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Chad King
Be punctual
If taking taxi give
yourself extra time
If taking train give
yourself some time to
find the office
Suggest what time a
meeting will end
before getting there
Business Dress
 Men should start with a
white shirt and dark suit
◦ When closer to the
customer/partner can
wear showy ties
 Women should stick
with formal outfits to
win respect
◦ Women shouldn’t
wear a lot of makeup
 Stay away from past war
and politics
 If you talk about family it
will be a 50-50 chance
whether or not they are
 Talking about baseball is
a good way to start a
 If complimented thank
them and then suggest
you don’t deserve it
First Name or Title?
It is normal to add “-san”
to the end of people last
First names are only used
when people are good
There may be more than
one person of each name
so try to keep in order
Gift Giving
 When giving gifts give
them a gift that
represents your culture
or company
 Good alcohol or name-
brand items work well
 When giving and
receiving gifts do it
with both hands
Let’s Make a Deal
 Relationships and connections are an
easy way to get in the door
 Be patient. It isn’t only one person saying
yes to an idea
 Have good posture

◦ No legs crossed
◦ Arms on table
◦ Don’t look too comfortable
 Gradually introduce new ideas don’t
force it on them
Prosperous Entertainment
 Most business people head
to fast and non-expensive
diners or shops
 Alcohol is a likely drink
choice for late drinking
◦ When serving drinks
don’t pour your own
drink pour for your
Japanese counter-part
Public Behavior
 Shaking hands is a
good start
◦ While shaking hands
bow your head at
them while still
looking forward
 Be careful with
gestures and sayings
 Try not to open with a
Citing Sources and Contact
Information from:
Contact Information
◦ Name: Chad King
◦ E-mail Address:

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