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Hot Roll Coil - Northern Europe [ EUR / MT ] Hot Roll Coil - Southern Europe [ EUR / MT ]

TSI ( 05/2006 - 11/2010 ) TSI ( 12/2006 - 11/2010 )

Spot [15/11] 505 [ -6 ] MTD [NOV] 510.33 Spot [15/11] 479 [ -9 ] MTD [NOV] 489.67

QTD [Q4] 527.71 YTD [2010] 526.67 QTD [Q4] 504.14 YTD [2010] 509.30

Hot Roll Coil - China [ USD / MT ] Hot Roll Coil - USA [ USD / ST ]

Cleatrade ( 01/2009 - 11/2010 ) CRU ( 01/2001 - 11/2010 )

Spot [19/11] 651.24 [ 0.59 ] MTD [NOV] 649.83 Spot [17/11] 535 [ 15 ] MTD [NOV] 528.33

QTD [Q4] 645.37 YTD [2010] 621.12 QTD [Q4] 547.57 YTD [2010] 610.09

Iron Ore 62% Fe - Delivery to China [ USD / MT ] Foreign Exchange - Bloomberg Fixed Rate

TSI ( 10/2008 - 11/2010 )

CNY : USD (taken @ 9:00 A.M.) 6.6402

FIS Ltd – Brokers of Steel Swaps

Leading the way in freight and commodity derivatives

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This report has been prepared by FIS for the purpose of trading and may
have been acted upon by FIS and its officers, employees and associated
companies. It is distributed to customers and to the general public for
Spot [19/11] 162.8 [ -0.4 ] MTD [NOV] 157.83
information purposes only and cannot be relied upon as a trading
recommendation and does not constitute a solicitation to trade. FIS is
QTD [Q4] 152.38 YTD [2010] 143.97 regulated by the FSA. © 2010 Freight Investor Services

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