3 2 2 0 Diploma Examination, 2010: 130. Petroleum Refinery Engineering

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3 2 2 0




May ] [ Time : 3 Hours

Maximum : 100 Marks

Answer any FIVE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

( 5 × 20 = 100)

1. Draw the refinery flow diagram and list the

products of refinery operations. (20)

2. (a) Explain in detail about the evaluation of

refinery feed stocks. (14)

(b) Discuss of desalting of crude oils. (6)

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2 3
3. With neat sketch, explain the operations (b) W h a t a r e t h e I n d i a n S t a n d a r d
carried out in atmospheric topping unit and Specification for diesel and fuel oil ? (8)
vacuum distillation unit. (20)
9. Explain the platforming process with a neat
4. (a) E x p l a i n a b o u t delayed coking and sketch of the flow diagram. (20)
visbreaking. (6)
10. Define :
(b) With neat sketch, explain the working
(a) Octane number.
principle of any one of catalytic cracking
unit. (14) (b) Polymerization.
5 Write short notes on : (c) Viscosity index.
(a) Catalytic hydrocracking. (6) (d) Flash point and pour point.
(b) Hydro processing. (6) (e) Duo sol extraction process.
(c) Catalytic reforming. (8) (f) Pour point depressants.
( 2+2+2+4+5+5)
6. Discuss in detail about Furfural, Phenol and
NNP extraction operations for viscosity index
improvement. (20)
7. Discuss in detail about the various dewaxing
processes. (20)
8. (a) What are the routine laboratory tests
carried out for petroleum products ?
Explain any three tests in detail. (12)

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