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3 CHINESE fm stants fmm aranie em nor russian rorrucuese “ veatheedors cormmans ——-| EE Perens How English as we know it is disappearing ... to be replaced by 'Panglish' by DAVID DERBYSHIRE Last updated at 08:09.27 Margo 2008 Comments (37)|B5 Ads to My Stories ttis English but not as we know it ‘Anew global tongue called "Panglish” Is expectec to take over in the decades ahead, experts say. Linguists say the language of Shakespeare and Dickens is evolvinginto a new, ‘simplified form of English which will be spoken by billions of people around the world. ‘The changes are not being driven by Britons, Americans or Australians, putth> ‘growing number of people who speak English as a second language, New Scientst reports. According to linguists, Panglish willbe similar tothe versions of English used by non- native speakers. As the new language takes over, "the" will become 72°, “friend” will be rien” and the phrase "ne talks” will become “he tal ‘By 2010 around two billion people - or a third ofthe world's population - will speak English as ¢ second language. In contrest, just 350 million people vill speakit as a first language. Every time I go to the supermarket, I see another magazine cover saying there's something wrong with teens. After teens shot their classmates at Columbine High, Newsweek's cover showed the face of a troubled teen that looked angry and dangerous. His eyes were cold and mean. The headline stated in bold, white letters, "The Secret Life of Teens.” When a teenager commits a terrible crime, the media connects the crime with the teen's age. They make it sound like all teens are lke that. But when an adult commits a horible cnme, the mecia doesn't try to make it sound like all adults are demented killers. Inside the magazine, the cover story referred to the rap artist Eminem. & parent is quoted saying, "I don't understand this kid Eminem. What is he about?" The article goes fon to say that *...the secret Ives of teenagers ate likely to remain a secret." Who writes this stuff? Have these editors talked to a teen lately? They make it sound like we're all ready to blow up our schools with bombs that we built in our bedrooms. They accuse us of having secret Ives, but we're not the ones that are going around having affairs with interns so that Time magazine can publish a cover story saying "How the Scandal Was Good For America’ (February 22, 1999). That cover seemed to excuse President Clinton for his a Monica Lewinsky Headlines and Pictures Suggest That All Teens Are Severely Depressed

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