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Microbiology (2203)

 Definition of “physiology”?
 how cells and organisms work
 Brock: “nutrients required; products made”
 science of processes of life (Concise OED)
 control of metabolism (MJD)
 How does microbial physiol. differ
from plant or animal physiol.?
 for most microbes, CELL = ORGANISM
  MICROBIAL physiol. is CELL physiol.
 i.e. how cells work.
Microbial Physiology
 communication between Prokaryotes?
 YES: auto induction (“quorum sensing”)
 chemical signals:
 Gm +ves: peptide signalling in Staphylococcus
 Gm –ves: acyl homoserine lactone (AHL) signalling
 threshold of [AHL] triggers change in behaviour
 1st discovered for bioluminescence in Vibrio fischeri
 coordinated synthesis & secretion (S&S) of pathogenic toxin
 transition from suspended to biofilm (Ps. aeruginosa)
 Archaea: AHL signalling to coordinate protease S&S
 sufficient [protease] to digest material
Microbial Physiology: communication

tracks of

Positive aerotaxis to O2-producing algal cell

0 min

40 min

80 min

120 min

Positive phototaxis over 2 h to light from right

Rhodospirillum centenum
Positive phototaxis to λ for bacteriochlorophyll a
Thiospirillum jenense
Microbial Physiology
 locomotion & taxis in Prokaryotes?
 YES:
 Locomotion:
 flagella (Brock 4.14, pp. 92-95)
 gliding (Brock 4.15, pp. 95-97)
 Taxis:
 photo- or chemo- (Brock 4.16, pp. 97-100)
 cells sense environment & react to it.
Microbial Physiology: locomotion
Microbial Physiology: locomotion
Microbial Physiology: locomotion

 Leifson flagellum stain (light microscope)

 a) peritrichous flagella
 b) polar flagellum
 c) lopotrichous flagella.
Microbial Physiology: locomotion

 Negative stain (TEM)

 Rhodospirillum centrum: single polar flagellum
(normal cells).
Microbial Physiology: locomotion

 Negative stain (TEM)

 R. centrum: peritrichous flagella (swarmer cells).
Microbial Physiology: locomotion

Dark field light micrograph.

Microbial Physiology: locomotion

 phase contrast light micrograph

 Rhodospirillum photometricum (purple bacterium).
Microbial Physiology: locomotion
Microbial Physiology: locomotion
Microbial Physiology: locomotion

go to animation 04.A02

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