Tugas Bahasa Inggri1

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Tugas Bahasa Inggris

Nama :
Kelas / no :

Reported speech : kalimat tidak langsung

Direct speech : kalimat Langsung

Simple Present → Simple Past

(S + V1 + O) (S + V2)
Ex D = Rudi said “I Study English Every Morning
I/R = Rudi said that he studied English

Simple Past → Past Perfect

(S + V2) (S + had + V3)
Ex D = Via said “I played basketball yesterday “
I/R = Via said that she had played basketball the day before/the previous day

Present Continous → Past Continous

(S + IS,AM,ARE +V.ing +O) (S + Was,Were + V.ing + O)
Ex D = Nita said “ I am listening music”
I/R = Nita said that she was listening music.

Present Future → Past Future

(S + will / shall + V1) (S + would / should + V1)
Ex D = Richard said “ I will write a novel tomorrow “
I/R = Richard said that you would write a novel the following day

Modal Present → Modal Past

[S + (can,may,must) + V1] [S + (could,might,had to) + V1]
Ex D = Rini said “I can sing a pop song”
I/R = Rini said that she could sing a pop song
Ex D = Doni said “I may use a dictionary”
I/R = Doni said that he might use a dictionary
Ex D = Tini said “I must take english course “
I/R = Tini said that she had to take English course

D = Tito said “ close the door “
I/R=Tito told me to close the door

D = Dini said “ don’t open the window ! “
I/R= Dini told me not to open the window.
Direct Speech Report Speech
- Here - There
- This - That
- Now - Than
- Today - That Day
- Tonight - That Night
- Tomorrow - The Following day /the
- Next week next day
- Yesterday - The following week
- Last week - The day before / the
- Two days ago previous day
- The week before / the
prevous week
- Two days before

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