Eight Liimbs - Karma Yoga - Philosophy

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Eight Limbs, Karma Yoga and Yogic Philosophy

By: Doug Swenson

Delve into the practical application of the traditional eight limbs of yoga as outlined by Patanjali.  Learn
the technique of Karma Yoga and the ripple effect of your thoughts, words and actions in daily life.  The
lecture will inspire and educate you as you learn to interact with the power and soothing touch of
random acts of kindness in daily life.

Introduction -

1) This is a warm greeting for the students and brief summary of the class outline.
a) The eight limbed path of yoga is not just an outline for aspiring yoga students,
yet serves as a model for all humans to achieve a better way of life.

2) Doug will also give a special tribute to Patanjali and his work, which has touched the
hearts and minds of many through time.

(A) Part 1 (The Eight Limbs)

1) Three Categories of the Eight Limbs -

a) Ethical - (Moral codes to live by)

Yamas (Abstinences)
1) Ahimsa - (Embrace nonviolence)
2) Satya - (Be truthful and honest on all ways)
3) Asteya - (Refrain from stealing and cheating)
4) Brahmachara - (Integrity of intimate relationships)
5) Aparigraha - (Freedom from bonds of materialism)

Niyamas - (Observances)
1) Saucha - (Purity of body, mind and spirit)
2) Santosa - (Embrace contentment)
3) Tapas – (Work to achieve a positive goal)
4) Svadhyaya (Self Study)
5) Isvara (Humble before supreme conscience, or energy)

b) Physical – (Health, Your body is your temple )

Asana (Posture)
Breath (Pranayama)
c) Mental - (Capabilities of the mind, are limitless)
Pratyahara (Sense Withdrawal)
Dharana (Concentration)
Dhyana (Meditation)
Samadhi (Self Relization)

(B) Part 2 (Karma Yoga)

1) Action creates reaction -

a) Positive Energy
b) Negative Energy
c) Destiny and Faith
d) Love a priceless commodity

2) Random acts of Kindness -

a) Survival - balance with kindness
b) We are all one
c) Thought creates action

(C) Part 3 (Yogic Philosophy)

Ripples in Time – Like throwing a pebble in a quite pond – what you say, do and represent –
creates ripples in time – affecting people in future generations, long after you are gone.

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