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Chris is the Taoist teacher that everyone wish they had a chance to study with.

He is a spiritual
warrior who is very knowledgeable Buddhism, Shamanism and Taoism, not to mention his
marital skills. When I think of him he reminds me of the laughing Taoist. He is always laughing,
smiling and having fun. Then you see him move and the magic and the power reminds you of
nature’s forces. The beauty and power of a wave crashing, a tornado whipping a vortex up or the
crack of a thunder and lightening storm all hidden in the moves of the Bagua. Chris is able to
break down the movements and exercises in such detail its very impressive.

Chris is the most amazing teacher I’ve had the good fortune of studying with. He has given me an
amazing foundation in Bagua, chi gung and energetic cultivation. He has been a solid foundation
in my study and has continued to support and guide me. Now I’m able to continue on my own
practicing, studying and now teaching some of these arts. I hope to share the knowledge and
wisdom imparted to me from Chris and to make him proud.


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