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Management of new product development in small

electronics firms

A. Ledwith
The Department of Management & Marketing and Small Firms Research Unit,
University of Limerick, Ireland

Keywords MacPherson, 1997). This difference in

New product development, Background emphasis makes some sense ± large firms
Small firms, Electronics industry,
tend to be able to resource all their technical
Ireland The management of new product
requirements internally and thus the
development in large firms has been studied
relationships that must be managed are
Abstract in great depth. Much has been published
internal. Small firms, however, often need to
This paper reports on the findings relating to how new product development is
look outside their organisational boundaries
of a study of the development of managed, and in particular to management
63 new products in 36 electronics for services and, therefore, must develop
practices that have been found to be
firms in Ireland. The firms range in skills in managing external relationships.
size from fewer than ten to over determinants of new product success.
Organisational factors, including the
1,000 employees. They all operate Montoya-Weiss and Calantone (1994) provide
in the electronics sector, develop- existence and characteristics of project
a very comprehensive review of the research
ing and manufacturing a variety of teams, the level of top management
products from completely inte- into NPD to date and conclude that it lacked
involvement, the nature of leadership of NPD
grated systems to discrete com- focus and direction. A wide variety of
ponents. A series of projects, have been examined extensively in
methodologies and study types have been
questionnaires and interviews was large firms. Cross-functional or
used to collect historical life cycle used. This makes it difficult to directly
multidisciplinary teams with strong
data of new products. The results compare the results of different studies.
presented in this paper focus on leadership and a high level of ownership and
However, in their meta-analysis they define
the management of the product accountability are generally recommended
development process. The rela- variables in four categories that have been
as good organisational design for new
tionship between the development identified as determinants of new product
process and new product success product development projects (Cooper, 1999;
performance. These have been slightly
or failure is examined. The differ- Page, 1993; Wheelwright and Clark, 1992). But
ences between the management modified for the purpose of this study and are
many of the above factors are not relevant
of product development in small summarised in Table I. A discussion of each
and large firms are also explored. when examining determinants of success in
category of factors follows.
Small firms report a new product small firms, simply because they exist
success rate comparable to that inherently in almost all small firms and
of larger firms, suggesting that the
factors that are linked to the usually to a much greater degree than in
success of new products may be large firms.
related to firm size.

Organisational factors
The management of internal and external
relations in new product development is one
area where there is a marked difference
between the existing literature on small and Development process factors
large firms. Most of what is published about The new product development process has
large firms deals with internal relations. It is been studied in great detail and many
argued that integration between different process related factors are identified in the
functional departments will achieve better literature as determinants of NPD success.
results both in the characteristics of the Technical and marketing proficiency are key
products developed and the time taken to factors in product success (Cooper and
develop them (Shrivastava and Souder, 1987; Kleinschmidt, 1987). Controllable variables,
Wheelwright and Clark, 1992; Towner, 1994). rather than environmental variables, have
In contrast, literature dealing with small been found to determine the outcome of
firms focuses on external relations, product development projects (Cooper, 1990).
addressing issues such as industrial services, The most important technical and marketing
Received August 1999 subcontracting relationships, licensing, activities include prototype testing with
Revised January 2000 networking, collaborative R&D (Rothwell customers, test marketing, market launch,
and Dodgson, 1991; Hoffman et al., 1998; product development and production start-
up. In general, most of the literature that

Journal of European Industrial

24/2/3/4 [2000] 137±148
The research register for this journal is available at The current issue and full text archive of this journal is
# MCB University Press available at
[ISSN 0309-0590]

[ 137 ]
A. Ledwith examines the process related factors that analysis as a key activity in the NPD process
Management of new product influence the outcome of NPD agree that, in and its impact on the outcome. The cost of
development in small both small and large firms, proficiency of new product development is another
electronics firms NPD activities is a key determinant of financial issue that has not received much
Journal of European Industrial success (see Table I). attention and is perhaps of greatest interest
Training Top management support is one of the most to small firms, which tend to have limited
24/2/3/4 [2000] 137±148 important factors influencing new product financial resources (Roper et al., 1996;
success (Booz-Allen and Hamilton, 1982). In Fitzgerald and Breathnach, 1994).
the US electronics industry senior
management support has been found to be
important for NPD success (Maidique and
Zirger, 1984). Owner manager skill and Marketing and new product
support have also been found to be important characteristics
in small firms (Hoffman et al., 1998), though Product advantage or product superiority is
the focus when dealing with small firms is judged by many authors to be the most
more on the skill and competence than on the critical success factor in developing new
support of top management. This is products. Cooper (1990), reporting on the
justifiable, as it would be unusual for a small project NewProd, concluded that superior
firm to take on a product development project products are more likely to succeed.
without the support of top management. However, a study of small high-technology
Managing and measuring the speed to electronics firms (Yap and Souder, 1994)
market of new products have tended to be found that small firms, under conditions of
addressed more by practitioners and high market or technical uncertainty, were
consultants than by academics (Towner, more likely to succeed by producing
1994). In contrast with this emphasis on compatible than superior products.
speed, Cooper (1999) states that, although Market potential, including market size
being first to market is important, being the and growth, customer need for a product and
best on the market is more important. Time the importance of a product to the customer,
to market has not been identified as such a has been found to have an impact on NPD
key factor for small firms; there are two success, particularly where companies are
possible explanations for this. First, small aiming their product at a window of
firms by their very nature are more flexible opportunity (Cooper and Kleinschmidt, 1987).
and possibly experience fewer problems in The impact of market variables on small,
speeding up product development. Second, high-technology companies is not always as
small high-technology firms tend to operate expected (Yap and Souder, 1994). Market
in niche markets where time to market may maturity would normally be thought to
not be such a critical factor. inhibit NPD success but in some
It is perhaps something of a paradox that, circumstances may actually be favourable
though the most commonly used measure of for small firms. This anomaly can be
NPD is financial success, very few authors explained by the fact that many small
have anything to say about financial analysis companies operate in mature market niches
as part of the NPD process. While several which are not of interest to larger firms. A
studies include business analysis as one of review of literature on small firms, R&D,
the steps in their NPD processes (Cooper and technology and innovation in the UK
Kleinschmidt, 1995; Page, 1993), relatively (Hoffman et al., 1998) reports conflicting
little research has been done into financial evidence of the impact of market potential on
small firms.
It is a common assumption, based on
Porter (1980), that increased market
competitiveness should limit the success of
new products. However, several authors have
not found this to be the case (Booz-Allen and
Hamilton, 1982; Cooper and Kleinschmidt,
1987; Page, 1993). In the case of small firms
there is no consensus on the impact of
market competitiveness on success. Some
studies have found it to correlate negatively
Table I
with success while others have found that it
Determinants of NPD success
has no impact at all (Yap and Souder, 1994;
Organisational factors Development process factors Hoffman et al., 1998).
Internal/external relations Proficiency of activities The operating environment faced by a
Organisational factors Top management support/skill firm, including risk, uncertainty and
Speed to market regulations, is another factor that has not
Financial factors been studied in detail. A study of the US

Skills and capabilities Marketing and new product characteristics

Technological synergy Product advantage
Marketing synergy Market potential
Company resources Market competitiveness
Strategy Environment

Source: Adapted from Montoya-Weiss and Calantone, 1994

[ 138 ]
A. Ledwith electronics industry looking at successful new companies, and that compatible
Management of new product and unsuccessful projects (Maidique and products have a better chance of success.
development in small Zirger, 1984) measured the importance to In summary, organisational factors have
electronics firms firms of different determinants of NPD been addressed in the literature from an
Journal of European Industrial outcomes and found that environmental internal perspective for large firms but from
Training factors, including government regulations, an external perspective for small firms.
24/2/3/4 [2000] 137±148 market characteristics and the economy, did Product development process factors have
not rate very highly. been found to be critical to both small and
large firms but the success of some
management practices is probably dependent
on firm size. Variables relating to marketing
Skills and capabilities and new products characteristics have an
Technological and marketing synergy have impact on the success of new products but
been linked with new product success. there is limited consensus in the literature
Companies are advised to ``attack from a about the nature of this impact. And finally,
position of strength'' (Cooper, 1999). This the existence and nature of skills and
advice has also been shown to be true for capabilities have been identified as
small firms (Yap and Souder, 1994). determinants of new product success in both
The availability and quality of resources as small and large firms.
a determinant of NPD success have not been The results presented in this paper attempt
studied to any great extent. It has been to build on some previous research that
assumed that NPD programmes are examined new product development in small
sufficiently resourced; this may well be the electronics firms in Alabama, USA (Yap and
case in large firms. A study of the norms in Souder, 1994). A similar research tool[1] was
product development (Page, 1993) found that used to collect data, allowing for comparisons
resources were mentioned by only 39.2 per to be made between the US and Irish results.
cent of 189 companies surveyed as being The US study found that much of the
obstacles to successful NPD. In small firms, conventional wisdom that applies to large
however, a lack of resources, both financial firms cannot be taken for granted in small
and human, has been cited as one of the most firms and, depending on conditions of market
important barriers or constraints to product and technical certainty, different
innovation (Fitzgerald and Breathnach, 1994; management practices apply. The results
Roper et al., 1996; Hoffman et al., 1998). presented in this paper represent the initial
Company strategy is probably one of the analysis of data collected in small and large
key determinants of NPD success as it affects Irish electronics firms. As this is part of an
all other determinants. Many studies of the ongoing study, many of the findings point to
strategic management of technological areas for further study rather than final
innovations have stressed the importance of conclusions.
integration between functions involved in
the innovation process (Shrivastava and
Souder, 1987; Crawford, 1994). Adler et al.
(1989) suggest that most companies manage
NPD in a tactical rather than a strategic
manner, top managers are advised to take a
more strategic interest in NPD. Strategy is
also a key issue for small firms involved in
product innovation (Rothwell and Dodgson,
1991). Learning, flexibility and speed of
response are identified as areas where small Research method
high-technology firms can gain a competitive
advantage. A strategy recommended for Studies of new product development have
small technology-based firms is the adoption taken several different approaches. Some
of one key growth-sustaining technology and have compared successes and failures, others
avoidance of high levels of diversification have concentrated on the impact of
(Meyer and Roberts, 1986). Successful initial particular variables on new product success,
core technologies are those that are yet others have examined the NPD process
challenging to implement but difficult and suggested ways in which it can be
enough to deter competitors. Small, high- improved. Some studies have examined
technology firms are advised to avoid individual projects within companies while
differentiation but to adopt cost-leadership or others have examined NPD at a corporate
focus strategies (Yap and Souder, 1994). This level. Studies that focus solely on the project
advice is based on empirical research that level are limited in that they often fail to
shows that customers are unlikely to buy identify company level practices that may
superior products with unique features from have a significant impact on new product
outcomes, for example the culture of
innovation within a firm (Cooper and
Kleinschmidt, 1996). Alternatively, studies
that are based solely at the company level
may not identify lessons that are learned
from one project to the next and may also fail

[ 139 ]
A. Ledwith to pick up on the detailed management unsuccessful products and in some cases only
Management of new product practices that differ from project to project. one product was examined. Table II
development in small The research presented in this paper is summarises the sample.
electronics firms exploratory in nature and therefore a broad Success was defined as either meeting or
Journal of European Industrial research instrument that collected exceeding expectations, while projects that
Training information at both the company and project fell below expectations were considered to be
24/2/3/4 [2000] 137±148 level was used. A success/failure approach failures. This method of classifying project
was adopted as it was considered to be the outcome is consistent with previous studies
most practical in attempting to address the (Song et al., 1997; Souder and Song, 1997; Yap
issues in question. In addition, the particular and Souder, 1994). It also allows for
instrument used allowed comparisons to be reasonable comparisons to be made between
made with previous studies (Souder et al., companies operating in different markets
1997; Souder and Song, 1997; Yap and Souder, and between companies of different sizes. It
1994). would not, for instance, be rational to use
Data were gathered using a series of seven similar measures of overall volume, return
questionnaires, three aimed at company on investment, profitability or market share
level, gathering information about: to rate the success of new products from very
1 characteristics of the company; large and very small companies as their
2 cycle time of new products in the expectations and capabilities would be very
industry; and different.
3 organisational learning. In analysing the data each project was
given a score based on the extent to which it
met commercial expectations. Table III
shows the rating system used. Failed new
products were those that scored lower than 3
on commercial outcomes while successful
Another four questionnaires addressed projects met or exceeded the expectations of
specific projects within a company; these the firm.
dealt with: Spearman correlation coefficients (Siegel
1 characteristics of the new product; and Castellan, 1988) were calculated,
2 market environment; comparing the project outcome, as shown in
3 technical environment; and Table III, and the responses to a range of
4 level of innovation. questions about the management of each
project. Each question required the
respondent to select an answer from a five-
Respondents varied for each type of point Likert-type scale. The purpose of the
questionnaire, but included the MD, study is not only to identify success factors
technical manager/director, marketing for the complete sample, but also to look at
manager and R&D engineers. the differences between success in small and
Companies for inclusion in the study were
selected from an online Kompass database
(1997) in the following categories:
.37 Electrical, electronic, data processing

and nucleonic equipment.

.38 Precision equipment, measuring,

testing, optical, photographic,

cinematography, medical and surgical.
.79 Communications services,

telecommunications, radio and Table II

television. Breakdown of sample

Large Small
firms firms Total
Of the 882 companies identified, only 56 were Number of firms 14 22 36
developing electronic (hardware) products Number of successful projects 15 20 35
and were responsible for the complete Number of unsuccessful projects
11 17 28
development process, from the exploratory Total number of projects 26 37 63
phase through to manufacturing and
marketing start-up and after-sales technical
Note: Small firms are defined as those with fewer than
service. Only those firms that carried out all
100 employees
these activities at their site in Ireland were
included in the research. A total of 36 firms
agreed to be interviewed, this constituted a
Table III
response rate of 68 per cent.
Project outcome scoring system
All firms were requested to discuss two
projects ± one that had been a success and Score Commercial outcome of the project
another that had been a failure. The decision
on success and failure was left to the 1 Far below our expectations
managers being interviewed. Not all firms 2 Slightly below our expectations
were able to identify both successful and 3 Consistent with our expectations
4 Slightly above our expectations
5 Far above our expectations

[ 140 ]
A. Ledwith large firms; significant results (p = 0.05, 0.02, above the 5.1 per cent reported in a recent
Management of new product and 0.01) for all, small and large, firms are Forfas study (Breathnach, 1995).
development in small presented. The types of new products being developed
electronics firms by each group of firms is also worth
Journal of European Industrial examining. While small and large firms
Training launch similar numbers of totally new
24/2/3/4 [2000] 137±148 Results products, there is a large difference between
the numbers of product variations launched.
While not all firms, in the group of either Large firms launch approximately 2.5
large or small firms, were Irish owned, they product variations for each new product
all have Irish management and were launched; the ratio is 1:1 in small firms. This
responsible for developing new products points to differences in the new product
from the exploratory stage through to strategies of small and large firms, which is
providing after-sales support and service. worth further study.
The nature of the electronics sector, on In general, the level of interaction with
which much of the Celtic Tiger economy is external organisations in the development of
built, is reflected in the high level of exports new products for all the firms in the study
in the sector, and also in the large percentage was very low. A five-point Likert-type
of turnover that comes from products that ranking scale (1 = never to 5 = very often) was
were developed within the last three years. used to measure the frequency of interaction
The overall performance of the firms in the with a range of external organisations. Small
study is shown in Table IV. firms achieved an average score of 2.17 while
It can be seen in Table IV that the small large firms scored 2.81; these results are
firms were approximately one-tenth of the shown in Figure 1.
size of large firms and reported less than 4 These findings are worrying given that
per cent of the turnover, resulting in a much previous studies have emphasised the
lower turnover per employee ratio for small importance of external support for R&D
firms. (MacPherson, 1997). In particular, 23 per cent
A relatively higher level of R&D (n = 5) of the small firms reported that they
expenditure as well as a higher R&D seldom or never contacted customers in their
intensity is generally expected from small new product projects, while all the large
firms (Van Dijk et. al., 1997). This is reflected firms contacted their customers occasionally
in the above data. The most significant or more frequently. MacPherson in his study
differences between the two groups of firms of small manufacturing firms in New York
are: State found that contact with customers was
1 the level of spending on R&D; the most important of all external contacts
2 the percentage of R&D employees to total reviewed. The only significant level of
employees; and interaction occurs between large firms and
3 the number of patents held by the small customers and suppliers, and between small
firms. firms and customers.
In summary, all firms in the sample were
found to be developing new products with
little external interaction. This has also been
found in earlier studies of product
development in high-technology Irish firms
(Hurst and O'Kelly, 1995).
The reluctance of small firms to protect new Respondents were asked about their
products by patenting has also been reported expenditure on innovation. On average,
previously and is an issue that is being firms spent IR£1,640,028, or 16 per cent of
addressed by the Irish development agencies turnover on innovation. This broke down as
(Cox, 1999). Small technology-based firms are IR£388,227 (21 per cent of turnover) for small
very dependent on new products and invest firms and IR£3,607,143 (9 per cent of turnover)
heavily in R&D; in fact the level of R&D for large firms. This spending was further
expenditure by all firms in this study is well broken down into a range of activities as
shown in Figure 2.
On average, firms spend about two thirds
of their total innovation spend on new
Table IV product development, compared with only 7.5
Overall performance per cent on process improvement. The main
differences between large and small firms are
Parameter (mean) Small firms Large firms the expenditure on process improvement, 11
per cent in large firms and 5 per cent in small
Size 32 358
Turnover IR£2.2M IR£58.4M
Turnover per employee IR£68K IR£127K
Percentage of exports 87 95
Percentage of turnover from new products 49 46
Spend on R&D (as a percentage of turnover) 21 9
Percentage of employees in R&D (R&D intensity) 26 14
Number of new products launched last year 5 7
Number of new product variants launched last year 5 18
Number of patents 2 16

[ 141 ]
A. Ledwith Figure 1
Management of new product Interaction with external organisations
development in small
electronics firms
Journal of European Industrial
24/2/3/4 [2000] 137±148

Figure 2
Breakdown of spending on innovation

firms, and in marketing, 2 per cent in large product success and several differences were
firms and 8 per cent in small firms. found between the success factors in small
The remaining data presented in this paper and large firms; these factors are
examine project level issues. The results will summarised in Table V.
be presented in the four different categories One of the most striking findings from
discussed above: Table V is the degree to which involvement of
1 organisational factors; commercial entities is correlated with
2 development process factors; success in small firms and not in large. The
3 marketing and new product common perception of small firms is that
characteristics; and communications between the different
4 skills and capabilities. functional groups is very good, which would
suggest that the involvement of commercial
entities should be taken as given. However,
this seems not to be the case ± the
Organisational factors involvement of commercial entities is linked
with success in small firms but not in large.
The organisational factors examined include
A participative project management style is
issues such as the level of top management
more closely associated with success in large
involvement in product development, the
firms (p 0.02) than in small firms.
interaction between commercial and
technical groups, and the nature of the
project management. Several organisational
factors were found to correlate with new

[ 142 ]
A. Ledwith Top management support was also found to between the different activities and new
Management of new product be a bigger issue for small firms; again this is product success.
development in small counter-intuitive. It is normally assumed The most significant activities for small
electronics firms that new product projects are not initiated firms are:
Journal of European Industrial within small firms without the support of top .market development;

Training management (Maidique, 1980), while the .prototype development;

24/2/3/4 [2000] 137±148 support of top management is frequently .concept development.

cited as a success factor in studies of large

firms (Cooper, 1999).
For large firms the activities linked with
success are:
.manufacturing start-up;

.marketing start-up;
Development process factors
.prototype development.
For the purpose of this study the product
development process was divided into the
eight stages listed below: Throughout this study manufacturing
1 Exploratory: search and inquiry related issues are found to be more
activities, usually phenomenon oriented. significant for large than for small firms. A
2 Concept development: concept elaboration, possible explanation for this is the fact that
extension and substantiation activities many of the large electronics firms in this
aimed at the clarification or elaboration of study view Ireland primarily as a
previously generated ideas or concepts. manufacturing location. Though they all
3 Prototype development: differs from stage 2 have a serious commitment to R&D, as
in that a commercially relevant prototype, evidenced by their expenditure in the area,
first model or product has been identified for many of them the reason they are in
and is targeted. Ireland is for manufacturing capacity and
4 Prototype testing: laboratory, field or easy access to the European market.
production-scale evaluations. It is also interesting to examine how well
5 Market development: market generation, each set of firms judges their performance in
demand simulation and market analyses developing new products. Figure 3 compares
activities. the levels of proficiency in the eight-stage
6 Manufacturing start-up: initial production process of small and large firms.
runs, scale-up and preparation for full There is very little difference between the
scale activities. proficiencies reported by small and large
7 Marketing start-up: preparation for full- firms. But there is a slight trend that the
scale market entry. smaller firms are reporting to be better at the
8 Technical service: follow-on market and early stages of the process while the large
technical activities which accompany the firms are better at the back end activities. It
introduction of the new product. is also worth noting that in general the firms
sampled did not report a very high level of
proficiency in the product development
process. As can be seen in Figure 3, on
average, neither set of firms reported that
they were better than fair at any of the
activities in the product development
Each respondent was asked to evaluate their process.
performance in each stage of the process in
order to assess the impact of the product
development process on the success of new
products. Table VI shows the relationship

Table V Marketing and new product

Organisational factors characteristics
Factor All firmsa Small firmsb Large firmsc Many studies of the factors in successful
new product development have suggested
Level of contact between commercial and that product superiority is the key to
technical entities 0.342* 0.351*** 0.203 successful products. This study also
Level of information flow between commercial investigated the characteristics of the
and technical entities 0.441* products developed. Questions were asked
0.389* 0.157
Level of participation in problem solving by about the nature of the products developed
commercial entities and the type of product positioning and
Top management support 0.274*** 0.250 0.121 marketing strategies used.
Participative style of project manager 0.392 * 0.504* 0.180 A set of questions was used to determine
The motivation of project level personnel 0.287*** 0.214 0.325 whether a particular product was being
0.282*** 0.330*** 0.066 launched under conditions of low or high
market uncertainty. An uncertain market
Notes: was defined as one in which the market was
a all firms n = 63; b small firms n = 37; c large firms n = 26
not familiar to the developer, customers'
Correlation coefficients statistically significant at: *p 0.01; **0.02;
***p 0.05, two-tailed

[ 143 ]
A. Ledwith needs were not well defined and could not be of the product and the level of service and
Management of new product readily translated into product performance support offered. Interestingly enough, these
development in small specifications. A strong correlation between are not significant for small firms. The only
electronics firms market certainty and new product success product characteristic that was linked with
Journal of European Industrial was found for the small firms in the sample success for small firms was product
Training (p 0.001), suggesting that external factors compatibility; this is consistent with
24/2/3/4 [2000] 137±148 had a significant impact on the outcomes of previous studies (Yap and Souder, 1994).
projects. However, for the large firms
studied, no relationship was found between
market uncertainty and new product success, Skills and capabilities
suggesting that for these firms internal
rather than external factors were significant The alignment of certain existing skills and
in determining project outcomes. Table VII capabilities of the firm with the
summarises some of the customer and requirements of new product projects was
market characteristics that were found to be found to have an impact on project outcomes
linked to new product success. (Table IX). The most significant finding for
The results in Table VII would suggest that small firms was the ability to understand
small firms should pay close attention to user requirements, however, this did not
what their customers want, while large firms seem to impact on success in large firms.
should produce new products for rapidly This supports the commonly held view that
growing markets. one of the key advantages of small firms in
Table VIII summarises the new product innovating is their ability to stay close to
characteristics that had an impact on the their customers and to understand their
successful outcome of the projects. needs. Not only is this an advantage, it is also
The product characteristics that are linked a critical success factor.
with success in large firms are the initial cost Manufacturing skills were found to be
more important for large than for small
firms. In fact, the lack of any relationship
between production/manufacturing skills
and success in new product development in
small firms is noteworthy. As was presented
in Figure 2, large firms reported that they
spent twice as much of their total innovation
Table VI
budget (11 per cent) as small firms (5 per cent)
Development process factors
on process improvements.
Factor All firmsa Small firmsb Large firmsc Small firms were found to report higher
success rates when they stayed close to their
Proficiency in the exploratory stage 1.88 0.238 0.132 existing markets and utilised existing sales
Proficiency in concept development 0.249*** 0.402** 0.106 and marketing skills; this was not found to
Proficiency in prototype development 0.425* 0.423* 0.302 the same extent for large firms.
Proficiency in prototype testing 0.290*** 0.260 0.148
Proficiency in market development 0.301** 0.423* 0.272
Proficiency in manufacturing start-up 0.155 ±0.010 0.419***
Proficiency in marketing start-up 0.378* 0.388*** 0.388
Proficiency in technical services 0.264*** 0.264 0.173

all firms n = 63; b small firms n = 37; c large firms n = 26 Discussion and conclusion
Correlation coefficients statistically significant at: *p 0.01; **0.02;
p ***
p 0.05,
two-tailed The key findings, that differentiate the
management of new product development in

Figure 3
Development process proficiency

[ 144 ]
A. Ledwith the small firms from that in the large firms in Small firms reported a lower level of
Management of new product this study, are summarised and discussed involvement with external organisations in
development in small below. developing new products than the larger
electronics firms firms in the study. In particular, they
Journal of European Industrial reported a much lower level of interaction
Training Company level findings with customers and suppliers. This is a key
24/2/3/4 [2000] 137±148 The small firms in the study reported that finding which, as suggested below, will
they spent a higher percentage of their require additional investigation.
turnover on R&D and had a higher
percentage of their total employees in R&D.
This result is not unexpected for several
reasons. All the firms involved in the study Project level findings
had formal R&D departments, a bigger Interaction between commercial and
overhead for a small firm than for a large technical entities was found to be more
firm. Additionally, all firms were involved in critical to new product success in small firms
developing high-technology (electronics) than in large firms. The finding that a high
products, which requires a sizeable up-front level of interaction between different
investment in both equipment and functional departments is linked with
knowledge (highly skilled employees). As success is consistent with prior studies.
mentioned earlier, these findings are also However, the reason why this is of more
consistent with previous studies (Van Dijk et importance in small firms is that it is
al., 1997). generally assumed that small firms are more
Small firms were found to hold fewer organic than larger firms, with more open
patents than large firms. This would tend to communication flows and interpersonal
suggest that small firms are not adequately exchanges. A possible explanation is that it is
protecting their investment in new not valid to treat all firms with fewer than 100
technologies. The Irish industrial agencies employees as a homogeneous group. The
are attempting to address this issue through researcher's impression was that firms with
educational and financial programmes. up to 15 or 20 employees did indeed possess
the characteristics normally associated with
small firms, such as frequent and high
quality exchanges of information. However,
as firms grew towards 50, 80 or 100
employees, communications became more
difficult, while the majority of firms in this
size range had not yet put in place formal
Table VII
mechanisms to facilitate the exchange of
Customer/market characteristics
information, e.g. regular formal review
Factor All firmsa Small firmsb Large firmsc meetings. This results in a group of firms in
the 50-100 employee size range for whom
The customer had a great need for this type of interdepartmental communications cannot
product 0.325* 0.419* 0.192 be taken for granted and for whom such
The potential customers were eager about new communications are critical to new product
products 0.297** success.
0.285 0.258
The market for this product was growing quickly 0.336* Top management involvement in new
0.210 0.529*
We took into consideration customers' problems product development was found to be more
with previous products when we designed this important in small firms than in large firms.
product As with the previous point, this finding is
0.456* 0.559* 0.337 consistent with prior studies of large firms
but was not expected to be so critical in small
Notes: firms where top management skill and
all firms n = 63; b small firms n = 37; c large firms n = 26 competence had been found to be of greater
Correlation coefficients statistically significant at: *p 0.01; **0.02;
p ***p 0.05, importance (Hoffman et al., 1998). A similar
two-tailed explanation to that proposed for technical/
commercial interaction could be given ±
many of the ``small'' firms in this study are
outgrowing the benefits normally associated
Table VIII with small entrepreneurial organisations but
New product characteristics have not yet put in place formal methods to
counter the lack of organic information flows
Factor All firmsa Small firmsb Large firmsc and communications.

A competitive initial cost was a planned selling There is at the moment a lot of emphasis
point for this product 0.297* 0.426*** within the Irish industrial support system on
Service and support was a planned selling point encouraging innovation within firms, and
for this product 0.401***
0.209 0.003
Product compatibility was a planned selling
point for this product
0.120 0.339*** ±0.220

all firms n = 63; b small firms n = 37; c large firms n = 26
Correlation coefficients statistically significant at: *p 0.01; **0.02;
p ***p 0.05,

[ 145 ]
A. Ledwith particularly within small firms. However, linked to the type of markets within which
Management of new product the small firms in this study were found to each group of firms operates. Larger firms
development in small have most success in developing new are more likely to be operating in mass
electronics firms products that fit closely with their existing markets where efficiency of manufacturing
Journal of European Industrial markets and products; this was not found to and competitive pricing are critical. By
Training be the case for large firms. This was also contrast, small high-technology firms are
24/2/3/4 [2000] 137±148 reported in the US study of new product more likely to be targeting market niches
development in small high-technology firms where the most important new product
(Yap and Souder, 1994). Small firms tend not characteristics are compatibility and
to have the resources or capabilities to reliability; this is consistent with the
become diversified and are well advised to findings of Yap and Souder (1994).
``attack from a position of strength'' (Cooper, Many of the findings above are intuitive,
1999; Meyer and Roberts, 1986). but they do point to areas where small firms
In their comparison between small high- can improve their management of new
technology firms in the USA and New product development and thereby their
Zealand, Souder et al. (1997) concluded that overall competitiveness. In addition to these
the New Zealand firms were more customer findings, several key areas have emerged
focused, attributing a large amount of their that require further research; these include:
success to staying close to their customers .Small firms have reported a very low level

and gaining an accurate understanding of of involvement with external

customer needs. The small Irish firms that organisations in developing new product.
participated in this research appear to have The problem with this is that, while large
similar characteristics. They reported more firms may possess all the skills they need
success with products for which the user had to develop new products, this is unlikely
a great need, while large firms had more to be the case for small firms. Therefore,
success when targeting rapidly growing the only way that small firms can access
markets. It was also found that the quantity and quality of resources that
understanding user requirements is a key they need to remain competitive in their
success factor for small but not for large product development efforts is by
firms. The similarities between Irish and sourcing them externally. During this
New Zealand high-technology firms, both study several firms stood out as having
operating in similar economies, are worth mastered the skill of utilising external
further investigation. services, but the majority of firms were
Finally, competitive pricing of new still operating in almost complete
products was found to correlate with success isolation.
in large but not small firms. This is probably .The high ratio of totally new products to

product variants in small firms is

interesting. Several explanations are
possible. Many small firms try to
maximise their product development
efforts by designing products with a
maximum of flexibility, i.e. they try to
solve all customers' problems with one
product. This could be a positive feature
Table IX and may be related to their manufacturing
Skills and capabilities capabilities ± it is easier to organise to
manufacture a smaller number of
Factor All firmsa Small firmsb Large firmsc
products. However, it could also be that
The user's requirements were well understood 0.373* 0.474* 0.076 small firms are short-term in their
Manufacturing skills were at the desired level outlook and think only in terms of
for this project individual products rather than product
0.182 ±0.071 0.397***
Market research skills were ideal for the platforms. Either way this is a result that
product requires more attention.
Sales and marketing skills were ideal for this0.419* 0.437* 0.372 .Many of the results presented here point

project to the lack of manufacturing skills and

The forecast of market demand for this product0.401* 0.430* 0.350 also a lack of awareness of the importance
was accurate of the manufacturing process and process
Predictions about customer requirements were improvement in small firms. It would be
0.484* 0.320 0.593*
accurate interesting to attempt to determine
There was close fit between existing markets whether this is a cause or an effect. In
and the market for this product 0.604* 0.658* 0.522* other words, are the firms in the study
There was close fit between the existing still small because they lack a clear
product line and this product 0.259*** 0.388** 0.072
There was a close fit between the firm's
marketing skills and the needs of this project
0.333* 0.384** 0.215

0.310** 0.468* 0.125

all firms n = 63; b small firms n = 37; c large firms n = 26
Correlation coefficients statistically significant at: *p 0.01; **0.02;
p ***p 0.05,

[ 146 ]
A. Ledwith manufacturing strategy or do they lack Census of R&D Performing Enterprises in
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electronics firms distinguishes the winners?'', Research
be an over-dependence of the large firms Technology Management, November-
Journal of European Industrial in the study on manufacturing. As December, pp. 27-31.
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multinational organisations and many innovation'', Journal of Product Innovation
have located in Ireland in order to avail Management, Vol. 16, pp. 115-33.
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technology markets cannot assume the ``Winning businesses in product development:
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found to apply to large firms. There are many Technology Management, July-August,
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large firms and therefore will not reap the Ireland, January, pp. 18-21.
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technology. Small firms tend to have lower
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constrained by the limited resources, both
through Product Development, Forfas.Â
human and financial, at their disposal. This Macpherson, A. (1997), ``The contribution of
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product strategy in small technology-based
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Note Vol. 23 No. 7, July, pp. 806-36.
1 This research is part of a larger project called Montoya-Weiss, M. and Calantone, R. (1994),
INTERPROD ± an international study of the ``Determinants of new product performance: a
factors that distinguish new product successes review and meta-analysis'', Journal of
from failures. INTERPROD is directed by Product Innovation Management, Vol. 11,
Professor Wm Souder at the Centre for pp. 397-417.
Management of Science and Technology, Page, A.L. (1993), ``Assessing new product
University of Alabama in Huntsville. The development practices and performance:
INTERPROD study is funded by the National establishing crucial norms'', Journal of
Science Foundation grant SBR9408272, Product Innovation Management, Vol. 10,
Marketing Science Institute Grant 4-386 and pp. 273-90.
US Air Force Grant F49620-94-1-0456 to Dr Wm
Souder at CMOST.

Adler, P.S., Riggs, H.E. and Wheelwright, S.C.
(1989), ``Product development know-how:
trading tactics for strategy'', Sloan
Management Review, Fall, pp. 7-17.
Booz-Allen and Hamilton (1982), New Product
Management for the 1980s, Booz-Allen and
Hamilton, Inc., New York, NY.
Breathnach, M. (1995), Research and Development
in the Business Sector: Findings of the 1993

[ 147 ]
A. Ledwith Porter, M.E. (1980), Competitive Strategy, The Free New Zealand small entrepreneurial high
Management of new product Press, New York, NY. technology firms'', Journal of Product
development in small Roper, S. et. al. (1996), ``Product innovation and Innovation Management, Vol. 14, pp. 459-72.
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manufacturing'', NIERC. product development'', Long Range Planning,
Journal of European Industrial Rothwell, R. and Dodgson, M. (1991), ``External Vol. 27 No. 2, pp. 57-65.
Training linkages and innovation in small and Van Dijk, B., Den Hertog, R., Menkveld, B. and
24/2/3/4 [2000] 137±148 medium-sized enterprises'', R&D Thurik, R. (1997), ``Some new evidence on the
Management, Vol. 21, pp. 125-37. determinants of large- and small-firm
Shrivastava, P. and Souder, W.E. (1987), ``The innovation'', Small Business Economics,
strategic management of technological Vol. 9, pp. 335-43.
innovations: a review and a model'', Journal Wheelwright, S.C. and Clark, K.B. (1992),
of Management Studies, Vol. 4 No. 1, January, ``Organising and leading `heavyweight'
pp. 25-41. development teams'', California Management
Siegel, S. and Castellan, N.J. (1988), Review, Spring, pp. 9-28.
Nonparametric Statistics for the Behavioral Yap, C.M. and Souder, W.E. (1994), ``Factors
Sciences, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, influencing new product success and failure
pp. 235-45. in small entrepreneurial high-technology
Song, M.X., Souder, W.E. and Dryer, B. (1997), ``A electronics firms'', Journal of Product
causal model of the impact of skills, synergy, Innovation Management, Vol. 11, pp. 418-32.
and design sensitivity on new product
performance'', Journal of Product Innovation
Management, Vol. 14 No. 2, March, pp. 88-101.
Souder, W.E. and Song, M.X. (1997), ``Contingent
product design and market strategies
influencing new product success and failure
in US and Japanese electronics firms'',
Journal of Product Innovation Management,
Vol. 14, pp. 21-34.
Souder, W.E., Buisson, D. and Garrett, T. (1997), Further reading
``Success through customer-driven new Clark, K.B. and Wheelwright, S.C. (1992),
product development: a comparison of US and Revolutionising Product Development, Free
Press, New York, NY.
Leonard-Barton, D., Bowen, H.K., Clark, K.B.,
Holloway, C.A. and Wheelwright, S.C. (1994),
``How to integrate work and deepen
expertise'', Harvard Business Review,
September-October, pp. 121-30.

[ 148 ]

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