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Kaizen is a process of continuous improvement in small increments

that make the process more efficient, effective, under control and adaptable.
6 Sigma is a highly disciplined process that helps us focus on
developing and delivering near-perfect products and services. It is the process that
uses process capability analysis as a way of measuring progress.


1) Kaizen and 6 Sigma are both management philosophies focused on continuous

improvement. Both philosophies try to increase the efficiency of business process
by eliminating waste and reducing defects.
2) Kaizen looks to improve all aspects of a business through standardizing
processes, increasing efficiency and eliminating waste where as 6 Sigma focuses
more on improving the quality of the final product by finding and eliminating
causes of defects, whether by variance in the business process or in manufacturing.
3) Kaizen focuses on improvement, looking at every employee from top
management to entry level positions whereas 6 Sigma is a mathematical term that
measures a process deviation from perfection.
4) 6 Sigma uses more statistical analysis than kaizen. 6 Sigma aims for as close to
zero defects as possible.
5) Kaizen is continual improvement for waste and errors, usually fairly simple
problems whereas 6 Sigma is for technical variation based defects usually fairly
complex problems.
6) Kaizen is a philosophy that puts stress on change and 6 Sigma is a tool through
which we can control process of variation

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