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English - grammar

DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS AND ADJECTIVES..................................................2

POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES.............................................................................................2
POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS................................................................................................2
INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS AND ADJECTIVES....................................................2
THE RELATIVE PRONOUN.............................................................................................3
ADJECTIVES - DEGREES OF COMPARISON...............................................................3
THE IRREGULAR COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES....................................................3
INDEFINITE PRONOUNS AND ADJECTIVES..............................................................4
ADVERBS OF FREQUENCE............................................................................................7
THE PLURAL OF NOUNS................................................................................................8
THE IRREGULAR PLURAL OF NOUNS........................................................................8
THE GENITIVE CASE.......................................................................................................8
VERB PATTERNS...........................................................................................................10
THE PRESENT TENSE SIMPLE.....................................................................................12
THE PRESENT TENSE CONTINUOUS.........................................................................12
THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE SIMPLE...................................................................12
THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE CONTINUOUS.......................................................13
THE PAST PARTICIPLE.................................................................................................13
THE PAST TENSE ..........................................................................................................14
THE PAST TENSE CONTINUOUS................................................................................14
PAST PERFECT TENSE SIMPLE...................................................................................15
PAST PERFECT TENSE CONTINUOUS ASPECT.......................................................16
FUTURE TENSE SIMPLE...............................................................................................16
FUTURE TENSE CONTINUOUS...................................................................................17
THE NEAR FUTURE......................................................................................................17
THE FUTURE IN THE PAST..........................................................................................17
THE PASSIVE..................................................................................................................17
THE CONDITIONAL ......................................................................................................19
Corespondenta timpurilor "if Clauses"...........................................................................20
MODAL VERBS..............................................................................................................22
SEQUENCE OF TENSES.................................................................................................28
VERBE CE NU SE FOLOSESC LA ASPECTUL CONTINUU.....................................28
EXPRESII IPOTETICE.....................................................................................................29
THE PREPOSITION.........................................................................................................30
English - grammar


This These
That Those

There is There are

There is a bookcase in the classroom.

There are many exercise-books on the desks.

There are a lot of books on the desk.


Singular Plural
I My our
II Your yours
Her their


Singular Plural
I Mine ours
II Yours yours
III His theirs



sg I I (to) me me
II You (to) you you
III He (to)him him
She (to) her her
It (to) it it
pl. I We (to) us us
II You (to) you you
II they (to) them them


1. Pentru persoane:
English - grammar
a) N who? (cine?)
G whose? (al cui?)
D (to) whom? (cui?)
Ac whom?

b) which? (care dintre?)- exprimã selectia

c) what? (ce?)

2. Pentru animale si lucruri

a) what?
b) which?


1. Pentru persoane:
a) N who
G whose
D (to) whom
b) that (restrictiv)

2. Pentru animale si lucruri

a) whose
b) which
c) that
d) what


Pozitiv Comparativ Superlativ

sup. egalitate inf. relativ absolut
comparatie long longer as long as not so long as the longest very long
sinteticã easy easier as easy as not so easy as easiest very easy
narrow narrower as narrow as not so narrow as narrowest very narrow
clever cleverer as clever as not so clever as cleverest very clever
noble nobler as noble as no so noble as noblest very noble
comparatie interesting more i. less ..than the most.. very ..


Pozitiv Comparativ Superlativ

Good, well better the best
Bad worse the worst
Much more the most
English - grammar
little less the least
old older the oldest
elder the eldest
Far farther the farthest
further the furthest
Late later the latest
the latter the last
(cel de-al doilea, ultimul din doi) (ultimul)
Near nearer the nearest
the next


Prop.afirmative (+) Prop. interogative ( ?) Prop. negative (-)

Some – ceva, niste, câţiva, Any – ceva, nişte, câţiva, No – nici un, nici o, nici un fel
câteva, unii, unele şi compuşii câteva, unii şi compuşii de, deloc şi compuşii sãi
Any – orice, oricare şi compuşii Some – ceva, nişte, câţiva, Any – nici un, nici o, nici un fel
sãi câteva şi compuşii de şi compuşii sãi

Compuşii lui some, any, no, every

body One Thing where

Some somebody someone Something somewhere
cineva (+, ?) cineva (+, ?) ceva (+, ?) (undeva (+, ?)
Any anybody Anyone Anything anywhere
cineva ( ?) cineva ( ?) ceva( ?) undeva ( ?)
nimeni (-) nimeni (-) nimic (-) nicãieri (-)
oricine (+) oricine (+) orice (+) oriunde (+)
No nobody no one Nothing nowhere
nimeni (-) nimeni (-) nimic (-) nicãieri (-)
Every everybody Everyone Everything everywhere
fiecare, toţi, toatã fiecare, toţi, toatã Totul pretutindeni
lumea) lumea)

Reguli :

1. Some şi compuşii sãi

a) în propoziţii afirmative There is some tea in the cup (adj. nehot) Este nişte ceai în ceaşcã
Some children go to school (adj.nehot) Unii copii merg la şcoalã
Some say he is very good at math (pron.nehot) Unii spun cã el
este foarte bun la mate

b) în propoziţii interogative, când Can you lernd me some money ?(adj.nhot) Poţi sã-mi împrumuţi
nişte bani ?
se aşteaptã un rãspuns afirmativ
May I help you to some tea ?(adj.nehot) Pot sã te servesc cu nişte
(când cerem sau oferim ceva şi
dorim ca rãspunsul sã fie ceai ?
afirmativ) Can you tell me something about him ? (pron.nehot) Îmi puteţi
spune ceva în legãturã cu el ?
c) în propoziţii negative, când You never read whitout make some mistakes. Niciodată nu citeşti
some are sens afirmativ fără să faci unele greşeli.
English - grammar
2. Any şi compuşii sãi
a) în propoziţii interogative, în Is there any tea in the cup ?(adj.nehot) Este ceva ceai în ceaşcã ?
locul lui some Are any of those students your friends ?(pron.nehot) Sunt vreunii
dintre studenţii aceia prietenii voştri ?
Is anybody in the library ?(pron.nehot) Este cineva în
bibliotecã ?
b) în propoziţii negative, când
verbul este la forma negativã There isn’t any tea in the cup ?(adj.nehot) Nu este deloc ceai în
There isn’t anybody in the library (pron.nehot) Nu este nimeni în
There isn’t anything on the table (pron.nehot) Nu este nimic pe
c) în propoziţii afirmative, cu
sensul de oricine, oricare, orice, Any student can do this exercise (adj.nehot) Orice student poate
oriunde sã facã acest exerciţiu
Any of these dictionaries is good for you (pron.nehot) Oricare
dintre aceste dicţionare este bun pentru tine
You may have anything you want (pron.nehot) Poţi avea orice
3. No şi compuşii
In propoziţii negative, când verbul There is no tea in the cup (adj.nehot) Nu este deloc ceai în ceaşcã
este la forma afirmativã Nobody can translate this text (pron.nehot) Nimeni nu poate
traduce acest text
4. All - adj. si pron. nehotărât All of them were present. We worked all day long.
sg. şi plural All seats were taken.

5. Each şi every
Each passenger (fiecare călător) We paid fifty lei each to be admitted to the museum. (Fiecare
dintre noi a plătit taxă de intrare căte 50 lei)
Each of his paintings is very valuable. (Fiecare tablou al său este
f. valoros)
Every passenger (toţi călătorii) Every passenger had his luggage inspected by the customs
officer. (Tuturor călătorilor li s-au controlat bagajele de vameş)
They come to visit us every year. (vin să ne viziteze în fiecare an)
6. Either
a) unul sau altul, oricare dintre You can bring me coffee or tea, either will do.(Poţi să-mi aduci
doi cafea sau ceai, oricare (dintre ele), indiferent care)
Trees were planted on either side of the road.
b) ambii, ambele Neither of them wants to leave (nici unul din ei nu vrea să plece)
Neither - negativul lui either

7. Other I like other books to read. (Îmi place să citesc ale cărţi)
Some of us study English, others French.(Câţiva diontre noi
studiază engleza, alţii franceza)
This dictionary is mine, the other is yours. (celălalt)
Does this street lead to the opera? No, the other.(cealaltă)
Another Come another time.(vino altă dată)
I don't like this coat, show me another. (arată-mi alta)
8. One One can easily learn all these rules.(putem învăţa uşor aceste
One day I hope to visit this place. (cândva - într-o zi - sper să …)
9. Both We shall both leave tomorrow. (amândoi vom pleca mâine)
10. Several Several people entered at the same time. (mai multe persoane)
English - grammar
Is there a book on the table? No, there are several. (mai multe)
11. Much, little se folosesc pt. I don't like much furniture in my room.
substantive la singular Does Ann spend much time at the seaside?
There's a little time left.
12. Many, few se folosesc pt. I could tell you many things about flying.
substantive la plural There are few children in the park on such a cold day.


Adj Opposite Opposite Adj Opposite
Adj+prefix Different word
attractive unattractive ugly old house new house
correct incorrect wrong old man young man
expensive unexpensive cheap single person married person
fashionable unfashionable out of date a single ticket return ticket
formal informal casual strong man weak man
happy unhappy sad strong beer light beer
intelligent unintelligent stupid rich person poor person
iteresting uninteresting boring rich food plain food
kind unkind cruel sweet apple sour apple
modest immodest arrogant sweet wine dry wine
polite impolite rude hot curry mild curry
usual unusual strange/rare hot drink cold drink
dark hair fair hair
dark room light room
English - grammar


Locul adverbelor in propoziţie:

1. intre SB si predicat
2. intre auxiliar si verb
3. dupa “to be” si verbele modale
4. daca vb. are 2 auxiliare, intre cele 2 auxiliare
English - grammar


+ es
Substantivele terminate în:
1. -ch, -sh, -s, -ss, -x, -z 2. -y precedate de 3. -f, -fe - se 4. - o, precedat de o
bench - benches consoanã (y devine i) transformã în v consoanã
brush - brushes lady - ladies shelf - shelves hero - heroes
bus - buses wife - wives potato - potatoes
class - classes
box - boxes


Singular Plural
child children
die dice
foot feet
goose geese
leaf leaves
life lives
man men
mouse mice
ox oxen
tooth teeth
wife wives
woman women


1. Genitivul analitic
Se redã cu ajutorul prepozitiei of
Ordinea cuvintelor:
1. subst. ce denumeste obiectul posedat
(precedat de articol) the room of the children
2. prepozitia of
the car of my friend
3. substantivul ce denumeste posesorul
Se foloseste când numele posesorului este
exprimat prin:
 subst. comune ce denumesc fiinte
 subst. comune ce denumesc obiecte the pencil of the student
the walls of the office

2. Genitivul saxon
Se redã prin 's sau '
Ordinea cuvintelor:
1. substantivul ce denumeste posesorul
2. 's sau ' Tom's dictionary
subst. ce denumeste obiectul posedat the students' books
Se foloseste când numele posesorului este
exprimat prin:
English - grammar
 subst. proprii nume de fiinte
 subst. comune ce denumesc fiinte: oameni si Tom's pencil
animale the girl's pencil
 subst. nume de tãri the cat's name
Romania's territory
English - grammar

Verbs + ing
enjoy doing
prefer cooking
hate sightseeing
can’t stand
don’t mind
look forward to

Note : like, love, adore, prefer, hate are sometimes used with to, but ing is more usual and more
general in meaning.
Verbs + to + infinitive
manage to do
need to come
offer to cook
would like
would love
would prefer
would hate

Notes :
Help and dare can be used whitout to
Have to – for obligation
Used to – for past habits
English - grammar
Verbs + somebody + to + infinitive
invite me to do
order him to go
remind them to come
tell someone
warn (+not)
would like
would love
would prefer
would hate

Verbs + somebody + infinitive (no to)

make her do
help us

Notes :
- To is used with make in the passive
We were made to work hard
- Let cannot be used in the passive allowed to is used instead
She was allowed to leave.

Verbs+ing or to + infinitive
(with no change in meaning)
begin raining
start to rain

Verbs+ing or to + infinitive
(with a change in meaning)
stop doing
try to do

Notes :
- I remember posting the letter (I have a memory now of a past action : posting the letter)
I rememberd to post the letter (I reminded myself to post the letter)
- I stopped smoking (I gave up a habit)
I stoped to smoke (I stopped doing something else in order to have a cigarette)
- I tried to sleep(I wanted to sleep, but it was difficult)
I tried counting sheep and taking sleeping pills (these were possible ways of getting to sleep)
English - grammar


The Present Simple is used:
1 – to express an action which happens again and again, that is a habit
it is often found with these time expressions:
usually, generally, often, always, never, every day, every year,sometimes
I sometimes walk to work
He usually wears a suit.
2 – to express a fact which is always true
I come from Argentina.
3 – to express a fact which stays the same for a long time (state)
He works in a bank
I live in a flat near the center of town.
I prefer coffee to tea.
4 – a announcements, titles of journals
5 – introduceri de citate
6 – în povestiri (prezentul narativ)
7 – în propoziţia secundară, dc. verbul este la viitor
If the car breaks down, I will walk


Presentul auxiliarul " to be "+ participiul nedefinit al vb. de conjugat(Ving)

Is used:
 to express an activity that is happening now
What are we doing?
Don’t turn theTV off. I’m watching it.
 to express an activity or situation that is true now, but is not necessarily happening
at the moment of speaking
Don’t take that book. Jane’s reading it.
I’m doing a French evening course this year.
 to express a temporary activity
I’m living with friends until I find a place of my own.
 to express a planned future activity
I'm doing my homework in the afternoon.
I’m having lunch with Glenna tomorrow.
 Momente enervante + adverb de frecvenţă
Jane's always talking.

prezentul aux. "to have" + participiul trecut al vb. de conjugat (V3)

actiuni incheiate la un moment din rtecut nespecificat
Este folosit pentru a exprima:
English - grammar
 o actiune terminatã în trecut, dar care are consecinte în prezent
a) actiunea a avut loc într-o perioadã de timp care nu s-a încheiat încã
(today, this week, this year)
I have worked hard this week.
b) momentul actiunii este exprimat printr-un adverb de timp nedefinit si de frecventã
ever in prop. interogative
already (deja) in propoziţii afirmative si negative(expr.mirare)
lately (in ultima vreme)
just (tocmai) doar in propoziţii afirmative
yet (încã) p. negative sau interogative – pe ultimil loc in prop.
so far (pânã acum)
- se asazã între aux. si conjugat)

I have never written my report during the classes.

 o actiune care a început în trecut si continuã în prezent
a)momentul din trecut când a început actiunea este marcat de prep. Since
I have studied in the library since morning.
b)durata actiunii este indicatã de prep. for
I have been a teacher for several years.
 In propozitii secundare pt. a exprima actiuni viitoare
You can go out as soon as you have had lunch.
I’ll give you a phone when the meeting has ended.
Don’t answer any question until you have read the whole questionnaire.


present perfect "to be" + Ving

Este folosit pentru a exprima:

 o actiune care a început în trecut, a fost în curs de desfãsurare în trecut si s-a
încheiat cu putin înainte de momentul vorbirii
I have been studying this text all day long.
 o actiune care a început în trecut, este în curs de desfãsurare în momentul vorbirii
si poate continua în viitor
I have been living in this house for twenty years.
 Actiuni care explica rezultatul unei alte actiuni trecute
Please excuse my dirty clothes. I’ve been painting.
It has been raining all the day that is so cold.


1. vb. regulate: infinitiv scurt + "-ed"

când se adaugă terminaţia "-ed" :
English - grammar
• verbele terminate în "e" pierd acest "e" final translate translated
• verbele monosilabice terminate într-o consoană precedată de o singură vocală scurtă
dublează consoana finală: stop stopped
• verbele plurisilabice terminate într-o consoană precedată de o singură vocală scurtă
dublează consoana finalănumai dacă accentul cade pe ultima silabă:
prefer preferred
• verbele terminate în "l' dublează consoana finală indiferent de accent
travel travelled
• la verbele terminate în "y" precedat de consoană, "y" devine "i"
try tried

2. vb. neregulate: V3


Use :
1 – to express a finished action in the past
We met in 1987.
I went to Manchester last week.
John left two minutes ago.
2 – to express actions which follow each other in a story
Mary walked into the room and stopped. She listened carefully. She heard a noise
coming from behind the curtain. She threw the curtain open, and then she saw…

3 – to express a past situation or habit

When I was a child, we lived in a small house by the sea. Every day I walked for
miles on the beach with my dog.
This use is often expressed with used to
We used to live in a small house…I used to walk miles…

Time expressions that are common with the Past Simple

last night, two days ago, yesterday morning, in 1990, in summer, when I was young


past "to be"(was) + Ving

Is used:

1 - to express an activity in progress before, and probably after, a particular time in past:
I walked past your house last night. There was an awful lot of noise. What were
you doing?
At 7.00 this morning I was having breakfast

2 – to describe a situation or activity during a period in the past:

English - grammar
Jan looked lovely. She was wearing a green cotton dress. Her eyes were shining in
the light of the candles that were burning nearby.

3 – to express an interrupted past activity

When the phone rang, I was having a bath.
We were playing tennis when it started to rain.
4 – to express an incomplete activity in the past in order to contrast with the Past Simple,
which express a completed activity
I was reading a book during the flight (I didn’t finish it)
I watched a film during the fly (the whole film)
5 – the Past Simple is usually used to express a repeated past habit or situation:
I went out with jack for years.
But the Past continuous can be used if the repeated habit becomes a longer setting for
I was going out with Jack when I first met Harry.

Past Simple versus Past Continuous

1 – the Past Simple expresses past actions as simple facts. The Past Continuous gives
past activities time and duration
I didn’t see you in the pub last night.
No I stayed at home and watched TV

I rang you last night, but there was no reply.

Sorry. I was watching TV. I didn’t hear the phone.
2 – the questions refer to different time periods: the Past Continuous asks about activities
before; the Past Simple asks about what happened after:
When the war broke out, Peter was studying medicine at university. He decided
that is was safer to go home to his parents and postpone his studies.
What was Peter doing when the war broke out? He was studying
What did Peter do when the war broke out? He went home to his parents.


past "to have" (had) + V3 (mai mult ca perfect)

1 – to look back to a time in the past and refer to an action that happened before then:
When I got home, I found that someone had broken into my flat and had stolen my
I didn’t want to go to the cinema with the others because I’d seen the film before.
2 – notice the difference between the sentences:
When I got to the party, Peter went home (after I arrived, Peter left)
When I got to the party, Peter had gone home (Before I arrived, Peter left)

Momentul trecut poate fi marcat prin:

a) by the end of the week, by 2 o'clock, by sunday, by that time
By the end of the last week I had already drawn up the report.
a) o altã actiune trecutã, exprimatã printr-un verb la timpul trecut
English - grammar
When I got home, they had already left.


past perfect tense simple of "to be" (had been) + Ving (mai mult ca perfect)
Este folosit pentru a exprima:
 o actiune de duratã care a fost în curs de desfãsurare în trecut si s-a încheiat cu
putin înainte fatã de un moment trecut

 o actiune de duratã în curs de desfãsurare, care a început înaintea unui moment din
trecut si continuã si în acel moment
He had been coughing for two days when I took him to the doctor's.
Momentul trecut poate fi exprimat prin:
a) o locutiune adverbialã de timp: this time yesterday, this time last month
b) o actiune trecutã, exprimatã printr-un verb la trecut, aspectul comun


shall (pers.I sg., pl) + infinitiv scurt

will (pers.II, III sg, pl)
Este folosit pentru a exprima o actiune viitoare fatã de momentul vorbirii. - folosit pentru
evenimente neutre.
Se foloseste cu: tomorrow, next week, next year, etc.
• Will folosit cu persoana I este verb modal si exprimã intentia sau hotãrârea subiectului
de a face o anumitã actiune
I will go there.
• Shall folosit la pers. II si III este verb modal si exprimã un ordin, o amenintare, o
You shall go there.
You shall have the book back tomorrow.(Iti promi sã-ti înapoiez cartea..)

Viitorul simplu se foloseste numai pentru actiuni viitoare neplanificate.

Nu se foloseste viitorul în:
 propozitii circumstantiale de timp, viitorul fiind înlocuit cu
a) prezentul, dacã actiunile sunt simultane :
You'll decide on it when father comes.
b) present perfect, dacã actiunea din secundarã este anterioarã fatã de actiunea
din prop. principalã:
We shall leave only after we have prepared everything.
 propozitii conditionale, viitorul fiin înlocuit cu timpul prezent:
You'll catch cold if you bathe on this weather.
English - grammar

viitor "to be" + Ving

Este folosit pentru a exprima o actiune de duratã, în curs de desfãsurare în viitor.
Caracterul progresiv reiese dacã o raportãm la:
 un moment viitor exprimat prin: at 5'oclock, at noon, tomorrow, this time next
month, all day tomorrow, all the week trough, from one to three
This time tomorrow I shall be writing a letter.
 o actiune momentanã viitoare, exprimatã printr-un verb la prezent simplu
When you come back home, I shall be reading a book..
 o altã actiune de duratã în curs de desfãsurare în viitor.
While I am filling in a telegram form, he will be withdrawing some money
the Bank counter.


Prezentul continuu al vb."to go" + infinitivul lung al vb. de conjugat

 Exprimã o actiune pe care intentionãm sã o desfãsurãm într-un viitor apropiat de

momentul vorbirii.
Are implicatii modale, exprimând intentia, probabilitatea
I am going to read. Is she going to dictate?
I am going to close the window, it's going to rain.


should + infinitiv scurt

 Se foloseşte numai în propoziţii secundare, când vb. din principală este la trecut
 Exprimă o acţiune viitoare faţă de acţiunea trecută din prop. Principală
Past F.I.P.
I promised / I should ring up Mr. Brown at 2 o'clock.
(Am promis că îi voi telefona d-lui Brown la ora 2)


Form : the tense of the verb to be changes to give different tenses in the passive. This is
followed by the past participle.
Use :
1 – passive sentences move the focus from the subject to the object of active sentences :
Shakespeare wrote Hamlet in 1599. – active
Hamlet, one of the great dramatic tragedies, was written by shakespeare
2 – very often, by and the agent are omitted in the passive sentences ; this might be
because :
- the agent is not known :
English - grammar
My flat was burgled list night.
- the agent is not important :
The bridge was built in 1886.
- we understand who the agent is :c
I was fined £100 for speeding.
3 – the passive is associated with an impersonal, formal style ; it is often used in notices
and announcements :
Customers are requested to refrain from smoking.
It has been noticed that refrence books have been removed from the library.
4 – in informal language, we often use you, we and they to refer to people in general or to
no person in particular ; in this wy we can avoid the passive :
They’re building a new department store in the city centre.
You can buy stamps in lots of shops, not just post offices.
We speak English in this shop.
The same meaning is expressed in formal languages using one:
One should dress to suit the occasion.
5 – many past participles are used more like adjectives:
I’m very interested in modern art.
I was surprised by her behaviour.
We were very worried about you
Aren’t you bored by the news?
I’m exhausted! I’ve been working all day.

Past tenses in the passive

Present tense
I am asked / he is asked. (Sunt întrebat / este întrebat)
Present Perfect
I have been asked / he has been asked (am fost întrbat)
Past tense
I was asked / he was asked (am fost întrebat, eram întrebat)
The bridge was built in 1876 (Past Simple – finished action in the past)
Past Perfect
I had been asked / he had been asked (fusesem întrbat)
The letter I was waiting for didn’t arrive because it had been sent to my old address
(Past Perfect – one action before another action in the past)
Future Tense
I shall be asked / he will be asked (voi fi întrebat)

The bomb was being diffused when it exploded (Past Continuous – interrupted

Present Simple and Continuous passive

Computers are used in all areas of life and work. (fact which is always true)
Sorry about the mess. The house is being redecorated at the moment.(activity
happening now)
English - grammar
Diateza pasivã se poate folosi la toate timpurile, mai putin formele perfecte continue si
viitorul continuu

Present Simple
SB + to be + V3 I’m told thet you didn’t respect…

Present tense continuous

SB + to be + being + V3 The school is being painted now

Past tense
SB + was/were + V3 The school was pulled down yesterday.

Past Tense continuous

SB + was/were + being + V3 The bridge was being built when I first came to this town.

Present Perfect
SB + have + been + V3 He has been asked several times to deliver the letter.

Past Perfect
SB + had + been + V3 He had been appointed P.Minister before the war

SB + will + be + V3 He will be appointed P.Minister

Future Perfect
SB + will + have + been + V3 He’ll have been appointed PM before the war starts.


Conditional prezent simplu

should (pers.I, sg. si pl.) + infinitivul scurt

Conditional prezent continuu

should + be + Ving

Conditional trecut simplu

should + infinitiv perfect (have +V3)

Conditional trecut continuu

should + have been + Ving
English - grammar
Corespondenta timpurilor "if Clauses"

Timp prop. Timp prop. Exemple

principalã conditionalã
viitor Prezent I shall buy a new dress /if I find something to suit me.
conditional prezent Past Tense I should buy a new dress/ if I found someting to suit
I shouldn't buy this blouse/ if I were you.
conditional trecut Past Perfect Tense I should have bought a new dress/ if I had found
someting to suit me.


There are many different ways of making sentences with if. It is important to understand
the difference between sentences that express real possibilities, and those that express
unreal situations.

Real possibilities
If it rains, we’ll stay at home. (if + Present Simple + will)
If you’ve finished your work, you can go home. (if + Present Perfect + modal auxiliary verb)
If you’re feeling ill, go home and get into bed. (if + Present Continuous + imperative)

Unreal situations
You would understand me better if you came from my country.(would + if + Past Simple)
If I were rich, I wouldn’t have any problems. (if + were + would)
If I stopped smoking, I could run faster. (if + Past Simple + modal auxiliary verb)

First Conditional If + Present Simple + will

Positive : If I find your wallet, I’ll let you know.

We’ll come and see you on Sunday if the weather’s good
Negative : You won’t pass the exam if you don’t revise.
If you lose your ticket, you won’t be able to go.
Question : What will you do if you don’t find a job ?
If there isn’t a hotel, where will you stay ?

! ! !We do not usually use will in the if clause.

If can be replaced by unless (if…no) or in case (because of the possibility)
Unless I hear from you, I’ll arrive at 8 o’clock.
I’ll take my umbrella in case it rains.
• Use
1. First Conditional sentences express a possible condition and its probable result in the

Condition (if clause) Result (result clause)

If I find a jumper that suits you I’ll buy it for you.
If you can do the homework give me a ring.
If you can find my purse I might buy you an ice-cream.
If you’ve never been to Wales you should try to get there one day.
English - grammar

2. We can use the First Conditional to express different functions (all which express a
possible condition and a probable result)

If you do that again, I’ll kill you ! (a threat)

Careful ! If you touch that, you’ll burn yourself ! (warning)
I’ll post the letter if you like. (an offer)
If you lend me £ 100, I’ll love you forever. (a promise)

Second Conditional if + Past Simple + would

Positive If I won some money, I’d go round the world.

My father would kill me if he could see me now.
Negative I’d give up my job if I didn’t like it.
If I saw a ghost, I wouldn’t talk to it.
Question What would you do if you saw someone shoplifting?
If you needed help, who would you ask ?

! ! ! was change to were in the conditional clause.

• Use
1. We use the Second Conditional to express an unreal situation and its probable result.
The situation or condition is improbable, impossible, imaginary, or contrary to known
If I were the president of my country, I’d increase taxation (but it’s not very likely that I will
ever be the president)
If my mother was still alive, she’d be very proud (but she’s dead)
If Ted needed any money, I’d lend it to him (but he doesn’t need it)

2. Other modal verbs are possible in the result clause

I could buy some new clothes if I had some money
If I saved a little every week, I might be able to save up for a car.
If you wanted that job, you’d have to apply very soon.

3. If I were you, I’d… (is used to give advice)

If I were you, I’d apologize to her.
I’d take it easy for a wile if I were you.
English - grammar

can - pot, sunt în stare, sunt capabil

may - pot, am voie, am permisiunea may not - lipsa permisiunii (nu este permis)
must - trebuie must not - interdicţia - este interzis, nu este voie
need not (needn't) - lipsa necesitãţii (nu este necesar, nu este cazul)

Form :
- there is no –s in the third person singular
- there is no do/does in the question
- there is no don’t/doesn’t in the negative
- modal auxiliary verbs don’t usually have past forms
- they have no infinitives and no –ing forms
- they are followed by an infinitive without to (the exception is ought to)
- they can be used with perfect infinitives to talk about the past :
You should have told me that you can’t swim. You might have drowned!
Use :
- each modal verb has at least two meanings. One use of all of them is to express
possibility or probability
I must post this letter !(obligation)
You must be tired !(deduction, probability)
Could you help me ?(request)
We could go to Spain for our holidays.(possibility)
May I go home now ?(permission)
Where’s Anna ? She may be at work (possibility)
- modal verbs express our attitude, opinions and judgements of events.
Who’s that knocking on the door ?
It’s John. (this is a fact)
It could/may/might/must/should/can’t/’ll be John (these all express our attitude or

1. Can - prezent
Could - Past Tense, conditional prezent
Could + infinitivul trecut - conditional trecut
Pentru celelalte timpuri se foloseste to be able to

- a putea, a fi în stare
- a sti sã (aratã o anume abilitate fizicã)
- a avea permisiunea (în vorbirea familiarã) - folosit cu sensul lui may
- can't, couldn't – deductie negativa – nu se poate, nu este posibil sã
English - grammar
- could + have + V3: actiune care nu a fost efectuata; couldn’t have + V3: actiune

2. May - infinitiv, prezent

Might - redã ideea de trecut, dar se foloseste numai dupã un alt verb la
ex: He said I might smoke in that room.
Pentru celelalte timpuri se folosesc: to be allowed to, to be permitted to

- a putea, a avea permisiunea

- posibilitate viitoare ex: Take your umbrella.It may/might rain
- posibilitate prezenta ex: he may be working now
- posibilitate trecutã: may / might + have + V3 –ex: He may have left.
- poate exprima un repros ex: You may/might help me when I am in need.

3. Must - infinitiv, prezent

Pentru celelalte timpuri se foloseste to have to
must exprima obligativitate
mustn’t - interdictia
- a trebui
- probabil cã - deductie prezenta ex: It must be late.
- deductie trecuta ex: he must have been reach.

4. Need - ca verb modal se foloseste numai la interogativ si negativ

- a fi nevoie ex: Need I be here at one o'clock?
No you needn't.

* pentru a rãspunde afirmativ se foloseste verbul must

Need I be here at one o'clock?
Yes, you must.

* pentru exprimarea ideii de trecut:

- dacã actiunea nu era necesarã dar a fost fãcutã: need + ininitiv trecut
You needn't have watered the flowers.
- dacã actiunea nu era necesarã si nu a fost fãcutã: didn't need + infinitiv
We didn't need to do these exercises.

need not = nu e nevoie
must not = nu trebuie

5. Should, ought to
- ar trebui sã, ar fi cazul sã, ar fi bine sã
- ar fi trebuit: you should have paid the bill

6. Shall
a) folosit cu persoana I indicã viitorul
English - grammar
b) folosit cu persoana I, interogativ, poate indica solicitarea unui sfat, o ofertã
sau o sugestie
c) folosit cu persoanele II si III poate arãta o promisiune, o obligatie sau o
amenintare care provin de la cel care vorbeste
ex: You shall have a bicycle if you pass the exam.

7. Will, would
- formulã de politete, cerere politicoasã
ex: Will/would you sit down?

- a voi (cu sens extins la obiecte)

ex: This radio won't work.

- actiune repetatã * în perioada prezentã: My mother will sit for hours watching TV
* în trecut: When I was child, my mother would read me fairy-tales.
* actiunea repetatã în trecut se poate exprima cu used to
When I was child, my mother used to read me fairy-tales.

- presupunere (o fi)
This girl looks very much like Jane. She will be her sister.

Expressing obligation

have to, must and should are used to express obligation

- Must I… ? is possible, but question forms with have to are more common
Do I have to do what you say, or can I do what I want ?

- Should I/she/we … ? is possible. We often use Do you think.. ?

Should I try to eat less ?
Do you think I should see a doctor ?
- Have to has all the forms that must doesn’t have
I had to work until midnight last night.(Past)
You’ll have to study hard when you go to university.(Future)
She’s a millionaire. She’s never had to do any work.(Present Perfect)
I hate having to get up cold, winter mornings.(-ing form)
If you were a policeman, yu would have to wear a uniform.(Infinitive)

Use :
- must and have to both express strong obligation
Must is used to express an obligation that involves the speaker’s opinion ; it is personal
I must get my hair cut. (this is me talking to me)
You must do this homework carefully.(a teacher talking to students)
Must is also associated with a formal, writen style
English - grammar
Candidates must write in ink and answer four questions (instructions on an exam
Books must be returned on or before the due date.(instructions in a library)

- have to expresses a general obligation based on a law or rule, or based on the

authority of another person ; it is more objective
I can’t play tennis tomorrow. I have to go to the dentist(I have an appointment)
Children have to go to school until they are sixteen.(a law)
Mum says you have to tidy your room before you go out.(mother’s order)

- mustn’t – expresses negative obligation : it is very important not to do something

- don’t have to expresses the absence of obligation – you can if you want, but it isn’t
You mustn’t steal other people’s thingf. It’s wrong.
You mustn’t drive if you’ve been drinking. You could kill someone.
Some people iron their socks, but you don’t have to. I think it’s a waste of time.
When you go into a shop, you don’t have to buy something.

- should and ought to express mild obligation, or advice. They both expess what, in the
speaker’s opinion, is the right or best thing to do
You’re always asking me for money. I think you should spend less.
You ought to be more careful with your money.
I know I shouldn’t keep buying you presents, but just love you !
You shouldn’t sit so close to television ! it’s bad for your eyes.

Expressing permission

- can, may, and be allowed to are used to express permission. Can is more informal and
usually spoken.
You can borrow my bike, but you can’t hve the car. I need it.
May we smoke in here ?
You can’t come in here with those muddy shoes !
You’re allowed to get married when you’re sixteen.
Are we allowed to youse a dictionary for this test ?

Making requests

- There are many ways of making requests in English.

Can / could / will / would you help me please / pass the salt please ?
Would you mind helping me, please ?
Can / could I speak to you, please ?
Do you mind if I open the window ?
Would you mind if I opened the window ?
- could is (a little) more formal ; can is (a little) more familiar.
Could I… ? and Could you.. ? are very useful because they can be used in many
different situations
- Responding to requests :
English - grammar
a. Excuse me ! Could you help me ?
Of course
Well, I’m afraid I’m a bit bussy at the moment
b. Would you mind if I opened the window ?
No, not at all.
No, that’s fine.
Well, I’m rather/a little chilly, actually.

Making offers

- will and shall are used to express offers.

- the contracted form of will is used to express an intention, decision or offer made at
the moment of speaking
Come over after work. I’ll make a meal for you.
It’s Jane birthday today. Is it ? I’ll buy her some flowers.
Give him your suitcase. He’ll carry it for you.
Don’t worry about the bus. Dave’ll give you a lift.
Give it back or we’ll call the Police !
In many languages, this idea is often expressed by a present tense, but in English this is
wrong : NOT* I give you my number
I carry your suitcase.
- shall ..? is used in questions with the first person, I and we. It expresses aqn offer, a
suggestion or a request for advice.
Shall I carry your bag for you ?That’s very kind, thank you.
Shall we go out for a meal tonight ? Mmm. I’d love to.
What shall we do ? We haven’t got any money. We could ask Dad.
We use should to make an informal suggestion

What should we have for dinner ?

What should we do tonight ?

Expressing possibility / probability

- we use must and can’t to express the logical conclusion of a situation ;

must – logically probable
can’t –logically improbable

We don’t have all the facts, so we are not absolutely sure, but we are pretty certain.
He’s very fit, though he must be at leat sixty !
Suzie can’t have a ten-year-old daughter. She’s only twenty-five herself !
Is there no reply ? They must be in bed. They can’t be out at this time of night.
A walk in this weather! You must be joking !
- we use may / might and could to express possibility in the present or future. May /
might + not is the negative. Couldn’t is rare in this use.
Take your umbrella. It might rain later.
Dave and Beth aren’t at home. They could be in the pub, I suppose.
English - grammar
We may go to Greece for our holidays. We haven’t decided yet.
You know we are going out tonight ? Well, I might not be able to make it. I might
have to work late

- we use will to express what we belive to be tue about the present. We are guessing
based on what we know about people and things, their routines, character, and qualities.

There’s a knock on the door. That’ll be the postman. He always calls at this time

• Continuous infinitive
You must be joking !
Peter must be working late.
She could have been lying to you.

• Perfect infinitive to express degrees of probability in the past

He must have been drunk.
She can’t have got home yet
He might have got lost.
They could have moved the house

Asking about possibilities

Question forms with the above modal verbs are unusual. We usually use Do you think.. ?
Do you think she’s married ? She can’t be.
Where do you think he’s from ? He might be French. He’s very handsome.
Do you think they’ve arrived yet ? They may have. Or they might have got stuck in
the traffic.
English - grammar

Prop. principalã Prop. EX.

1 Un timp "present" orice timp cerut
Present tense Simple, Present Tense de sens
Continuous, Present Perfect Simple,
Present Perfect Continuous
2 un timp "past" orice alt timp
Past Tense Simple, Past Tense "past"
Continuous, Past Perfect Simple,Past
Perfect Continuous
Actiune simultanã Past Tense Past Tense He told me his phone was out of order
Actiune anterioarã Past Tense Past Perfect I didn't know you had already rung him up
Actiune posterioarã Past tense Future in the The operator said she would put me
Past through in a minute.
3 un timp "future"
teoretic, se poate folosi orice timp cerut
de sens, cu exceptia propozitiilor
temporale sau conditionale, care nu pot
include un verb la viitor
Actiune simultanã Future Present I will call you as soon as I arrive.
Actiune anterioarã Future Present Perfect I shall se what you have done.

Exceptii la concordanta timpurilor :

1. când propozitia secundarã exprimã un adevãr general valabil
The teacher told the pupils the water boils at 100oC.

2. când propozitia secundarã este atributivã

The book I am reading now was given to me by my brother

3. când propozitia secundarã este comparativã

Last year I worked more than I have done this year.

4. când timpul din propozitia secundarã este independent de timpul actiunii din
principală - vb. subordonatei poate fi la prezent sau viitor
I didn't believe her because she isn't reliable.
I like the play so much that I shall never forget it.


1. feelings
love, like, dislike, hate, prefer

2. vb.ce denumesc simturile

see, hear, test, smell, feel

3. vb.ce indica posesia

English - grammar
own, belong, have

4. vb.ce indica o caracteristica permanenta a unui obiect

cost, include, mesure, weigh

5. verbele : be, know, understand, believe, remember,agree, appear (pare), seem(a

parea), expect, mean

see – la aspect continuu cand nu exprima simtul vãzului:- to have an appointment
I’m seeing the dentist tomorrow.
Taste, smell, hear - V.T.: I’m testing the soup
I’m hearing
- V.I. nu se foloseste la continuu
(simţul este exercitat in mod involuntar)
the rose smells nice.
Have - posesia – nu se foloseste la continuu
- Continuu: I’m having my house painted

expect - cu sens de a spera – nu se foloseste la continuu

- aşteptare I’m expecting company

think - opinia (believe) - nu se foloseste la continuu

- activitate de gândire I’m thinking of sth.

appear - se pare - nu se foloseste la continuu

- apariţia: she’s appearing in the new movie.

be - existenta - nu se foloseste la continuu

- cmportament temporar: he’s being very rude today.

1. I wish urmat de
• Past Tense – situatie ireala prezentã
I wish I had money.
• Past Perfect – dorinţã nerealizatã care se referã la trecut
I wish I had bought the newspaper.
• Would + infinitive – dorinţã viitoare, puţin probabil de a se realiza
I wish he would win the first prise.

2. If only (numai de, numai dacã) urmat de

• Past Tense – dorinţã prezentã sau viitoare

If only I could win the first prise.
• Past Perfect – regretul pentru o actiune care nu s-a intamplat
If only I had bought the newspaper.
English - grammar
3. Would rather (mai degrabã) urmat de
• Prezent: dacã SB preferintei coincide cu subiectul actiunii preferate
I would rather go skiing than skating.
• Past Tense: dacã SB preferintei nu coincide cu subiectul actiunii preferate
I would rather you went to the meeting instead of me.
• Would + infinitive: actiuni preferate care se vor defasura in viitor, SB
preferintei nu coincide cu subiectul actiunii preferate
I would rather you would come tomorrow.
4. It’s time/it’s high time urmat de
• Prezent: dacã actiunea se savarseste la timp
It’s time for you to have dinner.
• Past Tense: dacã este prea târziu pentru savarsirea actiunii
It’s time you had dinner.
5. As if/ though (de parcã) urmat de
• Past Tense: indoialã prezentã
He talks as if he were English.
• Past Perfect: incertitudine asupra unui eveniment trecut
He acts as if he had won the first prise.
• Present – daca este o certitudine
It looks as if it’s going to rain.



a) timp : la (orã, moment, în, The class began at 8 a’clock sharp (Lecţia a început la ora 8 fix.)
pe) Don’t tell me you wake up at sunrise (Nu-mi spune cã te trezeşti la
b) loc : la rãsãritul soarelui)
We welcomed them at the airport 9I-am întâmpinat la aeroport)
The goods were sold at a good price (Mãrfurile s-au vândut la un
c) alte relaţii : cu, la un preţ preţ bun)
a) timp : în, peste He finished his homework in one hour (şi-a terminat tema într-o
The exhibition is planned to be opened in a fortnight (expoziţia
este planificatã sã se deschidã peste 2 sãptãmâni)
b) loc : în, din, pe, de In Bucharest you can find some very attractive parks.(În Bucureşti
se gãsesc câteva parcuri foarte frumoase)
c) alte relaţii : în, din, cu All the paintings in the exhibition were very well selected. (Toate
tablourile din expoziţie au fost foarte bine selecţionate)
The exercise was written in ink.(Exerciţiul a fost scris cu cernealã)
a) timp : la (data), în They promised to be ready with theyr papers on the third of May.
(Au promis sã fie gata cu lucrãrile la 3 mai)
On a fine summer morning we decided to start our trip (Am
hotãrât sã pornim în excursie într-o frumoasã dimineaţã de varã.)
b) loc : de, de pe The vase on the table is not nice (Vasul de pe masã nu e frumos)
English - grammar
You can place the books on the shelf (Poţi sã pui cãrţile pe raft)
c) alte relaţii : pe, în, despre Today we shall hear a lecture on marketing.(Astãzi vom audia o
expunere despre marketing)
a) odatã cu With the aproach of examination we have to plan our time
carefully. (odatã cu apropierea examenelor, trebuie sã ne
planificãm timpul cu grijã)
b) loc : la He lives with his parents (locuieşte la pãrinţi)
a) timp : în timpul ; pânã, pe We travelled by day and by night (am cãlãtorit zi şi noapte)
la ; cãtre They will reach the resort by 10 o’clock(Vor ajunge în staţiune pe
la ora 10)
By the end of the year I should have finished my thesis(Pânã la
sfârşitul anului îmi voi termina teza)
b) loc : lângã, alãturi de, pe I passed by your housethe other day.(Am trecut pe lângã casa ta
lângã, prin ieri)
c) alte relaţii : pe (referitor la The hall was 4 meters wide by 6 meters long.(Holul era de 4 metri
dimensiuni) pe 6)
a) loc : de We decided to put up for the night in a motel two miles of the
resort.(Am hotãrât sã mergem peste noapte la un motel la douã
mile de staţiune)
b) alte relaţii : al, din, de, dintre The beauty of the mountains attract many visitors (Frumuseţea
din partea munţilor atrage mulţi vizitatori)
One of my friends told me all about this (unul dintre prietenii mei
mi-a povestit totul despre aceasta)
a) timp : din, de la She is studying in the library from morning till night.(Ea studiazã
în bibliotecã de dimineţa pânã seara)
b) loc : din, de la I took the dictionary from the library. (Am luat dicţionarul de la
c) alte relaţii : din partea I haven’t received any letter from them recently. (nu am primit
nici o scrisoare de la ei în ultimul timp)
a) timp : cam, pe la They arrived at about 6 o’clock.(Ei au sosit pe la ora 6)
b) loc : împrejurul, în(din) jurul, We walket about the town. (Am umblat prin oraş)
prin, la
c) alte relaţii : despre, referitor What are you talking about ?(Despre ce vorbiţi)
la I’ve heard about this place before (Am mai auzit despre acest loc)
a) timp : înainte The existence of the town was not mentioned above the 14th
century (Existenţa oraşului nu a fost menţionatã înainte de sec.14)
b) loc : deasupra, peste I don’t think the best place for the lamp is above that table (Nu
cred cã cel mai bun loc pentru lampã este deasupra mesei aceleia.
c) alte relaţii : peste, mai presus Above all you should understand that you must do your duty.(mai
de presus de toate trebuie sã înţelegi cã trebuie sã-ţi faci datoria)
a) timp : în cursul, în timpul, He will stay with us over the week-end (va sta cu noi pânã la
pânã la sfârşitul sãptãmânii)
a) loc : alãturi de, lângã I sat down beside her (M-am aşezat lângã ea)
a) timp : în timpul, în cursul We met and discussed during the interval (Ne-am întâlnit şi am
discutat în timpul pauzei)
English - grammar
a) timp : timp de I shall stay with them for a fortnight (Voi sta cu ei timp de 2
We have lived in this town for five years (Locuim în acest oraş de
5 ani)
b) alte relaţii : pentru, cu, cãtre We left for London by plane (am plecat la Londra cu avionul)
This present is for you (acest cadou este pentru tine)
I bought the book for twenty dollars (am cumpãrat cartea cu 20 de
timp : de la, de I haven’t met him since last month (Nu l-am vãzut de luna trecutã)
Till, untill
timp: pânã (la) He works from morning till night (Lucreazã de dimineaţa pânã
The book will come out until the end of the year
a) timp : pânã la She did not offer an explanation to this day (Nu a dat nici o
explicaţie pânã în ziua de azi)
b) alte relaţii : la, spre, dupã, pe This is the way to airport (Acesta este drumul spre aeroport)
This range of goods is exported to over ten countries (acest
sortiment de mãrfuri se exportã în peste 10 ţãri)
The interior decoration wasn’t to my taste (decoraţia interioarã nu
a fost pe gustul meu)
a) timp : spre We approached the village towards evening (ne-am apropiat de sat
spre searã)
b) loc : înspre She turns towards us (s-a întors spre noi)
c) alte relaţii : faţã de, cu His attitude towards you was quite unexpected (atitudinea lui faţã
de tine a fost cu totul neaşteptatã)
a) timp : pânã Recently I have worked far into the night (in ultimul timp am
lucrat pânã noaptea târziu.
b) loc : la The noise stopped as we came into the room (Zgomotul a încetat
când am intrat în camerã)
c) alte relaţii : în Wood turned into furniture (lemnul s-a transformat în mobilã)
a) timp: în interval de, înaite de The lot should be completed whitin a week (Lotul trebuie
sfârşitul, pânã în completat într-o sãptãmânã)
b) loc: distanţa At about 8 o’clock we were whitin a mile of the town (Pe la ora
opt eram la depãrtare de o milã de oraş)

in, at, on for time

1. we use at for time and certain expressions:

at 8.00 at midnight
at lunchtime at the weekend
at Christmas at the same time
at the moment at the age of 9

2. we use on for days and dates

on Friday on Friday morning
on 12 September on Saturday evening
English - grammar

3. we use in for longer periods, such as months, years and seasons

in April in 1965
in summer in the nneteenth century
We say at night, but in the evening/afternoon
We also say I’ll see you in the morning but I’ll see you tomorrow morning.

4. there is no preposition before last, next or this

in, at, on for place

1. in is used to express a position inside a place. It suggests three dimensions
He works in an office in London
He lives in the south of England.
He eats in restaurants.
He potters in the garden.
There are lot of shops in the airport.
When we were in France, we spent a few days in Paris.
2. at is used to express a location at a point. It suggests two dimensions.
Lucinda’s at home. Justin’s at Ben’s house.
I’ll see you at the cinema at 8.00.
I’ve left my case at the office.
I’ve met him at the bus stop.
Turn right at the traffic lights.
Our house is at the end of the road.
We arrived at the airport with tome spare.
3. on is used to talk about position on a surface
Your dinner’s on the table.
Don’t sit on the floor.
The exercise is on page 26.
We drive on the left.
There are no picture on the wall.
You’ve got a dirty mark on your chin.
Our flat is on the third floor.

Space preposition

behind în spatele
between între
under sub, dedesubtul
opposite în fata, vizavi
over deasupra, peste
below sub, dedesubtul
above deasupra, peste
through prin
out afarã
into în (exprimã ideea de
English - grammar
in front of în fata
next to the ... lângã
in the middle în mijlocul

While, during and for

1. while is a conjunction, and is followed by a clause

While I was getting ready, I listened to the radio.
I met my wife while I was at university.
2. During is a preposition and is followed by a noun. It tells us when something
happened. It means at some point in a period of time
We had to call a doctor during the night.
Can I speak to you during the beak?
We can’t use during with a period of time.
We talked during five minutes
We’re on holidays during six weeks.
3. For is a preposition, and is followed by a noun. I ttells us how long something last
We talked for five minutes.
We’re going on holidays for six weeks.

up (adv) sus, în sus

down (adv) jos

agree with sb.
dance with
stay with

agree on / with sb/ on sth / to a proposal
be based on
comment on
concentrate on
congratulate on (a felicita in legatura cu)
depend on sth.
knock on (the door)

belong to
complain to sb / about sth /of an ilness
lie to sb / about sth
listen to
speak to
talk to sb
write to
English - grammar
consist of
die of
think of What do you think of Pete? I really like him.
Worn of the danger / against enemy

abound in (a abunda in)
believe in
end in
fail in
interested in sth.
succeed in
thrust in

account for (a da socoteala de)
ask for
blaim for
leave for (a pleca la)
look for
pay for Where is the cash desk? I want to pay for this book.
send for (a trimite dupa)
wait for
work for

aim at (a tinti)
arrive at
fire at
look at
lough at
point at
stare at

talk about
think about You aren’t concentrating on your work. What are you thinking about?
worry about

die from
start from
suffer from
free from (a se elibera de)


on average
for a change
a cheque for a hundred pounds
complaints about
damage to
difference between
take a photo of sb/sth
English - grammar
in a bad/good/terrible mood
on purpose = deliberately
on strike
trouble with sb/sth.
out of work
interest in
progress in
satisfaction in
cause of
chance of (Ving)
opportunity of
exception to
invitation to
kindness to (help him)


afraid of
ashamed of
aware of
bored of
fond of
full of
jealous of
kind of
proud of
sure of
tired of
worthy of (demn de)

be angry with
busy with
charmed with
fed up with = annoyed, bored, unhappy
wet with

anxious about
concerned about
enthusiastic about
excited about
sure about
worried about

different from

bound for (life - legat de cineva pe viata)

eager for (nerabdator sa)
famous for
fit for
good for sb = healthy for your body or your mind
responsible for
sorry for

alarmed at
amazed at
English - grammar
clever, good at sth (maths)

dissapointed in (dezamagit)
interested in
reach in
skilled in
successful in

affectioned to
appropriate to
cruel to
deaf to (surd la)
greatful to sb/ for sth
married to
polite to
rude to

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