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Presented By-
Prashant Borborah
The process of discovering potential job candidates.
Sources of recruitment depends
Nature and size of the company
Level and vacancies to be filled up
Number of vacancies to be filled up
Budget allocation
Time period to fill the vacancy
Management Policy
Types of jobs involved,and
Supply of labour relative to demand, and labour
Sources of Recruitment

Internal Sources
Transfer- candidate is transfer from one section to
Promotion-to higher designation
Upgrading-where a present employee gets higher
grade then his/her current grade.
Retired employee-In some kind of works, the retired
workers are again offer to continue his/her job.
Retrenched employees
Dependents and relatives of deceased employees
Why prefer internal sources
It builds good public relations.
It builds morale.
It encourages good individuals who are ambitious.
It is less costly.
Those chosen internally already know the
It improves the probability of a good selection, since
information on the individual’s performance is readily
Demerits of Internal Recruitment
Often leads to inbreeding, and discourages new blood
from entering an organization
Possibilities of Internal sources “drying up”, and it may
be difficult to find the requisite personnel from within
an organization
As promotion is based on seniority, the danger is that
really capable hands may not be chosen
Failed applicants become discontended
External Recruitment
It is limited to entry level jobs. Jobs above the entry
level are usually filled with current employees through
Promotional opportunities lead to reduced turnover,
increased job satisfaction and better job performance
External Recruitment
Press advertisement-in newspapers, magazines and trade
Educational institutes-campus interviews and placement
Placement agencies/outsourcing- Several private
consultancy firms perform recruitment functions on behalf
of client companies by charging a fee.
Employment exchange- office set up for bringing together as
quickly as possible candidates searching for employment
and employees looking for prospective employees.
Labour contractors-This source is used to recruit labour for
construction jobs.
External Recruitment
Unsolicited applicants-candidates send in their
applicants or visit the office of well known companies
on their own without any invitation from the
Employee referrals-Friends and relatives of present
Recruitment at factory gate-Unskilled workers may be
recruited at a factory gate; these may be employed
whenever a permanent worker is absent.

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