2.3 Digestive

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What is digestion?

• A process of breaking down large food into

smaller/ simpler form so that it can be
absorbed into the bloodstream.

Where does this process take place?

In the eight-metre long tube called the
gut/ alimentary canal

Mouth Oesophagus Stomach Duodenum

Anus Large intestine Small intestine
• 3 main types of digestive enzymes:
» Carbohydrases - break down carbohydrate
» Preteases - break down protein
» Lipases - break down fats

Enzyme : substances which act as

catalysts and generally speed up the
chemical reaction in our body
Digestion in the mouth
• Food is broken down into smaller pieces
by the teeth
• Salivary amilase ( in saliva) acts
starch(carbohydrates) and change it to
• When we swallow, food passes into a tube which
is called oesophagus.
• The food is squeezed down the oesophagus by
waves of muscular contraction ; peristalsis
• Digestion in the stomach
• The stomach secretes gastric juice
(contain protease and hydrochloric acid
Protease catalyse the breakdown of proteins
to polypepetides or peptones
Function of hydrochoric acid
 Stop the action of salivary amilase
 Provides acidic medium for action of protease
 Changes the inactive form of protease to active
 Kills microorganisms in food
• Digestion in duodenum
The duodenum receives bile from the
liver and pancreatic juice from
function of bile:
-Neutralises acidic chyme from the
-Emulsifies fats into oil droplet
Function of pancreatic juice:
-Neutralises acidic chyme
-Digests carbohydrates, lipids and
>> Pancreatic amylase breaks downs
starch into maltose
>> Protease changes proteins to
>> Lipase turns fats and oil into fatty
acids and glycerol
Digestion in the lower part of the small
• Intestinal glands produces intestinal juices
which contains digestive enzymes
Carbohydrase turn maltose to glucose
Proteases turns polypeptides into amino
Lipase convert fats to fatty acid
End product of digestion
Classes of food End product
Carbohydrates Glucose

Proteins Amino acids

Fats Fatty acids and glycerol

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