Industrial Stoichiometry G.M.Mamoor

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Industrial Stoichiometry


12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: Stoichiometry
The word  Stoichiometry comes from the Greek stoicheion, which means to
measure the elements
•A good definition of the term’s meaning in the study of chemistry is the
“quantitative study of reactants and products in a chemical reaction”
Stoichiometry allows one to calculate how much of a given product a reaction is
expected to produce based on how much of the reactants are available
Given the mass, volume and density, or the number of moles of reactants, one
can calculate the mass, volume (if the density is known) or moles of product

12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: Stoichiometry
Why do we care about stoichiometry?
a. This is “real” chemistry! That is, you will be able to predict how
much of some chemical will be produced based on the starting
amounts of the reactants. Also, you will be able to calculate how
many grams of reactants will be needed to produce a given amount
of some other chemical.
b. Example: If I know how much steel I need, then how many tons
of iron and carbon will be needed to produce that quantity of steel?
c. Example: If I know how many tons of flour, eggs, milk, and
sugar that I have, then how many cakes could I produce using a
given recipe?

12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: Stoichiometry
Molar Ratios
•Calculations using stoichiometry depend on the molar relationships in
chemical equations; this is why a properly balanced chemical equation
is so important
•A properly balanced chemical equation shows the molar ratios of each
of the species present, whether they are reactants or products

12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: Stoichiometry
Take the combustion of propane as an example:
C3H8 + 5O2 --> 3CO2 + 4H2O
The ratios found in this equation are as follows:
1 mol propane:5 mol oxygen
(each mole of C3H8 requires five moles of O2 to burn completely)

1 mol propane: 3 mol carbon dioxide

(each mole of completely burned C3H8 produces three moles of CO2)

1 mol propane: 4 mol water

(each mole of completely burned C3H8 produces four moles of H2O)

5 mol oxygen: 3 mol carbon dioxide

(for every five moles of O2 consumed, three moles of CO2 are produced)

5 mol oxygen: 4 mol water

(for every five moles of O2 consumed, four moles of H2O are produced)

3 mol carbon dioxide:4 mol water

(for every three moles of CO2 produced, 4 moles of H2O are produced)

12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: Stoichiometry
A review of how chemical reactions occur and the meaning of a chemical equation
a. What is happening to atoms and molecules during a chemical reaction?
1. . Consider the unbalanced chemical equation for the reaction of hydrogen and
oxygen below:

ii. Now, consider the actual molecules reacting with each other:

12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: Stoichiometry
What is the meaning of the coefficients in a chemical equation?

i. The coefficients in the equation, therefore, tell us how many molecules or moles of
each substance are needed for the reaction to occur.

ii. It is important to remember that these coefficients do NOT tell us the ratio of grams
of each substance. Just because there are two moles of H2 needed to react with each mole
of O2 does NOT mean that there are two GRAMS of hydrogen needed for every GRAM of
oxygen. That would only be the case of each mole of O2 weighed as much as each mole of
H2, and the periodic table shows that this is clearly not the case.

iii. Thus, in order to use a chemical equation to predict the amounts of substances used
in chemical reaction, we must always solve such a problem using moles as our unit of
matter. Additional conversion steps will be required if the problem does not actually
supply or ask for the number of moles.

12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: Stoichiometry
Topics to be covered today

• What does polymer and process engineer do for a living

• Units and dimensions
• SI units
• American engineering system units
• SI prefixes
• Conversion of units
• Gravitational conversion factor
• Numerical problems.

12/08/21 Course: SHMT 8




12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: SHMT 9
Process Engineer

• It is true that process engineers are comfortable with

chemistry, but they do much more with this knowledge
than just make chemicals. In fact, the term “process
engineer" is not even intended to describe the type of
work a process engineer performs. Instead it is meant
to reveal what makes the field different from the other
branches of engineering.

• All engineers employ mathematics, physics, and the

engineering art to overcome technical problems in a
safe and economical fashion.

12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: SHMT 10
Process Engineer

• Yet, it is the process engineer alone that draws upon the

vast and powerful science of chemistry to solve a wide
range of problems. The strong technical and social ties
that bind chemistry an process engineering are unique in
the fields of science and technology. This marriage
between chemists and process engineers has been
beneficial to both sides and has rightfully brought the
envy of the other engineering fields.

12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: SHMT 11
Universal engineer
 The breadth of scientific and technical knowledge inherent in
the profession has caused some to describe the process
engineer as the "universal engineer.“ Despite a title that
suggests a profession composed of narrow specialists, process
engineers are actually extremely versatile and able to handle a
wide range of technical problems.

12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: SHMT 12
So What Exactly Does This "Universal Engineer" Do?

 During the past Century, process engineers have made

tremendous contributions to our standard of living. To
celebrate these accomplishments, the American Institute of
Chemical Engineers (AIChE) has compiled a list of the "10
Greatest Achievements of process Engineering." These
triumphs are summarized Next:

12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: SHMT 13
Process Engineer

 The Atom, as Large as Life

 The Plastic Age

 The Human Reactor

 Wonder Drugs for the Masses

 Synthetic Fibers, a Sheep's Best Friend

12/08/21 Course: SHMT 14

Process Engineer

 Liquefied Air, Yes it's Cool

 The Environment, We All Have to Live Here

 Food, "It's What's For Dinner“

 Petrochemicals, "Black Gold, Texas Tea“

 Running on Synthetic Rubber

12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: SHMT 15
Process Engineering Today & Tomorrow

 The "Big five" engineering fields consist of civil, mechanical, electrical,

chemical and Process engineers. Of these, chemical/process engineers
are numerically the smallest group. However, this relatively small group
holds a very prominent position in many industries, and process engineers
are, on average, the highest paid of the "Big five" ( WAGES).
 More typically, process engineers concern themselves with the chemical
processes that turn raw materials into valuable products. The necessary
skills encompass all aspects of design, testing, scale-up, operation, control,
and optimization, and require a detailed understanding of the various "unit
operations", such as distillation, mixing, and biological processes, which
make these conversions possible.

12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: SHMT 16
Process Engineer

 Today there are around 25,000 practicing chemical

engineers and about 7,000 process engineers in
Pakistan .polymer and process engineering is not a
profession that has to dwell on the achievements of
the past for comfort, for its greatest accomplishments
are yet to come.

12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: SHMT 17
Introduction : UNITS

 Describe the basic techniques for the handling of

units and dimensions in calculations.
 Describe the basic techniques for expressing the
values of process variables and for setting up and
solving equations that relate these variables.
 Develop an ability to analyze and work
engineering problems by practice.

12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: SHMT 18
Units and Dimensions
 Convert one set of units in a function or equation into
another equivalent set for mass, length, area, volume,
time, energy and force
 Specify the basic and derived units in the SI and
American engineering system for mass, length, volume,
density, time, and their equivalence.
 Explain the difference between weight and mass
 Apply the concepts of dimensional consistency to
determine the units of any term in a function

12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: SHMT 19
Units and Dimensions
 Dimensions: are properties that can be measured such as length, time,
mass, temperature, or calculated by multiplying or dividing other
dimensions, such as velocity (length/time)

 Units: are means of expressing the dimensions such as feet or meter for
length, hours/seconds for time.

 Measured units are specific values of dimensions defined by law or

custom. Many different units can be used for a single dimension, as
inches, miles, centimeters are all units used to measure the dimension

 Every valid equation must be dimensionally homogeneous: that is, all

additive terms on both sides of the equation must have the same unit

12/08/21 Course: SHMT 20
Units and Dimensions
1. 110 mg of sodium
2. 24 hands high
3. 5 gal of gasoline
We'll break them up this way

12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: SHMT 21
Types of Dimensions
 Fundamental dimensions
 Derived dimensions
The "fundamental dimensions" (length, time, mass, temperature,
amount) are distinct and are sufficient to define all the others.
We also use many derived dimensions (velocity, volume,
density, etc.) for convenience.

12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: SHMT 22

12/08/21 Course: SHMT 23
Units and Calculations

 It is always good practice to attach units to all

numbers in an engineering calculation. Doing so
1. attaches physical meaning to the numbers used,
2. gives clues to methods for how the problem should
be solved, and
3. reduces the possibility of accidentally inverting part
of the calculation

12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: SHMT 24
Addition and Subtraction

 Values MAY be added if UNITS are the same.

 Values CANNOT be added if DIMENSIONS are
 Examples:
different dimensions: length, temperature -- so cannot
be added.

same dimension: length, different units -- can add

12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: SHMT 25
Multiplication and Division
 Values may be combined; units combine in similar
 Examples:

 You cannot cancel or lump units unless they are


12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: SHMT 26
 Trigonometric functions can only have angular units
(radians, degrees). All other functions and function
arguments, including exponentiation, powers, etc.,
must be dimensionless.
 Examples:

 Is OK but

 is meaningless

12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: SHMT 27
 A measured quantity can be expressed in terms of
any units having the appropriate dimension
 To convert a quantity expressed in terms of one
unit to equivalent in terms of another unit,
multiply the given quantity by the conversion

12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: SHMT 28
 EXAMPLE: Convert 5 m.p.h. to yds/week

 EXAMPLE: What is the conversion factor between Btu/h and W?

12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: SHMT 29
Systems of Units
 Most engineering problems use one of two systems of units
 SI (Systeme Internationale): is commonly used by scientists.
It is in everyday use in most of the world. The so-called
"metric system" is a subset/variant of the SI system, which
was officially standardized in 1960.
 Engineering (American, English, fps): is the traditional
system of the US and UK. Although the UK changed official
systems in the 1970s, the US has not. The vast majority of US
industrial concerns still specify parts and equipment using
these "Engineering" units.

12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: SHMT 30
 Components of a system of units:
 Base units - units for the dimensions of mass, length, time,
temperature, electrical current, and light intensity.
 Derived units - units that are obtained in one or two ways;
 By multiplying and dividing base units also referred to as
compound units
 Example: ft/min (velocity), cm2(area), kg.m/s2 (force)

 SI and American engineering system units.

12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: SHMT 31
Common Systems of Units

Base Units

Quantity SI symbol American Eng. symbol

Length Meter m Foot ft

Mass Kilogram kg Pound mass Ibm
Moles Gram-mole mole Pound mole Ibmole
Time Second s Second,hour s,hr
Temperature Kelvin 0K/K Rankine 0R/R

12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: SHMT 32
Common Systems of Units
Derived SI Units

Equivalent in Terms of
Quantity Unit Symbol Base Units

Volume Liter I (lit) 0.001m3 (=1000cm3)

Force Newton N 1 kg.m/s2 (1
Pressure Pascal Pa 1 N/m2
Energy,work Joule J 1 N.m = 1 kg.m2/s2
Calorie Cal 4.184 J
Power Watt W 1 J/s = 1 kg.m2/s3
Velocity Meter per m/s
Density Kilogram per kg/m3
cubic meter
Volume Cubic meter m3

12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: SHMT 33
SI Units
Dimension SI Unit Definition
Length meters (m) Distance traveled by light
in 1/(299,792,458) s
Mass kilogram (kg) Mass of a specific
platinum-iridium hallow
cylinder kept by Intl.
Bureau of Weights and
Measures at Sèvres, France
Time seconds (s) 9,192,631,700 oscillations
of cesium atom
12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: SHMT 34
SI Units

 Standard Kilogram
at Sèvres

12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: SHMT 35
SI Prefixes

Decimal Multiplier
Prefix Symbol

nano 10-9 n
micro 10-6 
milli 10-3 m
centi 10-2 c
deci 10-1 d
deka 10+1 da
hecto 10+2 h
kilo 10+3 k
mega 10+6 M
giga 10+9 G

12/08/21 Course: SHMT 36

 Force is proportional to product of mass and acceleration and is
defined using derived units to equal the natural units;
1 Newton (N) = 1 kg.m/s2
1 dyne = 1
1 Ibf = 32.174 Ibm.ft/s2

F 
lbm ft
gc  32.174
lb f sec 2
 Weight of an object is force exerted on the object by gravitational
attraction of the earth i.e. force of gravity, g.
 To convert a force from a derived force unit to a natural unit, a
conversion factor, gc must be used.
 A ratio of gravitational acceleration, g to gc may be used for most
conversions between mass and weight.

12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: SHMT 37

1. F = ma /gc : W = mg /gc

kg.m/s2 Ibm.ft/s2

2. gc = 1 --------- = 1 --------- = 32.174 -----------
N dyne Ibf

3. g = 9.8066 m/s2 ===> g/gc = 9.8066 N/kg

g = 980.66 cm/s2 ===> g/gc = 980.66 dyne/g
g = 32.174 ft/s2 ===> g/gc = 1 Ibf/Ibm

4. Example: Water has a density of 62.4 Ibm/ft3. How

much does 2.000 ft3 of water weigh?

12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: SHMT 38
 The density of a fluid is given by the empirical equation

 = 1.13 exp(1.2 x 10-10 P)

Where  = density in g/cm3
P = pressure in N/m2
a) What are the units of 1.13 and 1.2 x 10-10?
b) Derive the formula for (Ibm/ft3) as a function of P (Ibf/in2)
 A column of mercury is 3 mm in diameter x 72 cm high. If the
density of mercury is 13.6 g/cm3, what is its weight in N. What is
its weight in Ibf? What is its mass in Ibm?

12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: SHMT 39
 The Reynolds number is the dimensionless quantity that
occurs frequently in the analysis of the flow of fluids. For
flow in pipes it is defined as DV/, where D is the pipe
diameter, V is the fluid velocity, is the fluid density, and 
is the fluid viscosity. For a particular system having D = 4.0
cm, V = 10.0 ft/s,  = 0.700 g/cm3, and  = 0.18 centipoise
(cP) (where 1 cP = 6.72 x 10-4 Ibm/ft.s). Calculate the
Reynolds number.

12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: SHMT 40
12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: Stoichiometry
12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: Stoichiometry
12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: Stoichiometry
12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: Stoichiometry
12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: Stoichiometry
12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: Stoichiometry
12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: Stoichiometry
12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: Stoichiometry
12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: Stoichiometry
12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: Stoichiometry
12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: Stoichiometry
12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: Stoichiometry
12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: Stoichiometry
12/08/21 Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, U.E.T. Lahore Course: Stoichiometry

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