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Taj Mahal Mausoleum

The Mausoleum’s Marble Platform (takhgah,kursi)

The eye-catching pure white marble platform is constructed in square and enriched by four
marble faced three-storey minarets with the pillared domes of octagonal chhatris toppings. The
vaulted tunnel stairs reach to the platform from the riverfront terrace in the centre of the southern
side. The centre of the rest three sides opens via two doors to a long room lit by jalis (cage
window) in hexagonal patterns. The doors are the entrance of the small square rooms which give
access to the long room as connecting rooms. The rooms once used for the imperial family’s
resting place are now functioning for storage.

The façades of the platform is ornamented continuously with the blind arches and round shaped
figures followed by rectangular frames above.

The Mausoleum (rauza-i manauwara, rauza-i mutahhara, rauza-i maqqadas)

The mausoleum –known with the names of “holy tomb” (rauza-i maqqadas), “illuminated tomb”
(rauza-i munauwara) and “pure tomb” (rauza-i mutahhara) unquestionably deserves all these
expressions with its perfect order, harmony, purity and symmetry.

“Hasht Bihisht”, the architectural plan preferred by the Moguls for tombs and garden pavilions is
used in the mausoleum skillfully in cross-axial symmetry. The plan is set on “Baghdadi
Octagon” with four long and four short sides in corners. The basic cross pattern(+) intersects
with the second (x) pattern linking the central hall to the four corner rooms. The ground plan is
alike with the upper floor.


The influence of naturalism is commonly felt through the detailed decorations of the plinth’s
carvings. The pishtaq halls above the plinth are ornamented with the carvings of flower patterns
growing up from the ground namely tulip, narcissus with smaller flowers and framed by leaf
motifs “pietra dura”. Geometrically designed, yellow and black coloured rectangular frames with
eight-side stars on the corners embellish the over-plinth decoration facing the garden.

The pishtaqs are framed by the passages of Qur’an emphasizing the divine forgiveness, the Last
Judgment and reward for the faithful believers. The top of rectangular frames dominate the inner
walls of the pishtaq halls. The arched doors of the pishtaqs are covered with jalis, the cages
designed in honeycomb pattern. The door on the ground floor is larger than the one above. The
sub-pishtaqs are rather smaller and smaller and simple without pattern. The blind arches
surround the halls of the sub-pishtaqs. The caged door is located in the center.

The Tomb Chamber

As the perfect reflection of Mumtaz Mahal’s paradise-like eternal house, the mausoleum below
the domed hall is the core of the complex with its unique decoration, harmony and the echo. The
octagonal hall contains eight niches on each of the two storey which are equal in size but differ
in their elevation. The details of the ground floor resemble the outside pishtaqs. All eight niches
are ornamented with flower patterns followed by multi-cusped blind arches. The niches are
topped by inlaid flowers within the frames of the inscriptions while the niches on the second
floor have only the blind arches and rectangular frameworks. The two floors are bordered with a
large line of inscription from the Qur’an. Some of the niches on both floors are covered only
with jalis. The floor is patterned geometrically with the border of lobed cartouches in black and
white marbles. The naturalistic flower vases are the perfect decoration for the symbolism of the

Upper Cenotaphs

The cenotaphs of Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan together with the screen create unique
decoration made of flower and plant patterns, ornamented with semi-precious stones.

The octagonal screen surrounding the tombs are divided into three frames on each side filled
with jalis having attractive plant elements which is unlikely to the geometric jalis patterns of the
entire Taj Mahal. Each corner of the octagon is topped with kalasha, a globe-like shape topped
with a pointed-shape.

The actual burials are located in the lower chamber room according to the Mogul traditions. The
cenotaphs in the lower room are similar in design.

The tomb of Mumtaz Mahal is in the center of the hall and the larger cenotaph of Shah Jahan is
situated on the western side of the tomb of Mumtaz Mahal which is according to some “ a later
planned” burial. The heads of the tombs are on the north, towards Mecca. The tomb of Shah
Jahan is topped by a pen case in order to emphasize its being a male tomb.

The east side of the upper cenotaph of Mumtaz Mahal starts with inscriptions from sura 83 of the
Qur’an and continues with verse of 30 of sura 41 on the other sides aiming to comfort her soul.
The epitaph at the foot end of the tomb on the south reads “The illuminated grave of Arjumand
Banu Begam, entitled Mumtaz Mahal, who died in the year 1040” ( ad. 1631).

The upper cenotaph of Shah Jahan is without any inscription from Qur’an but only an epitaph on
the foot which reads “This is the sacred grave of His Most Exalted Majesty, Dweller in Paradise,
Second Lord of the Auspicious Conjunction, Shah Jahan, Padshah; may it ever be fragrant! The
year 1076” (ad. 1666).

The usage of the red flowers both on the screen and the cenotaphs is the reflection of the death
and blood as in Persian and Turkish poetry. “Poppies” are used in the poems of Turkish poet Ahi
which might also be the influence of the identifiable usage of poppies on the surface of the tomb
of Shah Jahan.

The screen is ornamented with different patterns of flowers namely, columbines, honeysuckles
and poppies. The cresting part on the upper level of the screen is decorated with lilies inside a
vase. Most of the flower patterns are topped by one blossom and two symmetrical blossom
groups below.

See also ....

Information About Taj Mahal India
Mughal Empire
Mughal Empire India
Rajputana And Mongols
Taj Mahal
Taj Mahal History
Taj Mahal India
Mogul Empire
Taj Mahal Information

Agra Hotels
Agra India
Agra Taj Mahal
Akbar And Salim
Assembly Hall
Aurangzeb Reign
Delhi India
Go Taj Mahal
Great Gate - Darwaza-i Rauza- Taj Mahal
Hotel Accommodations
Hotels Accommodations
Hotels Agra
How To Go To Taj Mahal
Humayun Tomb
India Taj Mahal
Mumtaz Mahal
Mumtaz Mahal And Taj Mahal Agra India
Shah Ismail
Shah Ismail And Mumtaz Mahal
Shah Jahan
Shah Jahan Taj Mahal
Taj Mahal Agra
Taj Mahal And Mumtaz Mahal
Taj Mahal And Shah Ismail
Taj Mahal Delhi
Taj Mahal Hotels
Taj Mahal Location
Taj Mahal Lower Tomb Chamber
Taj Mahal Mausoleum
Taj Mahal Of Agra
Taj Mahal Parts
Taj Mahal Weather
The Lower Tomb Chamber
The Minarets
The Mosque And Mihman Khana
The Roof Terrace
Tomb Of Humayun
Tomb Of Humayun Agra Delhi
Where Is Taj Mahal

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