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AP History II

Chapter 33 Review Questions

1. What was the history of reform in America?

2. What were the origins of the progressive movement? 

3. Who were the muckrakers? 

4. What evils did Riis expose? Steffens?  Tarbell? Spargo? Sinclair?

5. How effective were the muckrakers?

6. Who were the progressives?

7. What changes in the political system did progressives push for?

8. How did Progressives take control of local and city governments? Where?

9. What was the verdict in Muller v. Oregon?

10. What was the status of the prohibition movement?

11. What were the goals of TR's Square Deal?

12. What happened in the Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902?

13. What two laws were passed to limit the powers of the railroads?

14. What were TR's views on trusts? What was the first big trust to be broken up?

15. What was the impact of Upton Sinclair's The Jungle? 

16. What actions did Roosevelt take to protect the environment?

17. How did TR change the presidency?

18. Why was Taft selected as president?

19. What was "Dollar Diplomacy?"  Examples in action?

20. Why did the Republicans split during Taft's administration?

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