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1. Recruiting people to the Den is part of your role as the Managing Director. What
would your recommendations be to make the process effective, efficient and fair.

2. Training and Development is currently not a particularly high priority for the Den.
What are the implications of the strategy and what would you recommend to the
Board in terms of T&D for the next 12 months.

3. What do you think the Managing Director should adopt as a driver for his/her
strategic vision for Human Resource management? Should She/he chose one of
the four classis models such as Best fit, Configurational, Resource Based or best

4. If the Management were to adopt a less structured approach to the workload of

the workforce, what do you think the implications of this would be and why?

5. What recommendations would you like to make as far as a coherent grievance

and discipline policy for the Den is concerned? What are the relevant Acts you
need to be aware of?
Answer any three questions:

1. How do you think the introduction of flexible working impact on the workers,
managers and productions staged by the Den? How might Atkinson’s Model
affect the Den if implemented?

2. As the new Director how would you propose to link the strategic development of
the centre with a new HR strategy? You may wish to consider the different
approaches you could take including Best Fit, Configurational, Resource Based
and best Practice?

3. How would you address the current issues with the regard to staff retention? You
may wish to consider the work of Marslow and other models in your answer.

4. What do you consider to be the key areas to be examined by the CEO in terms of
creating robust Performance Management system at The Den? What would you
consider to be some of the objectives for such a system?

5. Give the nature of The Den’s productions, how could equality of Opportunity and
Diversity policy assist with further developing the Centre? What would be the Key
legislation to be considered by the new Director to ensure The Den was legally
Answer any Three Questions:

1. Given the current interest in work life balance and the varied demands placed on
the den, how might Flexible Working Affect the Den if implemented? Handy’s
portfolio Worker may be a useful concept to consider.

2. What would be your recommendation for a new HRM strategy, consider the
different approaches you could take including Best Fit, Configurational, Resource
Based and Best practice and make reference to how these approaches might be
affected by your general strategic intent for the Den.

3. What would you consider to be the main issues when examining the motivation
of the staff? You may wish to consider the work of Hertzberg and other models in
your answer.

4. How do you think a Performance management System would impact on the

Den? What would be the main features of such system?

5. What would be the key legislation to be considered by the new Director to ensure
the Den was legally compliant with regard to Equality of Opportunity? How could
a proactive Diversity Policy impact on the Den?

1. The case study makes reference to the current levels of motivation of the staff,
volunteers and management. What would you do to improve their motivation – try
to relate the work of Mayo, Marslow or Hertzberg to your response?

2. What role do you think the Managing Director should play in the Performance
Management Cycle? What are the basic components of this cycle and what
responsibility does the employer have for ensuring it is effective.
3. If you felt that one of the employed members of staff was incompetent at their
job, could you sack that person? What legislation do you think you would need to
consider before taking action?

4. What a “psychological contract” and what relevance has this construct to the
Den? You might wish to consider the differences between the employed staff and
the volunteers as part of your answer.

5. How do you think the Managing Director’s HR strategy will impact on the overall
strategic direction of the centre? Consider which should come first- the HR
strategyor the General Mission & Vision of the Centre. You could also think about
Best Fit, Configurational, Resource Based and best Practice as possible models
for the HR strategy.

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