Built in Functions of VB

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Visual Basic 6.


Topic Name
Built-in Function of VB
Shree Swaminarayan College of computer Science, Sardarnagar - Bhavnagar

String Function
(1) Format$()
 Use : It returns a string in a specified format.
 You can pass date, time, number, or string data
to this function, along with instruction on how to
format the string.
 E.g. Format$(Now, “General Date”)
Format$(50,”Currency”) O/P : $50
Format$(0,”Yes/No”) O/P : No
(other than 0 value it returns Yes)
Format$(0,”True/False”) O/P : False
(other than 0 value it returns True)

Prepared By : Ashwin R. Dobariya

Shree Swaminarayan College of computer Science, Sardarnagar - Bhavnagar

String$( )
 It returns a string made up of a specific
number of characters.
 E.g. Me.Print String$(5, "*")

It prints ( * ) symbol up to five times on the

other examples
Me.Print String$(10,”#”)
Me.Print String$(15,”%”)

Prepared By : Ashwin R. Dobariya

Shree Swaminarayan College of computer Science, Sardarnagar - Bhavnagar

InStr( )
 InStr( ) returns the location where one string
resides in another string.
 E.g. Msgbox InStr(“Have a nice day”, “day”)

It returns 13 number which is the position

number of day word.
 The first argument you typically pass to the
InStr() function is the string you wish to
search within. The next parameter is the
string you wish to search for.

Prepared By : Ashwin R. Dobariya

Shree Swaminarayan College of computer Science, Sardarnagar - Bhavnagar

InStrRev( )
 InStrRev() returns the location where one
string resides in another string, but from the
end of the string.
 It search the given string from the back
 E.g. MsgBox InStrRev ("Microsoft Visual
Basic", "a")
 It returns 19 number.

Prepared By : Ashwin R. Dobariya

Shree Swaminarayan College of computer Science, Sardarnagar - Bhavnagar

Left$( )
 Itreturns the leftmost number of
characters specified in a string.
 E.g.

Me.Print Left$ (“Visual Basic”,6)

It returns first 6 characters ( “Visual” ) at the

left side from specified string.

Prepared By : Ashwin R. Dobariya

Shree Swaminarayan College of computer Science, Sardarnagar - Bhavnagar

Right$( )
 Itreturns the rightmost number of
characters specified in a string.
 E.g.

Me.Print Right$ (“Visual Basic”,5)

It returns Last 5 characters ( “Basic” ) at the

Right side from specified string.

Prepared By : Ashwin R. Dobariya

Shree Swaminarayan College of computer Science, Sardarnagar - Bhavnagar

Mid$ ( )
 It returns a substring of a specified number of
characters within a string.
 E.g.
Mid$ (String, Start Location, length)
Mid$ (“Visual Basic 6.0”,5,2)
It returns (al) character from the specified string.
 The Mid$() function’s first parameter is the string
you wish to retrieve the some characters from.
 The 2nd parameter is the character position you
wish to start with.
 The 3rd parameter is how many of the next
characters you want to retrieve.

Prepared By : Ashwin R. Dobariya

Shree Swaminarayan College of computer Science, Sardarnagar - Bhavnagar

Len ( )
 Itreturns the number of characters in a
 E.g. Len ( String )
 Msgbox Len (“TYBCA”)
 It returns 5 number because TYBCA
string contains total number of characters
are five.

Prepared By : Ashwin R. Dobariya

Shree Swaminarayan College of computer Science, Sardarnagar - Bhavnagar

Replace ( )
 The Replace function allows you to
substitute one character (or string) in a
string with another character( or string)
 E.g. Replace (String , Find string, Replace
 MsgBox Replace ("Visual Basic 5.0",
"5.0", "6.0")


Prepared By : Ashwin R. Dobariya

Shree Swaminarayan College of computer Science, Sardarnagar - Bhavnagar

Trim$( )
 It removes both leading and trailing spaces
from a string.
 E.g.
 Msgbox Trim$(“ TYBCA “)
 It prints like (TYBCA)


Prepared By : Ashwin R. Dobariya

Shree Swaminarayan College of computer Science, Sardarnagar - Bhavnagar

LTrim$( )
 It removes all the spaces at the left side
from the specified string.
 E.g. LTrim$ (“ SSCCS”)
 It removes all the spaces at the left side
from “ SSCCS”.


Prepared By : Ashwin R. Dobariya

Shree Swaminarayan College of computer Science, Sardarnagar - Bhavnagar

RTrim$( )
 It removes all the spaces at the right side
from the specified string.
 E.g. RTrim$ (“SSCCS ”)
 It removes all the spaces at the right side
from “SSCCS ”.


Prepared By : Ashwin R. Dobariya

Shree Swaminarayan College of computer Science, Sardarnagar - Bhavnagar

Str$ ( )
 It returns a string from a numeric
 E.g. Msgbox “ Value of Pie is : “ + 3.14

It display error of Type mismatch.

 Msgbox “Value of Pie is : “ + Str(3.14)
 It doesn’t give error because here now
3.14 number is converted into string and
concatenated with other string.


Prepared By : Ashwin R. Dobariya

Shree Swaminarayan College of computer Science, Sardarnagar - Bhavnagar

UCase$( )
 It returns a string in all uppercase letters.
 E.g. Msgbox UCase$ (“tybca”)
 It display output like TYBCA

LCase$( )
 It returns a string in all lowercase letters.
 E.g. Msgbox LCase$ (“TYBCA”)
 It display output like tybca


Prepared By : Ashwin R. Dobariya

Shree Swaminarayan College of computer Science, Sardarnagar - Bhavnagar

Space$ ( )
 It returns a specified amount of spaces in
a string.
 E.g. Dim StdName As String

StdName = Space$(30)
Msgbox Len (StdName)
It display 30 length of StdName variable.


Prepared By : Ashwin R. Dobariya

Built-in Function of VB

Date Function

Shree Swaminarayan College of computer Science, Sardarnagar - Bhavnagar

 This function returns a variant that’s a date
/ Time.
 It is based on the current system date and
 E.g. Dim temp As Date
 temp = Now
 Me.Print temp
 Out Put is : 9/20/2005 12:38:59 PM


Prepared By : Ashwin R. Dobariya

Shree Swaminarayan College of computer Science, Sardarnagar - Bhavnagar

Date ( ) / Date$( )
 The Date() function returns a variant of type
 Date$( ) returns a ten characters string in the
format mm- dd - yyyy.
 E.g. Me.Print Date

Out Put : 9/20/2005

It display from international settings in the control
 Me.Print Date$
Out Put : 09-20-2005

Prepared By : Ashwin R. Dobariya

Shree Swaminarayan College of computer Science, Sardarnagar - Bhavnagar

Time( ) / Time$( )
 It
returns Current system time.
 For example

 (1) Msgbox Time()

 Out put is : 12:47:16 PM

 (2) Msgbox Time$()

 Out Put is : 12:47:42


Prepared By : Ashwin R. Dobariya

Shree Swaminarayan College of computer Science, Sardarnagar - Bhavnagar

DatePart( )
 This function returns the specified part of a data variable.
Use it to return the day, month, year.
 Private Sub Command1_Click()
 Dim DT As Date
 DT = #9/21/2005#
 MsgBox DatePart ("d", DT)
 MsgBox DatePart ("m", DT)
 MsgBox DatePart ("yyyy", DT)
 MsgBox DatePart ("q", DT) 'Quarter of year
 MsgBox DatePart ("w", DT) 'Current Week number
 End Sub


Prepared By : Ashwin R. Dobariya

Shree Swaminarayan College of computer Science, Sardarnagar - Bhavnagar

Different Date Format

 'For Example Current Date is : 20/09/2005
 MsgBox Format (Date, "dd") 'O/p : 20
 MsgBox Format (Date, "ddd") 'O/p : Tue
 MsgBox Format (Date, "dddd") 'O/p : Tuesday

 MsgBox Format(Date, "mm") 'O/p : 09

 MsgBox Format(Date, "mmm") 'O/p : Sep
 MsgBox Format(Date, "mmmm") 'O/p :
 MsgBox Format(Date, “yy") 'O/p : 05
 MsgBox Format(Date, “yyyy”) 'O/p : 2005

Prepared By : Ashwin R. Dobariya

Built-in Function of VB

Date Arithmetic

Shree Swaminarayan College of computer Science, Sardarnagar - Bhavnagar

DateDiff ( )
 This function returns the specified interval of time of time between two
 E.g. Private Sub Command1_Click()
 Dim dt1 As Date
 Dim dt2 As Date

 dt1 = #9/1/2005#
 dt2 = #9/30/2005#

 MsgBox "Days difference : " & DateDiff ("d", dt1, dt2) O/P : 29
 MsgBox "Total Week :" & DateDiff ("w", dt1, dt2) O/P : 4
 MsgBox "Total Months : " & DateDiff ("m", dt1, dt2) O/P : 0
 End Sub


Prepared By : Ashwin R. Dobariya

Shree Swaminarayan College of computer Science, Sardarnagar - Bhavnagar

DateAdd( )
 DateAdd( ) returns a date after adding a specified time
interval to another date.
 For example
 Private Sub Command1_Click()
 Dim temp As Date
 temp = #9/21/2005#
 MsgBox DateAdd ("d", 2, temp) (Add date)
 MsgBox DateAdd ("ww", 2, temp) (Add week)
 MsgBox DateAdd ("m", 2, temp) (Add month)
 MsgBox DateAdd ("m", -2, temp) (Subtract month)
 End Sub


Prepared By : Ashwin R. Dobariya

Shree Swaminarayan College of computer Science, Sardarnagar - Bhavnagar

Conversion Functions
 Val( ) returns a numeric value for string
 For example
 Msgbox val(Text1.Text)
 Msgbox Val(“123”)
 CCur()
 Itconverts any numeric or string
expression into a currency value.
 Msgbox CCur(“5.50”)

Prepared By : Ashwin R. Dobariya

Shree Swaminarayan College of computer Science, Sardarnagar - Bhavnagar

 CDbl()
 CDbl( ) converts any numeric or string expression into
a double value.
 For example
Msgbox CDbl(“12.564545”)
 CInt( )
 It converts any numeric or string expression into
an integer value
 E.g. Msgbox CInt(12.60) O/P : 13
 Note : The CInt( ) function does round any
decimal portion.

Prepared By : Ashwin R. Dobariya

Shree Swaminarayan College of computer Science, Sardarnagar - Bhavnagar

 CStr( )
 It converts any numeric or string
expression into a string value.
 E.g. Msgbox CStr(123)
 CDate( )
 It converts any numeric or string
expression into a date type.
 Msgbox CDate (“09/22/2005”)


Prepared By : Ashwin R. Dobariya

Shree Swaminarayan College of computer Science, Sardarnagar - Bhavnagar

IsNumeric ( )
 It will returns True if the value passed to it
can be converted to a number.
 Dim test
 test = 5
 MsgBox IsNumeric(test)
 It returns True because 5 is a number.
 test = “BCA”
 MsgBox IsNumeric(test)
 It returns False because BCA is a String.

Prepared By : Ashwin R. Dobariya

Shree Swaminarayan College of computer Science, Sardarnagar - Bhavnagar

IsDate( )
 Itreturns True if the value passed to it is a
valid date.
 For example
 Private Sub Command1_Click()
 Dim test As Date
 test = #9/22/2005#
 MsgBox IsDate(test) O/P is True
 End Sub


Prepared By : Ashwin R. Dobariya

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