CHAPTER 1 Unit & Measurement

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 The goal of physics is to provide an understanding of nature by developing theories based on

experiments .

 Physics is concerned with the description and understanding of nature.

 In Physics, measurement is important because it is the concrete ways in which we deal with
our world.

 Physics attempts to describe nature in an objective way through measurement.

Standard Units – a unit is officially accepted.

A group of standards units and their combinations is called a system of Units.

Metric System British System

Eg: length (m), Eg: foot(ft),

Mass (kg) slung

Units & Measurements

1.1 Standard of length, mass and time.

 Modernized version of the metric system is called The International System of Units (SI)

SI Quantities

Base Quantities Derived Quantities

Base Units Derived Units

Quantities Units
Derived Quantities -
1. Length Meter(m)
combination of the base
2. Mass Kilogram(kg)
3. Time Second(s)
Eg : m/s
4.Electric current Ampere(A)

5. Temperatures Kelvin(K)

6. Amount of substances Mole(mol)

7. Luminous intensity Candela(cd)

1.2 Dimensional Analysis and Unit Analysis

 Dimensions – the fundamental or base quantities used in physical descriptions.

 Commonly expressed by bracketed symbols, in Table 1.1.

TABLE 1.1: Dimensions and Units

System (Dimensions) Area Volume Velocity Acceleration

[L2] [L3] [L/T] [L/T2]

SI(mks) m2 m3 m/s m/s2

 Dimensional Analysis is the procedure by which the dimensional consistency of any equation
may be checked.
 Two side must be equal in dimension
Eg. 1.

Given a=3.0 m b= 4.0 m

Find axb=c ?

Ans: [L2]

Eg. 2.

Find a+b=c ?

Ans: 2 [L]

Usefulness / Major Advantages

1. Checking whether the equations has the correct form.

Eg 3 : x = at where x = distance

a = acceleration

t = time

Ans: Not a correct form/eq.

Dimensional Analysis will tell you if an equation is incorrect, but a dimensionally consistent
equation may not correctly expressed the real relationship of quantities.

Eg 4 : x = at2 where x = distance

a = acceleration

t = time

Ans: Dimensionally correct.

Physically Not correct ( ie. x = ½ at2(fraction has no dimension)).

-Doing dimensional Analysis is fine but in practice it is more convenient to use the actual unit
abbreviations such as m, s, kg.

 It is called Unit Analysis.

2. Determining the Unit of Quantities

Eg 5. ρ = m/V where ρ (rho)= density

m = mass

V = volume

What is the Unit for rho?

Ans: kgm-3

1.3 Significant Figures

 The number of significant figures (sf) in a quantity is the number of reliably known digits it

 Eg : The quantity
o 15.2 m ⇒ 3 sf
o 0.052 m ⇒ 2 sf
o 3.0 m/s ⇒ 2 sf

 Rules of Zero
1. Zero at the beginning of numbers are not significant. They merely located
the decimal point.
Eg: 0.0254 m (3 sf)

2. Zero within the number are significant.

Eg: 104.6 m (4 sf)

3. Zero at the end of a number after decimal point are significant.

Eg. 2705.5 (5 sf)

4. In the whole number without decimal point at the end in one or more zeros
Eg. 500 kg ( zero in this case can be significant or not significant – it depends on
estimated digit in your measurement)

To removed this ambiguity we have to use scientific (power of ten) notation.

Eg. 5.0 x 102 (2 sf)

5.00 x 102 (3 sf)

In general:-

1. The final result of multiplication and /or division should have the same number of
significant figures as the quantity with the least of significant figures used in the
2. The final result of an addition and/or subtraction should have the same number of decimal
places as the quantity with the least number of decimal places used in the calculation.
Rounding –off rules

2.136  2.14

2.132  2.13

Eg 6 : Perform the following operations

1. 0.586 x 3.4 =

2. 13.59 x 4.86 ÷ 2.1 =

3. 157 – 5.689 + 2 =

4. 4.69x10-6 – 2.5 x 10-5 =

1.4 Conversions of Units

 To convert the units within the system or from one system of units to another.

Eg 6. Convert 30 days to seconds!

Ans: 2.6 x10 6 s

Eg 7 . Convert 50 mi/h to m/s

Ans: 22 m / s

1.5 Scalar and Vector Revisited

1.5.1 Scalar

 Contain magnitude and no direction.

 Eg: time, temperature.

1.5.2 Vector

 is a physical quantity that requires the specification of both direction and magnitude.
 eg. Force, velocity, displacement, acceleration

 The portion of mathematics that is based on the special properties of a right triangle is
called trigonometry.

 The three most basic trigonometric - Any vector can be completely described
functions:- by its components.

θ A
b A

sin θ = side opposite to θ = a
hypotenuse c - Components vectors of A : Ax and Ay

Ay=A sin θ

cos θ = side adjacent to θ = b Ax=A cos θ

hypotenuse c

tan θ = side opposite to θ = a  Ay 

side adjacent to θ b The direction ; θ = tan-1 
 A 
 x

The Pythagorean theorem: c2 = a2 + b2 - From Pythagorean Theorem,

The magnitude/RESULTANT ;

2 2
Ax + A y

Some Properties of Vectors

 Equality of Two Vectors - Two vectors are equal if they have the same magnitude and

 Adding/Subtracting vectors - can be done using graphical method or analytical method.

 Resultant/vector sum – net/effect that occur after adding/subtracting the vectors.
Adding Vectors Using Analytical Method

Recommended procedure using Analytical methods.

1. Resolve the vectors to be added into their x and y components. Include directional
signs (plus or minus) in the components
2. Add algebraically, all the x component together and all the y components together
to get the x and y components of the resultant vector.
3. Express the resultant vector using:
a. the component form, e.g.,
A=A x̂ + A ŷ
x y

b. in magnitude-angle form, e.g.,

A= and
2 2
Ax + Ay

 Ay 
θ = tan-1 
 A  (relative to x-axis)
 x

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