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Combining Combining
Medical Word Prefix form form or suffix Suffix Definition

Having a lobular nucleus, used

especially of neutrophil white blood
poly- morph/o- nucle/o- -ated cells.

Sentence: Her white blood cells where Polymorphonucleated and was causing her fever and vomiting.

A leukocyte with nearly invisible

Agranulocyte granules in its cytoplasm and a round
a- granul/o- -cyte or kidney bean-shaped nucleus.

Sentence: The doctor said that her Agranulocyte was low, and was causing her weakness and a high fever.

A protein produced by plasma cells

and lymphocytes and characteristic of
Immunoglobulin immun/o- globul/o- -in these types of cells.

Sentence: The pathogen could not be destroyed by the antibodies, so the cell formed an immunoglobulin.

The layer of cells which form a

Epithelial covering over the internal and
epi- theli/o- -al external surfaces of the body.

Sentence: The corner removed the epithelial from the murder victims finger nails.

Producing or secreting sweat:

sudor/i- fer/o- -ous Sudoriferous gland.

Sentence: The doctor said that after careful examination her Sudoriferous gland was functioning properly.

Piloerection pil/o- erect/o- -ion Erection of the hair of the skin.

Sentence: While studying her under microscope, the doctor noticed that when she gets chills her hair stands

Combining combining
Medical Word Prefix form form or suffix Suffix Definition

A severe systemic allergic reaction

ana- -phylaxis that can be life threatening.

Sentence: He had a severe anaphylaxis to the medication that the doctor put him on.
Stimulates the development of the
milk glands of the breasts during
puberty and the production of milk
pro- lact/o- -in during pregnancy.

Sentence: The doctor told her that she would not be able to breast feed because the Prolactin did not develop

A hormone widely distributed

throughout the body, especially in the
hypothalamus and pancreas, that acts
as an important regulator of
endocrine and nervous system
function by inhibiting the secretion of
several other hormones such as
somat/o- stat/o- -in growth hormone, insulin, and Gastrin.

Sentence: The nurse told he that her child’s Somatostatin was not functioning her right, and that would stunt
her growth.

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