological individual-
fspeenhamland had an effect on English culture similar to that of I ism. The former cannot explain change, the latter ignores society:
lBolshevik rule in Poland. It not onty led ro rhe pauperization of the Iboth misunderstand people. The organically rational cast of his
self-sufficient, rhe erosion of personal morality, and rhe desrruction of -thought is brought out in his approach to class, which he embeds in
work-skills vital to the health of the body poliric but irs application the necessity of the reproduction of a functioning sociecy. Specific
also deprived labour of irs marker value. In consequence no self- for protecting the substance of society
classes take the responsibility
organized class of employees was in place to resist the demands of the during times of change:
f new commodified economy. A pacified, disorganized and demoral-
f ized society was helpless before the demands of the self-regulating The fate of classes is much more often determined by the needs of society
'substance' of rhe comrnon
I marker. The eflfecrs of paternalism on rhe than the fate of sociery is determined by the needs of classes. . . . The'chal-
were so devasrating thar anyrhing seemed better in compar- lenge ' is to sociery as a whole; the response comes through groups, sections
lison. In time rhe victims of the new regime either passively acquiesced and classes. . . . Purely economic matters such as affect want-satisfaction
or actively supported market utopianism so as to rescue their flreedom are incomparably less relevant to class behaviour than questions of social
and digniry. recognition.22

The tragedy of indusvializing Brirain, as can be said of contemporary What Marxists call class consciousness is simply what the working
Poland,isthatthepeoplewerefacedon|ywith@, class have to do to protect the nation from catastrophe when they have
either the degradation of paternalisr sragnation without politicat
liberty as s/as the case with speenhamland and Bolshevism, or the 19
rcr, p. r83. My emphasis.
annihilation of solidariry in the name of freedom rhrough the com- 'o It was one of the more rernarkable achievements of the New Right that they
combined an equal commitment to both. See chapter 7 of Unnecessary S{fering.
modification of labour and land, as with rhe creation of an unregu-
'' Aristotle, The Politict, Book r, n53a,r-6" In many ways the problems of Aristotle are
lated labour market in nineteenth-century Britain and the Balcerowicz those of Polanyi, and rhey are not trivial. They both identifr self-sufficiency with self-
'srabilizarion' plan in r99o. Polanyi purs it rhus: deternrination and conceive of the unit of freedom as the collectiviry. Thus both
individual freedom within the state and reciprociry between societies are always a
lf Speenlramland rneant the snug misery of degradation, now the labouring threat and can never be adequately grounded. Freedom, for Aristode, can only begin
poor was homeless in sociery. . . . If speenharnland had overworked tlre with a recognition of dependency. Aristotle's concern with the functional necessity of a
just social order, the mutuality of social life, the reference to common norms as the
source of social order, the idea of institutions as the embodiment of ethics and the
'7 Tcr, p" rg1 .
primacy of self-sufficiency as opposed to cash transactions in economic life offer a
'8 For recent defences of rhis policy see Philippe Van Farijs, ed., Arping for Batic philosophical backdrop ro many of Polanyi's unstated ethical assumptions.
Incone, Verso, London 1992. ', pp. rj2-1.
" Soliclarity, 'Progranrm€ . . .
no allies.'1 Classes are a means of distributing responsibilities for belraved lihe beasr.s, Townsend believed thar they were realfi beasrs"
necessary activities within society and preserving rhe skills and Together wirh Ricardo, Malthus and Bentham a biological foundation
traditions necessarv for their effective fulfilrnent. rvas found for the political order. The body politic was replaced by the
demands of the body itself, and this g ve a society its order and
Communitarian Authoritarianism and Market Utopianism distribution. The naturalisric fallacy became the real foundation of
societal discipline through the legal and political recognition of the
The experiences of Speenhamland and Bolshevism indicate Polanyi's commodity fiction as irnposed by force.
second qenerat taw: that the prior desolarion of society in thc rrarne of
The appeal of this new science was based on irs ability to link freedom
its protection is a necessary precondition for the creation of a market
with competition and survival. Ir resolved the opposicion between
fsociety. The act of destroying a culture precedes its willing acquies- nature ancl freedom by establishing global comperirion as rhe tesr of
I cence to the devastation of its way of life" Authoritarian protectionism survival. It so happened that the freest socieries were rhe strongest.
I leads to pathologies so enormous that anything seems better in com- Humanist sympathies for the poor robbed society of vitaliry and self-
parison. The futility of resistance leads to willing surrender. In both
I-cascs respect and distorted the natural laws of supply and demand, as
there is a discrediting of intervention and democratic resistance
Speenhamland proved. The role of politics, understood in terms o[
as 'paternalism", which is defined as injurious to civilization through
scace-enforced regulation in the name of the cornmon good, was to
its ignorance o[ the basic laws of nature and immoral through its
protect freedom, defined as the uncoerced exchange of private pro-
denial of freedom and responsibility. The paternalism of Speenham-
perty holdings. The idea of greed was transformed into an ideal and
land was imposed at the price of tlre self-organization of labour as was
['recanre the organizing principle of a free society.2a'When all societies
also the case in Communist Poland. The anti-combination laws of
had been subordinated to the market, there would come into existence
r799-r8oo made worker association a criminal offence. The Bolshe-
the optimal relation of freedom and scarciry in the form of one func-
vik welfare system was similarly based on the denial of independent
tionally inregrated global society of unrestricted human exchange and
trade unions. The abolition of Speenhamland was welcomed as an act
productive distribution. The entire world would be based on the prin-
of freedom just as the Solidarnosc movement has embraced market
utopianism as a means of achieving liberation from Communism. In ciple of 'cooperation without coercion'."
industrializing England the dual process of legislative paternalism Polanyi underestimatcd the moral attractiveness of the marker as a
with its exclusion of legal trade unions combined with the subsi<ly to foundation for freedom and prosperity, and this forms a crucial part
wages institutionalized through Speenhamland, desrroyed employ- of its power in Eastern Europe at present. The market is presented by
rnent, quality of work, incentive and solidariry. its defenders as the system that guarantees the greatest possible free-
dom assuming the constraints on sustainable production in a world
In the late eighteenth century a new order of societal organization was characterized by scarciry.'6 They also point to the empirical fact that
justified by the philosophical framework provided by the new disci- alternatives to the market as an allocation principle not only have
pline of political economy exemplified byJoseph Townsend"s Diuerta- been unsustainable, but undermine morality through generating a cul-
tion on the Poor Laws. In this discipline the inheritance of humanism ture of mass dependence characterized by a lack of responsibility, a
was discarded and the animal put in its place. By approaching the proliferation of skivers and scroungers, the breakdown of family, self-
laws and order of human societies through the equilibrium achieved respect and ethical relations generally. The institutionalization of Bol-
between dogs and goats on a fictitious island, rhis av<lided the need shevism in the East and the accommodation to the market in the lfest
for all political and nnoral arguments. l$(/hile Hobbes argued that men have linked the market to morality. There is no doubt that the West is a
berter, freer, healthier and richer society than the East. Authoritarian
':] Polanyi puts this in the following way: 'Unless the alternative to the social set up is protectionism has done the work of Speenhamland on a European scale.
a plunge into utter destruction, no crudely selfish class can maintain itself in the lead'
(rcr, p. 156). In effect, Polanyi artr;ues that for all the claims of historical materialism Reflections on this general law of paternalist pacification as a precon-
and the denigration of both philosophy and political economy for their ahistorical and ciition of competitive disintegration and their shared commitment to
abstract methods, Marxists simply abstract classes from society and adopt a rational
choice model for the proletarian collectivity with all the mistakes assumed by game
theory, the rnost irnportant of which is tlrat other people are a hindrance to the 'a tcr, p. 84.
realization of one's ends. Only if all other classes are abolished can the proletariat " This is the definition of market relations given in Milton and Rose Friedman, Free to
cease to be exploited and this rneans, logically, the destruction of society as a Choov, London r98o, p. t4.
superstructural form of domination that interferes with 'real interests'. lr is no wonder '6 For a discussion of Hayek and the moral claims made for open systems of exchange
that the'national'question remained one of the perennial issues in Marxism and was see chapter 1o( Unneceuary S{fcring. This tries to explain the reasons for the'discredit-
seen as a question of state power and not social organization, thus continually failing ing'of the postwar setdement and the rise of tlre New Right. For an accessible defence
to appreciate its appeal or dangers. Neither is it a coincidence that the grear Bolshevik of Hayek see Alexander Shand, Frec Markct Morality, I-ondon t99o, and Alexander
theorist on the national question was Stalin, with legacies that are becoming more Shand, Thc Caltitalitt Altrnatiae, Brighton 1984. For a more detailed defence see lsrael
apparent now. For an analysis of the relationship between Bolshevism and dre Kirzner, Market Procctr: Eray in tbc Dcuclopmcnt of Modcrn Aailrian konomict, London
institutional protection of nationality as the only form of institutionalized solidarity 1992. For the definitive statement see F.A Hayek, Lau,, Lcgiilation and Liberty. Vol. Tu,o:
other than the Parry, see chapter z of Unnecettary Saffcring. The Mirage of SocialJatice, London t976.
frR 6e
rhe irrelevance of organized labour lead Polanyi to make rhe crucial rules of 'corporate governance' on a sociery roo backward to organize
distinction thac structures his work, and underpins his philosophical irself.'7 lt is an unprecedenred artempt at crearing planned spontaneiry.
scheme. It consists in an opposition fo both parernalism and
f-atomizarion and his explanation of their shared structure. Polanyi's Solidarnosc was well named, in that the atomization of Polish social
I point is not that people need Protection, but that they pcotect each life through the abolition of self-organized social activity had been the
I other. Thar is what it means to be human. They do so in conditions of goal of Bolshevik rule. It is worth exarnining the Solidarnosc Programme
I freedom by their mutual recognition of labour as the dynamic tie of for tbe Nation't Reaiaal adopted in r98r in detail, for this document
I their dependency. Society is not reduced to the state, which can be expresses the political, economic and ethical aspirations of a move-
fcoercive and reactionary. Neither is it reducible to the individual and ment which enjoyed broad popular support and formulated a coher-
I the family. It is rather something human beings recognize as their own ent programme of policies within a consensus which they transformed
I creation; something constructed out of the raw materials of nature by through their actions. It was the only public, democratically decided
I means of their combined energy and governed by reason, which is and practically relevant statement of political and social philosophy
lgiven by their freedom to think and cooperate. Rephrased, human produced by the opposition movement in Eastern Europe and was
'society is the transformation of exrernal nature through lruman agreed to by an organization of almost ten million members.
nature, which is the realization of freedom through the moral rela-
tions creared by productive association. The relations of production The Inheritors of the Chartists
are the benchmark of liberty. The institutions of work-the firm, the
union, the city, the trade associations and the municipality-are thus There are three distinct but complementary commitments outlined in
_the organizations that protect and renew both freedom and comrnun- rhe document:
I ity. The marginalization of democratically organized vocational groups
I empcies society of all forms of association other than religion,
a) \forker democracy within a decentralized competitive economy.
I territory or race which are often united into a single ideology and b) 'The self-governing republic' in which inter-parcy competition
I embodied in the state. The centrality of self-organized vocational would take place at elections, but in which there would also be
I groups to a free society, it will be argued in the next section, was
democratic control of the bureaucracy and the workplace.
I precisely the alternative that the Solidarnosc movement proposed in
[-itr opposition to Communism. c) Justice as fairness,in which the principles of liberty, equality and
In postwar Germany as well as in France, Denmark, Italy, Holland solidarity were defined as equal basic liberties for all within a context
and Belgium the market was subordinated to the needs of society of fair opportunity, characterized by a 'maximin'-based equilibrium
through a myriad of regularions, restrictions, accommodations and in which social and economic inequalities work for the greatest
mediations. The challenge for all those who believe that freedom is a benefit of the least advanraged.'8 This 'difference principle' is clearly
relation that holds betueen people and is amenable to their reason and articulated in Thesis 4 of the Solidarnosc document which states that:
action is to tease out the core elements of postwar success and to
The union recognizes the need for restoring market equilibrium within the
strengrhen them. The present domination of the political agenda by
framework of a reliable anti-crisis prograrnme, which should be in line
either organic irratio$ , in the form of nationalists and ecologists, with the principle of protecting the weakest groups of the population.29
or inorqanic rarionalist!, represented by the neoclassical commissars
of rhe lVorld Bank, is a result of the ideological breakdown of the In short, Solidarnosc combined the different strands of Polanyi's phi-
rVesr European Left, which seems to have lost faith in both its inherit-
losophy of organic rationality, or freedom within an industrial society,
ance and its achievements. and proposed them as a practical programme for rhe resroration of
the body politic.
II. From Solidarity to Disintegration
Solidarnosc analysed three related parhologies in the Communisr
The result of rhe move from protectionist authoritarianism to atom- command economy; i) centralizarion, ii) monopoly and iii) bureau-
_ism was the same in nineteenth-century Britain as in contemporary cratic management.
l-notand. There was a move from coercive community to the commodi-
| fication of human labour, from stagnant holism to methodological '7 The idea of 'corporate gove rnance' was proposed as an alternative ro self-government
lindividualism, from decay to homelessness. Today, in the present move in the Sachs proposal. See David Lipton and Jeffrey Sachs, 'Privatization in Eastern
-from Marxist to market Leninism the institutional protection of civil Europe: The Case of Poland', Brooh,ingt Papert on Economic Actiaity, Washington oc:
associations and cooperation, society in short, have been ignored. The Brookings lnstitution, 199o.
Balcerowicz 'stabilization' plan was not worked out with represent- '8 For the development o[ the idea of maximin in this contexr see John Rawls, A
T'heory ofJatticc,Oxford ry7o, pp. rt2-t.
atives of sociery, but imposed by the state in the name of the market.
'9 Ftrr otlrer expressions of this principle in rhe r98r document see pp. tt4, ,j6, j78,
These were the only two institutions that mattered. The agent of which expound the 'principle of protecting absolurely the weakesr groups in the
imposition was the \Western-trained manager who would impose the population.'
i) Centralization meant that calculations and forecasts were nrade thc worker councils were to have thc 'righr to nominare and disrniss
on the basis of evidence that was unreliable due to the slteer volurtre ntanagers'. ]2
of data, setting aside the veracity of the information received. Com-
mand from centre to periphery destroyed the signals given by prices ri/ork was parr of tlre 'common human values' that Solidarnosc
leading to dysfunctional distribution, arbitrary allocation and sub- claimed gave them legitimacy as a 'force willing to build a jusr Poland
optimal networks of exchange. Initiative was subordinated to for everyone'. In what reads like a summary of Polanyi's central thesis
directives, within the context of a career structure which rewarded they wrote:
loyalty not rnerit. For these reasons state-based centralization was seen
as an inappropriate, inefficient and unjust method of economic
rcgulation. vork is for man, and what determines its sense is its closeness ro man, ro
lris realneecls. our national and social rebirth must be based on the
restored hierarchy of those goals. vhile defining its aims, Sotidarnosc
ii) Monopoly ensured that there was no competition and therefore no draws from the values of Christian ethics, from our national traditions and
nreans of innovation in the development of procluctive techniques. from the workers" and democratic traditions of the labour world.3.r
There could be no appeal outside the state apparatus in trying to
institute new procedures, and no labour bargaining pon'er due to a S<llidarnosc retained a distinctive commitmenr ro the theory of labour
state monopoly of employment and the abolition of unions. value. Worker-democracy was the medns of restoring society on the
foundation of associational liberty and this lay at the heart of their
iii) Bureaucraric management referred to mechods o[ microeconornic programme: 'Genuine self-management of employees will be the basis
discipline in which power was distributed according t<t political of tlre self-governing republic.' la
correctness and the dignity and efficiency of work was degracled and
impeded by a military command structure establishe<i wirhin the Tlre philosophy of the lur/Sachs plan of rggo w^s completely opposed
economic system. to that of the economic reform programme of r98r. The Solidarnosc
programme was the postwar Vest German industrial relations sysrem
Monopoly and centralization were to be removed through a process of of cocietermination in ernbryo in its combination of worker democ-
decartelization and redefined property titles. The new owner of the racy, state regulation and the social-market system. The works
decentralized firms would be the enterprise run by a tnanagement councils would have control over the appoinrment of managers and a
tearn which was appointed through the democratically elected works shareholder function as the final court of appeal in the decision-
councils. This goal of competitive self-management was the means of making process; the appointed managers would run the enterprise on
creating both stable property relations and esttblishing a system a day-to-day basis. The owner, or capiral side, however, could not be
within which the responsibility for decision making, and knowleUge filled in r98l as there was no capiral, the only owner being the state.
of the complexities and demands made by market competition, were This problem was compounded in so far as the srate's claim to owner-
facilitated by access to all records and information. Democracy was a ship was challenged by the ministries, the ministries were challenged
form of wage substitution during recession within the framework of by the industrial branch associations ro which each enrerprise
restoring incentive structures, quality of work and firm loyalry. It was belonged, the industrial branch associations were challenged by the
a means of establishing a pattern of embedded market relations in Parry in the name of the people, whilst the people, in as much as they
which workers participated constructively in the transition from a could express themselves, supported Solidarnosc. The disorganic
closed to an open society.lo irrationality of Bolshevism led to the creation of institutions which
represented no self-organized group within society but which
The decentralization and decartelization of Polish industry, within the employed huge numbers of people and controlled societal resources.
framework of competitive self-management, was central to the r98r These institutions acted as a force ro block the development of
plan. The self-managed enterprise was to be the 'basic organizational organizations which could represent the different classes and interests
unit of the econorny'.ttThe plan for a self-governing republic, in
which the self-managing of enterprises was to play a fundamental role, P lbid., p.
32j.The iustification was that 'managemenr was the responsibiliry of
permeates the entire document. Its implementation was also the workers'. The meaning of this is not that there should be no managemenr, but that self-
central demand made in the declaration of 8 September r98r in which discipline and efficient organization does not require an external enforcer with
scientific techniques and abstract power. Self-management is the responsibiliry of each
member of the enterprise, and as the people most effected by the decisions and who
r" Tl're idea of embedded market relations is developed extensively by Diane Elson,
know their iob and industry best. workers should exercise the responsibility of deci-
'Market Socialisrn or Socialization of the Market'i NLR I72. She writes: 'ln actually sion making. lt was a justification for vocational democracy based on the principles of
existing socialist economies the important thing seems to be to attack both the efficiency and not only on ethical principle or class power, and thus represenrs a signi-
bureaucracy's prerogatives over information and enrcrprise management's prerogative ficant conceptual breakthrough in arguments for democracy, linking freedom to
over information. . , . Measures to create markets must be complemented by measures knowledge.
to socialize markets' (p, ++). t3 Sofidarity, Thesis 2c, p.
1'Solidarity, Thesis I, p. 33o. 327.
lbid., p.)4i.
of society and thus frame a consensus which could find a productive If worker-run enterprises were to be the foundation of economic
place for each of them. renewal, combining competition, decentralization and the institu-
tional removal of arbitrary bureaucratic power, while redefining
Due to the parricular features of Poland in t981, Solidarnosc had to property titles, enterprise functions and competitive discipline and
express worker and national interests simultaneously. The problem of innovation, then rhis was only one aspect of the democratic reforms
how to represent che interests of a class, and the needs af a national that needed to be taken.
economy, was posed in an acute To institutionalize the pre-
sence of the state or enterprise nomenklatura on the supervisory The Self-Governing Republic
board would have been a negation of the principle of efficiency on
which the argumenr against management rested. The particular his- f-rn" reform of the srate institutions in Poland had to obey two
torical injustice is that during the transition, the nomenklatura were I potentially conflicting principles: liberalism and democr^cy. A liberal
the only force in the society with capical, and they dictated terms. The I dernocracy is a potentially incoherent amalgam, for the priority of
exclusion of tlre worker councils from any positions of responsibility I rights limits democratic authority, and maioritarian domination can
and power led to the capital side, the previously nonexistent, becom- I limir freedom. Polanyi's solution was to invert the usual relationship
ing the only force with any authority in the enterprise. A constructive I between liberalism and demo cr^cy by democ rarizing the economy and
partnership with the trade unions was denied both before and after I subordinating politics to individual rights. This was also Solidar-
the fall of Communism-an example of the move from authoritarian- nosc's solution. The reform programme thus confronted this problem
ism to atomism without going on a detour through society. trying to reconcile the autonomous logic of different sub-systems in
so<.iety (the economy, law, politics, religion, science), without sutren-
Worker self-management was the issue over which the government dering democratic aspirations to the control and supervision of
and Solidarnosc broke off negotiations in 198r. The 'expert' econo- bureaucracies. Ic did this by introducing a plan for a 'systerns democ-
mists chosen to arbitrate in the dispure criticized the authorities for rar.y' in which the legal system, the medical bureaucracy and the
not providing: 'authentic participation of trade unions and workers' educational apparatus would each run their own affairs without direct
self-government in management and control'.16 The union pursued state interference according to the principle of professional self-
self-management as their top priority; they were prepared to make all government. In those areas where the state had a legitimate function,
orher goals subordinate to this one and threatened a general strike if it such as in the appointment of judges, the selection of a national sylla-
was not implemented.rr The government-Solidarnosc talks were bus, or the choice of medical technology, there would be an institu-
resumed on this specific issue as'Warsaw Pact forces began extensive tionalized democratic balance in favour of representatives of the
manoeuvres on the Polish border and martial law was imposed. T'here sub-system in question on each committee. These rneasures were justi-
was no opportunity to organize publicly for a decade after that, at fied according to the principle that experts know best, and that their
which point the population had been demobilized, the experts had expertise was best judged by their colleagues. In those cases where the
changed their mind, the economy was in further ruins and freedom experts were divided, political considerations would be decisive.le
had changed its meaning. The Solidarnosc document is the only coherent and detailed statement
of democratic theory provided by the opposition movements in
The decision by the government to abandon its previous cotnmit' Eastern Europe that was both more conceptually sophisticated than
menrs in favour of the enthusiastic enforcement of the lun/Sachs plan, parallel developments in Western Europe, and more feasible.
rhus forswearing any state function in economic planning, welfare cre-
ation and worker involvement, effectively closed any effective means
John Rawls's A Tbeory ofJattice rests on the premiss that fairness is the
ffor Solidarnosc, as a union, to play a constructive role. As rWalesa fundamental value of modern political societies, and that reason must
I recently said: I build a strong union, I will be building an obstacle subordinate markets in the narne of society. It is Rawls who articu-
Iro reform.'ls This has enabled rhe old/new capitalist managerial class lared the philosophical system closest to the ethics that characterized
-ro ..*oue Solidarnosc from any institutional power leading to the
the rejection of Communism in Poland.4o A commitment to fairness
destruction of Solidarnosc as a unionr a movement and a political leads to a hierarchy of three principles which serve asground rules for
parry. Ir had no constructive role except as a means of imposing the the regulation of societal institutions. The first principle states that
'stabilization' plan on a disillusioned and demobilized society.
each person has an equal right to a full scheme of equal liberties,
compatible with an identical right for all. The second is that of equal
It This is an example of Polanyi's conception of class and organic responsibility out-
opportunitl, and the third is the 'difference principle'. This is the
lined in the first section, also see rcr, pp. ri2-g.
16 solidariry, p.
)92. 19 For rhe outline of these self-governing measures in the legal, medical, scieotific and
17 '\(e declare most emphatically that in case a law is passed that thwarts the will of

employees the union will be forced to boycott such a law and unclertake acrion to educational systems. see SolidariryThesis, z4t(al, pp.3to,345, Thesis 3o, p. 355, and
ensure the unfetterecl functioning of authentic self-management' (Solidarity, p. 39t). Thesis 29, p. tt4. In effect they tried to give substantive meaning to Polanyi's idea of
.18 Alexander Surdej, 'Politics and the Stabilization Plan', manuscript. rut, Florence frcedom in a complex society.
4o See Unneccrary Sulfering, chapter r.
t992, P.7.
":.1 7t
idea that in a society characterized by market relations and private society on the basis of their work. This equality is not only formal, in:
property, inequality is iustified in as much as improvernents in effi- the sense of equality before the law, fair procedures of iustice and
.i.n.y and wealth do not diminish the welfare of the least advantagecl" employment opportunity, but also has a substantive content in terms of
the collective provision of what Rawls calls 'primary goods', defined as
Rawls's first principle is expressed in Thesis z3 of the Solidarnosc the precondition of effective agency. ql In this lies the morality of wel-
document which states: fare provisions concerning health, education, housing and labour
regulation. If the goal of Solidarnosc was to 'create decent economic
T5e systenr must gu.rrantee basic civil freedotns and respect tlre principles and political conditions in an independent Poland, that is conditions
of equaliry before the law as far as all citizens and all public institutions are of a life free of poverty, exploitation, fear and deception, in a sociery
concerned . . . regardless of tlreir convictions, political views and org,aniz- that is democratically and lawfully organized', then the role of the 'dif-
ational affi liations. 4l ference principle' can be clearly understood.4t lf changes in sociery
take place which secure iust legal procedures but ignore the context
The fundamental principle of reform was an assertion of basic human within which starting points are distributed in an arbitrary and unfair
and civil rights which were not oPen to political negotiation, violation way, rhenit is possible that a large number ofcitizens will be excluded from
or surrendir. These constituted the inviolable first premiss o[ Polish the benefits of societal activity. The principal means of exclusion is
reconstruction Which was the lexical priority of liberty-q'This recalls unemplovment, which severs peoPle both from recognition as pro-
the 'spheres of arbitrary freedom protected by u-nbreakable rights' Juctive partners and from material resources. Rawls"s solution to the
that Polanyi argues was the necessary condition of a free existence of formal equality and substantive inequality is to iustify the
redistribution of primary goods without which
would be
The second principle, that of equal opportunity, was expressed in the impossible. Both the right to work and the priority of primary Soods
critique of institutionalized privilege based on Party rnembership and turn each citizen from being an individual part of a political com-
geneialized subservience. The creation of democratically controlled munity, into an active participant in the social life of a society. Only a
iorkplaces was an arrenr't to break the institutionalized domination democratically organized differentiated society can sustain the con-
of the Party in the econolrtic sphere, democratic control of bureaucra- sensus necessary to preserve individual rights.
cies a means of conrrolling the Party's domination of tlre instirutions
of state. Taken together, this would remove the Farty from its domi- As Roman Laba shows in his empirical work on the l97os strikes and the
neering position in societal otga.nization. The argument for equality development of the Solidarnosc rnovement, worker self'organization
of opfoitunity was based on a commitment to the developrnent of was seen the means of societal restoration and in this labour value
^s role. Solidarnosc bore the burden of iustice fo-r the-
t"l"nti in a system of fair competition on the grounds that active played a central
attainmenr was a superior principle of selection to either inheritance whole of Polish society as well as acting as the immediate defender of
or reward based on obedience. It was also argued that equaliry of the workers' interests. The renewal of industrial relatiou in society, a
opporrunity is in the collective interest as it aids efficiency, maximizes I'recognition of labour, was central to its concerns.46 The central
talent allocation, and increases the ability for each to increase their I challenge confronting Polish society as well as academics, is to explain
self-respect by gaining recognized positions of Power and prestige in | *hy thi workers have remained unrecognized in the new regime that
I Solid"..tosc created. \{rhy is it that this Catholic syndicalist movement
I' Solidarity, p. 349. I has adopted the market utopia as its central commitment with its
For the retarionship berween liberty and the other values see -fohn Rawls,
a, 'Social
I notion of tt".u".ion-based incentives and its contempt for the tradi'
Unity and Primary Goods', in A. Sen and B. Villiams, eds, Beynd Utilitarianitm, Cam- ILtions and values of Polish society?
bridge 1982.
rir, p. zti. Space does not allow an exposition and defenceof Polanyi's ideal of
ar Se-e
From Marxism to Market without Mediation
a liberal democracy based on rights at the level o[the state and democracy at work' ln
his conceprion of justice the right to work plays a fundamental role in giving access to If the conditions facing Poland in 1989 are seen in comparison with
primary ioods and the fruits of social cooperation. Due to the domination of neoclas- \Vest Germany in rg45 then the divergences and similarities can be
sical idLJs in the sphere of policy, and postmodern distaste for both rights and work
clearly apprehended. In Germany, as in Poland, political parties were
in what used to be socialist philosophy, the idea of the'right to work'has fallen out o[
the frame of feasible poiicy options throughout the world. Such a right is not only banned. The state bureaucratic class was implicated in the old regime
derivable from Rawls's idea of primary goods, it is of central importance in the in both cases and had lost any clairn to impartiality" The Polish work-
strengthening of liberal dernocracies and the creation of conditions of freedom access' ing class had traditions of militancy and self-organization which, if
ible to each citizen. The present arguments for a basic income, or citizen's wage made anything, exceeded Germany's. They had an illegal, functionless but
by liberals, socialists and conservatives are reminiscent of the Speenhamland debate legitimate trade union in the form of Solidarnosc and an officially
and could lead to sirnilar consequences as the distribution of power and responsibiliry
in sociery become increasingly narrow and each citizen is left in a state of subsidized
stagnation lacking the rneans to change their circumstanc€s and the skills to cooperate
aa Fordetailed discussion seeJohn Rawls, 'The Basic Liberties and their Prioriry', in Tbc
with others. Once sociatists lose their distinctive insight into the relationship between Tanner Lectuns on I Inman Valae\ vol. 3, Cambridge 1982, tnd A Tbcory ofJa:ticc, pP. 9o-t.
work, freedom and power they collapse into other traditions whether these be liberal, ar Solidarity, p. 3u(r.
statist, nationalist, romantic, racial or genderist'
46 Roman Laba, T'he Social Roott of Solidarity, Princeton 1991.
The \0festern contribution can be summarized as follows: All we can
privileged, effective at bargaining but less popular union, the oPzz.
give you is a model, which has had no success in any developed
The splic union is a legacy of Communism with debilitating effects for
industrial nation, but whose implementation is the precondition of
societal reconstruction. The inherirance of a state-sponsored union was
receiving any hope of recognition as even a subordinate partner in the
similaq the response of the new regime, however, was strikingly differ- 'Free Europe' you have struggled for so long to ioin.qe
ent. The leaders of the Dettrcbland Arbeiter Front, the Nazi-sponsored
union, were prosecuted for war crimes, none of its middle-ranking Perhaps the supreme achievement of 'actually existing socialism' is that
leaders was allowed to hold office in the new union structures, and it gave plausibility to theories linking nationalism, racism and com-
rhey were barred from employment. Their offices and assets were munity which had lost their rational appeal with the defeat of fascism
seized by the state. In Poland, rhe oPzz has grown in strength and has while giving a credibility to market utopias that the postwar settlement
proved to be an organizational support of the renewed Communists f
was a rneans of disproving. As the unfair consequences of the stabil-
as the unemployment and poverty generated by the srabilization plan f izarion plan became apparent, the Polish people were deprived of rhe
have grown. Property rights in Poland were as ill defined and f language of
justice through which they could express their ethical and
uncertain as they were in Germany. The leading forces in Poland with lorganizational opposition. Appeals to iustice became identified with
capital were the ex-nomenklatura whose legitimacy had been under- I defending the ancien regime, or were disqualified as populist, dema-
mined by Communist rule and were seen as the principal defenders lgogic and utopian. Any alternative to an unregulated market was
and enforcers of the old system. In Germany the large industrialists f immediately defined as unfeasible. Social democracy has been the vic-
were similarly implicated with the old regime. Productive Power [_tim of Communism in a double sense. Having been murdered, impris-
existed, as it did in Germany in 1945 where there was minirnal oned, tortured, banned, reviled and expelled by the Communists as
damage to industrial machinery, bur the definition and future orSan- revisionists and class traitors, social democracy is now affirmed as
ization o[ the material contexr remained uncertain. what Communisrn was about all along, leading to the Communist
Party of Poland changing its name to the 'Social Democratic Party of
The Roman Catholic church was both morally respected and popular the Republic of Poland' iust in time to associate the two ideas and to
in both countries. [t was constrained as a political agent in that be rejected by the electorate. It is now in power proclaiming its social-
theocracies were seen as an outmoded and inappropriate form of democratic orientation but seems to have neither a commitment to
government, and by internal constraints on its explicit will to political
democracy nor to the social and is merely consolidating the grip of
power. The foundation of a Christian Democratic party of the rWest
market Leninist managers on all maior aspects of economic and polit-
German variety was a possibility that the church in Poland did ical life. The conflation of social democracy with Communism was
nothing to bring about. Unlike in Germany, where the church not only a rhetorical strategy of the New Right, but a democratic
concentrated its attention on social issues, the church in Poland has
concentrated on matters of personal morality such as abortion and l-strategy of defeated Communism. The inability of social democracy to
divorce and has mobilized little of its power in pursuit of issues con- I develop its traditions and commitments into a coherent whole and the
cerning labour, welfare or iustice. Solidarnosc was the only organiz- I subsequent inability to define itself as an alternative to, and not just a
ation which could act as a recognized political agent enioying popular I composite of Communism and liberalism lies at the heart of its prob-
legitimacy and support. The movement stood as a polirical party and I lem. Such ideas were either identified with failure and, therefore, had
-to be'abolished'as a direct cause of ruin, or they were seen as irrele-
won all available seats contested at the election of 1989.
vant to the 'needs' of society due to their unfeasibility.
It was at this point that the Solidarnosc government met the New The assumptions of market Leninism are still repeated in most
Rishr consensus, not ar the level of Cold 'War rhetoric where trade- reports from Poland. In this the imposition of correct policy enforced
union rights, democratic empowerment and real freedom were the by scientific managers is the ideal, and any form of democratic oppo-
main currency but on the level of reality where these played no role as sition is understood as demagogic, populist or worse. The most recent
policy priorities defined by the dominant economic, political and example is a survey article in the Economist.le The author develops the
military institutions. The message was clear" No union deals, the dis- argument that 'reform proceeds despite democracy, not because of ir.
mantling of the welfare state, rhe abolirion of worker councils, a . . . Clearly policy works better than democrlcy. . . such policies lunem-
renunciation o[ freedom of movement in the new Europe and ployment, budget constraints, welfare cuts, inequality, union margin-
enforced unemployment as a necessary feature of economic recovery. alizationl are good for Poland's economy and soul. . . . It is sometimes
The ec closed its borders to both Poles and their goods and no signi- necessary to insulate policy from the chaos of politics.'to The assump-
ficant aid was forthcoming. If the transformation can be defined as tion is that correct economic theory musr subordinate democracy.
fundamentally concerned with the integration of Poland into the
\Testern sphere, at the moment of movement all the dominant aB
7o per cent of the Polish national debt was to \(/estern governmenrs, not ro com-
insritutions which could have facilitated such a move were consistent mercial institutions. This was widely expected to be cancelled. However, after a wait of
in their response. No integration, no partnership, no cooperation.aT two years it was only halved, thus leaving the new democracies wirlr the added burden
o[ Communist profligacy.
ae Brooke Unger, 'Souls in the New lvlaclrine', Economitt, t6-zz April
17The ruF, in fact, acted as the representative of Polish creditors wirlr consequences 994.
10 lbid.
that are discussed below.
This is despite the acknowledgemenr that unemployment runs ar ov€r
f has been clumsily labelled welfare, warfare or social capiralisrn 1,, ilris
three million, a third of whom have been jobless for more than a year,
I the goal of societal, and not simply marker equilibrium, !s:-l;c rg!Lrrit
that over ten million Poles now live below the poverty line and real
I ive ideal. Political and class-based institutions intervene, or rather
wages have declined substantially since 1989. He notes thar zo per
I become entangled in market operations. Democracy and corporare
cent of GDP is derived from criminal activity and that levels of trust
and honesty are so low as to undermine the legal pretensions of society.
I recognition become part of the constitutive rules of economic life. No
one 'designed' posrwar Germany, it was the resuk of the dynamic con-
In arguing that Poland is not to be compared to the 'Asian Tigers' he sensus achieved by the different legirimate agenrs within the space of
cites the fact that only a third of Poles stay in school until eighteen and rnanoeuvre given by international The relationship
less tlran a tenth go to university, that levels of savings are nonexisrent between the market systern, corporare organizations (of borh kinds),
and that tax evasion and fraud are so widespread as to be the norrn. industrial relations, democratic structures and military constraints led
He acknowledges that the big winners in the transformation 'are to a 'spontaneous order'. There developed a stable societal equilibrium
either crooks or Communists and that every second top manager in characterized by interdependent bur autonornous sub-systems com-
the private sector used to direct a socialist enterprise.' He notices the posed of the institutionalized representation o[ different inrerests.
industrial collapse and the consumer boom, the explosion of crime at tVithout stable structures there can be no transition. there cannor be
all levels of society and the widespread use o[ organized thugs as a anything, merely the self-fulfilling Hobbesian vision of the state of
means of extorting debts. His solution is not an improvemenr in nature with the inevitable consequence of an authoritarian srare ro
education or welfare or a publicly organized distribution of the clean up the mess. Polanyi's first general rule applied.
burdens of transition through the mobilization of unions, but rather a
strong resistance to the tendencies towards 'industrial policy and an In the absence o( otganized vocational structures within the former
unhealthy corporatism'. Throughout the article Germany is held up as Communist countries, in the further absence of stable parties, interesr
a warning concerning wage costs, tax levels, closed markets, closet groups and associations, the conception of !ustice, progress and
subsidies and democratic participation. The greatest danger facing democracy provided by the international consensus played a crucial
Polish societyn Brooke argues, is social democracy, while all his
empirical observations seem to indicate that the preconditions of lrole in the internal development of Polish politics. The institutions of
tVest misdescribed, or more bluntly, lied, to the countries of the
fascism are the sole result of government policy. These are high Ithe
lEast concerning the role that free markets played in their society. The
unemployment, public disorder, democratic ineffectuality, intellect- EC, far from admitting its origin in protectionism, racketeering,
ual irrationalism, the linking of socialism with tyranny and increasing market rigging and myriad interventions in the form of steel quoras
unfairness at all levels of society.l' and farm subsidies, was indistinguishable from rhe tllr or rhe \lforld
An Abstract Model Bank when it carne to describing itself and giving advice to other
fpeople. All aid to Poland was made conclitional on its pursuing a
f-tf on. accepts that agents act with rational purposes on the basis of I reform strategy the likes of which no \Testern nation had ever
f commitments they consider to be both true and intelligible, an I considered imposing on itself for fear of the effects this would lrave on
I explanation of why reckless, inappropriate and damaging policies I people's lives and livelihoods. unfortunately, the entire debate during
I were adopted and pursued by an entire consensus, and were not 'this transformation has been structured around the idea that
I limited to rhe activities of partisan groups imposing their claims on economic reforms have a social cost, a human dimension that has to
I society, is indispensable. be tacked onto the basic economic changes and is thus pursued as a
There were two realities. One was failed Communism, located in East- -'social' policy afterthought. This is to put the cart before tlre horse.
ern Europe, the other successful capitalism located furrher S(rest. There lThe truth about Vestern Europe is that trade unions, the welfiare
f state, regional government, industrial democracy and access to skills
was, howeve4 no direct access by Polish people to the realities of West
European capitalism, it remained an abstract category defined by I and professions did not trail along in the wake of central bank policy
prosperity, the rule of law and democracy. It was an ideal, and it was a [and economic reform after 1945. Not financial b,rt i@.!_po!Sy
was the motor of successful societal restoration, and this involved new
model. The problem with models, as students of the social sciences are
well aware, is that they are by necessity ahistorical. They always assume
German iron, coal and steel industries in 1948 before they had
I too much and explain too little. The messy historical truth was rhat resumed effective production. lt was a condition and not an effect of
tJ?estern Europe, and most particularly West Germany, had inadver-
I the successful reconstruction of large-scale German industry in a
I tently stumbled upon a distinctive mode of societal organization that decentralized framework. The same goes for trade-union represent-
tt The supreme exponent of market Leninism, however, remainsJeffrey Sachs, the archi- ation on the boards of all Gerrnan industries, as well as the high
tecr of spontaneous terror. He argued that through the nationalizarion of industry and
priority given to the funding and autonomy of universities, technical
its control by Vestern-trained management school graduateso the neoclassical commis.
sars would forrn a 'critical rnass' on all committees and thus society could be subordin- t' For a detailed analysis of the relationship between consensust recognition and
ated to the new orcler without any detour through either society or democracy. See agency in the development of codetermination between 1945 and 1948 in the Federal
David Lipton andJeffrey Sachs, 'Privatization in Eastern Europe: The Case of Polantl'. Republic see chapte r 3 of Unnecessary Saffering"
colleges, craft skills, apprenticeships and self-organized quality-control and this W'estern ideal served as both a rneans of iustifying the ration-
of the Patterns of production throughout
associations characteristic aliry of the plan to society, and a guarantee of its legitimacy and
Vest German Human capital investment seems a rather rationality-even though no country in rWestern Europe had devel-
measly and technical term for such a necessary thing. The result of the oped a structure which conformed to it in the slightest. The plan was
market utopianism presently pursued is that the market in Eastern unopposed, and this led to its extreme ahistorical and inappropriate
Europe ri being organized, it is characterized by institutional struc' character. It was the result of the sovereignty of the government in the
rures, and these are criminal ones. qgdzedldlqg is the key to under- absence of organized opposition, its greatest achievement was to
standing economic order and growth in the new Polish economy, and destroy its disorganized societal support. t4
I many of the rnost basic cornmodities are in its hands. My conclusion
lrhat with the strange death of coherent and compelling left-wing or It is in the definition of what it is rational to pursue that Solidarnosc
rVestern Europe and the subsequent domination of
ICacholic thought in have been led to negate all of their previous policy commitments, and
I rhe policy agenda by free-market fanatics, Bolivia and not \?'est Ger- to revise their economic policy on the basis of what they thought was
[ *"ny became the model for Poland in che form of the Sachs/Bal- right. It was not betrayal, corruption or weakness that led Solidarnosc
cerowicz/$/orld Bank/tt*lr stabilizacion plan which succeeded in to their present policies and projects, but the intellectual framework
destabilizing any force in Poland which could have played a constructive available to them in r99o when confronted by the prevailing orthodox
role in building the necessary democratic institutions that would setve paradigm of economic, political and societal progress institutional-
as a social buffer in the rnarket storm that is denuding Polish culture. ized in rhe dominant international organizations of political and eco-
nomic regulation"
f'lndeed, it has led logically to the dominance of the old Communist
| "pp" as an economic and political elite, thus re-centralizing old Polanyi argued that feasibility was the benchmark of a morality and
I po*.. structures and discrediting freedom simultaneously. The only thar social order was rooted in consensus. The condition of freedom is
ieffecrive anridore to such forms of social organization is the building given by the possibility of iust association under circumstances always
f uo of democratic inrermediate institutions within the economir realm
lr characterized by dependency and power. Only through stable associ-
| ,ti", c.Ete-t."st and responsibility through the redistribution of ative control over societal resources can the demands of preserving
\Without these, both the market and democ-
lknowledge and power. the traditional ethical structures of societal reproduction be recon-
[.acy can be blown ^w^y at the first breeze. !7hat is\West happening in ciled with the new demands of technology and production. What is
Eastern Europe now is the responsibility primarily of European happening in Poland has happened before in Europe, always with
policy makers and politicians, and most particularly of their left-wing
f-calamirous results. The choice before society is understood as only
strand which has lost all faith in any of the commitrnents that made
'Western Europe humanly functional for the I between stagnation and disintegration, between the state and the
Past forry years' I market; the possibility of renewing the social order as a vocational
The problem for Solidarnosc was how to conceptualize its construct- I democracy is seen either as unfeasible utopianism, or as part of the
ive, productive and patriotic role. Due to the model of economic I repressive past from which escape is craved. This leaves the institu-
reconsrruction assumed by the Sachs/Balcerowicz/lUr plan, the only I tions of a constitutional democracy without a stable social base and
task it could effectively fulfil was to dissolve itself as an economic I thus renders both freedom and market reforms vulnerable to ovet-
\West German postwar settlement was never articulated as
agent, while acting as a societal pacifier and government apologist. I rhrow. The
\S(lhile Solidarnosc was a necessary force in political reform, it was -an ideal or as a model. Its features of market subordination and
seen by orhers and viewed itself as a parasitic and obstructive organiz' facilitation through the institutionalization of industrial democracy,
ation in tlre economic sphere" The other forces which could have subsidiariry and subsidy were unknown in Eastern Europe. There
opposed both the stabilization plan and the undemocratic way it was thus seemed to be no alternative to market Leninism.
conceived and imposed were either discredited or organizationally
weak. The opz.z kept its head down, fearful of Solidarnosc revenge. III. 'Free to Freeze'
The Contrnunist Party was more concerned with survival and reorien-
ration. The Farmers' Party mistakenly assumed that the reforms I Marxism presented itself as the defender of community against the
would be to its benefit. The IMF enioyed an institutional monopoly of I ravages inflicted by capitalism, but it proved ultimately to negate both
aid and recognition, the EC, the World Bank and the Gz4 all handed I freedom and solidarity and thus throughout Eastern Europe the
over their money to it. There was thus no balance of power wirhin removal, not the revival of the Party was understood as the necessary
which Poland could gain room for manoeuvre, nor any competing I
precondition of societal renewal. This is the central parallel to Speen-
interests wirhin which it could frame its own balance between tradi- lhamland but does not mean that a commitment to the social, the idea
tion and revolution. There was merely one model, one Programme,
taIn r99o real wages fell by J2 per cent! cDp by rz per cent, industrial output by over
tt Suclr was its 20 per cent. Unemployment rose from virtually zero to r,rz6,ooo. From this level, by
sr.rccess in encouraging responsitrility among gr()ul',s dcfined as collect-
the e nd of r99r production had fallen by a further 12 per cent, inflation rose ro 70 per
ive actors rhat in 1954 the German miners relused a wage increase for f-ear of its intla-
cent, and unemployment rose to 2,ro8,ooo. Government revenues declined leading to
tionary consequences.
increasingly severe cuts in unemployment benefit.
of living in a stable society governed by ordered just relations atrcl I-lousing, basic foodstuffs, educarion and lrealth care were all pro-
vided either free of charge or with substantial subsidies. Tlrere are
I laws in which work is given respect and protection, is weak" It finds
many ways of conceptualizing rhis decommodified space rhar sur-
f expressiorr in nationalism, Cacholic social doctrine, conservative
I rnoralism and a residual sympathy for unreftrrmecl Communist par' rotrnded each citizen of tlre workers'republic like a c<lerced bubble of
protection, but it had concrere results in terms of improvements in
f'ries masquerading as social Socialism, howevero is no
I lo.tger an ideology but a necessiry in a market society. It takes many lliteracy, nutrition, health and shelrer. The deal imposed by the Party-
I forms but always ends up in a resistance to unregulated markets in I state on the Polish nation afrer the $Var was that people should
I labour, money and property. ln rational choice theory this is under- I surrender their freedom and culture in return for guaranteed subsist-
I stood as either collective irrationality or tribalism. To those with a less lence. Life might be meaningless, opportunity denied, unfairness insti-
I Panglossian approach to spontaneous equilibrium it mcans not starv- I tutionalizerl ancl reciprociry broken, but ar least it was life. Many were
I ing, securing a rninimal level of life security, access to educational lcold hut few were frozen.
I I oplrorttrnity and the means to surviving in tlre modern worlcl gener- r'l-lris
stagnant paternalisrn has now been replacecl by libertarian arom-
I ally. l'he impr)rtant question is what florm does associational sel[- |
I protection take, and this in turn becomes a question of rational and I ization in wlriclr the bubble lras burst and each citizen faces the world
I irrational solidarity. Here lies Polanyi's importance for he combines a I in competition with all without any institutional solidarity or prorec-
J -moral philosophy with a social theory and thus allows a conceptualiz- I tion.
tJfhat has happened in the transition is that the passive recip-
ation of the role of ethics in reality and the means of restoring and I ients of subsistence have had a conrexr imposed around them in
maintaining its institutionalization. Iwhich everything is subordinated to the logic of the market. The
-deregulation of rents and heating has led to homelessness and hypo-
The market has been embraced because it is seen as a necessary tfrermia; tlrey are free to fteeze. The rise in rhe price of food has led to
mechanism for improving standards of living, for facilitating integra- hunger. The closure of factories has led to sudden unprece<lenred
unemployment and to clairns for benefit that tlre state cannot affrrrd to
rion and communication with citizens and groups in other countries,
pay. The educational and health-care systems are crumbling, leading
and for breaking the old power elites. It has failed in all these areas.
to the development of private systems for the old and new rich and the
[fn" problem is lhat ", oppot"d to embedding the market in a web of virtual abolition of welfare for the rest of society. The commodifica-
I social relations in which unions, corporate bodies, trade associations tion of the basics of life, the destruction of the industrial secror, and
I and regulation both constrain the market and facilitate social restor-
J I ation, society in Poland has been destroyed yet again in the name of
tlre vacuum of self-organization that was the legacy of Communisr rule
leave only one outlet for the people to express their solidarity of
I another unrealizable utopian proiect. The Bolshevik system was despair-the nation state. Suffering in isolation they look to collective
-unequal and unfair, leading to corruption and waste, thus negating in
practice what had been socialism's greatest appeal in theory-the security and provision. Under these circumstances the functional
possibility of a fair distribution of society's resoutces, a recognition of rationality of nationalism is not to be dismissed as atavistic tribalism.
the worth o[ all who work and the possibility of equal opportunity Understood in this way the re-election of the Communists in Poland
irrespective of class, national or ethnic background. It is because capi- was an act of immense rational maturity given the range of options
available" The disaster is that the one social agent that emerged from
talism is not a fair regulatory principle of societal organization that
the logic of events will be opposed by the principles that have initially Bolshevik rule with an organization and programme capable of
given it legitimacy. renewing the institutions and relations of society during the storm of
transition, the workers" rnovement Solidarnosc, formed the govern-
The commodification of labour, land and lodging, the subordination f-ment that has implemented the economic reforms. Polanyi's first
of association ro accumulation that must take place in a transition to lBeneral rule, atomization as a precondition for collectivism in the
of etlrnic nationalism, is already taking effect.
a market society, becomes a catastrophe in a country such as Poland [_form
in which the decomrnodification of the basic sphere of life through The ways in which the decline of social-democratic confidence and
subsidized subsistence was the central feature of the previous regime.
New Right hegemony have combined to produce ahistorical and
bizarce policy developments are best posed by asking the original
tr SettingasidePoland"wherethereformedCommunistParty,havinginitiallyreceivedless
question. \Jfhy is it that the most successful and enduring economic
than ; per cent of the vote in 1989, is now back in power in alliance with the Farmers'
Party, also see elecroral results in Lithuania where the reformed Cornmunists (Demo-
and social reconstruction programme ever, combining economic
cratic Labour Party) are now dominant, Hungary where a solidaristic Christian Demo- growth, social justice, and fair institutional procedures, has been neg-
craric Party is playing a stalling role as regards market reforms, as well as Serbia, lected in the discussion of Eastern Europe? Amid all the talk of a new
Slovakia and Romania where all kinds of organic irrationality are dominating political Marshall plan, fiscal reform, debt-overhang rescheduling and joint-
and economic decisions. The dilemma facing all these countries is that there is no alter- stock mutual pension-fund discount vouchers, the real precondition
narive to tlre market, but the market is no alternative" In all these societies, socialism as of effective reconstruction-the simultaneous reactivation and stabil-
reprgcs6lcll try the reforme<l Communist parties is a system for protecting interests
ization of social agents as was aclrieved in lVest Germany-has been
and intposing authoritarian lnanagement systems.'l'here is tro pretcnce at rcrlrgarrizilrg,
society on tlre basis o[ eitlrer democracy or liberty. entirely ignored. Through codetermination working-class power was
8,r 81
institutionalized and stabilized in German society, knowledge of David Chandler
investment and procedure was Suaranteed, responsible mass move-
ments were legally created, controlled and enabled to grow. Incentives-
were not only linked to wages but to the cooperative development of
industry basid on knowledge of the conditions, the sacrifices expected
of workers and iob securiry. This was balanced by their participation
in the process of production, not as an advisory voice, but as an
organiz;d democratic force. By the time that Marshall Aid really got
going in r95r, codetermination had already led to the renewal of large- Epitaph for the Khmer Rouge?
i.ul. German industry within a market framework. The absence of
reference to this precedent indicates the power of a consensus in fram'
ing an agenda and is the most significant consequence of New Right
hegemo.ty in the Past twenty years. In Poland there was no theoretical
alternative available.

l'fn. rragedy is rhat Polanyi's conceptualization of modernist alterna- Nineteen years ago last month, on 17 April r97J, Cambodia's capital,
I tiues developed in the final chapter of The Great Tiansformarion temains Phnom Penh, fell to the Cambodian guerrilla armies known as the
I fundamentally correct. The degenerative form of organic solidarity is Khmer Rouge. The city had been besieged for months. Since r97o,
-a society without freedom. The form of organic rationality he advo-- when the civil war began, at least half a million Cambodians, or one
cares is rhe resroration of society through the institutionalization of in sixteen, had been killed. By April rg7i, Phnom Penh was running
the greatest possible freedom under conditions of democratic depend- out of food. The government had ceased to function. Its American
This he calls socialism. Socialism, however, has been conflated allies, reduced to a handful of embassy personnel, had been evacuated
with Communism, an equally degenerative form of society-less regu' by helicopter a few days before, leaving the Cambodians to their fate.
lation. The link between socialism and freedom has been severed leav- Ciry-dwellers cheered as the silent, heavily armed young soldiers
ing the people of Poland without a language in which to exPress their began filtering into the city on the morning of April r7th. After five
coilective yearning for freedom and stability based on iustice. Organic years of fighting, the inhabitants of Phnom Penh were on their last
irrationality or aggressive nationalism are the only bases left fcrr legs, but guardedly optimistic. Surely, they thought, peace would be
solidarity. better than war. Any regime would be better than the one in power.
They felt certain that the Khmer Rouge, about whom they knew
The sooner the constructivist fancasies of a market utopia are recog- almost nothing, would work with them as fellow-Cambodians to
nized for what they are, and rhe ideals of political iustice and eco- reconstruct the country.*
nomic democracy thar were the unique contribution of Solidarnosc to
political philosophy are reclaimed as the only authentic possibiliry for, They were cruelly mistaken. tU7ithin a week, Cambodia's city-dwellers
ih. r".r."tion of a free Polish nation, the sooner the destination of were driven at gunpoint into the countryside and ordered to take up
transition can be changed from autarchy to democracy. In this the agricultural tasks. Thousands of them died over the next few weeks.
idea of transition is given a substantive meaning through the institu- \07hen rhey asked questions of the soldiers who accompanied them,
tional and moral framing of the dialectic of tradition and transform- they were told to obey the 'revolutionary or9anization' (angkar Po&-
ation in the renewal of society itself. The key Practice that can uat), without further explanation. The 'organization' in fact was the
facilitate and frame a transformation characterized by freedom and clandestine Communist Party of Kampuchea (cpr), formed in the
solidarity is the democratic self-organization of economic production rgjos by the Vietnamese and led since ry$ by a reclusive former
as was understood practically and feasibly by the Solidarnosc move-
schoolteacher named Saloth Sar, known to the world since 1976 by his
menr. lts hisrorical precursors in Britain-the Owenites and Chartists,
revolutionary pseudonym, Pol Pot.
the Cooperative movement and Labour party-were all defeated. In
their defeat, however, they slowed down the rate of change, enlarged
the sphere of freedom, restored societal institutions and gave hope to Over the next four years, the Khmer Rouge under Pol Pot waged a
rhose who understood thac freedom was based on democratic associa- brutal, uncompromising revolution in Cambodia, isolating the coun-
tion. In shorc they ameliorated the excesses of market utopianism. try from.the outside world. Between April ry71 and the beginning of
This is the burden that Solidarnosc must assume once more if Poland r97g, over a million Cambodians, or one in seven, died from malnu-
the freedoms it has struggled for throughout this century of
::J.""::,"t ff l:\I:':""*Tff :::::1.T",:';?,fi.'nXYJi:'iJlHAt
* I am grateful to Robin Blackburn, Susan Chandler and Jay Tolson for their com-
ments on an earlier draft of this paper.

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