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Text being analysed The Banjo Project

Source of text

Approximate date of broadcast: Summer 2003

Description of Text
The topic of this documentary is to do with the instrument “banjo”.
The angle of the documentary is to show how the instrument Banjo started
out and how some people got into it. This documentary also looks back at
the history of the banjo. There are no presenters in this documentary only
the narrator which gives information on the banjo.
The locations that are used in this documentary include

Potential Audience for Text

The age of this documentary is 25-30 that is because in the documentary
you can see people of that age playing the instrument and people getting
interviewed. The socio-economic group for the target audience would be
in B-E that would be people that would either be people who are
unemployed or retired. The documentary would appeal to all ethnicities
but in this specific documentary it would be white. The soci-economic
group of the audience of this text would be in group C1-D which are
people who work for jobs like Supervisory, clerical, junior managerial and
electrician and assembly line worker refuse collector, messenger.

Key Influences on your Idea - Content and Form

The key influences from this documentary would be things like the expert
advice or interviews which were used. Also the mode of address of the
documentary was very direct to the audience. The other thing which was a
key influence was the way they showed a person’s interest in the
instrument and how he learnt to play it. I would use that in my
documentary by showing a person and his interest in the Dhol grew.

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