Go Green

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*Postcard I designed for direct mail

The objective of “Go Green” was to 1) market hybrid’s and other gas efficient vehicles and 2) increase sales of new
automobiles which are higher dollar and help keep jobs in the auto industry. This initiative was targeted towards
A+ borrowers within the 3 mile radius of our east side Richmond branch as well as existing members. No other
financial institutions were promoting the “Go Green” initiative. While hybrids and gas efficient auto sales were
on the rise in our area, we were the first to contact our dealers about partnering to conduct a joint promotion.
We also partnered with a local environmental agency to promote the benefits of buying gas efficient

Base Figure: $573,817 Indirect Loans 13 new members thru IL Channel 2/06-6/06
Marketing Goal: 20% or $688,580 IL 20% or 16 new members thru IL Channel
Actual Volume: $954,726 Indirect Loans 29 new members thru IL Channel 2/07-6/07
% over Base: 66%+ 123%+
% over Marketing Goal: 39%+ 81% +

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